package; import gr.uoa.di.madgik.commons.utils.FileUtils; import; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.UUID; import org.gcube.contentmanagement.blobstorage.service.IClient; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper.AccessType; import org.gcube.contentmanager.storageclient.wrapper.StorageClient; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class DWCAJobByChildren implements URLJob{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DWCAJobByChildren.class); private int completedEntries = 0; private String resultURL = null; private String errorFileURL = null; private JobStatus status; private Calendar endDate, startDate; private Map plugins; private String id; private Map mapSubJobs; private String taxonKey; public DWCAJobByChildren(String taxonKey, Map plugins) { logger.trace("the Taxon Key is "+taxonKey); this.mapSubJobs = new HashMap(); = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); this.taxonKey = taxonKey; this.status = JobStatus.PENDING; this.plugins = plugins; } private AbstractPlugin pluginToUse = null; private AbstractPlugin getPlugin(String key) throws Exception{ if (pluginToUse==null){ String pluginName = Util.getProviderFromKey(key); if (!plugins.containsKey(pluginName)) throw new UnsupportedPluginException(); return plugins.get(pluginName); } else return pluginToUse; } //ONLY FOR TEST PURPOSE public void setPluginToUse(AbstractPlugin plugin){ this.pluginToUse = plugin; } @Override public void run() { File errorFile = null; File dwcaFile = null; try{ this.startDate = Calendar.getInstance(); this.status = JobStatus.RUNNING; AbstractPlugin plugin = getPlugin(this.taxonKey); logger.trace("plugin for this job is"+ plugin.getRepositoryName()); String id = Util.getIdFromKey(this.taxonKey); if (!plugin.getSupportedCapabilities().contains(Capabilities.Classification)) throw new UnsupportedCapabilityException(); //TODO add ERROR on this method List taxa = getChildrenWithRetry(id, plugin); if (taxa==null) throw new Exception("failed contacting external repository"); if (taxa.size()==0) throw new Exception("the taxon with key "+this.taxonKey+" has no children" ); TaxonomyItem rootItem = plugin.getClassificationInterface().retrieveTaxonById(id); for (TaxonomyItem taxon : taxa){ taxon.setParent(rootItem); mapSubJobs.put(taxon, JobStatus.PENDING); } final LocalWrapper localWrapper = new LocalWrapper(2000); Writer writer = new Writer(localWrapper, new TaxonomyItemWriterManager(plugin.getRepositoryName())); writer.register(); final LocalWrapper errorWrapper = new LocalWrapper(2000); Writer errorWriter = new Writer(errorWrapper); errorWriter.register(); do{ writer.write(rootItem); rootItem = rootItem.getParent(); } while (rootItem !=null); new TaxonReader(writer, errorWriter, plugin).start(); LocalReader reader = new LocalReader(localWrapper); MapDwCA dwca = new MapDwCA(); dwcaFile =dwca.createDwCA(reader); logger.trace("the file is null ?"+(dwcaFile==null)); logger.trace("filePath is "+dwcaFile.getAbsolutePath()); IClient client = new StorageClient(Constants.SERVICE_CLASS, Constants.SERVICE_NAME, "DWCA", AccessType.SHARED).getClient(); String resultPath = "/dwca/""-", "")+".zip"; client.put(true).LFile(dwcaFile.getAbsolutePath()).RFile(resultPath); this.resultURL=client.getUrl().RFile(resultPath); LocalReader errorReader = new LocalReader(errorWrapper); errorFile = Utils.createErrorFile(errorReader); errorReader.close(); if (errorFile!=null){ String errorFilePath = "/dwca/""-", "")+"-ERRORS.txt"; client.put(true).LFile(errorFile.getAbsolutePath()).RFile(errorFilePath); this.errorFileURL= client.getUrl().RFile(errorFilePath); } logger.trace("files stored"); this.status = JobStatus.COMPLETED; }catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error executing DWCAJob",e); this.status = JobStatus.FAILED; return; } finally{ if (dwcaFile!=null && dwcaFile.exists()) FileUtils.CleanUp(dwcaFile.getParentFile()); if (errorFile!=null && errorFile.exists()) errorFile.delete(); this.endDate = Calendar.getInstance(); } } public JobStatus getStatus() { return status; } public void setStatus(JobStatus status) { this.status = status; } public String getId() { return id; } public Map getMapSubJobs() { return mapSubJobs; } public Calendar getEndDate() { return endDate; } public Calendar getStartDate() { return startDate; } public String getResultURL() { return resultURL; } @Override public String getErrorURL() { return errorFileURL; } public class TaxonReader extends Thread{ private Writer writer; private Writer errorWriter; private AbstractPlugin plugin; public TaxonReader(Writer writer, Writer errorWriter, AbstractPlugin plugin) { this.writer = writer; this.plugin = plugin; this.errorWriter = errorWriter; } @Override public void run() { for (Entry entry: mapSubJobs.entrySet()){ entry.setValue(JobStatus.RUNNING); try{ retrieveTaxaTree(writer, errorWriter, entry.getKey(), plugin); entry.setValue(JobStatus.COMPLETED); completedEntries++; }catch (Exception e) { errorWriter.write(entry.getKey().getScientificName()); entry.setValue(JobStatus.FAILED); logger.warn("failed computing job for taxon "+entry.getKey()); } } this.writer.close(); this.errorWriter.close(); } private void retrieveTaxaTree(ObjectWriter writer, ObjectWriter errorWriter, TaxonomyItem taxon, AbstractPlugin plugin) throws IdNotValidException, Exception{ writer.write(taxon); //retrieving references if (taxon.getStatus()!=null && taxon.getStatus().getRefId() != null){ String id = taxon.getStatus().getRefId(); try { TaxonomyItem tempTaxon = retrieveTaxonIdWithRetry(id, plugin); do{ writer.write(tempTaxon); tempTaxon = tempTaxon.getParent(); }while(tempTaxon!=null); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("refId "+id+" not retrieved for plugin "+plugin.getRepositoryName(),e); errorWriter.write(plugin.getRepositoryName()+" - "+taxon.getId()+" - "+taxon.getScientificName()); } } List items = null; try{ items = getChildrenWithRetry(taxon.getId(), plugin); }catch (MaxRetriesReachedException e) { logger.trace("error retrieving element with id {} and scientific name {} ",taxon.getId(),taxon.getScientificName()); errorWriter.write(plugin.getRepositoryName()+" - "+taxon.getId()+" - "+taxon.getScientificName()); } if (items!=null) for(TaxonomyItem item : items){ item.setParent(taxon); logger.trace("sending request for item with id "+item.getId()); retrieveTaxaTree(writer, errorWriter, item, plugin); } } } @Override public boolean validateInput(String input) { try{ Util.getIdFromKey(input); Util.getProviderFromKey(input); }catch (Exception e) { return false; } return true; } private List getChildrenWithRetry(final String id, final AbstractPlugin plugin) throws IdNotValidException, MaxRetriesReachedException{ return new JobRetryCall, IdNotValidException>() { @Override protected List execute() throws ExternalRepositoryException, IdNotValidException { return plugin.getClassificationInterface().retrieveTaxonChildrenByTaxonId(id); } }.call(); } private TaxonomyItem retrieveTaxonIdWithRetry(final String id, final AbstractPlugin plugin) throws IdNotValidException, MaxRetriesReachedException{ return new JobRetryCall() { @Override protected TaxonomyItem execute() throws ExternalRepositoryException, IdNotValidException { return plugin.getClassificationInterface().retrieveTaxonById(id); } }.call(); } @Override public int getCompletedEntries() { return completedEntries; } }