
1575 lines
52 KiB

//package org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.form.catalogue;
//import java.util.ArrayList;
//import java.util.HashMap;
//import java.util.HashSet;
//import java.util.Iterator;
//import java.util.List;
//import java.util.Map;
//import java.util.Map.Entry;
//import java.util.Set;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.MetadataProfileFormBuilderServiceAsync;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.MetadataProfileFormBuilderService;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.form.MetaDataField;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.metadata.CategoryPanel;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.metadata.CustomFieldEntry;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.metadata.MetaDataFieldSkeleton;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.resources.AddResourceContainer;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.resources.AddResourceToDataset;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.resources.AddedResourcesSummary;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.tags.TagsPanel;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.twincolumnselection.TwinColumnSelectionMainPanel;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.client.ui.utils.InfoIconsLabels;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.shared.catalogue.DatasetBean;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.shared.catalogue.OrganizationBean;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.shared.license.LicenseBean;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.shared.metadata.CategoryWrapper;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.shared.metadata.MetaDataProfileBean;
//import org.gcube.portlets.widgets.mpformbuilder.shared.metadata.MetadataFieldWrapper;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.AlertBlock;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Button;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.ControlGroup;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Form;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Icon;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.ListBox;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Paragraph;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Popover;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.Tab;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.TabPanel;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.TextArea;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.TextBox;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.AlertType;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.constants.ControlGroupType;
//import com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui.resources.Bootstrap.Tabs;
// * Create metadata form for ckan product.
// * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR (
// */
//public class CreateDatasetForm extends Composite{
// private static EditMetadataFormUiBinder uiBinder = GWT
// .create(EditMetadataFormUiBinder.class);
// interface EditMetadataFormUiBinder extends
// UiBinder<Widget, CreateDatasetForm> {
// }
// @UiField HTMLPanel createDatasetMainPanel;
// @UiField TextBox titleTextBox;
// @UiField TextArea descriptionTextarea;
// @UiField ListBox licenseListbox;
// @UiField ListBox visibilityListbox;
// @UiField ListBox organizationsListbox;
// @UiField TextBox versionTextbox;
// @UiField TextBox authorTextbox;
// @UiField TextBox authorEmailTextbox;
// @UiField TextBox maintainerTextbox;
// @UiField TextBox maintainerEmailTextbox;
// @UiField ControlGroup customFields;
// @UiField Button addCustomFieldButton;
// @UiField Button createButton;
// @UiField Button resetButton;
// @UiField AlertBlock infoBlock;
// @UiField AlertBlock alertNoResources;
// @UiField AlertBlock onContinueAlertBlock;
// @UiField AlertBlock onCreateAlertBlock;
// @UiField VerticalPanel metadataFieldsPanel;
// @UiField ListBox metadataTypeListbox;
// @UiField Form formFirstStep;
// @UiField Form formSecondStep;
// @UiField Form formThirdStep;
// @UiField Button continueButton;
// @UiField Button goBackButtonSecondStep;
// @UiField Paragraph selectedProfile;
// @UiField Button goToDatasetButton;
// @UiField HorizontalPanel goToDatasetButtonPanel;
// @UiField Button addResourcesButton;
// @UiField SimplePanel workspaceResourcesContainer;
// @UiField Button continueThirdStep;
// @UiField Button goBackButtonFirstStep;
// @UiField Anchor licenseUrlAnchor;
// @UiField Paragraph unavailableUrl;
// @UiField TagsPanel tagsPanel;
// @UiField ListBox groupsListbox;
// // info panels
// @UiField Icon infoIconLicenses;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelLicenses;
// @UiField Popover popoverLicenses;
// @UiField Icon infoIconVisibility;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelVisibility;
// @UiField Popover popoverVisibility;
// @UiField Icon infoIconAuthor;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelAuthor;
// @UiField Popover popoverAuthor;
// @UiField Icon infoIconMaintainerEmail;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelMaintainerEmail;
// @UiField Popover popoverMaintainerEmail;
// @UiField Icon infoIconAuthorEmail;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelAuthorEmail;
// @UiField Popover popoverAuthorEmail;
// @UiField Icon infoIconTypes;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelTypes;
// @UiField Popover popoverTypes;
// @UiField Icon infoIconMaintainer;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelMaintainer;
// @UiField Popover popoverMaintainer;
// @UiField Icon infoIconCustomFields;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelCustomFields;
// @UiField Popover popoverCustomFields;
// @UiField Icon infoIconResources;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelResources;
// @UiField Popover popoverResources;
// @UiField Icon infoIconTitle;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelTitle;
// @UiField Popover popoverGroups;
// @UiField Icon infoIconGroups;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelGroups;
// @UiField Popover popoverTitle;
// @UiField Icon infoIconDescription;
// @UiField Popover popoverDescription;
// @UiField FocusPanel focusPanelDescription;
// @UiField ControlGroup metadataTypesControlGroup;
// @UiField ControlGroup productTitleGroup;
// @UiField ControlGroup maintainerControlGroup;
// @UiField ControlGroup versionControlGroup;
// @UiField ControlGroup organizationsGroup;
// @UiField ControlGroup groupsControlGroup;
// private final MetadataProfileFormBuilderServiceAsync formBuilderService = GWT.create(MetadataProfileFormBuilderService.class);
// private static final String REGEX_TITLE_PRODUCT_SUBWORD = "[^a-zA-Z0-9_.-]";
// private static final String REGEX_MAIL = "\\b[\\w.%-]+@[-.\\w]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}\\b";
// private static final String NONE_PROFILE = "none";
// // error/info messages
// protected static final String ERROR_PRODUCT_CREATION = "There was an error while trying to publish your item.";
// protected static final String PRODUCT_CREATED_OK = "Item correctly published!";
// private static final String TRYING_TO_CREATE_PRODUCT = "Trying to publish the item, please wait...";
// protected static final String MISSING_PUBLISH_RIGHTS = "It seems you are not authorized to publish on catalogue. Request it to the VRE manager or the portal administrator.";
// // tab panel
// private TabPanel tabPanel;
// // add resource form
// private AddResourceToDataset resourceForm;
// // the licenses
// private List<LicenseBean> licenseBean;
// // event bus
// private HandlerManager eventBus;
// // added custom field entries (by the user)
// private List<CustomFieldEntry> customFieldEntriesList = new ArrayList<CustomFieldEntry>();
// // the list of MetaDataField added
// private List<MetaDataField> listOfMetadataFields = new ArrayList<MetaDataField>();
// // dataset metadata bean
// private DatasetBean receivedBean;
// // the owner
// private String owner;
// // workspace request?
// private boolean isWorkspaceRequest = false;
// // resource table
// private TwinColumnSelectionMainPanel resourcesTwinPanel;
// // List of opened popup'ids
// private List<String> popupOpenedIds = new ArrayList<String>();
// // map of organization name title
// private Map<String, String> nameTitleOrganizationMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
// /**
// * Invoked in the most general case
// * @param eventBus the event bus
// */
// public CreateDatasetForm(HandlerManager eventBus) {
// createDatasetFormBody(false, null, eventBus);
// }
// /**
// * Invoked when the workspace is used
// * @param idFolderWorkspace
// * @param eventBus the event bus
// */
// public CreateDatasetForm(String idFolderOrFileWorkspace, HandlerManager eventBus) {
// createDatasetFormBody(true, idFolderOrFileWorkspace, eventBus);
// }
// /**
// * Bind on events
// */
// private void bind() {
// // when a custom field is removed, remove it from the list
// eventBus.addHandler(DeleteCustomFieldEvent.TYPE, new DeleteCustomFieldEventHandler() {
// @Override
// public void onRemoveEntry(DeleteCustomFieldEvent event) {
// customFieldEntriesList.remove(event.getRemovedEntry());
// customFields.remove(event.getRemovedEntry());
// }
// });
// // on close form
// eventBus.addHandler(CloseCreationFormEvent.TYPE, new CloseCreationFormEventHandler() {
// @Override
// public void onClose(CloseCreationFormEvent event) {
// InfoIconsLabels.closeDialogBox(popupOpenedIds);
// }
// });
// }
// /**
// * The real constructor
// * @param isWorkspaceRequest
// * @param idFolderWorkspace
// * @param owner
// * @param eventBus
// */
// private void createDatasetFormBody(final boolean isWorkspaceRequest, final String idFolderOrFileWorkspace, final HandlerManager eventBus){
// initWidget(uiBinder.createAndBindUi(this));
// this.eventBus = eventBus;
// this.isWorkspaceRequest = isWorkspaceRequest;
// bind();
// prepareInfoIcons();
// // disable continue button
// continueButton.setEnabled(false);
// resetButton.setEnabled(false);
// // hide tags panel
// tagsPanel.setVisible(false);
// // check if the user has publishing rights
// setAlertBlock("Checking your permissions, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// ckanServices.isPublisherUser(isWorkspaceRequest, new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() {
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
// if(result){
// // set info block
// setAlertBlock("Retrieving information, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// // get back the licenses and the metadata information
// ckanServices.getDatasetBean(idFolderOrFileWorkspace, new AsyncCallback<DatasetBean>() {
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// setAlertBlock(caught.getMessage(), AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(final DatasetBean bean) {
// if(bean == null){
// setAlertBlock("Error while retrieving information.", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// else{
// // save it
// receivedBean = bean;
// // fill the form
// titleTextBox.setText(bean.getTitle());
// descriptionTextarea.setText(bean.getDescription());
// versionTextbox.setText(String.valueOf(bean.getVersion()));
// authorTextbox.setText(bean.getAuthorSurname() + " " + bean.getAuthorName());
// authorEmailTextbox.setText(bean.getAuthorEmail());
// maintainerTextbox.setText(bean.getAuthorSurname() + " " + bean.getAuthorName());
// maintainerEmailTextbox.setText(bean.getMaintainerEmail());
// setAlertBlock("Retrieving information, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// // vocabulary list of tags has preemption
// List<String> vocabularyTags = bean.getTagsVocabulary();
// tagsPanel.setVocabulary(vocabularyTags);
// // retrieve custom fields
// Map<String, List<String>> customFieldsMap = bean.getCustomFields();
// // TODO Check if these tags are ok for the vocabulary
// if(customFieldsMap != null && vocabularyTags == null){
// // get the keys and put them as tags
// Iterator<Entry<String, List<String>>> iteratorOverCustomField = customFieldsMap.entrySet().iterator();
// while (iteratorOverCustomField.hasNext()) {
// Map.Entry<java.lang.String, java.util.List<java.lang.String>> entry = iteratorOverCustomField
// .next();
// List<String> values = entry.getValue();
// for (String value : values) {
// // these are fixed key, variable value custom fields
// CustomFieldEntry toAdd = new CustomFieldEntry(eventBus, entry.getKey(), value, false);
// customFieldEntriesList.add(toAdd);
// customFields.add(toAdd);
// // add as tag
// tagsPanel.addTagElement(entry.getKey());
// }
// }
// }
// // set it as visible anyway
// tagsPanel.setVisible(true);
// if(isWorkspaceRequest){
// // if there are not resources, for now just checked it ( and hide so that the step will be skipped)
// if(hideManageResources()){
// alertNoResources.setType(AlertType.WARNING);
// alertNoResources.setVisible(true);
// }else
// resourcesTwinPanel = new TwinColumnSelectionMainPanel(bean.getResourceRoot());
// }
// // set organizations
// List<OrganizationBean> organizations = bean.getOrganizationList();
// for (OrganizationBean organization : organizations) {
// organizationsListbox.addItem(organization.getTitle());
// nameTitleOrganizationMap.put(organization.getTitle(), organization.getName());
// }
// // force the selection of the first one, and retrieve the list of profiles
// organizationsListbox.setSelectedIndex(0);
// // add change handler to dynamically retrieve the list of profiles
// organizationsListbox.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() {
// @Override
// public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) {
// event.preventDefault();
// organizationsListboxChangeHandlerBody();
// }
// });
// // get the name of the organization from the title
// final String orgName = nameTitleOrganizationMap.get(organizationsListbox.getSelectedItemText());
// // force tags
// setAlertBlock("Checking for tags vocabulary, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// ckanServices.getTagsForOrganization(orgName, new AsyncCallback<List<String>>() {
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(List<String> vocabulary) {
// tagsPanel.setVocabulary(vocabulary);
// tagsPanel.setVisible(true);
// }
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) {
// setAlertBlock("Error while checking if a vocabulary of tags is defined in the selected organization.", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// tagsPanel.setVisible(true);
// }
// });
// // try to retrieve the profiles
// setAlertBlock("Retrieving types, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// // perform remote request of profiles for the selected organization
// ckanServices.getProfiles(orgName, new AsyncCallback<List<MetaDataProfileBean>>() {
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// setAlertBlock(caught.getMessage(), AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(final List<MetaDataProfileBean> profiles) {
// if(profiles == null){
// setAlertBlock("An unknow error occurred while retrieving types, sorry", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// else{
// receivedBean.setMetadataList(profiles);
// prepareMetadataList(receivedBean);
// organizationsListbox.setEnabled(true);
// metadataTypeListbox.setEnabled(true);
// // try to retrieve the licenses
// setAlertBlock("Retrieving licenses, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// ckanServices.getLicenses(new AsyncCallback<List<LicenseBean>>() {
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught){
// setAlertBlock(caught.getMessage(), AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(List<LicenseBean> licenses) {
// if(licenses != null && !licenses.isEmpty()){
// licenseBean = licenses;
// // fill the listbox
// for(int i = 0; i < licenses.size(); i++){
// licenseListbox.addItem(licenses.get(i).getTitle());
// }
// // set the url of the license, if any
// showLicenseUrl();
// // try to retrieve the licenses
// setAlertBlock("Retrieving groups, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// // request groups
// ckanServices.getUserGroups(orgName, new AsyncCallback<List<OrganizationBean>>() {
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(List<OrganizationBean> groups) {
// if(groups == null){
// setAlertBlock("Error while retrieving groups", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }else{
// if(groups.isEmpty()){
// groupsControlGroup.setVisible(false);
// }
// else{
// // add groups
// for (OrganizationBean group : groups) {
// groupsListbox.addItem(group.getTitle(), group.getName());
// }
// hideGroupsAlreadyInProfile(profiles);
// }
// // everything went ok
// setAlertBlock("", AlertType.ERROR, false);
// continueButton.setEnabled(true);
// resetButton.setEnabled(true);
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// setAlertBlock(caught.getMessage(), AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// });
// }else{
// setAlertBlock("Error while retrieving licenses", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// }
// });
// }
// }
// });
// }
// }
// });
// }else{
// setAlertBlock(MISSING_PUBLISH_RIGHTS, AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// setAlertBlock(MISSING_PUBLISH_RIGHTS, AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// });
// }
// /**
// * When the organization name is changed we need to retrieve the list of profiles and groups
// */
// private void organizationsListboxChangeHandlerBody() {
// // remove any other product profiles
// metadataTypeListbox.clear();
// // add "none" item again
// metadataTypeListbox.addItem(NONE_PROFILE);
// // select "none"
// metadataTypeListbox.setSelectedIndex(0);
// // get the name of the organization from the title
// String selectedOrganizationTitle = organizationsListbox.getSelectedItemText();
// final String orgName = nameTitleOrganizationMap.get(selectedOrganizationTitle);
// // try to retrieve the profiles
// setAlertBlock("Retrieving types, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// // disable the list of organizations name so that the user doesn't change it again
// // also disable the profiles and the list of groups
// organizationsListbox.setEnabled(false);
// metadataTypeListbox.setEnabled(false);
// groupsListbox.clear();
// groupsControlGroup.setVisible(false);
// // perform remote request of profiles for the selected organization
// ckanServices.getProfiles(orgName, new AsyncCallback<List<MetaDataProfileBean>>() {
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(final List<MetaDataProfileBean> profiles) {
// if(profiles != null){
// receivedBean.setMetadataList(profiles);
// prepareMetadataList(receivedBean);
// organizationsListbox.setEnabled(true);
// metadataTypeListbox.setEnabled(true);
// // try to retrieve the licenses
// setAlertBlock("Retrieving groups, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// // request groups
// ckanServices.getUserGroups(orgName, new AsyncCallback<List<OrganizationBean>>() {
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(List<OrganizationBean> groups) {
// if(groups == null){
// setAlertBlock("Error while retrieving groups, try later", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }else{
// if(groups.isEmpty()){
// groupsControlGroup.setVisible(false);
// }
// else{
// // add groups
// for (OrganizationBean group : groups) {
// groupsListbox.addItem(group.getTitle(), group.getName());
// }
// groupsListbox.setEnabled(true);
// hideGroupsAlreadyInProfile(profiles);
// }
// setAlertBlock("", AlertType.ERROR, false);
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// setAlertBlock("Error while retrieving groups, try later", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// });
// // check also for tags (if for that context there is a vocabulary or not)
// tagsPanel.setVisible(false);
// setAlertBlock("Checking for tags vocabulary, please wait...", AlertType.INFO, true);
// ckanServices.getTagsForOrganization(orgName, new AsyncCallback<List<String>>() {
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(List<String> vocabulary) {
// tagsPanel.setVocabulary(vocabulary);
// tagsPanel.setVisible(true);
// setAlertBlock("", AlertType.ERROR, false);
// }
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable arg0) {
// setAlertBlock("Error while checking if a vocabulary of tags is defined in the selected organization.", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// tagsPanel.setVocabulary(null);
// tagsPanel.setVisible(true);
// }
// });
// }else
// setAlertBlock("Error while retrieving types, sorry", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// setAlertBlock("Error while retrieving types, sorry", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// });
// }
// /**
// * Add the items to the listbox and put data into the metadataPanel
// * @param receivedBean
// */
// private void prepareMetadataList(final DatasetBean receivedBean) {
// List<MetaDataProfileBean> profiles = receivedBean.getMetadataList();
// if(profiles != null && !profiles.isEmpty()){
// for(MetaDataProfileBean metadataBean: profiles){
// metadataTypeListbox.addItem(metadataBean.getType());
// // add handler on select
// metadataTypeListbox.addChangeHandler(new ChangeHandler() {
// @Override
// public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) {
// String selectedItemText = metadataTypeListbox.getSelectedItemText();
// metadataFieldsPanel.clear();
// if(selectedItemText.equals(NONE_PROFILE)){
// metadataFieldsPanel.setVisible(false);
// receivedBean.setChosenType(null);
// }else{
// receivedBean.setChosenType(selectedItemText);
// addFields(selectedItemText);
// }
// }
// });
// }
// // hide elements or show them if needed (groups in profiles cannot be present again in groups listbox)
// if(groupsControlGroup.isVisible()){
// List<String> groupsToHide = new ArrayList<String>();
// for(MetaDataProfileBean profile: profiles)
// groupsToHide.add(profile.getType().toString());
// SelectElement se = groupsListbox.getElement().cast();
// for (int i = 0; i < groupsListbox.getItemCount(); i++) {
// if(groupsToHide.contains(groupsListbox.getItemText(i))){
// se.getOptions().getItem(i).getStyle().setProperty("display", "none");
// }else
// se.getOptions().getItem(i).getStyle().setProperty("display", "");
// }
// }
// metadataTypesControlGroup.setVisible(true);
// }else{
// // just hide this listbox
// metadataTypesControlGroup.setVisible(false);
// metadataFieldsPanel.clear();
// listOfMetadataFields.clear();
// receivedBean.setChosenType(null);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Add fields of the selected metadata profile to the widget
// * @param selectedItem
// */
// protected void addFields(String selectedItem) {
// for(MetaDataProfileBean bean: receivedBean.getMetadataList()){
// if(bean.getType().equals(selectedItem)){
// // clear old data
// listOfMetadataFields.clear();
// // prepare the data
// List<MetadataFieldWrapper> fields = bean.getMetadataFields();
// List<CategoryWrapper> categories = bean.getCategories();
// GWT.log("There are " + categories.size() + " categories for profile " + bean.getTitle());
// if(categories == null || categories.isEmpty()){
// for (MetadataFieldWrapper field : fields) {
// /*MetaDataFieldSkeleton fieldWidget;
// try {
// fieldWidget = new MetaDataFieldSkeleton(field, eventBus);
// metadataFieldsPanel.add(fieldWidget);
// listOfMetadataFields.add(fieldWidget);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// GWT.log("Unable to build such widget", e);
// }*/
// MetaDataField fieldWidget;
// try {
// fieldWidget = new MetaDataField(field, eventBus);
// metadataFieldsPanel.add(fieldWidget);
// listOfMetadataFields.add(fieldWidget);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// GWT.log("Unable to build such widget", e);
// }
// }
// }else{
// // create the categories, then parse the fields. Fields do not belonging to a category are put at the end
// for (CategoryWrapper categoryWrapper : categories) {
// if(categoryWrapper.getFieldsForThisCategory() != null && categoryWrapper.getFieldsForThisCategory().size() > 0){
// CategoryPanel cp = new CategoryPanel(categoryWrapper.getTitle(), categoryWrapper.getDescription());
// List<MetadataFieldWrapper> fieldsForThisCategory = categoryWrapper.getFieldsForThisCategory();
// fields.removeAll(fieldsForThisCategory);
// for (MetadataFieldWrapper metadataFieldWrapper : fieldsForThisCategory) {
// /*MetaDataFieldSkeleton fieldWidget;
// try {
// fieldWidget = new MetaDataFieldSkeleton(metadataFieldWrapper, eventBus);
// cp.addField(fieldWidget);
// listOfMetadataFields.add(fieldWidget);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// GWT.log("Unable to build such widget", e);
// }*/
// MetaDataField fieldWidget;
// try {
// fieldWidget = new MetaDataField(metadataFieldWrapper, eventBus);
// cp.addField(fieldWidget);
// listOfMetadataFields.add(fieldWidget);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// GWT.log("Unable to build such widget", e);
// }
// }
// metadataFieldsPanel.add(cp);
// }
// }
// // add the remaining one at the end of the categories
// CategoryPanel extrasCategory = new CategoryPanel("Other", null);
// for (MetadataFieldWrapper field : fields) {
// /*MetaDataFieldSkeleton fieldWidget;
// try {
// fieldWidget = new MetaDataFieldSkeleton(field, eventBus);
// extrasCategory.addField(fieldWidget);
// listOfMetadataFields.add(fieldWidget);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// GWT.log("Unable to build such widget", e);
// }*/
// MetaDataField fieldWidget;
// try {
// fieldWidget = new MetaDataField(field, eventBus);
// extrasCategory.addField(fieldWidget);
// listOfMetadataFields.add(fieldWidget);
// } catch (Exception e) {
// GWT.log("Unable to build such widget", e);
// }
// }
// metadataFieldsPanel.add(extrasCategory);
// }
// metadataFieldsPanel.setVisible(true);
// }
// }
// }
// @UiHandler("addCustomFieldButton")
// void addCustomFieldEvent(ClickEvent e){
// CustomFieldEntry toAdd = new CustomFieldEntry(eventBus, "", "", true);
// customFieldEntriesList.add(toAdd);
// customFields.add(toAdd);
// }
// @UiHandler("continueButton")
// void onContinueButton(ClickEvent e){
// // validate data
// final String errorMsg = validateDataOnContinue();
// if(errorMsg != null){
// alertOnContinue("Please check inserted data [" + errorMsg + "]", AlertType.ERROR);
// return;
// }else{
// // better check for title (only if the dataset was not created.. if it is the case, fields are not frozen)
// if(!titleTextBox.isEnabled())
// actionsAfterOnContinue();
// else{
// alertOnContinue("Checking if a item with such title already exists, please wait...", AlertType.INFO);
// ckanServices.datasetIdAlreadyExists(titleTextBox.getText(), organizationsListbox.getSelectedItemText(), new AsyncCallback<Boolean>() {
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(Boolean result) {
// if(result){
// alertOnContinue("Sorry but an item with such title already exists, try to change it", AlertType.WARNING);
// }else{
// actionsAfterOnContinue();
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// alertOnContinue("Sorry but there was a problem while checking if the inserted data are correct", AlertType.ERROR);
// }
// });
// }
// }
// }
// /**
// * After onContinue ...
// */
// private void actionsAfterOnContinue(){
// // check what to do
// if(isWorkspaceRequest){
// // we need to show the page to handle resources one by one from the workspace
// formFirstStep.setVisible(false);
// formSecondStep.setVisible(!hideManageResources());
// formThirdStep.setVisible(hideManageResources());
// // add the resources to the container panel
// if(workspaceResourcesContainer.getWidget() == null){
// workspaceResourcesContainer.getElement().getStyle().setMarginLeft(20, Unit.PX);
// workspaceResourcesContainer.add(resourcesTwinPanel);
// }
// }else{
// // this is not a workspace request
// formFirstStep.setVisible(false);
// formThirdStep.setVisible(true);
// }
// if(metadataTypeListbox.getSelectedItemText().equals(NONE_PROFILE))
// selectedProfile.setText("");
// else
// selectedProfile.setText("Selected Type is " + metadataTypeListbox.getSelectedItemText());
// }
// @UiHandler("goBackButtonFirstStep")
// void onGoBackButtonFirstStep(ClickEvent e){
// // swap forms
// formFirstStep.setVisible(true);
// formSecondStep.setVisible(false);
// formThirdStep.setVisible(false);
// }
// @UiHandler("goBackButtonSecondStep")
// void onGoBackButton(ClickEvent e){
// // swap forms
// if(isWorkspaceRequest){
// formFirstStep.setVisible(hideManageResources());
// formSecondStep.setVisible(!hideManageResources());
// }else{
// formFirstStep.setVisible(true);
// formSecondStep.setVisible(false);
// }
// formThirdStep.setVisible(false);
// }
// @UiHandler("continueThirdStep")
// void onContinueThirdStep(ClickEvent e){
// // swap forms
// formSecondStep.setVisible(false);
// formThirdStep.setVisible(true);
// }
// @UiHandler("createButton")
// void createDatasetEvent(ClickEvent e){
// String errorMessage = areProfileDataValid();
// if(errorMessage != null){
// alertOnCreate("Please check the inserted values and the mandatory fields [" + errorMessage +"]", AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// else{
// String title = titleTextBox.getValue().trim();
// String description = descriptionTextarea.getText().trim();
// String selectedLicense = licenseListbox.getSelectedItemText();
// String visibility = visibilityListbox.getSelectedItemText();
// long version = Long.valueOf(versionTextbox.getValue().trim());
// String author = authorTextbox.getValue();
// String authorEmail = authorEmailTextbox.getValue();
// String maintainer = maintainerTextbox.getValue().trim();
// String maintainerEmail = maintainerEmailTextbox.getValue().trim();
// String chosenOrganizationTitle = organizationsListbox.getSelectedItemText();
// Set<String> tags = new HashSet<String>(tagsPanel.getTags());
// //we need to retrieve the organization's name from this title
// List<OrganizationBean> orgs = receivedBean.getOrganizationList();
// String chosenOrganization = null;
// for (OrganizationBean organizationBean : orgs) {
// if(chosenOrganizationTitle.equals(organizationBean.getTitle())){
// chosenOrganization = organizationBean.getName();
// break;
// }
// }
// List<OrganizationBean> groups = new ArrayList<OrganizationBean>();
// List<OrganizationBean> groupsToForceCreation = new ArrayList<OrganizationBean>();
// // get groups, if any
// int items = groupsListbox.getItemCount();
// for (int i = 0; i < items; i++) {
// String groupTitle = groupsListbox.getItemText(i);
// String groupName = groupsListbox.getValue(i);
// if(groupsListbox.isItemSelected(i)){
// groups.add(new OrganizationBean(groupTitle, groupName, false));
// }
// }
// Map<String, List<String>> customFieldsMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>();
// // prepare custom fields
// for (MetaDataField metaField : listOfMetadataFields) {
// for (MetaDataFieldSkeleton field : metaField.getListOfMetadataFields()) {
// List<String> valuesForField = field.getFieldCurrentValue();
// if(!valuesForField.isEmpty()){
// String key = field.getFieldNameQualified();
// List<String> valuesForThisField = null;
// if(customFieldsMap.containsKey(key))
// valuesForThisField = customFieldsMap.get(key);
// else
// valuesForThisField = new ArrayList<String>();
// valuesForThisField.addAll(valuesForField);
// customFieldsMap.put(key, valuesForThisField);
// // get also tag/group if it is the case for this field
// List<String> tagsField = field.getTagFromThisField();
// if(tagsField != null)
// tags.addAll(tagsField);
// List<String> groupsTitle = field.getGroupTitleFromThisGroup();
// if(groupsTitle != null){
// for (String groupTitle : groupsTitle) {
// if(field.isGroupToForce())
// groupsToForceCreation.add(new OrganizationBean(groupTitle, groupTitle, false, field.isPropagateUp()));
// else
// groups.add(new OrganizationBean(groupTitle, groupTitle, false, field.isPropagateUp()));
// }
// }
// }
// }
// }
// for(CustomFieldEntry customEntry : customFieldEntriesList){
// String key = customEntry.getKey();
// String value = customEntry.getValue();
// if(value != null && !value.isEmpty()){
// List<String> valuesForThisField = null;
// if(customFieldsMap.containsKey(key))
// valuesForThisField = customFieldsMap.get(key);
// else
// valuesForThisField = new ArrayList<String>();
// valuesForThisField.add(value);
// customFieldsMap.put(key, valuesForThisField);
// }
// }
// // fill the bean
// receivedBean.setAuthorFullName(author);
// receivedBean.setAuthorEmail(authorEmail);
// receivedBean.setDescription(description);
// receivedBean.setLicense(selectedLicense);
// receivedBean.setMaintainer(maintainer);
// receivedBean.setMaintainerEmail(maintainerEmail);
// receivedBean.setVersion(version);
// receivedBean.setVisibile(visibility.equals("Public"));
// receivedBean.setTitle(title);
// receivedBean.setTags(new ArrayList<String>(tags));
// receivedBean.setSelectedOrganization(chosenOrganization);
// receivedBean.setGroups(groups);
// receivedBean.setGroupsForceCreation(groupsToForceCreation);
// if(resourcesTwinPanel != null)
// receivedBean.setResourceRoot(resourcesTwinPanel.getResourcesToPublish());
// receivedBean.setCustomFields(customFieldsMap);
// // alert
// alertOnCreate(TRYING_TO_CREATE_PRODUCT, AlertType.INFO, false);
// // invoke the create method
// createButton.setEnabled(false);
// goBackButtonSecondStep.setEnabled(false);
// ckanServices.createCKanDataset(receivedBean, new AsyncCallback<DatasetBean>() {
// @Override
// public void onSuccess(final DatasetBean createdDatasetBean) {
// GWT.log("Created the dataset: "+createdDatasetBean);
// if(createdDatasetBean != null){
// final String datasetUrl = createdDatasetBean.getSource();
// alertOnCreate(PRODUCT_CREATED_OK, AlertType.SUCCESS, false);
// try {
// // disable dataset fields
// disableDatasetFields();
// }catch (Exception e) {
// // TODO: handle exception
// }
// // disable reset
// resetButton.setEnabled(false);
// // show the go to dataset button
// goToDatasetButtonPanel.setVisible(true);
// goToDatasetButton.setVisible(true);
// goToDatasetButton.setText(
// datasetUrl.length() > 100 ?
// datasetUrl.substring(0, 100) + "..." : datasetUrl
// );
// // goToDatasetButton.setHref(datasetUrl);
// goToDatasetButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
// @Override
// public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
//, "_blank", "");
// //Window.Location.assign(datasetUrl);
// }
// });
// // set hidden the create button
// createButton.setVisible(false);
// // if we are in the "general case" we need to show a form for adding resources
// if(!isWorkspaceRequest) {
// try {
// // show the add resources button
// addResourcesButton.setVisible(true);
// addResourcesButton.addClickHandler(new ClickHandler() {
// @Override
// public void onClick(ClickEvent event) {
// // remove content of the main panel
// createDatasetMainPanel.clear();
// // TabPanelException
// tabPanel = new TabPanel(Tabs.ABOVE);
// tabPanel.setWidth("100%");
// // add the form
// resourceForm = new AddResourceToDataset(eventBus, createdDatasetBean.getId(), createdDatasetBean.getSelectedOrganization(), owner, datasetUrl);
// // tab for the form
// Tab formContainer = new Tab();
// formContainer.add(resourceForm);
// formContainer.setHeading("Add New Resource");
// tabPanel.add(formContainer);
// // tab for the added resources
// Tab addedResources = new Tab();
// addedResources.add(new AddedResourcesSummary(eventBus));
// addedResources.setHeading("Added Resource");
// tabPanel.add(addedResources);
// // add tabs to resources panel
// tabPanel.selectTab(0);
// // form container
// AddResourceContainer container = new AddResourceContainer(datasetUrl);
// container.add(tabPanel);
// // add the new content of the main panel
// createDatasetMainPanel.add(container);
// }
// });
// }catch (Exception e2) {
// //silent
// }
// }
// }else{
// alertOnCreate(ERROR_PRODUCT_CREATION, AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// }
// @Override
// public void onFailure(Throwable caught) {
// alertOnCreate(ERROR_PRODUCT_CREATION + " Error message is : " + caught.getMessage(), AlertType.ERROR, true);
// }
// });
// }
// }
// /**
// * Prepare the info icons of all core metadata info
// */
// private void prepareInfoIcons() {
// // tags
// tagsPanel.prepareIcon(popupOpenedIds);
// // licenses
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// InfoIconsLabels.LICENSES_INFO_TEXT,
// infoIconLicenses,
// popoverLicenses,
// focusPanelLicenses,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // visibility
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// infoIconVisibility,
// popoverVisibility,
// focusPanelVisibility,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // author
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// InfoIconsLabels.AUTHOR_INFO_ID_POPUP,
// InfoIconsLabels.AUTHOR_INFO_TEXT,
// infoIconAuthor,
// popoverAuthor,
// focusPanelAuthor,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // author's email
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// infoIconAuthorEmail,
// popoverAuthorEmail,
// focusPanelAuthorEmail,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // maintainer
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// infoIconMaintainer,
// popoverMaintainer,
// focusPanelMaintainer,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // maintainer's email
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// infoIconMaintainerEmail,
// popoverMaintainerEmail,
// focusPanelMaintainerEmail,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // profiles (or types)
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// InfoIconsLabels.PROFILES_INFO_TEXT,
// infoIconTypes,
// popoverTypes,
// focusPanelTypes,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // custom fields
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// infoIconCustomFields,
// popoverCustomFields,
// focusPanelCustomFields,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // resources field
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// infoIconResources,
// popoverResources,
// focusPanelResources,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // title
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// InfoIconsLabels.TITLE_INFO_ID_POPUP,
// InfoIconsLabels.TITLE_INFO_TEXT,
// InfoIconsLabels.TITLE_INFO_CAPTION,
// infoIconTitle,
// popoverTitle,
// focusPanelTitle,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // description
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// infoIconDescription,
// popoverDescription,
// focusPanelDescription,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// // groups
// InfoIconsLabels.preparePopupPanelAndPopover(
// InfoIconsLabels.GROUPS_INFO_ID_POPUP,
// InfoIconsLabels.GROUPS_INFO_TEXT,
// infoIconGroups,
// popoverGroups,
// focusPanelGroups,
// popupOpenedIds
// );
// }
// /**
// * Test if profile data are valid
// * @return
// */
// private String areProfileDataValid() {
// for (MetaDataField metaField : listOfMetadataFields) {
// for (MetaDataFieldSkeleton field : metaField.getListOfMetadataFields()) {
// field.removeError();
// String error = field.isFieldValueValid();
// if(error != null){
// field.showError();
// return field.getFieldNameOriginal() + " is not valid. Suggestion: " + error;
// }
// }
// }
// return null;
// }
// /**
// * On continue show alert box and enable buttons
// * @param text
// * @param type
// */
// private void alertOnContinue(String text, AlertType type){
// onContinueAlertBlock.setText(text);
// onContinueAlertBlock.setType(type);
// onContinueAlertBlock.setVisible(true);
// continueButton.setEnabled(true);
// resetButton.setEnabled(true);
// // hide after some seconds
// Timer t = new Timer() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// onContinueAlertBlock.setVisible(false);
// }
// };
// t.schedule(4000);
// }
// /**
// * On continue show alert box and enable buttons
// * @param text
// * @param type
// */
// private void alertOnCreate(String text, AlertType type, boolean hideAfterAWhile){
// onCreateAlertBlock.setText(text);
// onCreateAlertBlock.setType(type);
// onCreateAlertBlock.setVisible(true);
// createButton.setEnabled(true);
// goBackButtonSecondStep.setEnabled(true);
// if(hideAfterAWhile){
// // hide after some seconds
// Timer t = new Timer() {
// @Override
// public void run() {
// onCreateAlertBlock.setVisible(false);
// }
// };
// t.schedule(10000);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Validate data
// * @return true on success, false otherwise
// */
// private String validateDataOnContinue() {
// // remove errors
// productTitleGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.NONE);
// maintainerControlGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.NONE);
// versionControlGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.NONE);
// metadataTypesControlGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.NONE);
// organizationsGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.NONE);
// tagsPanel.setGroupPanelType(ControlGroupType.NONE);
// String title = titleTextBox.getText().trim();
// if(title.isEmpty()){
// productTitleGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.ERROR);
// return "Missing title";
// }
// // better check for the title
// String[] splittedTitle = title.split(" ");
// for (String word : splittedTitle) {
// String replaced = word.replaceAll(REGEX_TITLE_PRODUCT_SUBWORD, "");
// if(!replaced.equals(word)){
// productTitleGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.ERROR);
// return "Please note not all characters are allowed for the title";
// }
// }
// // email reg expression
// String maintainerMail = maintainerEmailTextbox.getText();
// if(!maintainerMail.isEmpty() && !maintainerMail.matches(REGEX_MAIL)){
// maintainerControlGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.ERROR);
// return "Not valid maintainer email";
// }
// // check if version is a number
// try{
// int number = Integer.valueOf(versionTextbox.getText().trim());
// if(number <= 0)
// throw new Exception();
// }catch(Exception e){
// versionControlGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.ERROR);
// return "Version must be a natural number greater than zero";
// }
// // check if metadata profile is different from none and its mandatory fields have been fulfilled
// if(checkSelectedMetaDataProfile()){
// metadataTypesControlGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.ERROR);
// return "You must select a Type different frome none";
// }
// if(organizationsListbox.getSelectedItemText() == null){
// organizationsGroup.setType(ControlGroupType.ERROR);
// return "You must select an organization in which you want to publish";
// }
// // at least one tag..
// if(tagsPanel.getTags().isEmpty()){
// tagsPanel.setGroupPanelType(ControlGroupType.ERROR);
// return "Please add at least one meaningful tag for the item";
// }
// return null;
// }
// /**
// * Checks if a metadata profile has been chosen and its fields have been fulfilled
// * @return
// */
// private boolean checkSelectedMetaDataProfile() {
// return metadataTypeListbox.getSelectedItemText().equals(NONE_PROFILE) && metadataTypeListbox.getItemCount() != 1;
// }
// @UiHandler("resetButton")
// void resetFormEvent(ClickEvent e){
// // reset main fields
// titleTextBox.setText("");
// descriptionTextarea.setText("");
// versionTextbox.setText("");
// maintainerTextbox.setText("");
// maintainerEmailTextbox.setText("");
// tagsPanel.removeTags();
// // unselect all groups
// for(int i = 0; i < groupsListbox.getItemCount(); i++)
// groupsListbox.setItemSelected(i, false);
// // delete custom fields
// for (CustomFieldEntry customField : customFieldEntriesList) {
// customField.removeFromParent();
// }
// customFieldEntriesList.clear();
// }
// /**
// * Disable dataset editable fields once the dataset has been successfully created.
// */
// protected void disableDatasetFields() {
// titleTextBox.setEnabled(false);
// descriptionTextarea.setEnabled(false);
// versionTextbox.setEnabled(false);
// maintainerTextbox.setEnabled(false);
// maintainerEmailTextbox.setEnabled(false);
// visibilityListbox.setEnabled(false);
// tagsPanel.freeze();
// licenseListbox.setEnabled(false);
// organizationsListbox.setEnabled(false);
// addCustomFieldButton.setEnabled(false);
// metadataTypeListbox.setEnabled(false);
// groupsListbox.setEnabled(false);
// for(CustomFieldEntry ce: customFieldEntriesList)
// ce.freeze();
// // disable profile fields
// for (MetaDataField metaField : listOfMetadataFields) {
// for (MetaDataFieldSkeleton field : metaField.getListOfMetadataFields()) {
// field.freeze();
// }
// }
// // freeze table of resources
// if(resourcesTwinPanel != null)
// resourcesTwinPanel.freeze();
// }
// /**
// * change alert block behavior.
// * @param textToShow
// * @param type
// * @param visible
// */
// private void setAlertBlock(String textToShow, AlertType type, boolean visible){
// infoBlock.setText(textToShow);
// infoBlock.setType(type);
// infoBlock.setVisible(visible);
// }
// @UiHandler("licenseListbox")
// void onSelectedLicenseChange(ChangeEvent c){
// showLicenseUrl();
// }
// /**
// * The body of the onSelectedLicenseChange
// */
// private void showLicenseUrl(){
// String selectedLicense = licenseListbox.getSelectedItemText();
// int index = -1;
// if((index = licenseBean.indexOf(new LicenseBean(selectedLicense, null))) >= 0){
// LicenseBean foundLicense = licenseBean.get(index);
// licenseUrlAnchor.setText(foundLicense.getUrl());
// licenseUrlAnchor.setHref(foundLicense.getUrl());
// licenseUrlAnchor.setVisible(true);
// unavailableUrl.setVisible(false);
// }else{
// licenseUrlAnchor.setVisible(false);
// unavailableUrl.setVisible(true);
// }
// }
// /**
// * Hide the groups that are already listed in the profiles page
// * @param profiles
// */
// private void hideGroupsAlreadyInProfile(List<MetaDataProfileBean> profiles) {
// List<String> groupsToHide = new ArrayList<String>();
// for(MetaDataProfileBean profile: profiles)
// groupsToHide.add(profile.getType());
// SelectElement se = groupsListbox.getElement().cast();
// int hiddenElements = 0;
// for (int i = 0; i < groupsListbox.getItemCount(); i++) {
// if(groupsToHide.contains(groupsListbox.getItemText(i))){
// se.getOptions().getItem(i).getStyle().setProperty("display", "none");
// hiddenElements++;
// }
// }
// if(hiddenElements == groupsListbox.getItemCount())
// groupsControlGroup.setVisible(false);
// else
// groupsControlGroup.setVisible(true);
// }
// /**
// * Check if resource(s) are missing
// * @return
// */
// private boolean hideManageResources(){
// return receivedBean.getResourceRoot() == null || receivedBean.getResourceRoot().isFolder() && (receivedBean.getResourceRoot().getChildren() == null ||
// receivedBean.getResourceRoot().getChildren().isEmpty());
// }