package org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.viewannualbinder; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.DataMinerAlgorithms; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsConstant; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.PFSERVICE_TO_DM_MAPPING_TABLE; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.PerformFishAnalyticsServiceAsync; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.annualcontrollers.DataMinerInputParameters; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.annualcontrollers.PerformFishAnnualAnalyticsViewController; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.resources.PerformFishResources; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.view.LoaderIcon; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.viewbinder.ShowResult; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.client.viewbinder.SubmitRequestPanel; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.FileContentType; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.KPI; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.OutputFile; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.csv.CSVFile; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.dataminer.DataMinerResponse; import org.gcube.portlets.user.performfishanalytics.shared.performfishservice.PerformFishResponse; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Alert; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Tab; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.AlertType; import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.IconType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; public class BoxPlotAnnualPanelResult { private Map boxPlotOrderBy = new HashMap(); private PerformFishAnnualAnalyticsViewController viewAnnualController; private int outputIteration = 0; private int outputNumber = 2; private int requestId = 0; public BoxPlotAnnualPanelResult(int reqId, PerformFishAnnualAnalyticsViewController viewAnnualController, PerformFishResponse thePerformFishResponse, final DataMinerAlgorithms algorithm, String focusID, List inputKPI, final List outputKPI) { GWT.log("RequestID: " + reqId); requestId = reqId; this.viewAnnualController = viewAnnualController; TextResource algDescr = PerformFishResources.INSTANCE.farm_BOXPLOT(); String algDesrTxt = algDescr != null ? algDescr.getText() : null; // TODO final String tabTitle = algorithm.getTitle(); final String tabDescr = algDesrTxt; final SubmitRequestPanel submitRequestPanel = new SubmitRequestPanel("", 1); Tab tab = viewAnnualController.createTab(tabTitle + " #" + (viewAnnualController.currentNumberOfTab() + 1), algDesrTxt, submitRequestPanel); HorizontalPanel res = new HorizontalPanel(); Button savePDFButton = new Button(); savePDFButton.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(10, Unit.PX); savePDFButton.setIcon(IconType.PRINT); savePDFButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { saveFilePDF(algorithm.getId(), tabTitle, tabTitle, tabDescr, requestId, outputIteration, outputNumber); // dmResponse.getListOutput().size() } }); res.add(savePDFButton); submitRequestPanel.addWidget(res); int oIteration = 0; submitRequestPanel.setTotalRequests(inputKPI.size()); for (KPI kpi : inputKPI) { oIteration++; String title = "KPI: " + kpi.getName(); HTML toBigTitle = new HTML(title); toBigTitle.getElement().setId("KPI_BoxPlotAnnual_" + requestId + "_" + oIteration); toBigTitle.getElement().addClassName("to-big-title"); submitRequestPanel.addWidget(toBigTitle); HorizontalPanel hp = new HorizontalPanel(); hp.getElement().addClassName("ext-horizontal-panel"); DataMinerInputParameters dmInputParams = new DataMinerInputParameters(thePerformFishResponse, viewAnnualController.getSelectedYears(), Arrays.asList(kpi), null, algorithm, focusID); callDataMinerServiceForChart(dmInputParams, submitRequestPanel, hp, tab, oIteration); // resultPanel.add(hp); submitRequestPanel.addWidget(hp); } outputIteration = oIteration; GWT.log("outputInteration: " + outputIteration); } /** * Call data miner service for chart. * * @param dmInputParameters * the dm input parameters * @param requestPanel * the request panel * @param panelContainer * the panel * @param tab * the tab * @param tabDescr * @param tabTitle */ private void callDataMinerServiceForChart(final DataMinerInputParameters dmInputParameters, final SubmitRequestPanel requestPanel, final ComplexPanel panelContainer, final Tab tab, final int oIteration) { GWT.log("Building DM request with input parameters: " + dmInputParameters); StringBuilder dataInputsFormatter = new StringBuilder(); dataInputsFormatter .append(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.DM_CHARTTYPE_PARAM + "=" + dmInputParameters.getChartType() + ";"); String yearsValue = ""; for (String year : dmInputParameters.getSelectedYears()) { yearsValue += year + "|"; } yearsValue = yearsValue.substring(0, yearsValue.length() - 1); dataInputsFormatter.append(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.DM_YEARS_PARAM + "=" + yearsValue + ";"); dataInputsFormatter .append(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.DM_FOCUS_PARAM + "=" + dmInputParameters.getFocusID() + ";"); // dataInputsFormatter.append(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.DM_FOCUS_PARAM+"=ID;"); if (dmInputParameters.getInputKPI() != null && dmInputParameters.getInputKPI().size() > 0) { String kpiCodes = ""; for (KPI kpi : dmInputParameters.getInputKPI()) { kpiCodes += kpi.getCode() + "|"; } // remove last | kpiCodes = kpiCodes.substring(0, kpiCodes.length() - 1); GWT.log("Input KPICodes: " + kpiCodes); // ADDING KPIs code dataInputsFormatter.append(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.DM_INPUT_KPI_PARAM + "=" + kpiCodes + ";"); } if (dmInputParameters.getOutputKPI() != null && dmInputParameters.getOutputKPI().size() > 0) { String kpiCodes = ""; for (KPI kpi : dmInputParameters.getOutputKPI()) { kpiCodes += kpi.getCode() + "|"; } // remove last | kpiCodes = kpiCodes.substring(0, kpiCodes.length() - 1); GWT.log("Output KPICodes: " + kpiCodes); // ADDING KPIs code dataInputsFormatter.append(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.DM_OUTPUT_KPI_PARAM + "=" + kpiCodes + ";"); } Map performFishResponseMap = dmInputParameters.getPerformFishResponse().getMapParameters(); dataInputsFormatter = appendDMInputTable(performFishResponseMap, dataInputsFormatter, PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.PFSERVICE_TO_DM_MAPPING_TABLE.LethalIncidentsTable); dataInputsFormatter = appendDMInputTable(performFishResponseMap, dataInputsFormatter, PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.PFSERVICE_TO_DM_MAPPING_TABLE.AnnualTable); dataInputsFormatter = appendDMInputTable(performFishResponseMap, dataInputsFormatter, PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.PFSERVICE_TO_DM_MAPPING_TABLE.AntibioticsTable); dataInputsFormatter = appendDMInputTable(performFishResponseMap, dataInputsFormatter, PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.PFSERVICE_TO_DM_MAPPING_TABLE.AntiparasiticTable); String dataInParameters = dataInputsFormatter.toString(); GWT.log("Calling DM service with client input parameters: " + dataInParameters); Map> mapParameters = new HashMap>(); mapParameters.put(PerformFishAnalyticsConstant.DATA_INPUTS, Arrays.asList(dataInParameters)); final LoaderIcon loaderIcon = new LoaderIcon( "Submitting request to " + dmInputParameters.getChartType().getTitle() + " Analysis..."); loaderIcon.setVisible(true); panelContainer.setVisible(true); panelContainer.add(loaderIcon); Scheduler.get().scheduleDeferred(new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { loaderIcon.setFocus(true); } }); PerformFishAnalyticsServiceAsync.Util.getInstance().callingDataMinerPerformFishAnnualAnalysis(mapParameters, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onSuccess(DataMinerResponse dmResponse) { loaderIcon.setVisible(false); checkTabSpinner(requestPanel, tab); // field_unary_algorithm.setVisible(true); GWT.log("I'm displaying: " + dmResponse); displayOutputFilesAsStaticEntities(dmResponse, dmInputParameters.getChartType(), dmInputParameters.getInputKPI(), dmInputParameters.getOutputKPI(), dmInputParameters.getFocusID(), panelContainer, false, oIteration); } @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { loaderIcon.setVisible(false); checkTabSpinner(requestPanel, tab); displayOutputFilesAsStaticEntities(null, dmInputParameters.getChartType(), dmInputParameters.getInputKPI(), dmInputParameters.getOutputKPI(), dmInputParameters.getFocusID(), panelContainer, true, oIteration); } }); } /** * Append DM input table. * * @param performFishResponseMap * the perform fish response map * @param dataInputsFormatter * the data inputs formatter * @param table * the table * @return the string builder */ private StringBuilder appendDMInputTable(Map performFishResponseMap, StringBuilder dataInputsFormatter, PFSERVICE_TO_DM_MAPPING_TABLE table) { String toDMInputTable = performFishResponseMap.get(table.getPerformFishTable()); if (toDMInputTable != null && !toDMInputTable.isEmpty()) { dataInputsFormatter.append(table.getDataMinerTable() + "=" + toDMInputTable + ";"); } return dataInputsFormatter; } private String getOutputId(int oIteration, String title) { if (title.startsWith("My")) { return null; } else if (title.startsWith("All")) { String outputId = "OutputId_" + requestId + "_" + oIteration + "_" + 1; return outputId; } else { String outputId = "OutputId_" + requestId + "_" + oIteration + "_" + 2; return outputId; } } private void displayOutputFilesAsStaticEntities(final DataMinerResponse dmResponse, final DataMinerAlgorithms chartType, List inputKPIs, List outputKPIs, final String focusID, final Panel container, boolean displayError, final int oIteration) { String title = displayError ? "No results " : ""; if (displayError) { Alert alert = new Alert(title); alert.setType(AlertType.ERROR); alert.setClose(false); alert.getElement().getStyle().setMargin(10, Unit.PX); container.add(alert); return; } final String toTitle = title; for (OutputFile outputFile : dmResponse.getListOutput()) { final FileContentType fileContentType = outputFile.getDataType(); switch (outputFile.getDataType()) { case IMAGE: PerformFishAnalyticsServiceAsync.Util.getInstance().getImageFile(outputFile, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // showAlert(caught.getMessage(), // AlertType.ERROR, true, // uib_vp_deanalanlysis_request_container); Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(String base64Content) { String title = toTitle; title = chartType.getTitle() + " - on all farm data
"; title += "Blue dots indicate the selected farm: " + focusID; String outputId = getOutputId(oIteration, title); ShowResult showResult = new ShowResult(outputId, title, fileContentType); showResult.showImage(base64Content); displayingOrderedBoxPlot(dmResponse, title, container, showResult); } }); break; case CSV: PerformFishAnalyticsServiceAsync.Util.getInstance().getCSVFile(outputFile, true, new AsyncCallback() { @Override public void onFailure(Throwable caught) { // showAlert(caught.getMessage(), // AlertType.ERROR, true, // uib_vp_deanalanlysis_request_container); Window.alert(caught.getMessage()); } @Override public void onSuccess(CSVFile result) { GWT.log("Displaying: " + result); String cssTableStyle = "simpletable"; String title = toTitle; if (result.getFileName().contains("_user")) { title = "My Batch(es)"; return; } else { title = "All farm data in the VRE (including mine)"; } title += "
"; title += "Data aggregation is performed by considering farms as base units"; String outputId = getOutputId(oIteration, title); ShowResult showResult = new ShowResult(outputId, title, fileContentType); showResult.showCSVFile(result, cssTableStyle); displayingOrderedBoxPlot(dmResponse, title, container, showResult); } }); break; default: break; } } } private void displayingOrderedBoxPlot(final DataMinerResponse dmResponse, String title, final Panel container, ShowResult showResult) { int hashcode = dmResponse.hashCode(); GWT.log("The hascode is: " + hashcode); FlexTable flex = boxPlotOrderBy.get(hashcode); if (flex == null) { GWT.log("The flextable is null"); flex = new FlexTable(); boxPlotOrderBy.put(hashcode, flex); container.add(flex); } if (title.startsWith("My")) { flex.setWidget(0, 0, showResult); } else if (title.startsWith("All")) { flex.setWidget(0, 1, showResult); } else { flex.setWidget(0, 2, showResult); } } /** * Remove the spinner if all DM responses are returned. * * @param requestPanel * the request panel * @param tab * the tab */ private void checkTabSpinner(SubmitRequestPanel requestPanel, Tab tab) { requestPanel.incrementCompletedRequests(); int completed = requestPanel.getCompletedRequests(); int total = requestPanel.getTotalRequests(); if (completed >= total) { viewAnnualController.noSpinner(tab); } } private static native void saveFilePDF(String chartType, String filename, String tabTitle, String tabDescr, int requestId, int outputIteration, int outputNumber)/*-{ var that = this; console.log('saveFilePDF()'); console.log('requestId: ' + requestId); console.log('OutputIteration: ' + outputIteration); console.log('OutputNumber:' + outputNumber); var tTitle = tabTitle; var tDescr = tabDescr; var pdoc = new jsPDF("p", "mm", "a4"); pdoc.setProperties({ title : 'PerformFish ' + tTitle, subject : ' Results', author : 'PerformFish', keywords : 'PerformFish', creator : 'D4Science' }); var lMargin = 15; //left margin in mm var rMargin = 15; //right margin in mm var tMargin = 15; //top margin in mm var bMargin = 15; //bottom margin in mm var pdfWidthInMM = 210; // width of A4 in mm var pdfHeightInMM = 297; // height of A4 in mm var pageCenter = pdfWidthInMM / 2; pdoc.setFontSize(24); var title = "PerformFish " + tTitle; var titleHeight = pdoc.getLineHeight(title) / pdoc.internal.scaleFactor var xPos = lMargin; var yPos = tMargin; pdoc.text(title, pageCenter, yPos, 'center'); yPos += titleHeight; pdoc.setFontSize(10); var lineHeight = pdoc.getLineHeight(tDescr) / pdoc.internal.scaleFactor var splittedAnalysisDescription = pdoc.splitTextToSize(tDescr, (pdfWidthInMM - lMargin - rMargin)); var lines = splittedAnalysisDescription.length // splitted text is a string array var analysisDescriptionHeight = lines * lineHeight pdoc.text(splittedAnalysisDescription, xPos, yPos, 'left'); yPos += analysisDescriptionHeight; //yPos += 2; //pdoc.text("Analysis:", xPos, yPos, 'left'); yPos += 6; for (var i = 1; i <= outputIteration; i++) { var kpiId = 'KPI_BoxPlotAnnual_' + requestId + '_' + i; console.log('kpiId: ' + kpiId); var kpiName = $doc.getElementById(kpiId); yPos += 2; pdoc.setFontSize(14); pdoc.setFontType("bold"); var kpiText = kpiName.textContent; var kpiHeight = pdoc.getLineHeight(kpiText) / pdoc.internal.scaleFactor; var splittedKpiName = pdoc.splitTextToSize(kpiText, (pdfWidthInMM - lMargin - rMargin)); var kpiLines = splittedKpiName.length; // splitted text is a string array var kpiLinesHeight = kpiLines * kpiHeight; pdoc.text(splittedKpiName, xPos, yPos, 'left'); yPos += kpiLinesHeight; yPos += 6; pdoc.setFontSize(10); pdoc.setFontType("normal"); for (var j = 1; j <= outputNumber; j++) { var outputId = 'OutputId_' + requestId + '_' + i + '_' + j; console.log('OutputId: ' + outputId); var resultOutputNumber = $doc.getElementById(outputId); console.log('OutputId_: ' + resultOutputNumber.innerHTML); var resultType = resultOutputNumber.className; console.log('resultOutputNumber className: ' + resultType); if (typeof resultType !== 'undefined' && resultType !== null && resultType !== '') { if (resultType == 'csv') { console.log('Result Type csv: ' + i); // foo could get resolved and it's defined var childrenTable = resultOutputNumber.children; var titleCurrentTable = childrenTable[0].rows[0].cells[0]; console.log('Title current table: ' + titleCurrentTable.textContent); yPos += 2; pdoc.setFontSize(10); pdoc.setFontType("bold"); pdoc.text(titleCurrentTable.textContent, xPos, yPos, 'left'); yPos += 6; pdoc.setFontSize(10); pdoc.setFontType("normal"); var secondDiv = childrenTable[0].rows[1].cells[0]; var secondTable = secondDiv.children[0].children[0]; console.log('CSV SecondTable: ' + secondTable); pdoc.autoTable({ theme : 'grid', startY : yPos, pageBreak : 'auto', bodyStyles : { fontSize : 9 }, html : secondTable }); yPos = pdoc.previousAutoTable.finalY + 6; } else { if (resultType == 'image') { console.log('Result Type image: ' + i); var childrenTable = resultOutputNumber.children; var titleCurrentImage = childrenTable[0].rows[0].cells[0]; console.log('Title current image: ' + titleCurrentImage.textContent); yPos += 2; pdoc.setFontSize(10); pdoc.setFontType("bold"); pdoc.text(titleCurrentImage.textContent, xPos, yPos, 'left'); yPos += 6; pdoc.setFontSize(10); pdoc.setFontType("normal"); var secondDiv = childrenTable[0].rows[1].cells[0]; var imageElement = secondDiv.getElementsByTagName( 'img').item(0); console.log('Image element: ' + imageElement); pdoc.addImage(imageElement, lMargin, yPos); console.log('Image Height: ' + imageElement.height); yPos += (imageElement.height * 0.26458333); } else { console.log('Result Type unknow: ' + i); } } } else { console.log('Result Type is undefined:' + i); } } if (i < outputIteration) { //var numberOfPages=pdoc.internal.getNumberOfPages(); //console.log('NumberOfPages: '+numberOfPages); var currentPage = pdoc.internal.getCurrentPageInfo().pageNumber; console.log('CurrentPage: ' + currentPage); var footner = 'Page ' + currentPage; pdoc.text(footner, pageCenter, pdfHeightInMM - 7, 'center'); pdoc.addPage(); yPos = tMargin; // Restart position } else { if (i = outputIteration) { var currentPage = pdoc.internal.getCurrentPageInfo().pageNumber; console.log('CurrentPage: ' + currentPage); var footner = 'Page ' + currentPage; pdoc.text(footner, pageCenter, pdfHeightInMM - 7, 'center'); } } } console.log('Done');; }-*/; }