package org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.gcube.common.resources.gcore.ServiceEndpoint; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean; import org.gcube.common.scope.impl.ScopeBean.Type; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.blobstorage.service.impl.ServiceEngine; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.protocol.utils.Utils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class Configuration { private String clientID; // public | private | shared. If shared the rwx permits are extended to all services of the same type private String typeAccess; private String memoryType; private String owner; private String scopeString; private String server; private String environment; private String sc; private String sn; private String user; private String password; private String passPhrase; private ISClientConnector isclient; // the scope used for discovering the runtimeResource private String RRScope; private String backendType; private String[] volatileHost; private String[] persistentHosts; private String resolverHost; private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Configuration.class); private static final String DEFAULT_BACKEND_TYPE="MongoDB"; private static final String WRITE_CONCERN_PROPERTY_NAME="write_concern"; private static final String READ_PREFERENCE_PROPERTY_NAME="read_preference"; private static final String DB_PROPERTY_NAME="collection"; private static final String DB_STRING_SEPARATOR=";"; /** * home library need a special configuration */ private static final String HOME_LIBRARY_SERVICE_CLASS="org.gcube.portlets.user"; private static final String HOME_LIBRARY_SERVICE_NAME_DEV="test-home-library"; private static final String HOME_LIBRARY_SERVICE_NAME_PROD="home-library"; private static final String HL_CONTEXT = "/"; private static final String HL_CONTEXT_DEV = "/gcube"; private static final String HL_CONTEXT_PRE = "/pred4s"; /** * Loads all the configuration parameters in a java object * @param sc: service class of the remote resource * @param sn service name of the remote resource * @param scopeString string that identifies the scope * @param owner user of the client library * @param clientID * @param accessType indicates the type of access to the storage * @param memory indicates the type of memory used by the storage: Persistent or Volatile */ public Configuration(String sc, String sn, String scopeString, String owner, String clientID, String accessType, String memory){;; this.owner=owner; this.clientID=clientID; this.typeAccess=accessType; this.memoryType=memory; setScopeString(scopeString); } /** * Loads all the configuration parameters in a java object for a specific backend * * @param sc: service class of the remote resource * @param sn service name of the remote resource * @param scopeString string that identifies the scope * @param owner user of the client library * @param clientID * @param accessType indicates the type of access to the storage * @param memory indicates the type of memory used by the storage: Persistent or Volatile * */ public Configuration(String sc, String sn, String scopeString, String owner, String clientID, String accessType, String memory, BackendType backend){;; this.owner=owner; this.clientID=clientID; this.typeAccess=accessType; this.memoryType=memory; setScopeString(scopeString); setBackendType(backend.toString()); } /** * Retrieve a valid configuration from IS for instantiating the engine */ public void getConfiguration(){ String[] newServer=null; // ISClientConnector isclient=getISClient(); String currentScope=ScopeProvider.instance.get(); logger.debug("Scope found on ScopeProvider instance is "+currentScope); /*COMMENTED THE FOLLOWING LINES 20181214*/ if(RRScope == null){ // if(new ScopeBean(currentScope).is(Type.VRE)){ // logger.debug("If ScopeProvider scope is VRE scope RR scope became VO scope"); // RRScope=new ScopeBean(currentScope).enclosingScope().toString(); // }else{ // logger.debug("If ScopeProvider scope is not a VRE scope RR scope is ScopeProvider scope"); RRScope=currentScope; // } } /*END*/ logger.debug("RuntimeResource scope "+RRScope); ServiceEndpoint resource=getISClient().getStorageEndpoint(RRScope); if(resource ==null ) throw new IllegalStateException("the storage resource is not present on IS in scope: "+RRScope); List resolverResource =getISClient().getServiceEndpoint(Utils.URI_RESOLVER_RESOURCE_CATEGORY, Utils.URI_RESOLVER_RESOURCE_NAME); if(resolverResource !=null && resolverResource.size()> 0) setResolverHost(getISClient().getResolverHost(resolverResource.get(0))); else throw new IllegalStateException("the uri resolver resource is not present on IS in scope: "+currentScope); // old method for retrieve hostedOn field in storage ServiceEndpoint resource if(server==null){ logger.debug("server not set. Try to query IS in scope: "+scopeString); String[] serverFound=checkVarEnvMongo(); if(serverFound==null){ serverFound=getISClient().retrieveConnectionInfo(resource); setUser(getISClient().getUsername()); setPassword(getISClient().password); setBackendType(getISClient().getBackendType(resource)); }else{ setBackendType(checkVarEnvBackendType()); if(getBackendType() == null) setBackendType(DEFAULT_BACKEND_TYPE); setUser(checkVarEnvUser()); setPassword(checkVarEnvPassword()); } newServer=serverFound; }else{ logger.debug("server found: "+server); String[] serverPassed={server}; newServer=serverPassed; if(getBackendType() == null) setBackendType(DEFAULT_BACKEND_TYPE); } if(newServer==null){ throw new IllegalStateException("Resource not found on Information System"); }else{ setEnvironment(setAreaStorage(getSc(), getSn())); setServerHosts(newServer, isclient, resource); try { setPassPhrase(retrieveEncryptionPhrase()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } private void setServerHosts(String[] newServer, ISClientConnector isclient, ServiceEndpoint resource) { if((getMemoryType() != null) && ((getMemoryType().equals(MemoryType.VOLATILE.toString()) || (getMemoryType().equals(MemoryType.BOTH.toString()))))){ setVolatileHost(isclient.getVolatileHost(resource));"backend host is the volatile server"+volatileHost[0]); } setPersistentHosts(newServer); } private String setAreaStorage(String sc, String sn) { String area=null; if(isHomeLibrary(sc, sn)) return getHomeLibraryContext(); if((memoryType != null) && (memoryType.equals(MemoryType.VOLATILE.toString()))){ area="VOLATILE"+scopeString+clientID; }else{ area=scopeString+clientID; } return area; } private boolean isHomeLibrary(String sc, String sn){ if(((sc.equals(HOME_LIBRARY_SERVICE_CLASS) && sn.equals(HOME_LIBRARY_SERVICE_NAME_DEV)))||((sc.equals(HOME_LIBRARY_SERVICE_CLASS) && sn.equals(HOME_LIBRARY_SERVICE_NAME_PROD)))) return true; return false; } private String getHomeLibraryContext(){ String area=null; String scope=ScopeProvider.instance.get(); String context=null; if (scope.startsWith("/gcube")) context= HL_CONTEXT_DEV; else if(scope.startsWith("/pred4s")) context=HL_CONTEXT_PRE; else if(scope.startsWith("/")) context=HL_CONTEXT; else{ throw new RuntimeException("Unrecognized scope: "+scope); } area=context+clientID; if((getMemoryType() != null) && (getMemoryType().equals(MemoryType.VOLATILE.toString()))) area="VOLATILE"+area; return area; } protected void getOptionalPropertiesFromRR( String currentScope, ServiceEngine engine) { String write=null; String read=null; String [] dbNames=null; String dbString=null; // check optional properties only if it is not a volatile storage instance if((getMemoryType() != null) && (!(getMemoryType().equals(MemoryType.VOLATILE.toString())))){ write=getISClient().retrievePropertyValue(WRITE_CONCERN_PROPERTY_NAME, currentScope); logger.debug("read preference: read from service endpoint"); read=getISClient().retrievePropertyValue(READ_PREFERENCE_PROPERTY_NAME, currentScope); logger.debug(" write preference: read from service endpoint"); dbString=getISClient().retrievePropertyValue(DB_PROPERTY_NAME, currentScope); if((write!=null) && (read!=null)){ engine.setWriteConcern(write); engine.setReadConcern(read); } if(dbString!=null){ if (dbString.contains(DB_STRING_SEPARATOR)){ logger.debug("more than one collection read from ServiceEnpoint"); dbNames=dbString.split(DB_STRING_SEPARATOR); }else{ dbNames= new String[]{dbString}; } if (dbNames.length > 1) logger.debug("multiple collection discovered"); engine.setDbNames(dbNames); } // added db check also on volatile are }else if((getMemoryType().equals(MemoryType.VOLATILE.toString()))){ dbString=getISClient().retrievePropertyValue(DB_PROPERTY_NAME, currentScope); if(dbString!=null){ if (dbString.contains(DB_STRING_SEPARATOR)){ logger.debug("more than one collection read from ServiceEnpoint"); dbNames=dbString.split(DB_STRING_SEPARATOR); }else{ dbNames= new String[]{dbString}; } if (dbNames.length > 1) logger.debug("multiple collection discovered"); engine.setDbNames(dbNames); } } } /** * Check environmental variable called : "STORAGE_MANAGER_MONGO_SERVER" for retrieving server list * @return */ private static String[] checkVarEnvMongo(){ Map env = System.getenv(); TreeSet keys = new TreeSet(env.keySet()); Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); String server=null; while(iter.hasNext()) { String key =; if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("STORAGE_MANAGER_MONGO_SERVER")){ server=env.get(key); break; } } if(server!=null){ String [] servers={server}; return servers; } return null; } /** * Check environmental variable called : "STORAGE_MANAGER_BACKEND_TYPE" for retrieving server list * @return */ private static String checkVarEnvBackendType(){ Map env = System.getenv(); TreeSet keys = new TreeSet(env.keySet()); Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); String type=null; while(iter.hasNext()) { String key =; if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("STORAGE_MANAGER_BACKEND_TYPE")){ type=env.get(key); break; } } if(type!=null){ return type; } return null; } /** * Check environmental variable called : "STORAGE_MANAGER_USER" for retrieving server list * @return */ private static String checkVarEnvUser(){ Map env = System.getenv(); TreeSet keys = new TreeSet(env.keySet()); Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); String type=null; while(iter.hasNext()) { String key =; if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("STORAGE_MANAGER_USER")){ type=env.get(key); break; } } if(type!=null){ return type; } return null; } /** * Check environmental variable called : "STORAGE_MANAGER_PASSWORD" for retrieving server list * @return */ private static String checkVarEnvPassword(){ Map env = System.getenv(); TreeSet keys = new TreeSet(env.keySet()); Iterator iter = keys.iterator(); String type=null; while(iter.hasNext()) { String key =; if(key.equalsIgnoreCase("STORAGE_MANAGER_PASSWORD")){ type=env.get(key); break; } } if(type!=null){ return type; } return null; } public String retrieveEncryptionPhrase() throws Exception { String currentScope=ScopeProvider.instance.get(); logger.debug("retrieve encryption prhase on scope: "+currentScope); String encryptedKey=null; // ISClientConnector isclient=getISClient();"retrieve encryption phrase from scope "+currentScope); encryptedKey=getISClient().retrievePropertyValue("PassPhrase", currentScope);"encrypted prhase is "+encryptedKey); String decryptString=org.gcube.common.encryption.StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().decrypt(encryptedKey); return decryptString; } public String getClientID() { return clientID; } public void setClientID(String clientID) { this.clientID = clientID; } public String getTypeAccess() { return typeAccess.toString(); } public void setTypeAccess(String typeAccess) { this.typeAccess = typeAccess; } public String getMemoryType() { return memoryType.toString(); } public void setMemoryType(String memoryType) { this.memoryType = memoryType; } public String getOwner() { return owner; } public void setOwner(String owner) { this.owner = owner; } public String getServer() { return server; } public void setServer(String server) { this.server = server; } public String getEnvironment() { return environment; } public void setEnvironment(String server) { this.environment = server; } public String getScopeString() { return scopeString; } public void setScopeString(String scopeString) { this.scopeString = scopeString; } public String getRRScope() { return RRScope; } public void setRRScope(String rRScope) { RRScope = rRScope; } public String getBackendType() { return backendType; } public void setBackendType(String backendType) { this.backendType = backendType; } public String[] getVolatileHost() { return volatileHost; } public void setVolatileHost(String[] volatileHost) { this.volatileHost = volatileHost; } public String[] getPersistentHosts() { return persistentHosts; } public void setPersistentHosts(String[] hosts) { this.persistentHosts = hosts; } public String getUser() { return user; } public void setUser(String user) { this.user = user; } public String getPassword() { return password; } public void setPassword(String password) { this.password = password; } public String getPassPhrase() { return passPhrase; } public void setPassPhrase(String passPhrase) { this.passPhrase = passPhrase; } public String getResolverHost() { return resolverHost; } public void setResolverHost(String resolverHost) { this.resolverHost = resolverHost; } public ISClientConnector getISClient(){ if (isclient == null) isclient=new ISClientConnector(); return isclient; } public String getSc() { return sc; } public void setSc(String sc) { = sc; } public String getSn() { return sn; } public void setSn(String sn) { = sn; } }