group=org.gcube.distribution artifact=smartgears-distribution repo=gcube-release folder=$PWD function showhelp { echo -e "\nusage: download [-v ] [-o ] [-s|-h] \n" echo " = the version to download." echo " = By default, this is the latest known version." echo " s = download a snapshot version." echo " = download to specific folder." echo -e " h = shows this help.\n" } while getopts ":v:o:sh" opt; do case $opt in v) version=$OPTARG;; o) folder=$OPTARG;; s) repo=gcube-snapshots;; h) showhelp exit 0 ;; :) echo -e "\nERROR:option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2 ; showhelp; echo -e "\naborting.\n" exit 1;; \?) echo -e "\nERROR:invalid option: -$OPTARG"; showhelp; echo -e "\naborting.\n" exit 1 >&2 ;; esac done #######find latest version in target repo. could use LATEST but would not know how to reflect version in file name version_regexp=".*\(.*\).*" if [ -z "$version" ]; then version=`curl -silent -L "$nexusurl/service/local/artifact/maven/resolve?r=$repo&g=$group&a=$artifact&v=LATEST&e=tar.gz" | grep "$version_regexp" | sed "s|$version_regexp|\1|"` #(first extract matching line, then extract matching group) if [ -z "$version" ]; then echo -e "\nERROR: cannot find a version to download in $repo." >&2 echo -e "\naborting.\n" exit 1 fi fi echo -e "\ndownloading smartgears-distribution-$version.tar.gz to folder $folder ....\c" http_code=`curl -s --create-dirs -o "$folder/smartgears-distribution-$version.tar.gz" -w "%{http_code}" -L "$nexusurl/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?r=$repo&g=$group&a=$artifact&v=$version&e=tar.gz"` if [ ! "$http_code" = "200" ]; then echo -e "\n\nERROR: cannot download version $version from $repo." >&2 echo -e "\naborting.\n" rm "smartgears-distribution-$version.tar.gz" exit 1 fi echo -e "done.\n"