package org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server; import; import; import; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import javax.persistence.EntityManagerFactory; import javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter; import; import org.gcube.common.portal.PortalContext; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsConstant; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsService; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.database.EntityManagerFactoryCreator; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.persistence.GenericPersistenceDaoBuilder; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.ContextUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.DataMinerUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.DatabaseUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.GsonUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.HttpCallerUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.PortalContextInfo; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.ServiceParameters; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.csv.CSVReader; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.csv.CSVWriter; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.dataminer.DMServiceResponse; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.dataminer.DataMinerOutputData; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.server.util.tozipview.ZipExtractorUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.FileContentType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.KPI; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.OutputFile; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.Population; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.PopulationType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.csv.CSVFile; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.csv.CSVRow; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.dataminer.DataMinerResponse; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.exceptions.SessionExpired; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.performfishservice.PerformFishInitParameter; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.performfishservice.PerformFishResponse; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayGroupManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeGroup; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * The server side implementation of the RPC service. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * Jan 16, 2019 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class PerformFishAnalyticsServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements PerformFishAnalyticsService { protected static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PerformFishAnalyticsServiceImpl.class); private SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("dd-MM-yyyy 'at' HH:mm:ss-SSS z"); /** * Gets the DB factory. * * @return the DB factory * @throws Exception * the exception */ private EntityManagerFactory getDBFactory() throws Exception { if(ContextUtil.isSessionExpired(this.getThreadLocalRequest())) throw new SessionExpired("The session is expired"); //PortalContextInfo pContext = ContextUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); EntityManagerFactoryCreator.instanceLocalMode(); EntityManagerFactory dbFactory = EntityManagerFactoryCreator.getEntityManagerFactory(); new DatabaseUtil().fillDatabaseIfEmpty(dbFactory, this.getThreadLocalRequest().getServletContext()); return dbFactory; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.servlet.GenericServlet#destroy() */ @Override public void destroy() { super.destroy(); try{"Closing DB Factory"); EntityManagerFactoryCreator.instanceLocalMode(); EntityManagerFactory dbFactory = EntityManagerFactoryCreator.getEntityManagerFactory(); dbFactory.close(); // String dbFolderPath = EntityManagerFactoryCreator.getPersistenceFolderPath(); // FileUtil.deleteDirectoryRecursion(new File(dbFolderPath).toPath());"DB Factory closed correctly"); }catch(Exception e){"Error occurred on closing the DB Factory: ",e); } } /** * Gets the list population type. * * @param populationName * the population name * @return the list population type * @throws Exception * the exception */ @Override public List getListPopulationType(String populationName) throws Exception {"Getting PopulationType for populationName: "+populationName); if(ContextUtil.isSessionExpired(this.getThreadLocalRequest())) throw new SessionExpired("The session is expired"); try{ EntityManagerFactory dbFactory = getDBFactory(); GenericPersistenceDaoBuilder builderPopulation = new GenericPersistenceDaoBuilder( dbFactory, Population.class.getSimpleName()); List listPopulation = builderPopulation.getPersistenceEntity().getList(); List listPopulationType; for (Population population : listPopulation) { if (population.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(populationName)) { listPopulationType = population.getListPopulationType(); if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ for (PopulationType populationType : listPopulationType) { log.debug(populationType.toString()); } } List listPopulationTypeDTO = ToAvoidIndirectSerialization.toGWTSerializable(listPopulationType, population, true);"Returning "+listPopulationTypeDTO.size()+ " type/s for population name: "+populationName); return listPopulationTypeDTO; } } // NO POPULATION TYPES"No population type found for population name: "+populationName); return new ArrayList(); }catch(Exception e){ log.error("Error on loading types of Population for population name: "+populationName, e); throw new Exception("Error on loading types of Population for population name: "+populationName); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsService#getPopulationTypeWithListKPI(java.lang.String) */ @Override public PopulationType getPopulationTypeWithListKPI(String populationTypeId) throws Exception{"Getting PopulationType with its list of KPI for id: "+populationTypeId); if(ContextUtil.isSessionExpired(this.getThreadLocalRequest())) throw new SessionExpired("The session is expired"); try{ EntityManagerFactory dbFactory = getDBFactory(); GenericPersistenceDaoBuilder builderPopulationType = new GenericPersistenceDaoBuilder( dbFactory, PopulationType.class.getSimpleName()); Map filterMap = new HashMap(); filterMap.put("id",populationTypeId); List listPopType = builderPopulationType.getPersistenceEntity().getList(filterMap, -1, -1); if(listPopType==null || listPopType.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("No population type found for id: "+populationTypeId); //BUILDING HIERARCHICAL LIST OF KPI PopulationType selectedPopType = listPopType.get(0); List listGWTKPI = new ArrayList(selectedPopType.getListKPI().size()); for (KPI toKPI : selectedPopType.getListKPI()) { KPI gwtKPI = convert(toKPI); gwtKPI.setPopulationType(selectedPopType);//I'm setting population type only at first level //gwtKPI.setLeaf(toKPI.getListKPI()==null || toKPI.getListKPI().isEmpty()); listGWTKPI.add(gwtKPI); } List listPopulationTypeDTO = ToAvoidIndirectSerialization.toGWTSerializable(listPopType, null, false); PopulationType toReturn = listPopulationTypeDTO.get(0); toReturn.setListKPI(listGWTKPI); if(log.isDebugEnabled()){ for (KPI kpi : toReturn.getListKPI()) { log.debug(kpi.toString()); } }"Returning type "+toReturn.getName()+" having list of KPI count: "+toReturn.getListKPI().size()); return toReturn; }catch(Exception e){ log.error("Error on loading list of KPI for popluation type with id: "+populationTypeId, e); throw new Exception("Error on loading list of KPI for popluation type with id: "+populationTypeId); } } /** * Convert. * * @param kpi the kpi * @return the kpi */ private KPI convert(KPI kpi){ if(kpi.getListKPI()==null){ log.trace("LEAF "+kpi); return getGWTKPI(kpi, null); } KPI gwtKPI = getGWTKPI(kpi, null); log.trace("Converted: "+gwtKPI); for (KPI kpiChild : kpi.getListKPI()) { KPI convertedChild = convert(kpiChild); if(gwtKPI.getListKPI()==null){ List listKPI = new ArrayList(); gwtKPI.setListKPI(listKPI); } gwtKPI.getListKPI().add(convertedChild); } log.trace("Filled children of: "+gwtKPI.getName()); if(gwtKPI.getListKPI()!=null){ for (KPI chKPI : gwtKPI.getListKPI()) { log.trace("\t"+chKPI); } } return gwtKPI; } /** * Gets the gwtkpi. * * @param toKPI the to kpi * @param populationType the population type * @return the gwtkpi */ private KPI getGWTKPI(KPI toKPI, PopulationType populationType){ KPI gwtKPI = new KPI(toKPI.getId(),toKPI.getCode(),toKPI.getName(),toKPI.getDescription(), null,populationType,toKPI.getDeepIndex()); gwtKPI.setLeaf(toKPI.getListKPI()==null || toKPI.getListKPI().isEmpty()); return gwtKPI; } /** * Check grant to access farm id. * * @param farmID the farm id * @return true, if successful * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public boolean checkGrantToAccessFarmID(String farmID) throws Exception{ if(ContextUtil.isSessionExpired(this.getThreadLocalRequest())) throw new SessionExpired("The session is expired");"Checking the rights to access the farmID {} for current user",farmID); if(ContextUtil.isWithinPortal()){ GCubeUser currentUser = PortalContext.getConfiguration().getCurrentUser(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); long userId = currentUser.getUserId();"User {} has the userId {}",currentUser.getUsername(), userId); long farmId = -1; try{ farmId = Long.parseLong(farmID); }catch(Exception e){ log.error("Error parsing the farmID "+farmID+" as long", e); } log.debug("Parsed FARM_ID as long is: "+farmId); if(farmId == -1){ throw new Exception("Your input farm ID seems to be not valid. Please contact the D4Science support"); } List groups = new LiferayGroupManager().listGroupsByUser(userId); log.debug("Groups retrieved from LR are: "+groups); for (GCubeGroup g : groups) { log.debug("Checking the group id: "+g.getGroupId()); if (g.getGroupId() == farmId){"GCubeGroup matching the FARM_ID "+farmId+" found!"); return true; } }"GCubeGroup matching the FARM_ID "+farmId+" NOT found!"); return false; }else{ //IN TEST MODE NOT CHECKING NOTHING"I'm in testing mode, grant the rights to access the farmID {} for current user",farmID); return true; } } /** * Decrypt and valid parameters. * * @param initParams the init params * @return the perform fish init parameter * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public PerformFishInitParameter decryptAndValidParameters(PerformFishInitParameter initParams) throws Exception{ Map inputParameters = initParams.getParameters(); try{"Decrypting init parameters: "+inputParameters); Set keyParameters = inputParameters.keySet(); PerformFishInitParameter decrypted = new PerformFishInitParameter(); //TODO UNCOMMENT THIS FOR RELEASE /*if(!ContextUtil.isWithinPortal()){ return initParams; } for (String key : keyParameters) { String decParam = StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().decrypt(initParams.getParameters().get(key)); decrypted.addParameter(key, decParam); } //HERE WE CAN VALIDATE THE FARM_ID PortalContextInfo pContext = ContextUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); pContext.getUsername();"Returning decrypted params: "+decrypted.toString()); return decrypted;*/ }catch(Exception e){ log.error("Error on decripting your init parameters: "+initParams.toString(), e); throw new Exception("Error on decripting your init parameters: "+initParams.toString()); } String farmID = inputParameters.get(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.FARMID_PARAM); boolean grantAccess = checkGrantToAccessFarmID(farmID); if(!grantAccess) throw new Exception("You have not rights to access to this FARM. You does not belong to it."); return initParams; } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsService#submitRequestToPerformFishService(java.util.Map) */ @Override public PerformFishResponse submitRequestToPerformFishService(Map> mapParameters) throws Exception{"Submitting request with parameters: "+mapParameters); ServiceParameters performFishService = null; try{ performFishService = ContextUtil.getPerformFishService(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); }catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error on getting the perform fish service from IS: "+performFishService, e); throw new Exception("Error on getting the perform fish service from IS: "+performFishService+" Please contact the suport"); } String serviceURL = performFishService.getUrl() + "/performance"; log.debug("Calling service: "+serviceURL); HttpCallerUtil httpCaller = new HttpCallerUtil(serviceURL, null, null); String gCubeToken = ContextUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()).getUserToken(); //mapParameters.put("gcube-token", Arrays.asList(ContextUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()).getUserToken())); String response; try { Date startTime = getCurrentTimeToDate(System.currentTimeMillis()); log.debug("The request to perform-fish performed just now {}", dateFormat.format(startTime)); response = httpCaller.callGet(null, mapParameters, gCubeToken); Date endTime = getCurrentTimeToDate(System.currentTimeMillis());"The response is: "+response +" with status: "+httpCaller.getStatusCode());"The perform-fish response returned just now {}. Response returned in {} "+ TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toString(), dateFormat.format(endTime), getDateDiff(startTime, endTime, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); if(response==null) throw new Exception("The response is null"); Map theResponseParams = GsonUtil.toMap(response); log.debug("The response was converted into map: "+theResponseParams); UUID respSessionID = UUID.randomUUID(); //ContextUtil.getPerformFishService(UUID.randomUUID()); return new PerformFishResponse(theResponseParams, respSessionID.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error interacting with the service: "+performFishService.getUrl() +" with parameters: "+mapParameters, e); throw new Exception("There was an error interacting with the "+ContextUtil.PERFORM_SERVICE+" in this VRE (" + ContextUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()).getCurrentScope()+ ")" + ". Please report this issue at"); } } /** * Gets the current time to date. * * @param currentTime the current time * @return the current time to date */ private Date getCurrentTimeToDate(long currentTime) { return new Date(currentTime); //return dateFormat.format(resultdate); } /** * Get a diff between two dates. * * @param date1 the oldest date * @param date2 the newest date * @param timeUnit the unit in which you want the diff * @return the diff value, in the provided unit */ public static long getDateDiff(Date date1, Date date2, TimeUnit timeUnit) { long diffInMillies = date2.getTime() - date1.getTime(); return timeUnit.convert(diffInMillies,TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsService#callingDataMinerPerformFishCorrelationAnalysis(org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.performfishservice.PerformFishResponse, java.util.Map) */ @Override public DataMinerResponse callingDataMinerPerformFishCorrelationAnalysis(PerformFishResponse peformFishReponse, Map> mapParameters) throws Exception{"Validating Perform-Fish service response..."); String URLToBatchesTable = peformFishReponse.getMapParameters().get(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.BATCHES_TABLE); if(URLToBatchesTable==null || URLToBatchesTable.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("Something seems "+PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.BATCHES_TABLE+ " is null or emty"); //Checking that the perform-fish PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.BATCHES_TABLE has at least 1 row CSVFile csvFile = readCSVFile(URLToBatchesTable);"CSVFile read from {} - {}", URLToBatchesTable, csvFile); if(csvFile==null || csvFile.getValueRows() == null || csvFile.getValueRows().size()> dmRequestParameters = new HashMap>(); dmRequestParameters.put("request", Arrays.asList("Execute")); dmRequestParameters.put("service", Arrays.asList("WPS")); dmRequestParameters.put("Version", Arrays.asList("1.0.0")); //dmRequestParameters.put("gcube-token", Arrays.asList(pContext.getUserToken())); dmRequestParameters.put("lang", Arrays.asList("en-US")); dmRequestParameters.put("Identifier", Arrays.asList("org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mappedclasses.transducerers.PERFORMFISH_ANALYSIS")); ServiceParameters dataMinerService = ContextUtil.getDataMinerService(this.getThreadLocalRequest());"Found DM service: "+dataMinerService.getUrl() + " int this scope: "+pContext.getCurrentScope()); // if(!ContextUtil.isWithinPortal()){ // dataMinerService = new ServiceParameters("", null, null, dmRequestParameters); //"I'm in TEST MODE replacing it with HARD CODED: "+dataMinerService); // } dataMinerService.setProperties(dmRequestParameters); //Addding client parameters to DM service request dmRequestParameters.putAll(mapParameters); DMServiceResponse dmResponse = null; String response; try{ response = new HttpCallerUtil(dataMinerService.getUrl(), null, null).performGETRequestWithRetry(dmRequestParameters, pContext.getUserToken(), 5); if(response==null){ log.error("The presponse returned is null"); throw new Exception("The presponse returned is null"); } dmResponse = DataMinerUtil.parseResult(dataMinerService.getUrl(), response); }catch(Exception e){ throw new Exception("The service did not produce any result. Change your selection and try again."); } if(dmResponse == null || dmResponse.isWithError()) throw new Exception("The response returned by DM service contains an Exception Status. (The call is: "+dmResponse.getHttpRequestURL()+"). Please report this issue at"); try{ DataMinerOutputData toDMOutputData = null; List listOut = dmResponse.getListDMOutputData(); for (DataMinerOutputData dataMinerOutputData : listOut) { //I'm using this specific output data of DM if(dataMinerOutputData.getFileDescription().contains("outputCharts")){"The output: "+dataMinerOutputData.getFileDescription()+ " with: "+dataMinerOutputData.getMimeType()+" is the candidate to unzip"); toDMOutputData = dataMinerOutputData; break; } } if(toDMOutputData==null || toDMOutputData.getPublicURL()==null) throw new Exception("The response returned by DM service does not contain a file to unzip with name: 'outputCharts'. Please report this issue at"); String theZipFileURL = toDMOutputData.getPublicURL();"I'm using the file: "+theZipFileURL); FileContentType filter = FileContentType.CSV; ZipExtractorUtil zipExt = new ZipExtractorUtil(theZipFileURL, Arrays.asList(filter)); List output = zipExt.getOutputFiles();"Extracted output of type {} as list {}: ",filter,output); output = manageOutputsForPerformFishAnalysis(output);"Managed output of type {} as list {}: ",filter,output); DataMinerResponse theDMResponse = new DataMinerResponse(peformFishReponse, output); log.debug("Returning {}",theDMResponse); return theDMResponse; }catch(Exception e){ log.error("There was an error extracting the DataMiner response from your request: ", e); throw new Exception("The service did not produce any result. Change your request and try again."); } } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsService#callingDataMinerPerformFishAnalysis(org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.performfishservice.PerformFishResponse, java.util.Map) */ @Override public DataMinerResponse callingDataMinerPerformFishAnalysis(Map> mapParameters) throws Exception{"Calling the DM service with client parameters: "+mapParameters.toString()); PortalContextInfo pContext = ContextUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); Map> dmRequestParameters = new HashMap>(); dmRequestParameters.put("request", Arrays.asList("Execute")); dmRequestParameters.put("service", Arrays.asList("WPS")); dmRequestParameters.put("Version", Arrays.asList("1.0.0")); //dmRequestParameters.put("gcube-token", Arrays.asList(pContext.getUserToken())); dmRequestParameters.put("lang", Arrays.asList("en-US")); dmRequestParameters.put("Identifier", Arrays.asList("org.gcube.dataanalysis.wps.statisticalmanager.synchserver.mappedclasses.transducerers.PERFORMFISH_ANALYSIS")); ServiceParameters dataMinerService = ContextUtil.getDataMinerService(this.getThreadLocalRequest());"Found DM service: "+dataMinerService.getUrl() + " int this scope: "+ContextUtil.getPortalContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest()).getCurrentScope()); dataMinerService.setProperties(dmRequestParameters); //Addding client parameters to DM service request dmRequestParameters.putAll(mapParameters); DMServiceResponse dmResponse = null; String response; try{ response = new HttpCallerUtil(dataMinerService.getUrl(), null, null).performGETRequestWithRetry(dmRequestParameters, pContext.getUserToken(), 5); if(response==null){ log.error("The presponse returned is null"); throw new Exception("The presponse returned is null"); } dmResponse = DataMinerUtil.parseResult(dataMinerService.getUrl(), response); }catch(Exception e){ throw new Exception("The service did not produce any result. Change your selection and try again."); } if(dmResponse == null || dmResponse.isWithError()) throw new Exception("The response returned by DM service contains an Exception Status. (The call is: "+dmResponse.getHttpRequestURL()+"). Please report this issue at"); try{ DataMinerOutputData toDMOutputData = null; List listOut = dmResponse.getListDMOutputData(); for (DataMinerOutputData dataMinerOutputData : listOut) { //I'm using this specific output data of DM if(dataMinerOutputData.getFileDescription().contains("outputCharts")){"The output: "+dataMinerOutputData.getFileDescription()+ " with: "+dataMinerOutputData.getMimeType()+" is the candidate to unzip"); toDMOutputData = dataMinerOutputData; break; } } if(toDMOutputData==null || toDMOutputData.getPublicURL()==null) throw new Exception("The response returned by DM service does not contain a file to unzip with name: 'outputCharts'. Please report this issue at"); String theZipFileURL = toDMOutputData.getPublicURL();"I'm using the file: "+theZipFileURL); FileContentType filter = null; ZipExtractorUtil zipExt = new ZipExtractorUtil(theZipFileURL, null); List output = zipExt.getOutputFiles();"Extracted output of type {} as list {}: ",filter,output); DataMinerResponse theDMResponse = new DataMinerResponse(null, output); log.debug("Returning {}",theDMResponse); return theDMResponse; }catch(Exception e){ log.error("There was an error extracting the DataMiner response from your request: ", e); throw new Exception("The service did not produce any result. Change your request and try again."); } } /** * Manage outputs for perform fish analysis. * * @param output the output * @return the list */ public List manageOutputsForPerformFishAnalysis(List output) { OutputFile theOutputFile = null; try { Map> theLegendMap = new HashMap>(); for (OutputFile outputFile : output) { log.trace("outputFile: {}", outputFile.getName()); if(outputFile.getName().toLowerCase().contains("legend") && outputFile.getDataType().equals(FileContentType.CSV)){ log.debug("Found legend file: {}", outputFile.getName()); CSVFile theLegendFile = getCSVFile(outputFile, false); List rows = theLegendFile.getValueRows(); //CREATING FROM *_legend_* CSV //THE LEGEND WITH FIRST VALUE AS KEY AND REMAINING VALUES AS PROPERTIES for (CSVRow csvRow : rows) { theLegendMap.put(csvRow.getListValues().get(0), csvRow.getListValues().subList(1, csvRow.getListValues().size())); } break; } } if(theLegendMap.size()>0){"Legend created as {}", theLegendMap.toString()); for (OutputFile outputFile : output) { //THE FILE MUST NOT CONTAINT *_legend_* IN THE NAME if(!outputFile.getName().toLowerCase().contains("legend") && outputFile.getDataType().equals(FileContentType.CSV)){ CSVFile theCorrelationFile = getCSVFile(outputFile, true); try{ theOutputFile = createCSVWithLegendValues(theCorrelationFile, theLegendMap); }catch(Exception e){ log.warn("Error thrown creating the CSV File with legend returning the original output file {}", outputFile); theOutputFile = outputFile; } break; } } }else{ log.warn("The Legend file not found returning the original output files {}", output); return output; } return Arrays.asList(theOutputFile); }catch (Exception e) { log.warn("Error occured managing the CSV File returing the original files extracted form .zip {}", output); return output; } } /** * Creates the csv with legend values. * * @param theCorrelationFile the the correlation file * @param theLegendMap the the legend map * @return the output file * @throws Exception the exception */ private OutputFile createCSVWithLegendValues(CSVFile theCorrelationFile, Map> theLegendMap) throws Exception{ CSVWriter cswWriter = null; try{ CSVRow headerRow = theCorrelationFile.getHeaderRow(); java.nio.file.Path path = Files.createTempFile("With_Legend_"+theCorrelationFile.getFileName(), ".csv"); log.debug("Created temp file: {}", path.getFileName()); File tempFile = path.toFile(); cswWriter = new CSVWriter(tempFile); StringBuilder lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String headerValue : headerRow.getListValues()) { if(theLegendMap.containsKey(headerValue)){ List legendValue = theLegendMap.get(headerValue); for (String value : legendValue) { lineBuilder.append(value); lineBuilder.append(","); } }else{ lineBuilder.append(headerValue); lineBuilder.append(","); } } String headerLine = lineBuilder.toString(); headerLine = removeLastChar(headerLine); log.debug("Writed header line: {}", headerLine); cswWriter.writeCSVLine(headerLine); for (CSVRow cswRow : theCorrelationFile.getValueRows()) { lineBuilder = new StringBuilder(); for (String csvValue : cswRow.getListValues()) { if(theLegendMap.containsKey(csvValue)){ List legendValue = theLegendMap.get(csvValue); for (String value : legendValue) { lineBuilder.append(value); lineBuilder.append(","); } }else{ lineBuilder.append(csvValue); lineBuilder.append(","); } } String csvLine = lineBuilder.toString(); csvLine = removeLastChar(csvLine); log.debug("Writed line: {}", csvLine); cswWriter.writeCSVLine(csvLine); } OutputFile output = new OutputFile(); output.setDataType(FileContentType.CSV); output.setName(tempFile.getName()); output.setServerLocation(tempFile.getAbsolutePath()); return output; }catch(Exception e){"Error on creating CSV File with legend: ", e); throw new Exception("Error on creating CSV File with legend"); }finally{ try{ if(cswWriter!=null) cswWriter.closeWriter(); }catch(Exception e){ //silent } } } /** * Removes the last char. * * @param str the str * @return the string */ private static String removeLastChar(String str) { if(str==null || str.length()<1) return str; return str.substring(0, str.length() - 1); } /** * Gets the CSV file. * * @param file the file * @param deleteAfter the delete after * @return the CSV file * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public CSVFile getCSVFile(OutputFile file, boolean deleteAfter) throws Exception{ File theFile = null; try{ if(file==null || file.getServerLocation()==null || file.getServerLocation().isEmpty()){ throw new Exception("Invalid image file null"); } theFile = new File(file.getServerLocation()); CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(theFile); CSVFile csvFile = reader.getCsvFile(); csvFile.setFileName(file.getName()); return csvFile; }catch(Exception e){ log.error("There was an error extracting getting the CSV file: "+file.getName(), e); throw new Exception("There was an error extracting getting the CSV file: "+file.getName() + ". Please report this issue at"); }finally{ //delete the file; if(theFile!=null && deleteAfter){ try{ Files.deleteIfExists(theFile.toPath()); }catch(Exception e){ //silent } } } } /** * Gets the CSV file. * * @param theFileURL the the file url * @return the CSV file * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public CSVFile readCSVFile(String theFileURL) throws Exception{"Trying to read a csv file from URL: {}",theFileURL); File theFile = null; if(theFileURL==null){ throw new Exception("Invalid file URL. It is null"); } URL theURL; try{ theURL = new URL(theFileURL); log.debug("URL: {} created correclty",theURL.toString()); }catch(MalformedURLException e){ log.error("There input URL "+theFileURL+" is malformed URL", e); throw new Exception("There input URL "+theFileURL+" is malformed URL" + ". Please report this issue at"); } try{ theFile = ZipExtractorUtil.createTempFile("CVS_FILE_"+UUID.randomUUID(), ".csv", copyToByteArray(theURL)); CSVReader reader = new CSVReader(theFile); return reader.getCsvFile(); }catch(Exception e){ log.error("There was an error getting the CSV file from URL "+theURL.getRef(), e); throw new Exception("There was an error getting the CSV file: "+theURL.getRef() + ". Please report this issue at"); } } /** * Copy to byte array. * * @param url the url * @return the byte[] * @throws Exception the exception */ public byte[] copyToByteArray(URL url) throws Exception{ ByteArrayOutputStream baos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); InputStream is = null; try { is = url.openStream (); byte[] byteChunk = new byte[4096]; // Or whatever size you want to read in at a time. int n; while ( (n = > 0 ) { baos.write(byteChunk, 0, n); } return baos.toByteArray(); } catch (IOException e) { log.error("Failed while reading bytes from %s: %s", url.toExternalForm(), e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("Copy to byte array error"); } finally { if (is != null) { try{ is.close(); baos.close(); }catch(Exception e){ //silent } } } } /** * Gets the image file. * * @param file the file * @return the image file * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public String getImageFile(OutputFile file) throws Exception{ File theFile = null; try{ if(file==null || file.getServerLocation()==null || file.getServerLocation().isEmpty()){ throw new Exception("Invalid image file null"); } theFile = new File(file.getServerLocation()); byte[] imageContent = Files.readAllBytes(theFile.toPath()); // System.out.println(""); return ""; }catch(Exception e){ log.error("There was an error getting the image file: "+file.getName(), e); throw new Exception("There was an error getting the image file: "+file.getName() + ". Please report this issue at"); }finally{ //delete the file; if(theFile!=null){ try{ Files.deleteIfExists(theFile.toPath()); }catch(Exception e){ //silent } } } } }