# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [v3.11.0-SNAPSHOT] - 27-10-2021 - [#21969] Removed HL dependency - Ported to maven-portal-bom v3.6.3 - Ported to workspace-explorer v2.X.Y - Ported to geonetwork [3.4.5,4.0.0-SNAPSHOT) - Ported to storagehub-client-wrapper [1.0.0, 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT) - Ported to spd-client-library [4.1.0-SNAPSHOT, 5.0.0-SNAPSHOT) ## [v3.10.0] - 22-05-2020 - [#19221] Migrateto git/jenkins #### Fixes - [#19312] the WorkspaceExplorer window appears behind the Job Window (z-index issue) ## [v3.9.1] - 20-03-2017 [Bug #7568] Managed ASL session expiration during polling on SPD jobs ## [v3.9.0] - 11-01-2016 [Feature #6313] SPD portlet upgrade: porting to spd-client-library 4.0.0 [Task #7001] Create Gis Layer via job ## [v3.8.1] - 15-09-2016 Removed Gis -viewer dependency ## [v3.8.0] - 15-05-2015 Upgraded to gwt 2.6.1 Integrated with Workspace Explorer Updated to Liferay 6.2 ## [v3.7.2] - 15-05-2015 Changed dateformat at dd-MM-yyyy ## [v3.7.1] - 09-12-2014 Removed openlayers dependency from pom ## [v3.7.0] - 04-06-2014 Updated pom to support new portal configuration (gcube release 3.2) ## [v3.6.0] - 23-04-2014 Portlet updated to support service updating ## [v3.5.0] - 24-10-2013 Portlet updated to support GWT 2.5.1 Ticket 2224: was implemented ## [v3.4.0] - 06-09-2013 Enhancements on GUI of SPD portlet was realized (view last query, new expand button are available) The functionalities was updated in order to fit the changes in the service client. New advanced options are now available: "Expand with synonyms", "Unfold the taxa group by". ## [v3.3.0] - 09-07-2013 Bug Fixed: on species classification ## [v3.2.0] - 29-05-2013 Bug Fixed: #612 (SPD: Error when saving csv file in workspace) ## [v3.1.0] - 14-04-2013 Synch with SPD service changes ## [v3.0.0] - 05-03-2013 Ticket #1260: This component has been mavenized ## [v2.3.0] - 17-01-2013 Ticket #986: Species Occurrence jobs / Re-submit job and "info" Ticket #1002: SPD portlet persistence refactoring ## [v2.2.0] - 30-11-2012 Ticket #508: Implementation of requirements resulting from ticket #508 ## [v2.0.0] - 13-09-2012 Ticket #81: Implementation of requirements resulting from user feedback Dynamic clustering of result set items Revised the occurrence points visualization strategy through the GIS Viewer ## [v1.0.1] - 23-07-2012 Fixed 447: Map generation fails in Species Discovery Portlet ## [v1.0.0] - 04-05-2012 First release