Support to show feeds related to user's statistics added
Fixed time for comments/posts: the year is present only if the
was made before the current one
Updated for Liferay 6.2.5
Full-text search supported
Multi-attachment supported
Image preview available
Fix for Bug #246, editing changes comment "metadata" namely
Integrated workspace explorer widget and replace light tree
Fix for Bug #195, Post dates lack the year
Revised the way we shorten posts' text when this is very long,
better heuristic used
Fixed bug #320, Users tagging does not work if @ is in the
middle of already typed text, works for hashtags too
Revised mail notification message formatting, user text is now
more clear and visible
Revised the way we provide back links for posts, removed
assumption that News Feed is always present the default community
page, good for single VRE portals support
Integrated gwt-bootstrap and revised css
Ported to GWT 2.7.0
added ClientScopeHandler to help prevent the back button cache
problem in Chrome and Firefox
fixed see more problem with commercial ands (amps;) not being
Added support for hashtags
Fixed bug that was allowing to like posts even if the user had
the session expired.
Fixed bug loosing session when messaging user from the news
Implemented the automatic scroll back in time for feeds (in
VRE scope)
Added possibility to unlike alread liked posts
Added possibility to mention users in comments
Added default comment inputbox at the bottom of feed comments,
if any
Added avatar replacement if user has no avatar
Fixed double notifications for post owner who commented his
Fixed double notifications for post owner who liked his post
Fixed user referral problem when post was deleted
Added session checking popup
Fixed paste problem on replies
Preserve new lines in comments implemented
Moved to Java7
Added configuration file for VRE Labels
Moved to GWT 2.5.1
Ported to Feather Weight Stack
Removed GCF Dependency
Logging with sl4j Enabled
Fix for support Ticket #708
Fix for support Ticket #636
Open single feed separately enhancement implemeented #1818
links redirects correctly to user profiles
Smart Refresh Support Added #1539
Show HTTP URL in replies as HTML anchor links #1542
Replies on App Feed exception fixed #580 prod. support
Add Tag people in News Feed Portlet #1535
Notify people involved in post thread #1576
Scope Dependent News Feed #1561
Open single feed in new Window Support #1599
User who favorite a post gets notified is someone comments on
that post
First Release