package org.gcube.contentmanager.storageserver.parse; import java.util.List; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import org.gcube.accounting.datamodel.RawUsageRecord; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageserver.accounting.Report; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageserver.accounting.ReportConfig; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageserver.accounting.ReportException; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageserver.accounting.ReportFactory; import; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageserver.parse.utils.ValidationUtils; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.mongodb.DBObject; public class JsonParser extends Thread{ final static Logger logger=LoggerFactory.getLogger(JsonParser.class); final static int MINUTE_DECREMENT=-2; private CubbyHole c; private int number; private Report report; // object fields private String op; private String filename; private String type; private String name; private String owner; private String creationTime; private String lastAccess; private String lastOperation; private String lastUser; private int linkCount; private String delete; // private String id; private String callerIp; private String user; private String password; String[] server; // private String previousInsert; public JsonParser(String[] srvs, CubbyHole c, int number){ this.c=c; this.number=number; this.server=srvs; // init the accounting report try { init(); } catch (ReportException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Accounting report Exception initialization"); } } public JsonParser(String[] srvs, String user, String password, CubbyHole c, int number){ this.c=c; this.number=number; this.server=srvs; this.user=user; this.password=password; // init the accounting report try { init(); } catch (ReportException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Accounting report Exception initialization"); } } private void init() throws ReportException{ report=new ReportFactory().getReport(ReportConfig.ACCOUNTING_TYPE); report.init(); } public void run() { while(true){ DBObject x=null; MongoDB mongo=null; try{ x=c.get();"Consumer #" + this.number + " got: " + x); op = (String) x.get("op"); // retrieve object fields DBObject obj=(DBObject)x.get("o"); retrieveObjectFields(obj); long length=-1; if(obj.get("length")!=null) length=(long)obj.get("length");"[recordCheck] operation: "+op+" name: "+name+" type: "+type+" path: "+filename+" length: "+length+" owner: "+owner+"\n\t cretionTime: "+creationTime+ " lastOperation "+lastOperation+" lastUser: "+lastUser+" lastAccess: "+lastAccess); if(((length >0) && (((filename!=null) && (filename.contains("/"))) || (linkCount > 0)))){ //convert from byte to kb length=length/1024; String scope=null; if((filename!=null)&& (filename.contains("/"))) scope=retrieveScopeFromRemoteFilePath(filename); else{ // field added on storage manager library for retrieve scope. Used only if it is a link delete String pathString=(String)obj.get("onScope"); scope=retrieveScopeFromRemoteFilePath(pathString); } boolean validScope=ValidationUtils.validationScope(scope); if(validScope){ if(delete!=null){ lastOperation="DELETE"; }else if ((lastOperation != null) && (op != null) && (lastOperation.equalsIgnoreCase("LINK")) && (op.equalsIgnoreCase("u"))){ // it is an update on a link object this operation doesn't be accounted"update on link object is not accounted. Skip next "); continue; } // operation=mappingOperationField(op, id, delete, lastAccess); mongo=new MongoDB(server, user, password); StorageStatusRecord ssr=mongo.update(lastUser, length, 1, lastOperation); mongo.close(); //call to the accounting library report( filename, owner, creationTime, length, scope, lastOperation, callerIp, lastAccess, lastUser, ssr.getVolume()+"", ssr.getCount()+"");" operation accounted "+lastOperation);"\n[accountingCall] operation: "+lastOperation+"\n\t name: "+name+"\n\t type: "+type+"\n\t path: "+filename+"\n\t length: "+length+"\n\t owner: "+owner+"\n\t cretionTime: "+creationTime+"\n\t scope: "+scope+"\n\t lastOperation "+lastOperation+"\n\t lastUser: "+lastUser+"\n\t lastAccess: "+lastAccess+"\n\t callerIp: "+callerIp); }else{"operation is not accounted: invalid scope: "+scope); } }else{"operation is not accounted"); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); logger.error("ERROR Processing record: "+x+" Exception throws: "+e.getStackTrace());"skip to next record "); if(mongo!=null) mongo.close(); } } } private void retrieveObjectFields(DBObject obj) { filename = (String) obj.get("filename"); type = (String) obj.get("type"); name = (String) obj.get("name"); owner = (String) obj.get("owner"); creationTime = (String) obj.get("creationTime"); lastAccess = null; if(obj.get("lastAccess") != null) lastAccess=(String)obj.get("lastAccess"); callerIp = null; if(obj.get("callerIP") != null) callerIp=(String)obj.get("callerIP"); lastOperation = null; if(obj.get("lastOperation") != null) lastOperation=(String)obj.get("lastOperation"); lastUser = null; if(obj.get("lastUser") != null) lastUser=(String)obj.get("lastUser"); linkCount = 0; if(obj.get("linkCount") != null) linkCount=(int)obj.get("linkCount"); delete = null; if(obj.get("onDeleting") != null) delete=(String)obj.get("onDeleting"); // ObjectId objectId=(ObjectId)obj.get("_id"); // id = objectId.toString(); } private void report(String filename, String owner, String creationTime, long length, String scope, String operation, String callerIP, String lastAccess, String lastUser, String totVolume, String totCount) { // ACCOUNTING CALL TYPE: STORAGE USAGE RawUsageRecord sur=report.setGenericProperties("storage-usage",lastUser, scope, creationTime, lastAccess, owner); sur=report.setSpecificProperties(sur, operation, length+"", filename, callerIP, "STORAGE", "1"); report.send(sur); // ACCOUNTING CALL TYPE: STORAGE STATUS RawUsageRecord ssr=report.setGenericProperties("storage-status",lastUser, scope, creationTime, lastAccess, owner); sur=report.setSpecificProperties(ssr, operation, totVolume, filename, callerIP, "STORAGE", totCount); report.send(ssr); } private String retrieveScopeFromRemoteFilePath(String filename) { String[] split=filename.split("/"); if(split.length>0){ String scope=null; int i=1; if(split[1].equals("VOLATILE")){ i=2; } scope="/"+split[i]; i++; while((!split[i].equals("home")) && (!split[i].equals("public"))){ scope=scope+"/"+split[i]; i++; }"retieved scope: "+scope); return scope; }else logger.error("Scope bad format: scope not retrieved from string: "+filename); return null; } }