package org.gcube.common.portal; import static org.gcube.common.authorization.client.Constants.authorizationService; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Properties; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import org.gcube.common.authorization.client.exceptions.ObjectNotFound; import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.SecurityTokenProvider; import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.UserInfo; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayGroupManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayUserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.CustomAttributeKeys; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.Email; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import com.liferay.portal.model.Group; import com.liferay.portal.model.VirtualHost; import com.liferay.portal.service.CompanyLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.LayoutSetLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.UserLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.service.VirtualHostLocalServiceUtil; import com.liferay.portal.util.PortalUtil; /** * Clients can obtain the single instance of the {@link PortalContext} by invoking its static method {@link #getConfiguration()}. * The first invocation of the method triggers the initialisation of the instance. * * @author Massimiliano Assante (ISTI-CNR) * */ public class PortalContext { private static final Logger _log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PortalContext.class); public static final String VRE_ID_ATTR_NAME = "gcube-vreid"; public static final String USER_ID_ATTR_NAME = "gcube-userId"; /** * Scope separators used in linear syntax. */ protected static final String SCOPE_SEPARATOR = "/"; private final static String DEFAULT_ROLE = "OrganizationMember"; private static final String CONFIGURATION_FOLDER = "conf"; private static final String INFRA_PROPERTY_FILENAME = ""; private static final String GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME = ""; private static final String DEV_USERNAME_ATTR = "user.username"; private static final String DEV_USER_NAME_ATTR = ""; private static final String DEV_USER_LASTNAME_ATTR = "user.lastname"; private static final String DEV_USER_EMAIL_ATTR = ""; private static final String DEV_SCOPE_ATTR = "development.context"; private static final String DEV_GROUP_NAME_ATTR = "development.groupname"; private static final String DEV_GROUP_ID_ATTR = "development.groupid"; private static final String DEV_TOKEN_ATTR = "user.token"; private static final String DEFAULT_INFRA_NAME = "gcube"; private static final String DEFAULT_VO_NAME = "devsec"; private static final String DEFAULT_GATEWAY_NAME = "D4science Gateway"; private static final String DEFAULT_GATEWAY_EMAIL = ""; private static PortalContext singleton = new PortalContext(); private String infra; private String vos; private PortalContext() { initialize(); } /** * * @return the instance */ public synchronized static PortalContext getConfiguration() { return singleton == null ? new PortalContext() : singleton; } private void initialize() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getCatalinaHome()); sb.append(File.separator) .append(CONFIGURATION_FOLDER) .append(File.separator) .append(INFRA_PROPERTY_FILENAME); String propertyfile = sb.toString(); File propsFile = new File(propertyfile); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load( fis); infra = props.getProperty(GCubePortalConstants.INFRASTRUCTURE_NAME); vos = props.getProperty(GCubePortalConstants.SCOPES); } catch(IOException e) { infra = DEFAULT_INFRA_NAME; vos = DEFAULT_VO_NAME; _log.error(" file not found under $CATALINA_HOME/conf/ dir, setting default infrastructure Name " + infra + " and VO Name " + vos); }"PortalContext configurator correctly initialized on " + infra); } /** * * @return the infrastructure name in which your client runs */ public String getInfrastructureName() { return this.infra; } /** * * @return the value of the scopes as it is in the property file (a string with comma separated vales) */ public String getVOsAsString() { return this.vos; } /** * * @param httpServletRequest the httpServletRequest object * @return the instance of the current user * @see GCubeUser */ public GCubeUser getCurrentUser(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { Long userIdNo = ContextUserUtil.getCurrentUserId(httpServletRequest); if (userIdNo != null) { try { return new LiferayUserManager().getUserById(userIdNo); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("The userId does not belong to any user -> " + userIdNo); } } else { if (isWithinPortal()) { _log.warn("Could not read the current userid, either session expired or user not logged in"); } else { GCubeUser toReturn = readUserFromPropertyFile(); _log.debug("getCurrentUser devMode into IDE detected, returning testing user: " + toReturn.toString()); return toReturn; } } return null; } /** * * @param scopeGroupId the liferay groupid number (as String) of the VRE/VO * @return the scope (context) */ public String getCurrentScope(String scopeGroupId) { if (scopeGroupId != null) { long groupId = -1; try { groupId = Long.parseLong(scopeGroupId); LiferayGroupManager gm = new LiferayGroupManager(); if (gm.isRootVO(groupId)) { return SCOPE_SEPARATOR + getInfrastructureName(); } else return new LiferayGroupManager().getInfrastructureScope(groupId); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.error("The groupId is not a number -> " + groupId); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("This groupId does not belong to any group in this portal -> " + groupId); } } else { if (!isWithinPortal()) { String toReturn = readContextPropertyFile(); _log.debug("getCurrentScope devMode into IDE detected, returning scope: " + toReturn.toString()); _log.debug("The PortalBeanLocatorUtil stacktrace (java.lang.Exception) is acceptable in dev"); return toReturn; } } return null; } /** * * @param httpServletRequest the httpServletRequest object * @return the scope (context) */ public String getCurrentScope(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { String scopeGroupId = httpServletRequest.getHeader(VRE_ID_ATTR_NAME); return getCurrentScope(scopeGroupId); } /** * * @param httpServletRequest the httpServletRequest object * @return the instance of the user * @see GCubeUser */ public String getCurrentGroupName(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { String groupIdNo = httpServletRequest.getHeader(VRE_ID_ATTR_NAME); if (groupIdNo != null) { long groupId = -1; try { groupId = Long.parseLong(groupIdNo); LiferayGroupManager gm = new LiferayGroupManager(); return gm.getGroup(groupId).getGroupName(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.error("The groupId is not a number -> " + groupId); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("This groupId does not belong to any group in this portal -> " + groupId); } } else { if (!isWithinPortal()) { String toReturn = readGroupNamePropertyFile(); _log.debug("getCurrentGroupName devMode into IDE detected, returning group name: " + toReturn.toString()); _log.debug("The PortalBeanLocatorUtil stacktrace (java.lang.Exception) is acceptable in dev"); return toReturn; } } return null; } /** * * @param httpServletRequest the httpServletRequest object * @return the instance of the user * @see GCubeUser */ public long getCurrentGroupId(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { String groupIdNo = httpServletRequest.getHeader(VRE_ID_ATTR_NAME); if (groupIdNo != null) { long groupId = -1; try { groupId = Long.parseLong(groupIdNo); return groupId; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.error("The groupId is not a number -> " + groupId); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("This groupId does not belong to any group in this portal -> " + groupId); } } else { if (!isWithinPortal()) { long toReturn = readGroupIdPropertyFile(); _log.debug("getCurrentGroup devMode into IDE detected, returning groupid = " + toReturn); _log.debug("The PortalBeanLocatorUtil stacktrace (java.lang.Exception) is acceptable in dev"); return toReturn; } } return -1; } /** * * @param httpServletRequest the httpServletRequest object * @return the instance of the user * @see GCubeUser */ public String getCurrentUserToken(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { String groupIdNo = httpServletRequest.getHeader(VRE_ID_ATTR_NAME); String userToken = null; if (groupIdNo != null) { String scope = getCurrentScope(httpServletRequest); String username = getCurrentUser(httpServletRequest).getUsername(); try { ScopeProvider.instance.set(scope); userToken = authorizationService().resolveTokenByUserAndContext(username, scope); SecurityTokenProvider.instance.set(userToken); } catch (ObjectNotFound ex) { userToken = generateAuthorizationToken(username, scope); SecurityTokenProvider.instance.set(userToken); _log.debug("generateAuthorizationToken OK for " + username + " in scope " + scope); } catch (Exception e) { _log.error("Error while trying to generate token for user " + username + "in scope " + scope); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } else { if (isWithinPortal()) { _log.warn("It seems your app is running in Liferay but not context was set on this (HttpServletRequest) request"); } else { String toReturn = readTokenPropertyFile(); _log.debug("getCurrentToken devMode into IDE detected, returning scope: " + toReturn.toString()); _log.debug("The PortalBeanLocatorUtil stacktrace (java.lang.Exception) is acceptable in dev"); return toReturn; } } return userToken; } /** * * @param username * @param scope * @throws Exception */ private static String generateAuthorizationToken(String username, String scope) { List userRoles = new ArrayList<>(); userRoles.add(DEFAULT_ROLE); String token; try { token = authorizationService().generateUserToken(new UserInfo(username, userRoles), scope); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } return token; } /** * * @return true if you're running into the portal, false if in development */ private boolean isWithinPortal() { try { UserLocalServiceUtil.getService(); return true; } catch (Exception ex) { _log.trace("Development Mode ON"); return false; } } /** * * @return the value of the scopes */ public List getVOs() { List toReturn = new ArrayList(); if (vos == null || vos.equals("")) return toReturn; String[] split = vos.split(","); for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { toReturn.add(split[i].trim()); } return toReturn; } /** * * @deprecated use getConfiguration().getGatewayName() method * read the portal instance name from a property file and returns it */ @Deprecated public static String getPortalInstanceName() { return getConfiguration().getGatewayName(); } /** * * @param httpServletRequest * @return the gateway URL until the first slash, e.g. http(s)://, if the URL uses standard http(s) port like 80 or 443 the port is not returned. */ public String getGatewayURL(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { String serverName = httpServletRequest.getServerName(); String toReturn = (httpServletRequest.isSecure()) ? "https://" : "http://" ; //server name toReturn += serverName; //port if (httpServletRequest.isSecure()) toReturn += (httpServletRequest.getServerPort() == 443) ? "" : ":"+httpServletRequest.getServerPort() ; else toReturn += (httpServletRequest.getServerPort() == 80) ? "" : ":"+httpServletRequest.getServerPort() ; return toReturn; } /** * * @param serverName e.g. * @param serverPort * @param secure * @return the gateway URL until the first slash, e.g. http(s)://, if the URL uses standard http(s) port like 80 or 443 the port is not returned. */ public String getGatewayURL(String serverName, int serverPort, boolean secure) { return PortalUtil.getPortalURL(serverName, serverPort, secure); } /** * @deprecated use getGatewayURL(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) * @return the basic gateway url */ @Deprecated public String getGatewayURL() { Long defaultCompanyId = PortalUtil.getDefaultCompanyId(); try { CompanyLocalServiceUtil.getCompany(defaultCompanyId); return PortalUtil.getPortalURL(CompanyLocalServiceUtil.getCompany(defaultCompanyId).getVirtualHostname(), 443, true); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } /** * * @param request * @return the landing page path of the current Site e.g. "/group/i-marine" */ public String getSiteLandingPagePath(final HttpServletRequest request) { String sitePath = ""; Group site; try { site = getSiteFromServletRequest(request); if (site.getPrivateLayoutsPageCount() > 0) { sitePath = getGroupFriendlyURL(site); } else { _log.debug(site.getName() + " site doesn't have any private page. Default landing page will be used"); } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sitePath; } /** * * @param serverName e.g. * @return the landing page path of the current Site e.g. "/group/i-marine" */ public String getSiteLandingPagePath(final String serverName) { String sitePath = ""; Group site; try { site = getSiteFromServerName(serverName); if (site.getPrivateLayoutsPageCount() > 0) { sitePath = getGroupFriendlyURL(site); } else { _log.debug(site.getName() + " site doesn't have any private page. Default landing page will be used"); } }catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return sitePath; } /** * * @param request * @return the current Group instance based on the request */ private Group getSiteFromServletRequest(final HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { String serverName = request.getServerName(); Group site = null; List vHosts = VirtualHostLocalServiceUtil.getVirtualHosts(0, VirtualHostLocalServiceUtil.getVirtualHostsCount()); for (VirtualHost virtualHost : vHosts) { if (virtualHost.getHostname().compareTo("localhost") != 0 && virtualHost.getLayoutSetId() != 0 && virtualHost.getHostname().compareTo(serverName) == 0) { long layoutSetId = virtualHost.getLayoutSetId(); site = LayoutSetLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutSet(layoutSetId).getGroup(); return site; } } _log.warn("serverName is " + serverName + " but i could not find any virtualHost associated to it"); return null; } /** * * @param serverName e.g. * @return the Liferay Group instance responding to the servename passed as parameter */ private Group getSiteFromServerName(final String serverName) throws Exception { _log.debug("serverName passed is " + serverName); Group site = null; List vHosts = VirtualHostLocalServiceUtil.getVirtualHosts(0, VirtualHostLocalServiceUtil.getVirtualHostsCount()); for (VirtualHost virtualHost : vHosts) { _log.debug("Found " + virtualHost.getHostname()); if (virtualHost.getHostname().compareTo("localhost") != 0 && virtualHost.getLayoutSetId() != 0 && virtualHost.getHostname().compareTo(serverName) == 0) { long layoutSetId = virtualHost.getLayoutSetId(); site = LayoutSetLocalServiceUtil.getLayoutSet(layoutSetId).getGroup(); _log.debug("Found match! Your site is " + site.getName()); return site; } } return null; } /** * @param request * @param currentGroup * @param isPrivate * @param isUser * @return */ private static String getGroupFriendlyURL(final Group currentGroup) throws Exception { String friendlyURL = GCubePortalConstants.PREFIX_GROUP_URL; StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(friendlyURL).append(currentGroup.getFriendlyURL()); return sb.toString(); } /** * * @param serverName e.g. * @return the current Site Name based on the servername (e.g. */ public String getGatewayName(final String serverName) { String toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_NAME; try { Group currSite = getSiteFromServerName(serverName); toReturn = currSite.getName(); } catch (Exception e) { toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_NAME; _log.error("Could not read Site Custom Attr: " + CustomAttributeKeys.GATEWAY_SITE_NAME.getKeyName() + ", returning default Gateway Name " + toReturn); } return toReturn; } /** * * @param request the HttpServletRequest instance of your servlet * @return the current Site Name based on the request */ public String getGatewayName(HttpServletRequest request) { String toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_NAME; try { Group currSite = getSiteFromServletRequest(request); toReturn = currSite.getName(); } catch (Exception e) { toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_NAME; _log.error("Could not read Site Custom Attr: " + CustomAttributeKeys.GATEWAY_SITE_NAME.getKeyName() + ", returning default Gateway Name " + toReturn); } return toReturn; } /** * read the infrastructure gateway name from a property file and returns it * @deprecated use getGatewayName(HttpServletRequest request) */ @Deprecated public String getGatewayName() { //get the portles to look for from the property file Properties props = new Properties(); String toReturn = ""; try { String propertyfile = getCatalinaHome() + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator + ""; File propsFile = new File(propertyfile); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load( fis); toReturn = props.getProperty(GCubePortalConstants.GATEWAY_NAME); } //catch exception in case properties file does not exist catch(IOException e) { toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_NAME; _log.error(" file not found under $CATALINA_HOME/conf dir, returning default Portal Name " + toReturn); return toReturn; } _log.debug("Returning Gateway Name: " + toReturn ); return toReturn; } /** * * @param request the HttpServletRequest instance of your servlet * @return the sender (from) email address for the current Site based on the request */ public String getSenderEmail(HttpServletRequest request) { String toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_EMAIL; try { Group currSite = getSiteFromServletRequest(request); toReturn = (String) new LiferayGroupManager().readCustomAttr(currSite.getGroupId(), CustomAttributeKeys.GATEWAY_SITE_EMAIL_SENDER.getKeyName()); } catch (Exception e) { toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_EMAIL; _log.error("Could not read Site Custom Attr: " + CustomAttributeKeys.GATEWAY_SITE_EMAIL_SENDER.getKeyName() + ", returning default Gateway Email Sender " + toReturn); } return toReturn; } /** * * @param serverName e.g. * @return the sender (from) email address for the current Site based on the request */ public String getSenderEmail(final String serverName) { String toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_EMAIL; try { Group currSite = getSiteFromServerName(serverName); toReturn = (String) new LiferayGroupManager().readCustomAttr(currSite.getGroupId(), CustomAttributeKeys.GATEWAY_SITE_EMAIL_SENDER.getKeyName()); } catch (Exception e) { toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_EMAIL; _log.error("Could not read Site Custom Attr: " + CustomAttributeKeys.GATEWAY_SITE_EMAIL_SENDER.getKeyName() + ", returning default Gateway Email Sender " + toReturn); } return toReturn; } /** * read the sender (from) email address for notifications name from a property file and returns it * @deprecated use getSenderEmail(HttpServletRequest request) */ @Deprecated public String getSenderEmail() { //get the portles to look for from the property file Properties props = new Properties(); String toReturn = ""; try { String propertyfile = getCatalinaHome() + File.separator + "conf" + File.separator + ""; File propsFile = new File(propertyfile); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load( fis); toReturn = props.getProperty(GCubePortalConstants.SENDER_EMAIL); } //catch exception in case properties file does not exist catch(IOException e) { toReturn = DEFAULT_GATEWAY_EMAIL; _log.error(" file not found under $CATALINA_HOME/conf dir, returning default Email" + toReturn); return toReturn; } _log.debug("Returning SENDER_EMAIL: " + toReturn ); return toReturn; } /** * for development purposes only */ protected static GCubeUser readUserFromPropertyFile() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getGCubeDevHome()); sb.append(File.separator) .append(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME); String propertyfile = sb.toString(); File propsFile = new File(propertyfile); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load( fis); long userId = -1; String username = props.getProperty(DEV_USERNAME_ATTR); String email = props.getProperty(DEV_USER_EMAIL_ATTR); String firstName = props.getProperty(DEV_USER_NAME_ATTR); String middleName = ""; String lastName = props.getProperty(DEV_USER_LASTNAME_ATTR); String fullname = firstName + lastName; long registrationDate = -1; String userAvatarId = "-1"; boolean male = true; String jobTitle = "TestingAccount"; List emailAddresses = new ArrayList<>(); return new GCubeUser(userId, username, email, firstName, middleName, lastName, fullname, registrationDate, userAvatarId, male, jobTitle, emailAddresses); } catch(IOException e) { _log.error(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME + " file not found under $GCUBE_DEV_HOME dir"); return null; } } /** * for development purposes only */ private static String readTokenPropertyFile() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getGCubeDevHome()); sb.append(File.separator) .append(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME); String propertyfile = sb.toString(); File propsFile = new File(propertyfile); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load( fis); String token = props.getProperty(DEV_TOKEN_ATTR); if (token != null && token.compareTo("") != 0) return token; else { _log.error("Token property "+ DEV_TOKEN_ATTR + " is missing or empty in the property file " + propertyfile); return null; } } catch(IOException e) { _log.error(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME + " file not found under $GCUBE_DEV_HOME dir"); return null; } } /** * for development purposes only */ private static String readContextPropertyFile() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getGCubeDevHome()); sb.append(File.separator) .append(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME); String propertyfile = sb.toString(); File propsFile = new File(propertyfile); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load( fis); String scope = props.getProperty(DEV_SCOPE_ATTR); if (scope.startsWith(SCOPE_SEPARATOR)) return scope; else { _log.error("Scope is not valid, does not start with " + SCOPE_SEPARATOR); return null; } } catch(IOException e) { _log.error(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME + " file not found under $GCUBE_DEV_HOME dir"); return null; } } /** * for development purposes only */ private static String readGroupNamePropertyFile() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getGCubeDevHome()); sb.append(File.separator) .append(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME); String propertyfile = sb.toString(); File propsFile = new File(propertyfile); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load( fis); String groupName = props.getProperty(DEV_GROUP_NAME_ATTR); if (groupName != null && !groupName.isEmpty()) return groupName; else { _log.error("groupName is not valid, check property " + DEV_GROUP_NAME_ATTR); return null; } } catch(IOException e) { _log.error(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME + " file not found under $GCUBE_DEV_HOME dir"); return null; } } /** * for development purposes only */ private static long readGroupIdPropertyFile() { Properties props = new Properties(); try { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(getGCubeDevHome()); sb.append(File.separator) .append(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME); String propertyfile = sb.toString(); File propsFile = new File(propertyfile); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(propsFile); props.load( fis); String groupIdNo = props.getProperty(DEV_GROUP_ID_ATTR); long groupId = -1; if (groupIdNo != null) { try { groupId = Long.parseLong(groupIdNo); return groupId; } catch (NumberFormatException e) { _log.error("The groupId is not a number -> " + groupIdNo); } } else { _log.error("groupId is not valid, check property " + DEV_GROUP_ID_ATTR); return -1L; } } catch(IOException e) { _log.error(GCUBE_DEV__CONTEXT_PROPERTY_FILENAME + " file not found under $GCUBE_DEV_HOME dir"); return -1L; } return -1L; } /** * * @return $CATALINA_HOME */ private static String getCatalinaHome() { return (System.getenv("CATALINA_HOME").endsWith("/") ? System.getenv("CATALINA_HOME") : System.getenv("CATALINA_HOME")+"/"); } /** * * @return $GCUBE-DEV-HOME */ private static String getGCubeDevHome() { return (System.getenv("GCUBE_DEV_HOME").endsWith("/") ? System.getenv("GCUBE_DEV_HOME") : System.getenv("GCUBE_DEV_HOME")+"/"); } }