package; /** * Class that contains error messages to be returned in the HTTP responses. * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR */ public class ErrorMessages { public static final String MISSING_TOKEN = "Missing token."; public static final String MISSING_PARAMETERS = "Missing request parameters."; public static final String INVALID_TOKEN = "Invalid token."; public static final String TOKEN_GENERATION_APP_FAILED = "Token generation failed."; public static final String NOT_APP_TOKEN = "Invalid token: not belonging to an application."; public static final String NOT_APP_ID = "Invalid application id: it doesn't belong to an application."; public static final String NO_APP_PROFILE_FOUND = "There is no application profile for this app id/scope."; public static final String BAD_REQUEST = "Please check the parameter you passed, it seems a bad request"; public static final String ERROR_IN_API_RESULT = "The error is reported into the 'message' field of the returned object"; public static final String POST_OUTSIDE_VRE = "A post cannot be written into a context that is not a VRE"; public static final String DEPRECATED_METHOD = "This method is deprecated, must use version 2"; }