WP_FOLDER_SHARE=Sharing of workspace folders with you WP_FOLDER_UNSHARE=Someone unshared a folder of yours form his workspace WP_FOLDER_ADDEDUSER=Someone added users one to one of your workspace shared folder WP_FOLDER_REMOVEDUSER=Someone removed users from one of your workspace shared folder WP_FOLDER_RENAMED=Someone renamed one of your workspace shared folder WP_ITEM_DELETE=Someone deleted an item in one of your workspace shared folder WP_ITEM_UPDATED=Someone updated an item in one of your workspace shared folder WP_ITEM_RENAMED=Someone renamed an item in one of your workspace shared folder WP_ITEM_NEW=Someone added an item in one of your workspace shared folder WP_ADMIN_UPGRADE=Someone upgraded you as workspace shared folder admin WP_ADMIN_DOWNGRADE=Someone downgraded you from workspace shared folder admin OWN_COMMENT=Someone replied to your post COMMENT=Someone replied a post you also commented MENTION=Someone mentioned you in a post LIKE=Someone liked your post MESSAGE=Someone sent you a message POST_ALERT=Someone shared a post enabling the email notification CALENDAR_ADDED_EVENT=Someone added a new event in one of your shared calendars CALENDAR_UPDATED_EVENT=Someone edited an event in one of your shared calendars CALENDAR_DELETED_EVENT=Someone deleted an event in one of your shared calendars TDM_TAB_RESOURCE_SHARE=Sharing of Tabular Resources with you TDM_RULE_SHARE=Sharing of Tabular Data Manager Rules with you TDM_TEMPLATE_SHARE=Sharing of Tabular Data Manager Templates with you JOB_COMPLETED_OK=The result of any Job you launched completed successfully JOB_COMPLETED_NOK=The result of any Job you launched reported errors