package org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.instances.model.entities; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import; import; import; import; import; import org.gcube.informationsystem.base.reference.AccessType; import org.gcube.informationsystem.context.reference.entities.Context; import org.gcube.informationsystem.model.reference.entities.Entity; import org.gcube.informationsystem.model.reference.entities.Facet; import org.gcube.informationsystem.model.reference.entities.Resource; import; import org.gcube.informationsystem.model.reference.relations.ConsistsOf; import org.gcube.informationsystem.model.reference.relations.Relation; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.api.exceptions.AvailableInAnotherContextException; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.api.exceptions.NotFoundException; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.api.exceptions.ResourceRegistryException; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.api.exceptions.context.ContextException; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.api.exceptions.entity.EntityAlreadyPresentException; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.api.exceptions.query.InvalidQueryException; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.api.exceptions.schema.SchemaException; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.contexts.ContextUtility; import; import; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.instances.base.ElementManagement; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.instances.base.ElementManagementUtility; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.instances.base.entities.EntityElementManagement; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.instances.model.ERManagement; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.instances.model.relations.RelationManagement; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.types.TypesCache; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.utils.HeaderUtility; import org.gcube.informationsystem.resourceregistry.utils.Utility; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.db.document.ODatabaseDocument; import; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.metadata.schema.OClass; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.ODirection; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.OEdge; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.OElement; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.OVertex; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.record.impl.ODocument; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.executor.OResult; import com.orientechnologies.orient.core.sql.executor.OResultSet; /** * @author Luca Frosini (ISTI - CNR) */ public abstract class EntityManagement extends EntityElementManagement implements ERManagement { /** * By the default the system execute the the operation of * context sharing so this variable is initialised as false. * * Setting this variable to false the system just simulate * the operation of context sharing * i.e. AddToContext, RemoveFromContext. * * This option can also be used in conjunction with * {@link ElementManagement#honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing}=false. * This allow to simulate a sharing operation which requires * do not honour the propagation constraints. */ protected boolean dryRunContextSharing; /** * By the default the system honour the propagation constraints * so this variable is initialised as true. * * To revert a previous operation or for particular a maintenance * we could request to the service do not honour the propagation * constraints but under certain conditions and with some limitation * only. * These limitation are required to keep the system in a consistent * state. * In fact, this directive is only valid for Resources and IsRelatedTo * relations. We need to take in account that to add an * IsRelatedTo to a context always the source and target * Resources must be in such a Context. * Please also take into account that adding a Resource * to a context always imply to honour the propagation constraints * of ConsistsOf relations. In fact, a resource must be characterised * least by one facet in any context it belongs. Giving that we * cannot made assumption on which facets must be used. * A way could be to consider just the facets are mandatory for such a * Resource Type, but the type could not have mandatory facets * (even every Resource Type in the gCube Model has one mandatory facet). * As counterpart, when a Resource is removed from a Context all the facets * charactering it must be removed. * * This option can also be used in conjunction with * {@link ElementManagement#dryRunContextSharing}=true. * This allow to simulate a sharing operation which requires * do not honour the propagation constraints. */ protected boolean honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing; public boolean isDryRunContextSharing() { return dryRunContextSharing; } public void setDryRunContextSharing(boolean dryRunContextSharing) { this.dryRunContextSharing = dryRunContextSharing; } public boolean isHonourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing() { return honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing; } public void setHonourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing(boolean honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing) { this.honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing = honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing; } /** * Provide a cache edge-internal-id -> RelationManagement * this avoid to recreate the relationManagement of already visited edges */ @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") protected Map relationManagements; protected EntityManagement(AccessType accessType) { super(accessType); this.ignoreKeys.add(Entity.HEADER_PROPERTY); this.ignoreStartWithKeys.add(com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientVertex.CONNECTION_IN_PREFIX.toLowerCase()); this.ignoreStartWithKeys.add(com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientVertex.CONNECTION_OUT_PREFIX.toLowerCase()); this.ignoreStartWithKeys.add(com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientVertex.CONNECTION_IN_PREFIX.toUpperCase()); this.ignoreStartWithKeys.add(com.tinkerpop.blueprints.impls.orient.OrientVertex.CONNECTION_OUT_PREFIX.toUpperCase()); this.relationManagements = new HashMap<>(); this.superClassesToBeExcluded.add(AccessType.ENTITY_ELEMENT.getName()); this.superClassesToBeExcluded.add(AccessType.ENTITY.getName()); /* * By the default the system execute the the operation of * context sharing so this variable is initialised as false. */ this.dryRunContextSharing = false; /* * By the default the system honour the propagation constraints * so this variable is initialised as true. */ this.honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing = true; } @Override public OVertex getElement() throws NotFoundException, AvailableInAnotherContextException, ResourceRegistryException { try { element = super.getElement(); } catch(NotFoundException e) { try { retrieveElementFromAnyContext(); throw getSpecificERAvailableInAnotherContextException(elementType == null ? accessType.getName() : elementType + " with UUID " + uuid + " is available in another " + Context.class.getSimpleName()); } catch(AvailableInAnotherContextException e1) { throw e1; } catch(Exception e1) { throw e; } } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw new ResourceRegistryException(e); } return element; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") /* * It works perfectly in case of any kind of update. In case of use from create * the cache does not work by using the ID because until commit the edge has a * fake id starting with - (minus) sign. This not imply any collateral effect * but a better solution is a desiderata. */ protected RelationManagement getRelationManagement(OEdge edge) throws ResourceRegistryException { String id = edge.getIdentity().toString(); RelationManagement relationManagement = relationManagements.get(id); if(relationManagement == null) { relationManagement = ElementManagementUtility.getRelationManagement(getWorkingContext(), oDatabaseDocument, edge); relationManagements.put(id, relationManagement); } return relationManagement; } protected void addToRelationManagement(@SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") RelationManagement relationManagement) throws ResourceRegistryException { OElement elem = relationManagement.getElement(); String id = elem.getIdentity().toString(); if(relationManagements.get(id) != null && relationManagements.get(id) != relationManagement) { StringBuilder errorMessage = new StringBuilder(); errorMessage.append("Two different instance of "); errorMessage.append(relationManagement.getClass().getSimpleName()); errorMessage.append(" point to the same "); errorMessage.append(elem.getClass().getSimpleName()); errorMessage.append(". "); errorMessage.append(Utility.SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR_ERROR_MESSAGE); throw new ResourceRegistryException(errorMessage.toString()); } relationManagements.put(id, relationManagement); } protected static JsonNode addRelation(JsonNode sourceResource, JsonNode relation, String arrayKey) throws ResourceRegistryException { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode relationArray = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); try { if(sourceResource.has(arrayKey)) { relationArray = (ArrayNode) sourceResource.get(arrayKey); } relationArray.add(relation); ((ObjectNode) sourceResource).replace(arrayKey, relationArray); } catch(Exception e) { throw new ResourceRegistryException(e); } return sourceResource; } protected OVertex createVertex() throws EntityAlreadyPresentException, ResourceRegistryException { logger.trace("Going to create {} for {} ({}) using {}", OVertex.class.getSimpleName(), accessType.getName(), elementType, jsonNode); try { if(oClass.isAbstract()) { String error = String.format( "Trying to create an instance of %s of type %s which is abstract. The operation will be aborted.", accessType.getName(), elementType); throw new ResourceRegistryException(error); } OVertex vertexEntity = oDatabaseDocument.newVertex(elementType); try { if(uuid != null) { OVertex v = getElement(); if(v != null) { String error = String.format("A %s with UUID %s already exist", elementType, uuid.toString()); throw getSpecificERAlreadyPresentException(error); } } } catch(NotFoundException e) { try { OElement el = ElementManagementUtility.getAnyElementByUUID(uuid); String error = String.format("UUID %s is already used by another %s. This is not allowed.", uuid.toString(), (el instanceof OVertex) ? Entity.NAME : Relation.NAME); throw getSpecificERAvailableInAnotherContextException(error); } catch(NotFoundException e1) { // OK the UUID is not already used. } } catch(AvailableInAnotherContextException e) { throw e; } this.element = vertexEntity; if(accessType == AccessType.RESOURCE) { // Facet and relation are created in calling method } else { updateProperties(oClass, element, jsonNode, ignoreKeys, ignoreStartWithKeys); }"Created {} is {}", OVertex.class.getSimpleName(), Utility.toJsonString((OVertex) element, true)); return element; } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { logger.trace("Error while creating {} for {} ({}) using {}", OVertex.class.getSimpleName(), accessType.getName(), elementType, jsonNode, e); throw new ResourceRegistryException("Error Creating " + elementType + " with " + jsonNode, e.getCause()); } } protected Map reallyAddToContext(SecurityContext targetSecurityContext) throws ContextException, ResourceRegistryException { Map affectedInstances = new HashMap<>(); if(!dryRunContextSharing) { targetSecurityContext.addElement(getElement(), oDatabaseDocument); } /* * DO NOT UNCOMMENT * // affectedInstances.put(uuid, serializeSelfOnly()); * the instance is added in internalAddToContext() function after * the update of Header metadata i.e. modifiedBy, lastUpdateTime */ if(honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing) { Iterable edges = getElement().getEdges(ODirection.OUT); for(OEdge edge : edges) { RelationManagement relationManagement = getRelationManagement(edge); relationManagement.setDryRunContextSharing(dryRunContextSharing); relationManagement.setHonourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing(honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing); affectedInstances.putAll(relationManagement.internalAddToContext(targetSecurityContext)); } } return affectedInstances; } @Override public Map internalAddToContext(SecurityContext targetSecurityContext) throws ContextException, ResourceRegistryException { try { Map affectedInstances = reallyAddToContext(targetSecurityContext); if(!dryRunContextSharing) { HeaderUtility.updateModifiedByAndLastUpdate(element);; } affectedInstances.put(uuid, serializeSelfOnly()); return affectedInstances; } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw new ResourceRegistryException( "Error Adding " + elementType + " to " + targetSecurityContext.toString(), e.getCause()); } } public Map addToContext(UUID contextUUID) throws NotFoundException, ContextException, ResourceRegistryException {"Going to add {} with UUID {} to Context with UUID {}", accessType.getName(), uuid, contextUUID); ODatabaseDocument current = ContextUtility.getCurrentODatabaseDocumentFromThreadLocal(); try { oDatabaseDocument = ContextUtility.getAdminSecurityContext().getDatabaseDocument(PermissionMode.WRITER); oDatabaseDocument.begin(); SecurityContext targetSecurityContext = ContextUtility.getInstance().getSecurityContextByUUID(contextUUID); Map affectedInstances = internalAddToContext(targetSecurityContext); oDatabaseDocument.commit();"{} with UUID {} successfully added to Context with UUID {}", elementType, uuid, contextUUID); return affectedInstances; } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { logger.error("Unable to add {} with UUID {} to Context with UUID {} - Reason is {}", elementType, uuid, contextUUID, e.getMessage()); if(oDatabaseDocument != null) { oDatabaseDocument.rollback(); } throw e; } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to add {} with UUID {} to Context with UUID {}", elementType, uuid, contextUUID, e); if(oDatabaseDocument != null) { oDatabaseDocument.rollback(); } throw new ContextException(e); } finally { if(oDatabaseDocument != null) { oDatabaseDocument.close(); } if(current!=null) { current.activateOnCurrentThread(); } } } @Override public Map internalRemoveFromContext(SecurityContext targetSecurityContext) throws ContextException, ResourceRegistryException { try { Map affectedInstances = reallyRemoveFromContext(targetSecurityContext); if(!dryRunContextSharing) { HeaderUtility.updateModifiedByAndLastUpdate(element);; } affectedInstances.put(uuid, serializeSelfOnly()); return affectedInstances; } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw new ResourceRegistryException( "Error Removing " + elementType + " from " + targetSecurityContext.toString(), e.getCause()); } } protected Map reallyRemoveFromContext(SecurityContext targetSecurityContext) throws ContextException, ResourceRegistryException { Map affectedInstances = new HashMap<>(); if(honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing) { Iterable edges = getElement().getEdges(ODirection.OUT); for(OEdge edge : edges) { RelationManagement relationManagement = getRelationManagement(edge); relationManagement.setDryRunContextSharing(dryRunContextSharing); relationManagement.setHonourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing(honourPropagationConstraintsInContextSharing); affectedInstances.putAll(relationManagement.internalRemoveFromContext(targetSecurityContext)); } } if(!dryRunContextSharing) { targetSecurityContext.removeElement(getElement(), oDatabaseDocument); } /* * DO NOT UNCOMMENT * the instance is added internalAddToContext() function after * the update of Header metadata i.e. modifiedBy, lastUpdateTime * affectedInstances.put(uuid, serializeSelfOnly()); */ return affectedInstances; } public Map removeFromContext(UUID contextUUID) throws NotFoundException, ContextException, ResourceRegistryException { logger.debug("Going to remove {} with UUID {} from Context with UUID {}", elementType, uuid, contextUUID); ODatabaseDocument current = ContextUtility.getCurrentODatabaseDocumentFromThreadLocal(); try { oDatabaseDocument = ContextUtility.getAdminSecurityContext().getDatabaseDocument(PermissionMode.WRITER); oDatabaseDocument.begin(); SecurityContext targetSecurityContext = ContextUtility.getInstance().getSecurityContextByUUID(contextUUID); Map affectedInstances = internalRemoveFromContext(targetSecurityContext); oDatabaseDocument.commit();"{} with UUID {} successfully removed from Context with UUID {}", elementType, uuid, contextUUID); return affectedInstances; } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { logger.error("Unable to remove {} with UUID {} from Context with UUID {}", elementType, uuid, contextUUID); if(oDatabaseDocument != null) { oDatabaseDocument.rollback(); } throw e; } catch(Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to remove {} with UUID {} from Context with UUID {}", elementType, uuid, contextUUID, e); if(oDatabaseDocument != null) { oDatabaseDocument.rollback(); } throw new ContextException(e); } finally { if(oDatabaseDocument != null) { oDatabaseDocument.close(); } if(current!=null) { current.activateOnCurrentThread(); } } } @Override public String reallyGetAll(boolean polymorphic) throws ResourceRegistryException { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode arrayNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); Iterable iterable = oDatabaseDocument.browseClass(elementType, polymorphic); for(ODocument vertex : iterable) { EntityManagement entityManagement = ElementManagementUtility.getEntityManagement(getWorkingContext(), oDatabaseDocument, (OVertex) vertex); try { JsonNode jsonNode = entityManagement.serializeAsJson(); arrayNode.add(jsonNode); } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { logger.error("Unable to correctly serialize {}. It will be excluded from results. {}", vertex.toString(), Utility.SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR_ERROR_MESSAGE); } } try { return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(arrayNode); } catch(JsonProcessingException e) { throw new ResourceRegistryException(e); } } public boolean propertyMatchRequestedVlaue(OVertex v, String key, String requestedValue, Object instanceValue) throws SchemaException, ResourceRegistryException { return requestedValue.compareTo(instanceValue.toString())==0; /* OClass oClass = ElementManagement.getOClass(v); OProperty oProperty = oClass.getProperty(key); if(oProperty==null){ // It is an additional property return requestedValue.compareTo(instanceValue.toString())==0; } OType oType = oProperty.getType(); switch (oType) { case BOOLEAN: Boolean requested = Boolean.valueOf(requestedValue.toLowerCase()); return requested == (Boolean) instanceValue; case STRING: return requestedValue.compareTo((String) instanceValue)==0; default: return false; } */ } public String reallyQuery(String relationType, String referenceType, UUID referenceUUID, ODirection direction, boolean polymorphic, Map constraint, boolean includeRelationInResult) throws ResourceRegistryException { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode arrayNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); Iterable references = null; if(referenceUUID != null) { OElement element = ElementManagementUtility.getAnyElementByUUID(oDatabaseDocument, referenceUUID); if(element instanceof OVertex) { @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") EntityManagement entityManagement = ElementManagementUtility.getEntityManagement(getWorkingContext(), oDatabaseDocument, (OVertex) element); String elementType = entityManagement.getElementType(); if(elementType.compareTo(referenceType) != 0) { if(polymorphic && getOClass().isSubClassOf(referenceType)) { // OK } else { String error = String.format("Referenced instace with UUID %s is not a %s", referenceUUID, referenceType); throw new InvalidQueryException(error); } } List vertexes = new ArrayList<>(); vertexes.add((OVertex) element); references = vertexes; } else { String error = String.format("Referenced instace with UUID %s is not an %s", referenceUUID, Entity.NAME); throw new InvalidQueryException(error); } } else { references = oDatabaseDocument.browseClass(referenceType, polymorphic); } Set analysed = new HashSet<>(); for(Object r : references) { OVertex v = (OVertex) r; boolean skip = false; // checking if the constraints are satisfied for(String key : constraint.keySet()) { String value = constraint.get(key); Object o = v.getProperty(key); if(value==null) { if(o==null) { //ok }else { skip = true; break; } }else { if(o==null) { // The vertex has not a required property to be tested // or the property is null skip = true; break; }else { skip = !propertyMatchRequestedVlaue(v, key, value, o); if(skip) { break; } } } } if(skip) { continue; } List directions = new ArrayList<>(); if(direction==ODirection.BOTH) { directions.add(ODirection.IN); directions.add(ODirection.OUT); }else { directions.add(direction); } for(ODirection d : directions) { Iterable edges = v.getEdges(d.opposite(), relationType); for(OEdge edge : edges) { OVertex vertex = edge.getVertex(d); ORID vertexORID = vertex.getIdentity(); if(analysed.contains(vertexORID)) { continue; } analysed.add(vertexORID); if(v.getIdentity().compareTo(vertexORID) == 0) { continue; } OClass oClass = ElementManagementUtility.getOClass(vertex); /* * If the requested type (i.e. elementType) * differs form the resulting type (i.e. oClass.getName()) * we need to evaluate if polymorphism is requested and * if the resulting type is a subclass of the requested type * */ if(oClass.getName().compareTo(elementType)!=0) { if(polymorphic && oClass.isSubClassOf(elementType)) { // OK } else { // excluding from results continue; } } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") EntityManagement entityManagement = ElementManagementUtility.getEntityManagement(getWorkingContext(), oDatabaseDocument, vertex); try { if(referenceUUID!=null && entityManagement.getUUID().compareTo(referenceUUID) == 0) { continue; } JsonNode jsonNode; if(includeRelationInResult) { @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") RelationManagement relationManagement = ElementManagementUtility.getRelationManagement(getWorkingContext(), oDatabaseDocument, edge); jsonNode = relationManagement.serializeAsJson(); }else { jsonNode = entityManagement.serializeAsJson(); } arrayNode.add(jsonNode); } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { logger.error("Unable to correctly serialize {}. It will be excluded from results. {}", vertex.toString(), Utility.SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR_ERROR_MESSAGE); } } } } try { return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(arrayNode); } catch(JsonProcessingException e) { throw new ResourceRegistryException(e); } } public String reallyQueryTraversal(String relationType, String referenceType, UUID referenceUUID, ODirection direction, boolean polymorphic, Map constraint) throws ResourceRegistryException { ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); ArrayNode arrayNode = objectMapper.createArrayNode(); if(referenceUUID != null) { constraint.put(Entity.HEADER_PROPERTY + "." + Header.UUID_PROPERTY, referenceUUID.toString()); } // TODO check types /* * SELECT FROM (TRAVERSE inE('isIdentifiedBy'), outV('EService') FROM (SELECT * FROM SoftwareFacet WHERE group='VREManagement' AND name='SmartExecutor')) * * WHERE @class='EService' // Only is not polymorphic */ StringBuilder selectStringBuilder = new StringBuilder("SELECT FROM (TRAVERSE "); selectStringBuilder.append(; selectStringBuilder.append("E('"); selectStringBuilder.append(relationType); selectStringBuilder.append("'), "); selectStringBuilder.append(direction.opposite().name().toLowerCase()); selectStringBuilder.append("V('"); selectStringBuilder.append(elementType); selectStringBuilder.append("') FROM (SELECT FROM "); selectStringBuilder.append(referenceType); boolean first = true; for(String key : constraint.keySet()) { if(first) { selectStringBuilder.append(" WHERE "); first = false; } else { selectStringBuilder.append(" AND "); } selectStringBuilder.append(key); selectStringBuilder.append("="); String value = constraint.get(key).trim(); selectStringBuilder.append("'"); selectStringBuilder.append(value); selectStringBuilder.append("'"); } selectStringBuilder.append(" ))"); if(!polymorphic) { selectStringBuilder.append(" WHERE @class='"); selectStringBuilder.append(elementType); selectStringBuilder.append("'"); } String select = selectStringBuilder.toString(); logger.trace(select); OResultSet resultSet = oDatabaseDocument.command(select,new HashMap<>()); while(resultSet.hasNext()) { OResult oResult =; OElement element = ElementManagementUtility.getElementFromOptional(oResult.getElement()); if(polymorphic) { OClass oClass = null; try { if(element instanceof OEdge) { continue; } oClass = ElementManagementUtility.getOClass(element); } catch(Exception e) { String error = String.format("Unable to detect type of %s. %s", element.toString(), Utility.SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR_ERROR_MESSAGE); logger.error(error, e); throw new ResourceRegistryException(error); } if(oClass.isSubClassOf(elementType)) { continue; } } OVertex vertex = (OVertex) element; @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") EntityManagement entityManagement = ElementManagementUtility.getEntityManagement(getWorkingContext(), oDatabaseDocument, vertex); try { if(constraint.containsKey(Entity.HEADER_PROPERTY + "." + Header.UUID_PROPERTY)) { String uuid = constraint.get(Entity.HEADER_PROPERTY + "." + Header.UUID_PROPERTY); if(entityManagement.getUUID().compareTo(UUID.fromString(uuid)) == 0) { continue; } } JsonNode jsonNode = entityManagement.serializeAsJson(); arrayNode.add(jsonNode); } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { logger.error("Unable to correctly serialize {}. It will be excluded from results. {}", vertex.toString(), Utility.SHOULD_NOT_OCCUR_ERROR_MESSAGE); } } try { return objectMapper.writeValueAsString(arrayNode); } catch(JsonProcessingException e) { throw new ResourceRegistryException(e); } } public String query(String relationType, String referenceType, UUID referenceUUID, ODirection direction, boolean polymorphic, Map constraint, boolean includeRelationInResult) throws ResourceRegistryException { try { oDatabaseDocument = getWorkingContext().getDatabaseDocument(PermissionMode.READER); AccessType relationAccessType = TypesCache.getInstance().getBaseAccessType(relationType); if(relationAccessType != AccessType.IS_RELATED_TO && relationAccessType != AccessType.CONSISTS_OF) { String error = String.format("%s must be a relation type", relationType); throw new ResourceRegistryException(error); } AccessType referenceAccessType = TypesCache.getInstance().getBaseAccessType(referenceType); if(referenceAccessType != AccessType.RESOURCE && referenceAccessType != AccessType.FACET) { String error = String.format("%s must be a en entity type", referenceType); throw new ResourceRegistryException(error); } if(constraint == null) { constraint = new HashMap<>(); } switch(accessType) { case RESOURCE: if(relationAccessType == AccessType.CONSISTS_OF) { if(direction != ODirection.OUT) { String error = String.format("%s can only goes %s from %s.", relationType,, elementType); throw new InvalidQueryException(error); } else { if(referenceAccessType != AccessType.FACET) { String error = String.format("%s can only has as target a %s. Provided instead %s : %s", relationType, Facet.NAME, referenceAccessType, referenceType); throw new InvalidQueryException(error); } } } break; case FACET: if(relationAccessType != AccessType.CONSISTS_OF || direction != ODirection.IN || referenceAccessType != AccessType.RESOURCE) { String error = String.format("%s can only has %s %s from a %s.", elementType,, ConsistsOf.NAME, Resource.NAME); throw new InvalidQueryException(error); } break; default: break; } return reallyQuery(relationType, referenceType, referenceUUID, direction, polymorphic, constraint, includeRelationInResult); } catch(ResourceRegistryException e) { throw e; } catch(Exception e) { throw new ResourceRegistryException(e); } finally { if(oDatabaseDocument != null) { oDatabaseDocument.close(); } } } }