package org.gcube.portlets.user.newsfeed.client; import org.gcube.social_networking.socialnetworking.model.shared.ClientPost; import org.gcube.social_networking.socialnetworking.model.shared.JSON; import org.gcube.portlets.user.newsfeed.client.panels.NewsFeedPanel; import; import; /** * * @author Massimiliano Assante, CNR-ISTI * * This class uses Liferay's Client-side+Inter-Portlet-Communication for displaying post created in the Share Updates portlet * @see * */ public class NewsFeed implements EntryPoint { private final String UNIQUE_DIV = "newsfeedDIV"; private NewsFeedPanel mainPanel; private static NewsFeedPanel instance; public static NewsFeedPanel getInstance() { if (instance == null) { instance = new NewsFeedPanel(); } return instance; } public void onModuleLoad() { injectLiferayIPCEventReceiver(); exportReceiveEventJavascriptFunction(); mainPanel = getInstance(); RootPanel.get(UNIQUE_DIV).add(mainPanel); } /** * this is a JSNI method that injects the Liferay Javascript function listening for events from ShareUpdates */ public static native void injectLiferayIPCEventReceiver() /*-{ try { $wnd.Liferay.on('newPostCreated',function(event) { $wnd.handleReceiveEvent(event.payload); }); } catch(err) { $wnd.console.log('error subscribing to newPostCreated events, acceptable in dev'); } }-*/; /** * this is a JSNI method mapping the Javascript function handleReceiveEvent to the Java method handleReceiveEvent */ public static native void exportReceiveEventJavascriptFunction()/*-{ $wnd.handleReceiveEvent = @org.gcube.portlets.user.newsfeed.client.NewsFeed::handleReceiveEvent(*); }-*/; /** * the Java method handleReceiveEvent * @param jsonizedClientPostInstance the jsonized {@link ClientPost} sent by ShareUpdates */ public static void handleReceiveEvent(String jsonizedClientPostInstance) { ClientPost cp = (ClientPost) JSON.parse(jsonizedClientPostInstance); getInstance().addJustAddedFeed(cp); } }