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package org.gcube.keycloak.oidc.avatar.importer.libravatar;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
public class LibravatarOptions {
* Specifies a custom base URI for HTTP use. The default is to use the
* official libravatar HTTP server. If you *really* wanted to use a non-free
* server, you could set this to "", but why
* would you do such a thing?
private static String baseUri = "";
* Specifies a custom base URI for HTTPS use. The default is to use the
* official libravatar HTTPS server.
private static String secureBaseUri = "";
* Produce https:// URIs where possible. This avoids mixed-content warnings
* in browsers when using libravatar-sharp from within a page served via
private boolean useHttps;
* Use the SHA256 hash algorithm, rather than MD5. SHA256 is significantly
* stronger, but is not supported by Gravatar, so libravatar's fallback to
* Gravatar for missing images will not work. Note that using
* AvatarUri.FromOpenID implicitly uses SHA256.
private boolean useSHA256;
* URI for a default image, if no image is found for the user. This also
* accepts any of the "special" values in AvatarDefaultImages
private LibravatarDefaultImage defaultImage;
* Size of the image requested. Valid values are between 1 and 512 pixels.
* The default size is 80 pixels.
private Integer imageSize;
* It is sometimes interesting to test the default option, even for hashes with matching avatars.
* This behavior can be triggered by providing the extra parameter <code>forcedefault</code>
* or <code>f</code> to the URL with a value of <code>y</code>:
private boolean forceDefault;
public LibravatarOptions withHttps() {
this.useHttps = true;
return this;
public LibravatarOptions useSHA256() {
this.useSHA256 = true;
return this;
public LibravatarOptions withImageSize(final Integer imageSize) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(imageSize >= 1 && imageSize <= 512);
this.imageSize = imageSize;
return this;
public LibravatarOptions withoutHttps() {
this.useHttps = false;
return this;
public LibravatarOptions defaultingTo(LibravatarDefaultImage defaultImage) {
this.defaultImage = defaultImage;
return this;
public boolean isUseHttps() {
return useHttps;
public boolean isUseSHA256() {
return useSHA256;
public Boolean hasDefaultImageSet() {
return defaultImage != null;
public LibravatarDefaultImage getDefaultImage() {
return defaultImage;
public Boolean hasImageSizeSet() {
return imageSize != null;
public Integer getImageSize() {
return imageSize;
public boolean isForceDefault() {
return forceDefault;
public Map<String, String> toParametersMap() {
return toParametersMap(false);
public Map<String, String> toParametersMap(boolean useLongNames) {
Map<String, String> parametersMap = new HashMap<>();
if (hasImageSizeSet()) {
ParameterName p = ParameterName.SIZE;
parametersMap.put(useLongNames ? p.getName() : p.getShortName(), String.valueOf(getImageSize()));
if (hasDefaultImageSet()) {
ParameterName p = ParameterName.DEFAULT;
parametersMap.put(useLongNames ? p.getName() : p.getShortName(), getDefaultImage().getCode());
if (isForceDefault()) {
ParameterName p = ParameterName.FORCE_DEFAULT;
parametersMap.put(useLongNames ? p.getName() : p.getShortName(), "y");
return parametersMap;
public static void setBaseUri(String baseUri) {
LibravatarOptions.baseUri= baseUri;
public static String getBaseUri() {
return baseUri;
public static void setSecureBaseUri(String secureBaseUri) {
LibravatarOptions.secureBaseUri= secureBaseUri;
public static String getSecureBaseUri() {
return secureBaseUri;