You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

235 lines
8.7 KiB

component="" date="2019-19-22">
<Change>HTML markup is not only escaped as it was but also displayed as simple text</Change>
<Change>Cleaned up code to remove print stack traces</Change>
component="" date="2019-07-17">
<Change>Fixed Bug #17181, post editing leads to losing both formatting and mentions</Change>
component="" date="2019-05-22">
<Change>Fixed Bug #16724, Social networking: "See more" seems to reload a
post with part of the old look and feel</Change>
<Change>Fixed Bug #16673, News Feed: comments with links between parenthesis
not recognised</Change>
component="" date="2019-01-25">
<Change>Feature #16205: News Feed avoid refresh page when user is
<Change>Minor CSS fix for anchors links font size</Change>
<Change>Bug fix #16225 mentions and replies http links not working in
some email notifications</Change>
<Change>Feature #16452, Revise posts look and feel</Change>
component="" date="2018-04-12">
<Change>Removed previous jquery js load script and useless deprecated
component="" date="2018-03-07">
<Change>Ported to GWT 2.8.2</Change>
<Change>Fix for Incident #11187 citing a people (with '@') in comments
is not working anymore
Feature #11189: Social-Networking - citing a people (with '@')
in comments loses the focus.
<Change>Feature #10192 allow to sort feeds per recent comments
<Change>Bug #7841 lack of blank space to separate the query term when
hashtag is used
<Change>Support for ticket #11139</Change>
<Change>Enhanced efficiency when retrieving mentioned users or groups
in comments
component="" date="2017-11-13">
<Change>fixes for Incident #10262: Cannot see who liked posts on VREs
of Parthenos
<Change>Feature #10242: add comment taking up to 3 seconds sometime to
be delivered in the UI now shows a loader
<Change>Ported to GWT 2.8.1</Change>
component="" date="2017-02-20">
<Change>fixes for changes to the underneath
<Change>Minor css fix </Change>
<Change>Refactored to the new version of elastic search client's
<Change>Feature #7212, do not apologies if no posts are present and
try to engage the user to post something.
component="" date="2016-12-02">
<Change>removed asl session</Change>
<Change>Increased general performance and bugfixes</Change>
<Change>fetching of users list to mention in comments loaded on demand
component="" date="2016-10-29">
<Change>Support to show feeds related to user's statistics added
<Change>Fixed time for comments/posts: the year is present only if the
was made before the current one
component="" date="2016-06-29">
<Change>Updated for Liferay 6.2.5</Change>
component="" date="2016-02-29">
<Change>Full-text search supported</Change>
component="" date="2016-01-22">
<Change>Multi-attachment supported</Change>
<Change>Image preview available</Change>
component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-12-0" date="2015-11-12">
<Change>Fix for Bug #246, editing changes comment "metadata" namely
component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-11-0" date="2015-10-12">
<Change>Integrated workspace explorer widget and replace light tree
<Change>Fix for Bug #195, Post dates lack the year
component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-10-0" date="2015-07-15">
<Change>Revised the way we shorten posts' text when this is very long,
better heuristic used
<Change>Fixed bug #320, Users tagging does not work if @ is in the
middle of already typed text, works for hashtags too
<Change>Revised mail notification message formatting, user text is now
more clear and visible
<Change>Revised the way we provide back links for posts, removed
assumption that News Feed is always present the default community
page, good for single VRE portals support
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-9-0"
<Change>Integrated gwt-bootstrap and revised css</Change>
<Change>Ported to GWT 2.7.0</Change>
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-8-2"
<Change>added ClientScopeHandler to help prevent the back button cache
problem in Chrome and Firefox
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-8-1"
<Change>fixed see more problem with commercial ands (amps;) not being
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-8-0"
<Change>Added support for hashtags</Change>
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-7-1"
<Change>Fixed bug that was allowing to like posts even if the user had
the session expired.
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-7-0"
Fixed bug loosing session when messaging user from the news
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-6-4"
<Change>Implemented the automatic scroll back in time for feeds (in
VRE scope)
<Change>Added possibility to unlike alread liked posts</Change>
<Change>Added possibility to mention users in comments</Change>
<Change>Added default comment inputbox at the bottom of feed comments,
if any
<Change>Added avatar replacement if user has no avatar</Change>
<Change>Fixed double notifications for post owner who commented his
<Change>Fixed double notifications for post owner who liked his post
<Change>Fixed user referral problem when post was deleted </Change>
<Change>Added session checking popup</Change>
<Change>Fixed paste problem on replies</Change>
<Change>Preserve new lines in comments implemented</Change>
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-5-0"
<Change>Moved to Java7</Change>
<Change>Added configuration file for VRE Labels</Change>
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-4-0"
<Change>Moved to GWT 2.5.1</Change>
<Change>Ported to Feather Weight Stack</Change>
<Change>Removed GCF Dependency</Change>
<Change>Logging with sl4j Enabled</Change>
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-2-0"
<Change>Fix for support Ticket #708</Change>
<Change>Fix for support Ticket #636</Change>
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-1-0"
<Change>Open single feed separately enhancement implemeented #1818
<Change>links redirects correctly to user profiles</Change>
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.1-0-0"
<Change>Smart Refresh Support Added #1539</Change>
<Change>Show HTTP URL in replies as HTML anchor links #1542</Change>
<Change>Replies on App Feed exception fixed #580 prod. support
<Change>Add Tag people in News Feed Portlet #1535</Change>
<Change>Notify people involved in post thread #1576</Change>
<Change>Scope Dependent News Feed #1561</Change>
<Change>Open single feed in new Window Support #1599</Change>
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.0-2-0"
<Change>User who favorite a post gets notified is someone comments on
that post
<Changeset component="org.gcube.portlets-user.newsfeed.0-1-0"
<Change>First Release</Change>