This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( # Changelog for "delete-account" ## [v2.24.0-SNAPSHOT] This module has been deprecated and disabled/removed from build since now the built in delete account functionality can be used. ## [v2.1.0] Changes in other sub-components ## [v2.0.0] - Updated to be compiled/used with Keycloak v19.x - New URI path mappings for resource ## [v1.1.0] Now calls to orchestrators are UMA authenticated with `keycloak-client` credentials and `conductor-server` audience ## [v1.0.1] User put in disable status and avatar deleted at user delete request ## [v1.0.0] Prepared for the release in pre-prod ## [v0.2.0-SNAPSHOT] - First released version. Provides "delete account" handling function, called from Keycloak's account management page button, by sending a delete account event to the orchestrator that will perform the activity.