package org.gcube.social_networking.socialutillibrary; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.pickitem.shared.ItemBean; import org.gcube.socialnetworking.socialtoken.SocialMessageParser; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class MessageParserTest { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MessageParserTest.class); public static final String TEST_11 = "Dear all, this is a test to ignore, to select a week for the upcoming 194th #Tcom event, " + "hosted by #Apple in #Cupertino, please use this #Doodle: \n\n" + "We're closing the poll next Thursday 16th March."; public static final String TEST_12 = "Just because I am so happy to have the SPARQL-endpoint available, \n" + "sharing some sample SPARQL queries: \n\n" + "* Classes & usage counts: \n" + "\n" + "\n" + "* properties and usage counts: \n" + "\n"; public static final String TEST_13 = "Dear members,\n" + "The item 'Webinar on Ontology Management using VOCBENCH in the context of AGINFRAPLUS Project' has been just published by Leonardo Candela .\n" + "You can find it here: \n" + "#AGINFRAPLUS #VOCBENCH"; public static final String TEST_LUCA_1 = "Dear members,\n" + "The item 'just a test with time fields' has been just published by Francesco Mangiacrapa.\n" + "You can find it here:\n" + "#Text_mining #Field_1 #B3"; public static final String TEST_LUCA_2 = "Francesco Mangiacrapa prova <a href=\"#\">Francesco Mangiacrapa</a>"; public static final String TEST_LUCA_3 = "test  "; public static final String TEST_LUCA_4 = "test &<nbsp <"; public static final String TEST_LUCA_5 = "Accedete a questo link che vi porta ad un post su linkedin. \n" + "\n" + "I numeri riportati sono veri ed รจ motivo di orgoglio per tutti noi aver contribuito alla realizzazione della d4s infra che ha questo utilizzo via i diversi gateway. "; public static final String TEST_LUCA_6 = "("; public static final String TEST_LUCA_7 = "Hello ("; @Test public void test() { String message = "Prova #Pippo Pollo http://google) Luca :) "; SocialMessageParser messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(message); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage()); messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_11); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage()); messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_12); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage()); messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_13); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage()); List mentionedUsers = new ArrayList<>(); ItemBean itemBean = new ItemBean("21150", "francesco.mangiacrapa", "Francesco Mangiacrapa", ""); itemBean.setItemGroup(false); mentionedUsers.add(itemBean); messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_LUCA_1); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage(mentionedUsers, "/group/nextnext")); messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_LUCA_2); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage(mentionedUsers, "/group/nextnext")); } @Test public void anotherTest() { SocialMessageParser messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_LUCA_4); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage()); messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_LUCA_5); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage()); } @Test public void urlWithParentesisTest() { SocialMessageParser messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_LUCA_6); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage()); messageParser = new SocialMessageParser(TEST_LUCA_7); logger.debug(messageParser.getParsedMessage()); } }