<%@ taglib uri="http://java.sun.com/portlet_2_0" prefix="portlet" %> <%@include file="../init.jsp" %> <%@ page import="org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeGroup" %> <% List userGroups = (List) request.getAttribute("userGroups"); pageContext.setAttribute("userGroups", userGroups); List userContexts = (List) request.getAttribute("userContexts"); pageContext.setAttribute("userContexts", userContexts); String sub = "-"; if (userContexts != null && userContexts.size()>0){ sub = userContexts.get(0).substring(userContexts.get(0).lastIndexOf("/") + 1); } pageContext.setAttribute("firstContextName", sub); %>
Configuration error, no context available

Current context: ${firstContextName}

Select the context:

OAuth Access Token
(Bearer Authorization)
Oauth2 Refresh Token
Refresh parameters

refresh token url:
generate curl refresh request:
You can decode the tokens using https://jwt.io/

Obtain your personal OAuth2 Access and Refresh Tokens, to be used for programmatic interaction with the Resources

Do not use this token to authenticate services but only for personal access


Please Note: if you need long lasting refresh tokens (14 days) tick 'remember me' option during Sign In. For service to service interaction you may obtain a service account by opening a support request.

Configuration error, no context available