
440 lines
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cat("Retrieving Input Parameters\n")
memory.size(max = TRUE)
memory.limit(size = 4000)
interCubicHermiteSpline <- function(spltx,spltCon,res,params,headingAdjustment){
#Formula of Cubic Hermite Spline
t <- seq(0,1,length.out=res)
F00 <- 2*t^3 -3*t^2 + 1
F10 <- t^3-2*t^2+t
F01 <- -2*t^3+3*t^2
F11 <- t^3-t^2
#Making tacsat dataset ready
spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_HE"][which([spltCon[,1],"SI_HE"]))] <- 0
spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_HE"][which([spltCon[,2],"SI_HE"]))] <- 0
#Heading at begin point in degrees
Hx0 <- sin(spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_HE"]/(180/pi))
Hy0 <- cos(spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_HE"]/(180/pi))
#Heading at end point in degrees
Hx1 <- sin(spltx[spltCon[,2]-headingAdjustment,"SI_HE"]/(180/pi))
Hy1 <- cos(spltx[spltCon[,2]-headingAdjustment,"SI_HE"]/(180/pi))
#Start and end positions
Mx0 <- spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_LONG"]
Mx1 <- spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_LONG"]
My0 <- spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_LATI"]
My1 <- spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_LATI"]
#Corrected for longitude lattitude effect
Hx0 <- Hx0 * params$fm * spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_SP"] /((params$st[2]-params$st[1])/2+params$st[1])
Hx1 <- Hx1 * params$fm * spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_SP"] /((params$st[2]-params$st[1])/2+params$st[1])
Hy0 <- Hy0 * params$fm * lonLatRatio(spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_LONG"],spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_LATI"]) * spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_SP"]/((params$st[2]-params$st[1])/2+params$st[1])
Hy1 <- Hy1 * params$fm * lonLatRatio(spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_LONG"],spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_LATI"]) * spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_SP"]/((params$st[2]-params$st[1])/2+params$st[1])
#Get the interpolation
fx <- outer(F00,Mx0,"*")+outer(F10,Hx0,"*")+outer(F01,Mx1,"*")+outer(F11,Hx1,"*")
fy <- outer(F00,My0,"*")+outer(F10,Hy0,"*")+outer(F01,My1,"*")+outer(F11,Hy1,"*")
#Create output format
intsx <- lapply(as.list(1:nrow(spltCon)),function(x){
rbindTacsat <- function(set1,set2){
cln1 <- colnames(set1)
cln2 <- colnames(set2)
if(any(duplicated(cln1)==TRUE) || any(duplicated(cln2)==TRUE)) stop("Duplicate column names in datasets")
idx1 <- which(,cln2))==TRUE)
idx2 <- which(,cln1))==TRUE)
for(i in idx1) set2 <- cbind(set2,NA)
colnames(set2) <- c(cln2,cln1[idx1])}
for(i in idx2) set1 <- cbind(set1,NA)
colnames(set1) <- c(cln1,cln2[idx2])}
cln1 <- colnames(set1)
cln2 <- colnames(set2)
mtch <- pmatch(cln1,cln2)
if(any( stop("Cannot find nor create all matching column names")
set3 <- rbind(set1,set2[,cln2[mtch]])
bearing <- function(lon,lat,lonRef,latRef){
x1 <- lon
y1 <- lat
x2 <- lonRef
y2 <- latRef
y <- sin((x2-x1)*pi/180) * cos(y2*pi/180)
x <- cos(y1*pi/180) * sin(y2*pi/180) - sin(y1*pi/180) * cos(y2*pi/180) * cos((x2-x1)*pi/180)
bearing <- atan2(y,x)*180/pi
bearing <- (bearing + 360)%%360
`distance` <-
pd <- pi/180
a1<- sin(((latRef-lat)*pd)/2)
a2<- cos(lat*pd)
a3<- cos(latRef*pd)
a4<- sin(((lonRef-lon)*pd)/2)
a <- a1*a1+a2*a3*a4*a4
c <- 2*atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a));
distanceInterpolation <- function(interpolation){
res <- unlist(lapply(interpolation,function(x){
dims <- dim(x)
res <- distance(x[3:dims[1],1],x[3:dims[1],2],x[2:(dims[1]-1),1],x[2:(dims[1]-1),2])
equalDistance <- function(interpolation,res=10){
#Calculate ditance of all interpolations at the same time
totDist <- distanceInterpolation(interpolation)
#Get dimensions of interpolations
lngInt <- lapply(interpolation,dim)
#Warn if resolution of equal distance is too high compared to original resolution of interpolation
if(min(unlist(lngInt)[seq(1,length(totDist),2)],na.rm=TRUE) < 9*res) warnings("Number of intermediate points in the interpolation might be too small for the equal distance pionts chosen")
#Get distance steps to get equal distance
eqStep <- totDist/(res-1)
#Get x-y values of all interpolations
intidx <- matrix(unlist(lapply(interpolation,function(x){return(x[1,])})),ncol=2,byrow=TRUE)
#Do the calculation
result <- lapply(interpolation,function(ind){
i <- which(intidx[,1] == ind[1,1] & intidx[,2] == ind[1,2])
idx <- apply(abs(outer(
idx <- c(1,idx)
#Return the equal distance interpolated set in the same format as the interpolated dataset (as a list)
interStraightLine <- function(spltx,spltCon,res){
fx <- mapply(seq,spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_LONG"],spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_LONG"],length.out=res)
fy <- mapply(seq,spltx[spltCon[,1],"SI_LATI"],spltx[spltCon[,2],"SI_LATI"],length.out=res)
#Create output format
intsx <- lapply(as.list(1:nrow(spltCon)),function(x){
interpolation2Tacsat <- function(interpolation,tacsat,npoints=10,equalDist=TRUE){
# This function takes the list of tracks output by interpolateTacsat and converts them back to tacsat format.
# The npoints argument is the optional number of points between each 'real' position.
tacsat <- sortTacsat(tacsat)
if(!"HL_ID" %in% colnames(tacsat)) tacsat$HL_ID <- 1:nrow(tacsat)
if(!"SI_DATIM" %in% colnames(tacsat)) tacsat$SI_DATIM <- as.POSIXct(paste(tacsat$SI_DATE, tacsat$SI_TIME, sep=" "), tz="GMT", format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
interpolationEQ <- equalDistance(interpolation,npoints) #Divide points equally along interpolated track (default is 10).
} else {
interpolationEQ <- lapply(interpolation,function(x){idx <- round(seq(2,nrow(x),length.out=npoints)); return(x[c(1,idx),])})
res <- lapply(interpolationEQ,function(x){
idx <- unlist(x[1,1:2]@.Data); x <- data.frame(x)
colnames(x) <- c("SI_LONG","SI_LATI")
cls <- which(apply(tacsat[c(idx),],2,function(y){return(length(unique(y)))})==1)
for(i in cls){
x <- cbind(x,rep(tacsat[idx[1],i],nrow(x)));
colnames(x) <- c(colnames(x)[1:(ncol(x)-1)],colnames(tacsat)[i])
if(!"VE_COU" %in% colnames(x)) x$VE_COU <- rep(tacsat$VE_COU[idx[1]],nrow(x))
if(!"VE_REF" %in% colnames(x)) x$VE_REF <- rep(tacsat$VE_REF[idx[1]],nrow(x))
if(!"FT_REF" %in% colnames(x)) x$FT_REF <- rep(tacsat$FT_REF[idx[1]],nrow(x))
x$SI_DATIM <- tacsat$SI_DATIM[idx[1]]
x$SI_DATIM[-c(1:2)] <- as.POSIXct(cumsum(rep(difftime(tacsat$SI_DATIM[idx[2]],tacsat$SI_DATIM[idx[1]],units="secs")/(nrow(x)-2),nrow(x)-2))+tacsat$SI_DATIM[idx[1]],tz="GMT",format = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
x$SI_DATE <- format(x$SI_DATIM,format="%d/%m/%Y")
timeNotation <- ifelse(length(unlist(strsplit(tacsat$SI_TIME[1],":")))>2,"secs","mins")
if(timeNotation == "secs") x$SI_TIME <- format(x$SI_DATIM,format="%H:%M:%S")
if(timeNotation == "mins") x$SI_TIME <- format(x$SI_DATIM,format="%H:%M")
x$SI_SP <- mean(c(tacsat$SI_SP[idx[1]],tacsat$SI_SP[idx[2]]),na.rm=TRUE)
x$SI_HE <- NA;
x$SI_HE[-c(1,nrow(x))] <- bearing(x$SI_LONG[2:(nrow(x)-1)],x$SI_LATI[2:(nrow(x)-1)],x$SI_LONG[3:nrow(x)],x$SI_LATI[3:nrow(x)])
x$HL_ID <- tacsat$HL_ID[idx[1]]
#interpolationTot <-,res)
interpolationTot <- res[[1]][,which(duplicated(colnames(res[[1]]))==FALSE)]
for(i in 2:length(res)){
interpolationTot <- rbindTacsat(interpolationTot,res[[i]][,which(duplicated(colnames(res[[i]]))==FALSE)])
#tacsatInt <- rbind(interpolationTot,tacsat[,colnames(interpolationTot)])
tacsatInt <- rbindTacsat(tacsat,interpolationTot)
tacsatInt <- sortTacsat(tacsatInt)
`sortTacsat` <-
if(!"SI_DATIM" %in% colnames(dat)) dat$SI_DATIM <- as.POSIXct(paste(dat$SI_DATE, dat$SI_TIME, sep=" "), tz="GMT", format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
#Sort the tacsat data first by ship, then by date
if("VE_REF" %in% colnames(dat)) dat <- orderBy(~VE_REF+SI_DATIM,data=dat)
if("OB_REF" %in% colnames(dat)) dat <- orderBy(~OB_REF+SI_DATIM,data=dat)
`lonLatRatio` <-
#Based on the Haversine formula
#At the position, the y-position remains the same, hence, cos(lat)*cos(lat) instead of cos(lat) * cos(y2)
a <- cos(lat*pi/180)*cos(lat*pi/180)*sin((0.1*pi/180)/2)*sin((0.1*pi/180)/2);
c <- 2*atan2(sqrt(a),sqrt(1-a));
R <- 6371;
dx1 <- R*c
`an` <-
`findEndTacsat` <-
,startTacsat #Starting point of VMS
,interval #Specify in minutes, NULL means use all points
,margin #Specify the margin in minutes it might deviate from the interval time, in minutes
VMS <- tacsat
if(!"SI_DATIM" %in% colnames(VMS)) VMS$SI_DATIM <- as.POSIXct(paste(tacsat$SI_DATE, tacsat$SI_TIME, sep=" "), tz="GMT", format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
startVMS <- startTacsat
clStartVMS <- startVMS #Total VMS list starting point instead of subset use
iShip <- VMS$VE_REF[startVMS]
VMS. <- subset(VMS,VE_REF==iShip)
startVMS <- which(VMS$VE_REF[startVMS] == VMS.$VE_REF & VMS$SI_DATIM[startVMS] == VMS.$SI_DATIM)
if(clStartVMS != dim(VMS)[1]){
if(VMS$VE_REF[clStartVMS] != VMS$VE_REF[clStartVMS+1]){
#End of dataset reached
endDataSet <- 1
endVMS <- NA
} else {
#Calculate the difference in time between the starting VMS point and its succeeding points
diffTime <- difftime(VMS.$SI_DATIM[(startVMS+1):dim(VMS.)[1]],VMS.$SI_DATIM[startVMS],units=c("mins"))
if(length(which(diffTime >= (interval-margin) & diffTime <= (interval+margin)))==0){
warning("No succeeding point found, no interpolation possible")
endVMS <- NA
#Check if end of dataset has been reached
ifelse(all((diffTime < (interval-margin))==TRUE),endDataSet <- 1,endDataSet <- 0)
} else {
res <- which(diffTime >= (interval-margin) & diffTime <= (interval+margin))
res2 <- which.min(abs(interval-an(diffTime[res])))
endVMS <- startVMS + res[res2]
endDataSet <- 0
} else {
endVMS <- startVMS + res
endDataSet <- 0
#Build-in check
if(!an(difftime(VMS.$SI_DATIM[endVMS],VMS.$SI_DATIM[startVMS],units=c("mins"))) %in% seq((interval-margin),(interval+margin),1)) stop("found endVMS point not within interval range")
endVMS <- clStartVMS + (endVMS - startVMS)
} else { endDataSet <- 1; endVMS <- NA}
`interpolateTacsat` <-
function(tacsat #VMS datapoints
,interval=120 #Specify in minutes, NULL means use all points
,margin=12 #Specify the margin in minutes that the interval might deviate in a search for the next point
,res=100 #Resolution of interpolation method (default = 100)
,method="cHs" #Specify the method to be used: Straight line (SL) of cubic Hermite spline (cHs)
,params=list(fm=0.5,distscale=20,sigline=0.2,st=c(2,6)) #Specify the three parameters: fm, distscale, sigline, speedthreshold
if(!"SI_DATIM" %in% colnames(tacsat)) tacsat$SI_DATIM <- as.POSIXct(paste(tacsat$SI_DATE, tacsat$SI_TIME, sep=" "), tz="GMT", format="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M")
#Start interpolating the data
if(!method %in% c("cHs","SL")) stop("method selected that does not exist")
#Fast method or not
#Interpolation only by vessel, so split tacsat up
tacsat$ID <- 1:nrow(tacsat)
splitTa <- split(tacsat,tacsat$VE_REF)
spltTaCon <- lapply(splitTa,function(spltx){
#Calculate time different between every record
dftimex <- outer(spltx$SI_DATIM,spltx$SI_DATIM,difftime,units="mins")
iStep <- 1
connect <- list()
counter <- 1
#Loop over all possible combinations and store if a connection can be made
while(iStep <= nrow(spltx)){
endp <- which(dftimex[,iStep] >= (interval - margin) & dftimex[,iStep] <= (interval + margin))
if(length(endp)>1) endp <- endp[which.min(abs(interval - dftimex[endp,iStep]))][1]
connect[[counter]] <- c(iStep,endp)
counter <- counter + 1
iStep <- endp
} else { iStep <- iStep + 1}
#Return matrix of conenctions
if(method=="cHs") returnInterpolations <- unlist(lapply(as.list(names(unlist(lapply(spltTaCon,nrow)))),function(y){
if(method=="SL") returnInterpolations <- unlist(lapply(as.list(names(unlist(lapply(spltTaCon,nrow)))),function(y){
} else {
#Initiate returning result object
returnInterpolations <- list()
#Start iterating over succeeding points
for(iStep in 1:(dim(tacsat)[1]-1)){
if(iStep == 1){
iSuccess <- 0
endDataSet <- 0
startVMS <- 1
ship <- tacsat$VE_REF[startVMS]
} else {
if( endVMS <- startVMS + 1
startVMS <- endVMS
#-Check if the end of the dataset is reached
if(endDataSet == 1 & rev(unique(tacsat$VE_REF))[1] != ship){
startVMS <- which(tacsat$VE_REF == unique(tacsat$VE_REF)[which(unique(tacsat$VE_REF)==ship)+1])[1]
ship <- tacsat$VE_REF[startVMS]
endDataSet<- 0
if(endDataSet == 1 & rev(unique(tacsat$VE_REF))[1] == ship) endDataSet <- 2 #Final end of dataset
#if end of dataset is not reached, try to find succeeding point
if(endDataSet != 2){
result <- findEndTacsat(tacsat,startVMS,interval,margin)
endVMS <- result[1]
endDataSet <- result[2]
if( int <- 0 #No interpolation possible
if( int <- 1 #Interpolation possible
#Interpolate according to the Cubic Hermite Spline method
if(method == "cHs" & int == 1){
#Define the cHs formula
F00 <- numeric()
F10 <- numeric()
F01 <- numeric()
F11 <- numeric()
i <- 0
t <- seq(0,1,length.out=res)
F00 <- 2*t^3 -3*t^2 + 1
F10 <- t^3-2*t^2+t
F01 <- -2*t^3+3*t^2
F11 <- t^3-t^2
if ([startVMS,"SI_HE"])=="TRUE") tacsat[startVMS,"SI_HE"] <- 0
if ([endVMS, "SI_HE"])=="TRUE") tacsat[endVMS, "SI_HE"] <- 0
#Heading at begin point in degrees
Hx0 <- sin(tacsat[startVMS,"SI_HE"]/(180/pi))
Hy0 <- cos(tacsat[startVMS,"SI_HE"]/(180/pi))
#Heading at end point in degrees
Hx1 <- sin(tacsat[endVMS-headingAdjustment,"SI_HE"]/(180/pi))
Hy1 <- cos(tacsat[endVMS-headingAdjustment,"SI_HE"]/(180/pi))
Mx0 <- tacsat[startVMS, "SI_LONG"]
Mx1 <- tacsat[endVMS, "SI_LONG"]
My0 <- tacsat[startVMS, "SI_LATI"]
My1 <- tacsat[endVMS, "SI_LATI"]
#Corrected for longitude lattitude effect
Hx0 <- Hx0 * params$fm * tacsat[startVMS,"SI_SP"] /((params$st[2]-params$st[1])/2+params$st[1])
Hx1 <- Hx1 * params$fm * tacsat[endVMS,"SI_SP"] /((params$st[2]-params$st[1])/2+params$st[1])
Hy0 <- Hy0 * params$fm * lonLatRatio(tacsat[c(startVMS,endVMS),"SI_LONG"],tacsat[c(startVMS,endVMS),"SI_LATI"])[1] * tacsat[startVMS,"SI_SP"]/((params$st[2]-params$st[1])/2+params$st[1])
Hy1 <- Hy1 * params$fm * lonLatRatio(tacsat[c(startVMS,endVMS),"SI_LONG"],tacsat[c(startVMS,endVMS),"SI_LATI"])[2] * tacsat[endVMS,"SI_SP"]/((params$st[2]-params$st[1]) /2+params$st[1])
#Finalizing the interpolation based on cHs
fx <- numeric()
fy <- numeric()
fx <- F00*Mx0+F10*Hx0+F01*Mx1+F11*Hx1
fy <- F00*My0+F10*Hy0+F01*My1+F11*Hy1
#Add one to list of successful interpolations
iSuccess <- iSuccess + 1
returnInterpolations[[iSuccess]] <- matrix(rbind(c(startVMS,endVMS),cbind(fx,fy)),ncol=2,dimnames=list(c("startendVMS",seq(1,res,1)),c("x","y")))
#Interpolate according to a straight line
if(method == "SL" & int == 1){
fx <- seq(tacsat$SI_LONG[startVMS],tacsat$SI_LONG[endVMS],length.out=res)
fy <- seq(tacsat$SI_LATI[startVMS],tacsat$SI_LATI[endVMS],length.out=res)
#Add one to list of successful interpolations
iSuccess <- iSuccess + 1
returnInterpolations[[iSuccess]] <- matrix(rbind(c(startVMS,endVMS),cbind(fx,fy)),ncol=2,dimnames=list(c("startendVMS",seq(1,res,1)),c("x","y")))
cat("Loading Table\n")
tacsatX <-read.table(inputFile,sep=",",header=T)
cat("Adjusting Columns Types\n")
tacsatX<-transform(tacsatX, VE_COU= as.character(VE_COU), VE_REF= as.character(VE_REF), SI_LATI= as.numeric(SI_LATI), SI_LONG= as.numeric(SI_LONG), SI_DATE= as.character(SI_DATE),SI_TIME= as.character(SI_TIME),SI_SP= as.numeric(SI_SP),SI_HE= as.numeric(SI_HE))
cat("Sorting dataset\n")
tacsatS <- sortTacsat(tacsatX)
tacsatCut <- tacsatS[1:1000,]
interpolation <- interpolateTacsat(tacsatCut,interval=interval,margin=margin,res=res, method=method,params=list(fm=fm,distscale=distscale,sigline=sigline,st=st),headingAdjustment=headingAdjustment,fast=fast)
cat("Reconstructing Dataset\n")
tacsatInt <- interpolation2Tacsat(interpolation=interpolation,tacsat=tacsatCut,npoints=npoints,equalDist=equalDist)
tacsatInt <- sortTacsat(tacsatInt)
cat("Writing output file\n")
write.csv(tacsatInt, outputFile, row.names=T)
cat("All Done.\n")