package org.gcube.portlets.user.questions.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.ASLSession; import org.gcube.application.framework.core.session.SessionManager; import org.gcube.common.portal.PortalContext; import org.gcube.common.portal.mailing.EmailNotification; import org.gcube.portal.custom.scopemanager.scopehelper.ScopeHelper; import org.gcube.portal.databook.client.GCubeSocialNetworking; import org.gcube.portal.databook.shared.UserInfo; import org.gcube.portlets.user.gcubewidgets.server.ScopeServiceImpl; import org.gcube.portlets.user.questions.client.QuestionsService; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.GroupManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.UserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayGroupManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayUserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeGroup; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeRole; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil; /** * * @author massi * */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class QuestionsServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements QuestionsService { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(QuestionsServiceImpl.class); private static final String TEST_USER = "test.user"; /** * the current ASLSession * @return the session */ private ASLSession getASLSession() { String sessionID = this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getId(); String user = (String) this.getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getAttribute(ScopeHelper.USERNAME_ATTRIBUTE); if (user == null) { _log.warn("USER IS NULL setting test.user and Running OUTSIDE PORTAL"); user = getDevelopmentUser(); } return SessionManager.getInstance().getASLSession(sessionID, user); } /** * when packaging test will fail if the user is not set to test.user * @return . */ public String getDevelopmentUser() { String user = TEST_USER; user = "massimiliano.assante"; return user; } @Override public ArrayList getManagers() { ArrayList toReturn = new ArrayList<>(); ASLSession session = getASLSession(); if (session.getUsername().compareTo(TEST_USER) == 0) { _log.error("User is NULL, session expired?"); return new ArrayList<>(); } if (isWithinPortal()) { _log.trace("Asking user and roles ..."); UserManager userM = new LiferayUserManager(); Map> usersAndRoles = null; try { usersAndRoles = userM.listUsersAndRolesByGroup(getCurrentGroupID()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Set users = usersAndRoles.keySet(); for (GCubeUser usr:users) { List roles = usersAndRoles.get(usr); for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { if (roles.get(i).getRoleName().equals("VRE-Manager")) { String username = usr.getUsername(); _log.trace("Found Manager ... " + username); String fullName = usr.getFullname(); String thumbnailURL = "images/Avatar_default.png"; try { GCubeUser user = userM.getUserByUsername(username); thumbnailURL = user.getUserAvatarURL(); HashMap vreNames = new HashMap(); String headline = user.getJobTitle(); UserInfo userInfo = new UserInfo(username, fullName, thumbnailURL, headline, getUserProfileLink(username), user.isMale(), false, vreNames); toReturn.add(userInfo); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } } } } else { toReturn.add(new UserInfo("pino.pino", "With Photo Third User", null, "", "", true, false, null)); toReturn.add(new UserInfo("giorgi.giorgi", "Test Fourth User", null, "", "", true, false, null)); toReturn.add(new UserInfo("pinetti.giorgi", "Test Fifth User", null, "", "", true, false, null)); toReturn.add(new UserInfo("massimiliano.pinetti", "Test Sixth User", null, "", "", true, false, null)); toReturn.add(new UserInfo("massimiliano.giorgi", "Eighth Testing User", null, "", "", true, false, null)); } return toReturn; } /** *@return the redirect url if everything goes ok, null otherwise */ @Override public String removeUserFromVRE() { String username = getASLSession().getUsername(); if (username.compareTo("test.user") == 0) return null; _log.debug("Going to remove user from the current Group: " + getCurrentGroupID() + ". Username is: " + username); UserManager userM = new LiferayUserManager(); try { userM.dismissUserFromGroup(getCurrentGroupID(), userM.getUserId(username)); sendUserUnregisteredNotification(username, getASLSession().getScope(), PortalContext.getConfiguration().getGatewayURL(getThreadLocalRequest()), PortalContext.getConfiguration().getGatewayName(getThreadLocalRequest())); return "/"; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Override public boolean isLeaveButtonAvailable(String portalURL) { if(isWithinPortal()){ String friendlyURL = ScopeServiceImpl.extractOrgFriendlyURL(portalURL); GroupManager gm = new LiferayGroupManager(); GCubeGroup currSite = null; try { List groups = gm.listGroups(); for (GCubeGroup g : groups) { if (g.getFriendlyURL().compareTo(friendlyURL) == 0) { long groupId = g.getGroupId(); String scopeToSet = gm.getInfrastructureScope(groupId); getASLSession().setScope(scopeToSet);"GOT Selected Research Environment: " + scopeToSet); currSite = g; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Boolean isMandatory = false; try{ isMandatory = (Boolean) gm.readCustomAttr(currSite.getGroupId(), org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.CustomAttributeKeys.MANDATORY.getKeyName()); }catch(Exception e){ _log.error("Unable to evaluate if the leave button can be added for the current group " + currSite.getGroupName(), e); } _log.debug("Is Leave button available in vre " + currSite.getGroupName() + " ? " + isMandatory); return isMandatory; }else return true; } /** * * @return true if you're running into the portal, false if in development */ private boolean isWithinPortal() { try { UserLocalServiceUtil.getService(); return true; } catch (com.liferay.portal.kernel.bean.BeanLocatorException ex) { _log.trace("Development Mode ON"); return false; } } /** * Get the current group ID * * @return the current group ID or null if an exception is thrown * @throws Exception * @throws CurrentGroupRetrievalException */ private long getCurrentGroupID(){ GroupManager groupM = new LiferayGroupManager(); ASLSession session = getASLSession(); _log.debug("The current group NAME is --> " + session.getGroupName()); try { return groupM.getGroupId(session.getGroupName()); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return 0; } private String getUserProfileLink(String username) { return "profile?"+ new String(Base64.encodeBase64(GCubeSocialNetworking.USER_PROFILE_OID.getBytes()))+"="+new String(Base64.encodeBase64(username.getBytes())); } /** * * @param scope . * @param optionalMessage . */ public void sendUserUnregisteredNotification(String username, String scope, String portalbasicurl, String gatewayName) { ArrayList adminEmails = getAdministratorsEmails(scope); UserManager um = new LiferayUserManager(); GCubeUser currUser = null; try { currUser = um.getUserByUsername(username); } catch (Exception e) { } String name = currUser.getFirstName(); String lastname = currUser.getLastName(); StringBuffer body = new StringBuffer(); body.append("

Dear manager of "+ scope +",
this email message was automatically generated by " + portalbasicurl +" to inform you that "); body.append("

"); body.append("

"); body.append(""+name + " " + lastname +" has left the following environment: "); body.append("

"); body.append("" + scope+""); body.append("
"); body.append("
"); body.append("Username: " + username); body.append("
"); body.append("e-mail: " + currUser.getEmail()); body.append("

"); String[] allMails = new String[adminEmails.size()]; adminEmails.toArray(allMails); EmailNotification mailToAdmin = new EmailNotification(allMails , "Unregistration from VRE", body.toString(), getThreadLocalRequest()); mailToAdmin.sendEmail(); } protected static ArrayList getAdministratorsEmails(String scope) { LiferayUserManager userManager = new LiferayUserManager(); LiferayGroupManager groupManager = new LiferayGroupManager(); long groupId = -1; try { List allGroups = groupManager.listGroups(); _log.debug("Number of groups retrieved: " + allGroups.size()); for (int i = 0; i < allGroups.size(); i++) { long grId = allGroups.get(i).getGroupId(); String groupScope = groupManager.getInfrastructureScope(grId); _log.debug("Comparing: " + groupScope + " " + scope); if (groupScope.equals(scope)) { groupId = allGroups.get(i).getGroupId(); break; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Map> usersAndRoles = null; try { usersAndRoles = userManager.listUsersAndRolesByGroup(groupId); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Set users = usersAndRoles.keySet(); ArrayList adminEmailsList = new ArrayList(); for (GCubeUser usr:users) { List roles = usersAndRoles.get(usr); for (int i = 0; i < roles.size(); i++) { if (roles.get(i).getRoleName().equals("VO-Admin") || roles.get(i).getRoleName().equals("VRE-Manager")) { adminEmailsList.add(usr.getEmail()); _log.debug("Admin: " + usr.getFullname()); break; } } } return adminEmailsList; } }