<%-- /** * Copyright (c) gCube Framework. All rights reserved. * * @Author Massimiliano Assante, CNR-ISTI Italy */ --%> <%@page import="com.liferay.portal.kernel.language.LanguageUtil"%> <% if (redirect.startsWith(siteUrl + GCubePortalConstants.AUTHORIZATION_FRIENDLY_URL)) { %>
<% Map queryMap = AuthUtil.getQueryMap(redirect); if (!queryMap.isEmpty()) { String clientId = queryMap.get(GET_CLIENT_ID_PARAMETER); if (clientId == null || clientId.compareTo("")==0) { clientNotAuthorised = true;%>

We're sorry your application is not authorised by D4Science

Please check that you are passing all the required parameters for you application

<%} String scope = queryMap.get(GET_SCOPE_PARAMETER); if (scope != null && scope.compareTo("") != 0) { boolean isValid = AuthUtil.isValidContext(scope); clientNotAuthorised = !isValid; if (!isValid) {%>

We're sorry the scope (infrastructure context) you passed as parameter is not valid in D4Science, passed scope: <%= scope %>

Please check that you are passing all the required parameters for you application

<% } } if (clientId != null && clientId.compareTo("") != 0 && !clientNotAuthorised) { RequestingApp app = AuthUtil.getAuthorisedApplicationInfoFromIs(clientId); if (app != null) { hideCreateAccountAndForgotPassword = true; %>
<% if (app.getLogoURL() != null && !app.getLogoURL().isEmpty()) { %> <% } %>

<%=app.getApplicationId()%> would like to access some of your D4Science info:
Name, photo, email and current roles <% String displayContext = scope; if (scope != null && scope.compareTo("") != 0) { displayContext = scope.substring(scope.lastIndexOf('/')+1); %> on context: <%=displayContext%> <% } %>

By signing in with your <%=context.getGatewayName(request)%> credentials you are approving this application's request to access your data and interact with D4Science on your behalf.

<% } else { %>

We're sorry your application is not authorised by D4Science

The client_id does not exist or something occurred in retrieving it from the Information System: (<%=clientId%>)

<% clientNotAuthorised = true; System.out.println( "Please check that you are passing all the required parameters: clientId=" + clientId); } } } } %>