Fix Bug #21023 attached documents in Posts do not open in Chrome

This commit is contained in:
Massimiliano Assante 2021-03-25 11:20:36 +01:00
parent ae64375155
commit a66589484d
5 changed files with 157 additions and 9 deletions

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@ -1,11 +1,24 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><project-modules id="moduleCoreId" project-version="1.5.0">
<wb-module deploy-name="share-updates">
<wb-module deploy-name="share-updates">
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/target/m2e-wtp/web-resources"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/main/webapp" tag="defaultRootSource"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src/main/java"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/" source-path="/src/main/webapp" tag="defaultRootSource"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src/main/java"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/target/generated-sources/gwt"/>
<wb-resource deploy-path="/WEB-INF/classes" source-path="/src/main/resources"/>
<property name="java-output-path" value="/${module}/target/www/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<dependent-module archiveName="social-util-library-1.7.3.jar" deploy-path="/WEB-INF/lib" handle="module:/resource/social-util-library/social-util-library">
<property name="java-output-path" value="/${module}/target/www/WEB-INF/classes"/>
<property name="context-root" value="share-updates"/>

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@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
# Changelog for Share-Updates Portlet
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
## [v2.7.2-SNAPSHOT] -2021-03-25
- Ported to git
- Fix Bug #21023 attached documents in Posts do not open in Chrome
## [v2.7.1] -2020-04-28
- Feature #18992, Reconsider the alert message raised when writing a post containing more than one link
## [v2.7.0] - 2019-03-29
- Revised social networking library mechanism for http links, mentions and hashtags recognition, Task #13207
## [v2.6.2] - 2019-01-04
- Incident #13096, mentioning in some VRE may not work
## [v2.6.1] - 2018-04-12
- Removed previous jquery js load script
## [v2.6.0] - 2018-02-07
- restyled checkbox for notifications<
- Removed deprecated TIBCO Pagebus library and replaces with Liferay's IPC Client Side
- Enhanced efficiency when retrieving mentioned users or groups in posts
## [v2.5.0] - 2017-12-07
- drop down menu replaced with checkbox for notifications, see Task #9971
## [v2.3.1] - 2017-04-12
- Ported to Java 8
- Fix for bug #7630
## [v2.3.0] - 2017-01-20
- Updated method for using ftp server
- Minor fix when VREs' teams are notified
## [v2.1.0] - 2016-11-29
- updated opengraph checkURL for getting images in case of HTTP redirect permanently is encountered
## [v2.0.0] - 2016-06-29
- Updated to Liferay 6.2.5
## [v1.9.0] - 2016-01-22
- Multi-attachment upload is now supported
- Drag and drop mechanism added for attachments
- Restyled to optimize vertical space
## [v1.8.0] - 2015-07-06
- made notification to members option configurable as default, see Feature #121
## [v1.7.0] - 2015-05-27
- Integrated gwt-bootstrap and revised css
- ported to GWT 2.7.0
## [v1.6.0] - 2014-11-03
- Added Client scope handler, to set the scope from the client and help preventing the browser back button cache problem
- Added possibility to define topics in a post using hashtags
- Added save attachments in VRE Group folder
## [v1.3.0] - 2014-05-09
- Added possibility to alert the users of a VRE when sharing an update
- Refined the way to guess content and images when parsing HTML
- Improved images recognition when parsing html pages having no image indication from openGraph
- Added user agent property to http requests to avoid web servers 'complaining' HTTP 403 errors
- Replaced all the line breaks and all the double spaces with the HTML version to preserve new lines in posts
- Fixed bug when changing user avatar and minor restyle
- Several improvements in url checkings
- resolved problem with AdBlock plugin
- Fixed mention user dialog y-position when textbox is higher than usual due to new lines
- Mention users list now returns only the list of the available users in the current organization
- Fixed posts when multiple tabs are open, now the status is kept on the client
## [v1.1.3] - 2014-02-10
- added thumbnail generation and upload on FTP server
- added upload a copy on my workspace file when sharing a file
- implemented the file preview with icons or preview depending on the extension of the file
- integrated file uplod progress bar widget for sharing files
- fixed bug allowing users to post while generating file/url previews
- fixed bug allowing users to mention theirselves</Change>
## [v1.1.0] - 2013-10-21
- Ported to GWT 251
- Ported to Feather Weight Stack
- Removed GCF Dependency
- Logging with sl4j Enabled
- Fixed image previes retrieval when image is in the same folder of the linked page
## [v1.0.0] - 2013-01-13
- First release

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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# Acknowledgments
The projects leading to this software have received funding from a series of European Union programmes including:
- the Sixth Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development
- [DILIGENT]( (grant no. 004260).
- the Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration
- [D4Science]( (grant no. 212488);
- [D4Science-II]( (grant no.239019);
- [ENVRI]( (grant no. 283465);
- [iMarine]( (grant no. 283644);
- [EUBrazilOpenBio]( (grant no. 288754).
- the H2020 research and innovation programme
- [SoBigData]( (grant no. 654024);
- [PARTHENOS]( (grant no. 654119);
- [EGI-Engage]( (grant no. 654142);
- [ENVRI PLUS]( (grant no. 654182);
- [BlueBRIDGE]( (grant no. 675680);
- [PerformFISH]( (grant no. 727610);
- [AGINFRA PLUS]( (grant no. 731001);
- [DESIRA]( (grant no. 818194);
- [ARIADNEplus]( (grant no. 823914);
- [RISIS 2]( (grant no. 824091);
- [EOSC-Pillar]( (grant no. 857650);
- [Blue Cloud]( (grant no. 862409);
- [SoBigData-PlusPlus]( (grant no. 871042);

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
<name>gCube Share Updates Portlet</name>
gCube Share Updates for exchanging updates with other users of VREs.
@ -78,7 +78,6 @@
<version>[1.16.0, 2.0.0-SNAPSHOT)</version>

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@ -660,8 +660,7 @@ public class ShareUpdateServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements Shar
String mimeType = null;
if (isWithinPortal()) {
//get the url to show, before actually uploading it
//smpURI = storageClient.getUrl(true).RFile(remoteFilePath); //"";
smpURI = storageClient.getHttpUrl(true).RFile(remoteFilePath);
smpURI = storageClient.getHttpsUrl(true).RFile(remoteFilePath);
//The storage uploader Thread starts here asyncronously
try {