
410 lines
16 KiB

<!DOCTYPE ui:UiBinder SYSTEM "">
<ui:UiBinder xmlns:ui=""
xmlns:g="" xmlns:b="urn:import:com.github.gwtbootstrap.client.ui"
.form-main-style {
margin-left: 10px;
.fieldset-border-style {
border: 1px groove #444;
-webkit-box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px #000;
box-shadow: 0px 0px 0px 0px #000;
padding: 10px;
.legend-style {
width: auto;
padding: 10px;
margin-bottom: 0px;
@external .form-horizontal .input-large;
.form-horizontal .input-large .input-prepend {
width: 95%;
.block-alert-style {
margin-top: 10px;
padding: 10px;
margin-bottom: 10px;
.tagsPanelStyle {
display: inline-block;
.selected-profile {
font-weight: bold;
.label-go-to-product {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 5px;
<g:HTMLPanel ui:field="createDatasetMainPanel">
<b:Form type="HORIZONTAL" styleName="{style.form-main-style}"
ui:field="formFirstStep" visible="true">
<b:Fieldset styleName="{style.fieldset-border-style}">
<b:Legend styleName="{style.legend-style}">
Insert Item Information
<span style="color:red;">*</span>
is required
<!-- Alert blocks for info/errors -->
<b:AlertBlock type="INFO" close="false" animation="true"
visible="false" ui:field="infoBlock" styleName="{style.block-alert-style}"></b:AlertBlock>
<!-- <b:ControlGroup ui:field="productTitleGroup"> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="title" title="Item title"> -->
<!-- <font color="red">*</font> -->
<!-- Title : -->
<!-- </b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:TextBox alternateSize="LARGE" placeholder="Item title" -->
<!-- width="90%" b:id="title" title="Item title" ui:field="titleTextBox" /> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverTitle" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelTitle"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconTitle" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="description" title="Item description"> -->
<!-- Description: -->
<!-- </b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:TextArea placeholder="eg. Some useful notes about the item" -->
<!-- width="90%" alternateSize="LARGE" b:id="description" title="Item description" -->
<!-- ui:field="descriptionTextarea"></b:TextArea> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverDescription" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelDescription"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconDescription" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="licenses" title="License">License:</b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:ListBox b:id="licenses" title="Item license" -->
<!-- width="91%" ui:field="licenseListbox"> -->
<!-- </b:ListBox> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverLicenses" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelLicenses"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconLicenses" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="licenseUrl" title="Selected License'url">Selected -->
<!-- License Url:</b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:Paragraph ui:field="unavailableUrl" visible="true"> -->
<!-- <b>Unavailable</b> -->
<!-- </b:Paragraph> -->
<!-- <g:Anchor ui:field="licenseUrlAnchor" target="_blank" -->
<!-- visible="false"></g:Anchor> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="visibility" title="Visibility of the item">Visibility:</b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:ListBox b:id="visibility" title="Item visibility" -->
<!-- width="91%" ui:field="visibilityListbox"> -->
<!-- <g:item title="restricted">Restricted</g:item> -->
<!-- <g:item enabled="true" title="public">Public</g:item> -->
<!-- </b:ListBox> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverVisibility" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelVisibility"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconVisibility" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup ui:field="organizationsGroup"> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="organization" -->
<!-- title="Select the organizations in which you want -->
<!-- to publish the item">Publish in:</b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:ListBox b:id="organization" alternateSize="LARGE" -->
<!-- width="91%" title="Publish in this organization" ui:field="organizationsListbox"> -->
<!-- </b:ListBox> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup ui:field="versionControlGroup"> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="version" -->
<!-- title="Item version expressed as positive integer number"> -->
<!-- Version: -->
<!-- </b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:TextBox alternateSize="LARGE" placeholder="1.0" b:id="version" -->
<!-- width="90%" title="Item version" ui:field="versionTextbox" /> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="author" title="Item author"> -->
<!-- <font color="red">*</font> -->
<!-- Author: -->
<!-- </b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:TextBox alternateSize="LARGE" width="90%" -->
<!-- placeholder="Joe Bloggs" enabled="false" b:id="author" title="Item author" -->
<!-- ui:field="authorTextbox" /> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverAuthor" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelAuthor"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconAuthor" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup ui:field="authorEmailControlGroup"> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="email" title="Item author's email"> -->
<!-- <font color="red">*</font> -->
<!-- Author Email: -->
<!-- </b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:TextBox alternateSize="LARGE" width="90%" -->
<!-- placeholder="" enabled="false" b:id="email" -->
<!-- title="Item author" ui:field="authorEmailTextbox" /> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverAuthorEmail" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelAuthorEmail"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconAuthorEmail" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="maintainer" title="Item maintainer"> -->
<!-- Maintainer: -->
<!-- </b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:TextBox alternateSize="LARGE" placeholder="Joe Bloggs" -->
<!-- width="90%" b:id="maintainer" title="Item maintainer" -->
<!-- ui:field="maintainerTextbox" /> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverMaintainer" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelMaintainer"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconMaintainer" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup ui:field="maintainerControlGroup"> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="emailMaintaner" title="Item author's email"> -->
<!-- Maintainer Email: -->
<!-- </b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:TextBox alternateSize="LARGE" placeholder="" -->
<!-- width="90%" b:id="emailMaintaner" title="Item author" -->
<!-- ui:field="maintainerEmailTextbox" /> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverMaintainerEmail" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelMaintainerEmail"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconMaintainerEmail" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<b:ControlGroup ui:field="metadataTypesControlGroup">
<b:ControlLabel for="metadataTypes" title="Item profile types">Types:</b:ControlLabel>
<b:ListBox b:id="metadataTypes" alternateSize="LARGE"
width="91%" title="The item type to be used"
<g:item enabled="true" title="None">none</g:item>
<span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;">
<b:Popover ui:field="popoverTypes" html="true"
animation="true" placement="LEFT">
<g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelTypes">
<b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconTypes" />
<!-- TAGS Panel -->
<m:TagsPanel ui:field="tagsPanel"></m:TagsPanel>
<!-- <b:ControlGroup ui:field="groupsControlGroup" -->
<!-- visible="false"> -->
<!-- <b:ControlLabel for="groups" title="The groups for this item">Item Groups:</b:ControlLabel> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <b:ListBox b:id="groups" alternateSize="LARGE" width="91%" -->
<!-- multipleSelect="true" -->
<!-- title="The groups for this item (Hold CTRL or Command button for multiple selection)" -->
<!-- ui:field="groupsListbox"> -->
<!-- </b:ListBox> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverGroups" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelGroups"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconGroups" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- Alert block on continue -->
<!-- <b:AlertBlock animation="true" visible="false" -->
<!-- ui:field="alertNoResources" -->
<!-- text="Please note that the item you are going to publish will not have resources."> -->
<!-- </b:AlertBlock> -->
<!-- Alert block on continue -->
<b:AlertBlock type="INFO" close="false" animation="true"
visible="false" ui:field="onContinueAlertBlock">
<b:Button title="Continue" ui:field="continueButton" type="PRIMARY"
<b:Button title="Reset" ui:field="resetButton" block="true">Reset</b:Button>
<!-- <b:Form type="HORIZONTAL" styleName="{style.form-main-style}" -->
<!-- ui:field="formSecondStep" visible="false"> -->
<!-- <b:Fieldset styleName="{style.fieldset-border-style}"> -->
<!-- <b:Legend styleName="{style.legend-style}"> -->
<!-- Manage Resources -->
<!-- </b:Legend> -->
<!-- <b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <b:Controls> -->
<!-- <span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;"> -->
<!-- <b:Popover ui:field="popoverResources" html="true" -->
<!-- animation="true" placement="LEFT"> -->
<!-- <g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelResources"> -->
<!-- <b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconResources" /> -->
<!-- </g:FocusPanel> -->
<!-- </b:Popover> -->
<!-- </span> -->
<!-- </b:Controls> -->
<!-- </b:ControlGroup> -->
<!-- <g:SimplePanel ui:field="workspaceResourcesContainer" -->
<!-- width="100%" visible="true"> -->
<!-- </g:SimplePanel> -->
<!-- <b:Button title="Continue" ui:field="continueThirdStep" -->
<!-- type="PRIMARY" block="true">Continue</b:Button> -->
<!-- <b:Button title="Go Back" ui:field="goBackButtonFirstStep" -->
<!-- block="true">Go -->
<!-- Back</b:Button> -->
<!-- </b:Fieldset> -->
<!-- </b:Form> -->
<b:Form type="HORIZONTAL" styleName="{style.form-main-style}"
ui:field="formThirdStep" visible="false">
<b:Fieldset styleName="{style.fieldset-border-style}">
<b:Legend styleName="{style.legend-style}">
Insert Item Profile Information
<span style="color:red;">*</span>
is required
<b:Paragraph ui:field="selectedProfile" styleName="{style.selected-profile}"></b:Paragraph>
<!-- Here will be placed the metadata fields formats -->
<g:VerticalPanel ui:field="metadataFieldsPanel"
visible="false" width="100%"></g:VerticalPanel>
<!-- Custom fields can be dinamically added -->
<b:ControlGroup ui:field="customFields">
<b:ControlLabel>Custom Field(s):</b:ControlLabel>
<span style="float:right; width:5%; color: #aaaaaa;">
<b:Popover ui:field="popoverCustomFields" html="true"
animation="true" placement="LEFT">
<g:FocusPanel ui:field="focusPanelCustomFields">
<b:Icon type="INFO_SIGN" size="TWO_TIMES" ui:field="infoIconCustomFields" />
<b:Button icon="PLUS_SIGN" title="Add Custom Field"
<!-- Alert block on create -->
<b:AlertBlock type="INFO" close="false" animation="true"
visible="false" ui:field="onCreateAlertBlock" styleName="{style.block-alert-style}">
<g:HorizontalPanel ui:field="goToDatasetButtonPanel" visible="false">
<g:Label>Go to the Item</g:Label>
<b:Button title="Go to the Item" ui:field="goToDatasetButton"
type="LINK" visible="false" styleName="{style.the-margin-left}"></b:Button>
<b:Button title="Add resources to the just created item"
block="true" type="PRIMARY" visible="false" ui:field="addResourcesButton">Add Resources</b:Button>
<b:Button title="Create Item" ui:field="createButton"
type="PRIMARY" block="true">Create</b:Button>
<b:Button title="Go Back" ui:field="goBackButtonSecondStep"