
693 lines
26 KiB

package org.gcube.portal.databook.server;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class DatabookCassandraTest {
private static DBCassandraAstyanaxImpl store;
public static void setup() throws Exception {
store = new DBCassandraAstyanaxImpl(); //set to true if you want to drop the KeySpace and recreate it
public static void close(){
// @Test
// public void getRecentCommentedFeedsByUserAndDate() throws Exception{
// String userid = "massimiliano.assante";
// Calendar oneYearAgo = Calendar.getInstance();
// oneYearAgo.set(Calendar.YEAR, oneYearAgo.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1);
// long init = System.currentTimeMillis();
// List<Feed> res = store.getRecentCommentedFeedsByUserAndDate(userid, oneYearAgo.getTimeInMillis());
// long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
// System.out.println("Result is " + (end - init));
// }
// @Test
// public void getRecentCommentsByUserAndDate() throws Exception{
// String userid = "costantino.perciante";
// Calendar oneYearAgo = Calendar.getInstance();
// oneYearAgo.set(Calendar.YEAR, oneYearAgo.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1);
// List<Comment> res = store.getRecentCommentsByUserAndDate(userid, oneYearAgo.getTimeInMillis());
// for (Comment comment : res) {
// System.out.println("Result is " + comment);
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void getRecentLikedFeedsByUser(){
// String userid = "costantino.perciante";
// Calendar oneYearAgo = Calendar.getInstance();
// oneYearAgo.set(Calendar.YEAR, oneYearAgo.get(Calendar.YEAR) - 1);
// List<Feed> result = store.getRecentLikedFeedsByUserAndDate(userid, oneYearAgo.getTimeInMillis());
// for (Feed feed : result) {
// System.out.println("Result is " + feed);
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void getHashTagsFilteredByTime() throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException{
// int windowSize = 6; // go back windowSize months
// String vreUnderTest = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE";
// // reference time
// Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
// int currentMonth = calendar.get(Calendar.MONTH); // jan = 0, ..... dec = 11
// calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, currentMonth - windowSize); // the year is automatically decreased if needed
// SimpleDateFormat format = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd");
// System.out.println("Reference time for trending topics is " + format.format(calendar.getTime()));
// Map<String, Integer> res =
// store.getVREHashtagsWithOccurrenceFilteredByTime(
// vreUnderTest, calendar.getTimeInMillis());
// // find max score inside the list (counter)
// int max = 0;
// for(Entry<String, Integer> entry : res.entrySet()){
// max = max < entry.getValue() ? entry.getValue() : max;
// }
// // normalize
// Map<String, Double> normalized = new HashMap<String, Double>();
// for(Entry<String, Integer> entry : res.entrySet()){
// normalized.put(entry.getKey(), (double)entry.getValue() / (double)max);
// }
// // create the weight for each entry as:
// // w = 0.6 * normalized_score + 0.4 * freshness
// // freshness is evaluated as (window_size - latest_feed_for_hashtag_in_window_month)/window_size
// Map<String, Double> scoredList = new HashMap<String, Double>();
// for(Entry<String, Integer> entry : res.entrySet()){
// double weight = 0.6 * normalized.get(entry.getKey());
// // retrieve the last feed for this hashtag and locate it into the window
// List<Feed> mostRecentFeedForHashtag = store.getVREFeedsByHashtag(vreUnderTest, entry.getKey());
// // retrieve the most recent one among these feeds
// Collections.sort(mostRecentFeedForHashtag, Collections.reverseOrder());
// // locate into the window
// Calendar locateInWindow = Calendar.getInstance();
// locateInWindow.setTimeInMillis(mostRecentFeedForHashtag.get(0).getTime().getTime());
// // get the month
// int sub = currentMonth - locateInWindow.get(Calendar.MONTH);
// int value = sub >= 0? sub : 12 - Math.abs(sub);
// double freshness = (double)(windowSize - value) / (double)(windowSize);
// System.out.println("freshness is " + freshness + " because the last feed has month " + locateInWindow.get(Calendar.MONTH));
// weight += 0.4 * freshness;
// scoredList.put(entry.getKey(), weight);
// }
// // print sorted
// Map<String, Double> scoredListSorted = sortByValue(scoredList);
// for(Entry<String, Double> entry : scoredListSorted.entrySet()){
// System.out.println("[hashtag=" + entry.getKey() + " , weight=" + entry.getValue() + "]");
// }
// }
// public static <K, V extends Comparable<? super V>> Map<K, V>
// sortByValue( Map<K, V> map )
// {
// List<Map.Entry<K, V>> list =
// new LinkedList<Map.Entry<K, V>>( map.entrySet() );
// Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>>()
// {
// public int compare( Map.Entry<K, V> o1, Map.Entry<K, V> o2 )
// {
// return (o2.getValue()).compareTo( o1.getValue() );
// }
// });
// Map<K, V> result = new LinkedHashMap<K, V>();
// for (Map.Entry<K, V> entry : list)
// {
// result.put( entry.getKey(), entry.getValue() );
// }
// return result;
// }
// @Test
// public void getHashTags() throws PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException, FeedTypeNotFoundException, FeedIDNotFoundException, ColumnNameNotFoundException{
// List<Feed> resList = store.getVREFeedsByHashtag("/gcube/devsec/devVRE", "#test");
// for (Feed feed : resList) {
// System.out.println(feed.getTime());
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void getComment(){
// String uuid = "820969b2-4632-4197-9fd6-5aafab781faa";
// Comment c;
// try {
// c = store.readCommentById(uuid);
// System.err.println(c);
// } catch (CommentIDNotFoundException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// System.err.println(e.toString());
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void vreIds(){
// try {
// List<String> ids = store.getAllVREIds();
// System.out.println(ids);
// } catch (ConnectionException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void testFeedNumberPerUser() {
// String userid = "massimiliano.assante";
// List<Feed> feeds = null;
// int numComment = 0;
// long init = System.currentTimeMillis();
// try {
// feeds = store.getAllFeedsByUser(userid);
// for (Feed feed : feeds) {
// List<Comment> comments = store.getAllCommentByFeed(feed.getKey());
// for (Comment comment : comments) {
// numComment ++;
// }
// }
// } catch (PrivacyLevelTypeNotFoundException | FeedTypeNotFoundException
// | ColumnNameNotFoundException | FeedIDNotFoundException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// System.err.println(e.toString());
// }
// long end = System.currentTimeMillis();
// System.err.println("retrieved " + feeds.size() + " and " + numComment + " in " + (end - init) + "ms");
// }
// @Test
// public void testAttachments() {
// Attachment a1 = new Attachment(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "www1", "gattino1", "description1", "", "image/jpg");
// Attachment a2 = new Attachment(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "www2", "name2", "description2", "","image/jpg");
// Attachment a3 = new Attachment(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), "www3", "name3", "description3", "","image/jpg");
// List<Attachment> toPass = new ArrayList<Attachment>();
// toPass.add(a1);
// toPass.add(a2);
// toPass.add(a3);
// String feedId = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// Feed feed = new Feed(feedId, FeedType.TWEET, "massimiliano.assante", new Date(), "/gcube/devsec/devVRE",
// "",
// "",
// "This post has attachments (gattini) ", PrivacyLevel.SINGLE_VRE,
// "Massimiliano Assante",
// "",
// "",
// "Gattino",
// "linkDesc",
// "image/jpeg", false);
// feed.setMultiFileUpload(true);
// assertTrue(store.saveUserFeed(feed, toPass));
// System.out.println("Wrote post? ");
// System.out.println("Feed has the following attachments: ");
// try {
// for (Attachment at : store.getAttachmentsByFeedId(feedId)) {
// System.out.println(at);
// }
// } catch (FeedIDNotFoundException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void testHashTag() {
// try {
// final String VREID = "/gcube/devsec/devVRE";
// final String HASHTAG1 = "#testHashTag";
// final String HASHTAG2 = "#testHashTag3";
// List<String> hashtags = new LinkedList<String>();
// hashtags.add(HASHTAG1);
// hashtags.add(HASHTAG2);
//// Feed feed = new Feed(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), FeedType.TWEET, "massimiliano.assante", new Date(), VREID,
//// "", "thumbUri", "This is a feed with " + HASHTAG1 + " and " + HASHTAG2, PrivacyLevel.VRES, "Massimiliano Assante", "", "thumburl", "linkTitle", "linkDesc", "host");
//// assertTrue(store.saveUserFeed(feed));
//// assertTrue(store.saveHashTags(feed.getKey(), VREID, hashtags));
//// assertTrue(store.deleteHashTags("d0c64e42-9616-4e24-a65a-7a63a280d676", VREID, hashtags));
//// System.out.println(feed);
// System.out.println("\ngetting getVREHashtagsWithOccurrence for " + VREID);
// Map<String, Integer> hashtagsWithOcc = store.getVREHashtagsWithOccurrence(VREID);
// for (String hashtag : hashtagsWithOcc.keySet()) {
// System.out.println(hashtag + ":" + hashtagsWithOcc.get(hashtag));
// }
// System.out.println("\ngetting getVREFeedsByHashtag for " + VREID + " and " + HASHTAG1);
// for (Feed theFeed : store.getVREFeedsByHashtag(VREID, HASHTAG1)) {
// System.out.println(theFeed);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// /**
// * use exclusively to add a new (Static) CF to a keyspace with a secondary index
// */
// @Test
// public void addAttachmentStaticColumnFamilies() {
// ColumnFamily<String, String> CF_ATTACHMENTS = ColumnFamily.newColumnFamily(DBCassandraAstyanaxImpl.ATTACHMENTS, StringSerializer.get(), StringSerializer.get());
// try {
// String colNameToIndex = "feedId";
// new CassandraClusterConnection(false).getKeyspace().createColumnFamily(CF_ATTACHMENTS, ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
// .put("column_metadata", ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
// .put(colNameToIndex, ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
// .put("validation_class", "UTF8Type")
// .put("index_name", "FeedIndex_"+UUID.randomUUID().toString().substring(0,5))
// .put("index_type", "KEYS")
// .build())
// .build())
// .build());
// } catch (ConnectionException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// System.out.println("addStaticColumnFamily END");
// }
// /**
// * use exclusively to add a new (Dynamic) CF to a keyspace
// */
// @Test
// public void addInvitesDynamicColumnFamilies() {
// System.out.println("UserNotificationsUnread");
// ColumnFamily<String, String> cf_UserNotificationsUnreadTimeline = new ColumnFamily<String, String>(
// DBCassandraAstyanaxImpl.EMAIL_INVITES, // Column Family Name
// StringSerializer.get(), // Key Serializer
// StringSerializer.get()); // Column Serializer
// try {
// new CassandraClusterConnection(false).getKeyspace().createColumnFamily(cf_UserNotificationsUnreadTimeline, ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
// .put("default_validation_class", "UTF8Type")
// .put("key_validation_class", "UTF8Type")
// .put("comparator_type", "UTF8Type")
// .build());
// } catch (ConnectionException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// System.out.println("UserNotificationsUnread END");
// }
// private List<String> getKeys() {
// List<String> toReturn = new ArrayList<String>();
// try {
// OperationResult<Rows<String, String>> rows = store.getConnection().getKeyspace().prepareQuery(DBCassandraAstyanaxImpl.cf_UserNotificationsPreferences)
// .getAllRows()
// .setRowLimit(1000) // This is the page size
// .execute();
// int i = 1;
// for (Row<String, String> row : rows.getResult()) {
// System.out.println(i+" ROW: " + row.getKey() + " " + row.getColumns().size());
// toReturn.add(row.getKey());
// i++;
// }
// } catch (ConnectionException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// return toReturn;
// }
// @Test
// public void testUserNotificationPreferences() {
// System.out.println("Notification type" + NotificationType.POST_ALERT.toString() +" OFF for:");
// try {
// for (String user : getKeys()) {
// List<NotificationChannelType> channels = store.getUserNotificationChannels(user, NotificationType.POST_ALERT);
// if (channels.isEmpty()) {
// System.out.println(user);
// }
// else if (! channels.contains(NotificationChannelType.EMAIL)) {
// System.out.println(user + "->" + channels.toString());
// }
// }
// for (NotificationChannelType channel : store.getUserNotificationChannels("roberto.trasarti", NotificationType.POST_ALERT)) {
// System.out.println(channel);
// }
// } catch (NotificationChannelTypeNotFoundException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// } catch (NotificationTypeNotFoundException e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// };
// }
// @Test
// public void testLikes() {
// int count = 10;
// Feed feed = new Feed(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), FeedType.SHARE, "massimiliano.assante", new Date(), "/gcube/devsec/devVRE",
// "", "thumbUri", "This feed is Liked ", PrivacyLevel.PUBLIC,
// "Massimiliano Assante", "", "thumburl", "linkTitle", "linkDesc", "host", false);
// assertTrue(store.saveUserFeed(feed));
// Like toUnlike = new Like(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),"massimiliano.assante",
// new Date(), feed.getKey().toString(), "Massi Pallino", "thumbUrl");
// try {
// assertTrue(;
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
// assertTrue( Like(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),"massimiliano.assante",
// new Date(), feed.getKey().toString(), "Rino Pallino", "thumbUrl")));
// System.out.println("massimiliano.assante liked the following feeds: ");
// for (String feedid : store.getAllLikedFeedIdsByUser("massimiliano.assante")) {
// System.out.println(feedid);
// }
// for (Like like : store.getAllLikesByFeed(feed.getKey().toString())) {
// System.out.println(like);
// }
// System.out.println("massimiliano.assante trying unlike the following feed: " + toUnlike);
// store.unlike("massimiliano.assante", toUnlike.getKey(), toUnlike.getFeedid());
// } catch (Exception e) {
// System.out.println("Exception feed id not found");
// }
// }
// /**
// * use exclusively to add a new CF to a keyspace
// */
// @Test
// public void addNotifPreferencesColumnFamily() {
// // ColumnFamily<String, String> cf_UserNotificationsPreferences = new ColumnFamily<String, String>(
// // DBCassandraAstyanaxImpl.USER_NOTIFICATIONS_PREFERENCES, // Column Family Name
// // StringSerializer.get(), // Key Serializer
// // StringSerializer.get()); // Column Serializer
// //
// // try {
// // new CassandraClusterConnection(false).getKeyspace().createColumnFamily(cf_UserNotificationsPreferences, ImmutableMap.<String, Object>builder()
// // .put("default_validation_class", "UTF8Type")
// // .put("key_validation_class", "UTF8Type")
// // .put("comparator_type", "UTF8Type")
// // .build());
// // } catch (ConnectionException e) {
// // e.printStackTrace();
// // }
// }
// @Test
// public void testFriendships() {
// assertTrue(store.requestFriendship("massimiliano.assante", "leonardo.candela"));
// assertTrue(store.requestFriendship("massimiliano.assante", "ermit"));
// assertTrue(store.requestFriendship("massimiliano.assante", "giorgino"));
// assertTrue(store.requestFriendship("barabba", "massimiliano.assante"));
// assertTrue(store.approveFriendship("leonardo.candela", "massimiliano.assante"));
// assertTrue(store.approveFriendship("ermit", "massimiliano.assante"));
// assertTrue(store.denyFriendship("giorgino", "massimiliano.assante"));
// System.out.println("Pending Connections for massimiliano.assante:");
// for (String userid: store.getPendingFriendRequests("massimiliano.assante")) {
// System.out.println(userid);
// }
// System.out.println("Connections for massimiliano.assante:");
// for (String userid: store.getFriends("massimiliano.assante")) {
// System.out.println(userid);
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void testLikedFeedsRetrieval() {
// try {
// for (Feed feed : store.getAllLikedFeedsByUser("luca.frosini", 10)) {
// System.out.println(feed);
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void testSingleNotification() {
// Notification not = new Notification(
// UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
// NotificationType.LIKE,
// "leonardo.candela",
// new Date(),
// "uri",
// "This is notification about a like",
// false,
// "leonardo.candela", "Leonardo Candela",
// "thumburl");
// assertTrue(store.saveNotification(not));
// not = new Notification(
// UUID.randomUUID().toString(),
// NotificationType.MESSAGE,
// "massimiliano.assante",
// new Date(),
// "uri",
// "This is notification about a like",
// false,
// "antonio.gioia", "Antonio Gioia",
// "thumburl");
// assertTrue(store.saveNotification(not));
// System.out.println("Writing one Notification " + not);
// }
// @Test
// public void testNotifications() {
// Notification not = null;
// System.out.println("Writing 18 Notifications");
// int count = 18;
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// if (i % 2 != 0) {
// not = new Notification(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.JOB_COMPLETED_OK,
// "leonardo.candela", "TWEETID", new Date(), "uri", "This is notification about job completed OK #"+i, false, "pasquale.pagano", "Pasquale Pagano", "thumburl");
// } else {
// not = new Notification(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.JOB_COMPLETED_NOK,
// "massimiliano.assante", "MESSAGEID", new Date(), "uri", "This is notification about completed NOK #"+i, false, "leonardo.candela", "Leonardo Candela", "thumburl");
// }
// assertTrue(store.saveNotification(not));
// try {
// Thread.sleep(150);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// Notification rNot= null;
// try {
// //read
// rNot = store.readNotification(not.getKey().toString());
// assertNotNull(rNot);
// System.out.println("Reading one Notification " + rNot.getKey() + ": " + rNot.getDescription() + " Type: " + rNot.getType());
// //set Read
// assertTrue(store.setNotificationRead(rNot.getKey().toString()));
// System.out.println("Notification " + rNot.getKey() + " of Type: " + rNot.getType() + " was set to READ");
// not = new Notification(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), NotificationType.LIKE,
// "leonardo.candela", "FEEDID", new Date(), "uri", "This is notification of a Liked Leo feed by Massi", false, "massimiliano.assante", "Massimiliano Assante", "thumburl");
// assertTrue(store.saveNotification(not));
// try {
// Thread.sleep(150);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// rNot = store.readNotification(not.getKey().toString());
// System.out.println("Reading another Notification " + rNot.getKey() + " of Type: " + rNot.getType() + " Read:? " + rNot.isRead());
// // //set Read
// // assertTrue(store.setNotificationRead(rNot.getKey().toString()));
// // System.out.println("Notification " + rNot.getKey() + " of Type: " + rNot.getType() + " was set to READ subject was this: " + rNot.getSubjectid());
// //
// Random randomGenerator = new Random();
// System.out.println("leonardo.candela Notifications: ");
// List<Notification> recentNots = store.getAllNotificationByUser("leonardo.candela", randomGenerator.nextInt(50));
// assertNotNull(recentNots);
// for (Notification notif :recentNots)
// System.out.println(notif);
// System.out.println("massimiliano.assante Notifications: ");
// recentNots = store.getUnreadNotificationsByUser("massimiliano.assante");
// assertNotNull(recentNots);
// for (Notification notif :recentNots)
// System.out.println(notif);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// System.out.println("getRangeNotificationsByUser massimiliano.assante: ");
// try {
// int from = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
// System.out.println("\nFROM="+from);
// List<Notification> range = store.getRangeNotificationsByUser("massimiliano.assante", from, 50);
// for (Notification notification : range) {
// System.out.println(notification.getDescription());
// from = 1+i * 50;
// }
// }
// } catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void testFeeds() {
// int count = 18;
// Feed feed = null;
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// if (i % 2 != 0) {
// feed = new Feed(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), FeedType.JOIN, "massimiliano.assante", new Date(), "/gcube/devsec/devVRE",
// "", "thumbUri", "This is feed# "+ i, PrivacyLevel.VRES, "Massimiliano Assante", "", "thumburl", "linkTitle", "linkDesc", "host");
// } else {
// feed = new Feed(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), FeedType.TWEET, "leonardo.candela", new Date(), "",
// "", "thumbUri", "This is feed# "+ i, PrivacyLevel.PORTAL, "Leonardo Candela", "", "thumburl", "linkTitle", "linkDesc", "host");
// }
// assertTrue(store.saveUserFeed(feed));
// try {
// Thread.sleep(150);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// Feed rFeed = null;
// try {
// rFeed = store.readFeed(feed.getKey().toString());
// rFeed = store.readFeed(feed.getKey().toString());
// rFeed = store.readFeed(feed.getKey().toString());
// rFeed = store.readFeed(feed.getKey().toString());
// assertNotNull(rFeed);
// String feedIdToDelete = UUID.randomUUID().toString();
// feed = new Feed(feedIdToDelete, FeedType.PUBLISH, "massimiliano.assante", new Date(), "/gcube/devsec/devVRE",
// "", "thumbUri", "This is feed to be deleted", PrivacyLevel.VRES, "Massimiliano Assante", "", "thumburl", "linkTitle", "linkDesc", "host", false);
// assertTrue(store.saveUserFeed(feed));
// try {
// Thread.sleep(250);
// } catch (InterruptedException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// System.out.println("Test Delete Feed ");
// assertTrue(store.deleteFeed(feedIdToDelete));
// System.out.println("massimiliano.assante ALL FEEDS: ");
// for (Feed recFeed : store.getAllFeedsByUser("massimiliano.assante"))
// System.out.println(recFeed);
// }
// catch (Exception e) {
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// }
// @Test
// public void testComments() {
// int count = 10;
// Feed feed = new Feed(UUID.randomUUID().toString(), FeedType.SHARE, "massimiliano.assante", new Date(), "/gcube/devsec/devVRE",
// "", "thumbUri", "This is feed that is going to be commented ", PrivacyLevel.PUBLIC, "Massimiliano Assante",
// "", "thumburl", "linkTitle", "linkDesc", "host", false);
// assertTrue(store.saveUserFeed(feed));
// Comment toDelete = null;
// for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) {
// try {
// toDelete = new Comment(UUID.randomUUID().toString(),"leonardo.candela",
// new Date(), feed.getKey().toString(), "This comment #"+i, "Leonardo Candela", "thumbUrl");
// assertTrue(store.addComment(toDelete));
// } catch (FeedIDNotFoundException e) {
// System.out.println("Exception feed id not found");
// }
// }
// System.out.println("GetAllCOmmentsByFeed ");
// for (Comment cm : store.getAllCommentByFeed(feed.getKey().toString())) {
// try {
// System.out.println(store.readCommentById(cm.getKey()));
// } catch (CommentIDNotFoundException e) {
// // TODO Auto-generated catch block
// e.printStackTrace();
// }
// };
// try {
// assertTrue(store.deleteComment(toDelete.getKey(), toDelete.getFeedid()));
// } catch (Exception e) {
// System.out.println("Exception feed id not found");
// }
// }