// REMEMBER TO FILL THE environment section with your values. // the following filed should be filled: imagename, git_url // REMEMBER to put your Dockerfile in the root folder of your project // The related jenkinsjob template is here: pipeline { agent { label 'docker' } environment { imagename = "rstudio/rstudio-fisheriesatlas-vlab5" hubname = "hub.dev.d4science.org" registryUrl = "https://hub.dev.d4science.org" registryCredential = 'cccd3cf5-9d6c-4044-85d6-59bede0c43f4' dockerImage = '' git_url='https://code-repo.d4science.org/gCubeSystem/rstudio-d4science.git' } stages { // stage('Cloning Git') { // steps { // git([url: git_url, branch: 'fisheriesatlas-vlab5', credentialsId: '88b54962-1c0e-49cb-8155-22276860f346']) // } // } stage('Building image') { steps{ script { dockerImage = docker.build imagename } } } stage('Deploy Image') { steps{ script { docker.withRegistry( registryUrl, registryCredential ) { dockerImage.push("$BUILD_NUMBER") dockerImage.push('latest') } } } } stage('Remove Unused docker image') { steps{ sh "docker rmi $hubname/$imagename:$BUILD_NUMBER" sh "docker rmi $hubname/$imagename:latest" } } } // post-build actions post { success { echo 'The docker pipeline worked!' emailext to: 'jenkinsbuilds@d4science.org', subject: "[Jenkins DockerPipeline D4S] build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} worked", body: "Build time: ${currentBuild.durationString}. See ${env.BUILD_URL}" } failure { echo 'The docker pipeline has failed' emailext attachLog: true, to: 'jenkinsbuilds@d4science.org', subject: "[Jenkins DockerPipeline D4S] build ${currentBuild.fullDisplayName} failed for image ${imagename}", body: "Something is wrong with ${env.BUILD_URL}" } } }