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package org.gcube.portal.databook.server;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
import org.apache.commons.lang.NullArgumentException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.Comment;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.Feed;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.Invite;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.InviteOperationResult;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.InviteStatus;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.Like;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.Notification;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.NotificationChannelType;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.NotificationType;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.RangeFeeds;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.ColumnNameNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.CommentIDNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.FeedIDNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.FeedTypeNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.InviteIDNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.InviteStatusNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.LikeIDNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.NotificationChannelTypeNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.NotificationIDNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.NotificationTypeNotFoundException;
import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.ex.PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException;
* @author Massimiliano Assante ISTI-CNR
* <class>DatabookStore</class> is the high level interface for querying and adding data to DatabookStore
public interface DatabookStore {
* userid from requests a friendship to userid to
* @return true if everything went fine
boolean requestFriendship(String from, String to);
* userid from approves a friendship to userid to
* @return true if everything went fine
boolean approveFriendship(String from, String to);
* userid from denies a friendship to userid to
* @return true if everything went fine
boolean denyFriendship(String from, String to);
* @param userid the user id you want to know friends
* @return a List of userid representing the friends for the given userid
List<String> getFriends(String userid);
* @param userid the user id you want to know the pending friend requests
* @return a List of userid representing the friends for the given userid
List<String> getPendingFriendRequests(String userid);
* save a Feed instance in the store
* @return true if everything went fine
boolean saveUserFeed(Feed feed);
* delete a Feed from the store
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException
* @return true if everything went fine
boolean deleteFeed(String feedid) throws FeedIDNotFoundException, PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* save a Feed in the VRES TimeLine in the store
* @param feedKey feedKey
* @param vreid vre identifier
* @return
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException
boolean saveFeedToVRETimeline(String feedKey, String vreid) throws FeedIDNotFoundException;
* save a Feed instance in the store
* @return true if everything went fine
boolean saveAppFeed(Feed feed);
* read a feed from a given id
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
Feed readFeed(String feedid) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* @param userid user identifier
* return all the feeds belonging to the userid
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
List<Feed> getAllFeedsByUser(String userid) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* @param appid application identifier
* return all the feeds belonging to the appid
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
List<Feed> getAllFeedsByApp(String appid) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* return all the feeds whose Level is PORTAL
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
List<Feed> getAllPortalPrivacyLevelFeeds() throws FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException;
* return the most recent feeds for this user up to quantity param
* @param userid user identifier
* @param quantity the number of most recent feeds for this user
* @return a <class>List</class> of most recent feeds for this user
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
List<Feed> getRecentFeedsByUser(String userid, int quantity) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException;
* @param vreid vre identifier
* return all the feeds belonging to the userid
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
List<Feed> getAllFeedsByVRE(String vreid) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException;
* return the most recent feeds for this vre up to quantity param
* @param vreid VRES identifier
* @param quantity the number of most recent feeds for this vre
* @return a <class>List</class> of most recent feeds for this vre
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
List<Feed> getRecentFeedsByVRE(String vreid, int quantity) throws IllegalArgumentException, PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException;
* return the most recent feeds for this vre up to quantity param and the last index of the feeds in the timeline
* lastReturnedFeedTimelineIndex is usuful to know from where to start the range the second time you ask
* because there are deletions
* @param vreid VRES identifier
* @param from the range start (most recent feeds for this vre) has to be greater than 0
* @param quantity the number of most recent feeds for this vre starting from "from" param
* @return a <class>lastReturnedFeedTimelineIndex</class> containing of most recent feeds for this vre
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
RangeFeeds getRecentFeedsByVREAndRange(String vreid, int from, int quantity) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException;
* save a Notification instance in the store
* @return true if everything went fine
boolean saveNotification(Notification notification);
* set an existing Notification instance in the to read
* @return true if everything went fine
boolean setNotificationRead(String notificationidToSet) throws NotificationIDNotFoundException, NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* read a notification from a given id
* @throws {@link ColumnNameNotFoundException}
* @throws {@link NotificationIDNotFoundException}
* @throws {@link NotificationTypeNotFoundException}
Notification readNotification(String notificationid) throws NotificationIDNotFoundException, NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* @param userid user identifier
* @param limit set 0 to get everything, an int to get the most recent -limit- notifications
* return all the notifications belonging to the userid up to limit, set 0 to get everything
* @throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
List<Notification> getAllNotificationByUser(String userid, int limit) throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, NotificationIDNotFoundException;
* @param userid user identifier
* @param from the range start has to be greater than 0
* @param quantity the number of most recent notifications for this user starting from "from" param
* @return all the notifications for the userid in the range requested
* @throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
* @throws NotificationIDNotFoundException
List<Notification> getRangeNotificationsByUser(String userid, int from, int quantity) throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, NotificationIDNotFoundException;
* This is a fast way to set all notification to read quickly
* @param userid
* @return true if everything went fine
* @throws {@link ColumnNameNotFoundException}
* @throws {@link NotificationIDNotFoundException}
* @throws {@link NotificationTypeNotFoundException}
boolean setAllNotificationReadByUser(String userid) throws NotificationIDNotFoundException, NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* return the not yet read notifications (not including messages)
* @param userid user identifier
* @return a <class>List</class> of not yet read notifications for this user
* @throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
List<Notification> getUnreadNotificationsByUser(String userid) throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, NotificationIDNotFoundException;
* return the not yet read notification messages
* @param userid user identifier
* @return a <class>List</class> of not yet read notifications for this user
* @throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
List<Notification> getUnreadNotificationMessagesByUser(String userid) throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, NotificationIDNotFoundException;
* @param userid user identifier
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
* @throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException
* @throws NotificationIDNotFoundException
* @return true if there are unread notifications (not including messages), false if they are all read
boolean checkUnreadNotifications(String userid) throws NotificationIDNotFoundException, NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* @param userid user identifier
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException
* @throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException self explaining
* @throws NotificationChannelTypeNotFoundException self explaining
* @throws NotificationIDNotFoundException
* @return true if there are unread messages notifications (including messages), false if they are all read
boolean checkUnreadMessagesNotifications(String userid) throws NotificationIDNotFoundException, NotificationTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* return the channels a user chose for being notified for a given notification type
* @param userid user identifier
* @param notificationType the type of the notification
* @return a list of <class>NotificationChannelType</class> that represents the channels this user wants to be notified
List<NotificationChannelType> getUserNotificationChannels(String userid, NotificationType notificationType) throws NotificationChannelTypeNotFoundException, NotificationTypeNotFoundException;
* set the notification preferences map (enable or disable the channels to be used for notifying the user)
* @param userid user identifier
* @param notificationType the type of the notification
* @param enabledChannels a map of the channels to which reach the user per notification, empty array or null values to set the key notification type off
* @return true if everything was fine
boolean setUserNotificationPreferences(String userid, Map<NotificationType, NotificationChannelType[]> enabledChannels);
* get the notification preferences map (enableor disable the channels to be used for notifying the user)
* @param userid user identifier
* @return the map
* @throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException self explaining
* @throws NotificationChannelTypeNotFoundException self explaining
Map<NotificationType, NotificationChannelType[]> getUserNotificationPreferences(String userid) throws NotificationTypeNotFoundException, NotificationChannelTypeNotFoundException;
* add a comment to a feed
* @param comment the Comment instance to add
boolean addComment(Comment comment) throws FeedIDNotFoundException;
* @param feedid feed identifier
* return all the comments belonging to the feedid
List<Comment> getAllCommentByFeed(String feedid);
* edit a comment
* @param commentid the comment identifier to edit
* @return true if success, false otherwise
boolean editComment(Comment comment) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, CommentIDNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException;
* delete a comment
* @param commentid the comment identifier to delete
* @parma feedid the feedid to which the comment is associated
* @return true if success, false otherwise
boolean deleteComment(String commentid, String feedid) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, CommentIDNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException;
* add a like to a feed
* @param the like instance
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException
boolean like(Like like) throws FeedIDNotFoundException;
* unlike a feed
* @param userid user identifier
* @param likeid the like identifier to delete
* @param feedid the feedid to which the comment is associated
* @return true if success, false otherwise
boolean unlike(String userid, String likeid, String feedid) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException, LikeIDNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException;
* @param userid user identifier
* return all the feedids a user has liked
List<String> getAllLikedFeedIdsByUser(String userid);
* @param userid user identifier
* @param limit set 0 to get everything, an int to get the most recent -limit- liked feeds
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException .
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException .
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException .
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException .
* return all the feeds a user has liked
List<Feed> getAllLikedFeedsByUser(String userid, int limit) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* @param feedid feed identifier
* return all the likes belonging to the feedid
List<Like> getAllLikesByFeed(String feedid);
* @param hashtags the hashtag including the '#'
* @param feedid the feedid to which the hashtag is associated
* @param vreid VRE identifier
* @return true if success, false otherwise
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException
boolean saveHashTags(String feedid, String vreid, List<String> hashtags) throws FeedIDNotFoundException;
* @param hashtags the hashtag including the '#'
* @param feedid the feedid to which the hashtag is associated
* @param vreid VRE identifier
* @return true if success, false otherwise
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException
boolean deleteHashTags(String feedid, String vreid, List<String> hashtags) throws FeedIDNotFoundException;
* get a map of vre hashtags where the key is the hashtag and the value is the occurrence of the hashtag in the VRE
* @param vreid vre identifier (scope)
* @return a HashMap<String, Integer> of vre Hashtags associated with their occurrence
Map<String, Integer> getVREHashtagsWithOccurrence(String vreid);
* @param vreid VRE identifier
* @param hashtag the hashtag to look for including the '#', it is case sensitive
* @throws ColumnNameNotFoundException .
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException .
* @throws FeedTypeNotFoundException .
* @throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException
* @throws FeedIDNotFoundException .
* @return all the feeds having the hashtag passed as parameter
List<Feed> getVREFeedsByHashtag(String vreid, String hashtag) throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException;
* Save the invite for a given email into a given vre
* @param invite the invite object instanc to save
* @return {@link InviteOperationResult} SUCCESS, FAILED or ALREADY_INVITED (if an invite is sent to en existing email in the same environment more than once)
InviteOperationResult saveInvite(Invite invite) throws AddressException;
* @param vreid the environment where you want to check the invite
* @param email the email of the invite to check in the environmnet
* @return the InviteId if present, null otherwise
String isExistingInvite(String vreid, String email);
* read an invite from a given id
* @throws InviteIDNotFoundException
* @throws InviteStatusNotFoundException
Invite readInvite(String inviteid) throws InviteIDNotFoundException, InviteStatusNotFoundException;
* set the status of an invite, see {@link InviteStatus}
* @throws InviteIDNotFoundException
boolean setInviteStatus(String vreid, String email, InviteStatus status) throws InviteIDNotFoundException, InviteStatusNotFoundException;
* Use to get the list of invites per VRE
* @param vreid the vre id
* @param status optional, if you want to restict on the status, e.g. all pending invites
* @return return the list of invites
* @throws InviteIDNotFoundException
* @throws InviteStatusNotFoundException
List<Invite> getInvitedEmailsByVRE(String vreid, InviteStatus... status) throws InviteIDNotFoundException, InviteStatusNotFoundException;
* close the connection to the underlying database
void closeConnection();