ARG JAVA_VERSION=11 FROM tomcat:10.1.19-jdk${JAVA_VERSION}-temurin-jammy ARG SMARTGEARS_VERSION="" ENV FILENAME=smartgears-distribution-${SMARTGEARS_VERSION} COPY ./target/${FILENAME}.tar.gz /smartgears-distro.tar.gz WORKDIR / # all file and folder in etc/config are moved to the smartgears applications configuration directory # for specific application configuration ( configuration file for app with contextPath "contextPath" must be placed in /etc/config/contextPath) RUN mkdir -p /etc/config RUN tar zxvf /smartgears-distro.tar.gz RUN rm /smartgears-distro.tar.gz RUN export CATALINA_HOME=/usr/local/tomcat RUN ln -s /usr/local/tomcat tomcat RUN mv smartgears-distribution-$SMARTGEARS_VERSION smartgears-distribution ENV GHN_HOME=./smartgears-distribution RUN ./smartgears-distribution/install -s tomcat COPY tomcat_files/ / RUN chmod +x / ENTRYPOINT ["/"] CMD ["","run"]