Changed some exception to enable RESTful Smart Executor Service to better provide HTTP status error Added support to have REST interface in Smart Executor #5109 Added jackson support for json marshalling/unmarshalling Provided access to UUID and iteration number fro a plugin (refs #6733) Added support to implements Reminiscence for a Scheduled Task (refs #772) SmartExecutor has been passed to Authorization 2.0 (refs #4944 #2112) Provided to plugins the possibility to specify progress percentage (refs #440) Provided to plugins the possibility to define a custom notifier (refs #5089) Using Persistence (CouchDB) to save Scheduled Task configuration (refs #579) Added Unscheduling feature for repetitive task (refs #521) Added Recurrent and Scheduled Task support (refs #111) Saving Task Evolution on Persistence (CouchDB) (refs #89) Added init() function on plugins First Release