Social Collaboration Facilities BLUE Overview
This portal offers three major facilities for collaboration: Collaboration Environments, Social Networking services, and Shared Workspace.
Collaboration Environments are dedicated working environments offering selected services in addition to the social networking services and the shared workspace. Each environment serves a community.
Social networking services realize a shared status wall where users can post messages, share links and files with their coworkers.
The Shared Workspace, is a service for managing files in the cloud. Through the workspace you can manage, upload and delete files as you wish. You can share folders with any users you like so as to maximize collaboration among members.
Discover more about the Collaboration Facilities through this quick tour, click next.
Join New
You can check the Collaboration Environments and the communities available on the System by clicking on Join New in the top menu of this page.
For each Collaboration Environment you can ask to join. Your request will be reviewed by a delegated person in the related community and approved (depending on the scope of the community).
You will be notified whether your request will be approved or not via email. While the request is in the approval phase the related icon will be listed as pending.
In some cases you could be added to a community automatically, should this happen you will be notified via email.
The Dockbar
The Dockbar is very important, it is always on the top of the page and contains 4 icons (links) always accessible as shown in the figure.
Each icon points to a key application of the System, please take few seconds to locate them (on your top-left corner of the page).
  • Home Social is the page behind this tour and contains your personalized news feed;
  • Workspace is the application for sharing your data and for your private cloud storage;
  • Messages allows you to exchange private messages with the other users of the System;
  • Notifications keeps you up-to-date to what is happening and it is related to you. To know how to tune/change how you get notified see the next step.
Please note: whenever you receive a new notification or message the related icon gets red.
Notification Settings
To open the Notification Settings go to the Notifications Page and click Notification Settings (top-right). See the red rectangle in the figure to locate the settings.
Notification Settings are very fine grained. For each Notification type generated by the System you can choose whether to and how to get notified.
For each type of notification you can choose to be notified through this portal, via email or none (by clicking OFF). By default almost all the notification types are set to ON.
News Sharing
When posting a news you can use some useful features:
If you paste a link the System will try to create a preview of it.
If you want to post a file instead use the attachment icon and pick the file from your disk.
You can also use the “@” to mention someone. In this case the mentioned user will receive a notification.
Finally, if you want everyone in a group to be notified about your update, select the +notification to members in the "Share with" dropdown menu. They will receive a notification about your post, unless they decided not to in their settings.
The tour is over, remember to click on the "Don't show this again" checkbox located at the bottom of this window to not make this popup appear in the future. Thank you for taking this tour.