# Changelog for "registry-publisher" This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] - description (link to related issue on redmine) - description (link to related issue on redmine) - ... ## [v1.3.2] 2020-07-26 ### Fixes - fix updateVo method. if a generic resource was updated by monitor at root-vo level, the change wasn't propagated properly to the others VOs (#19690) ## [v1.3.1] 2020-12-10 ### Fixes - fix getInternalVOScopes method. Now it returns only the VO and root-vo as well ## [v1.3.0] 2019-09-04 ### New Features Added create and remove operation at vo level Resource synchronization with the more recent one searched at VO level create, remove operation fail only if there is a problem in the current VO