This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning]( # Changelog for "keycloak-d4science-spi-parent" ## [v2.24.0-SNAPSHOT] Now the minor part of the version (the `24` in the `2.24.x`) shows the compatibility to the specific Keycloak major version, in this case `24.x.x` ## [v2.1.0] - Added new [protocol-mapper](protocol-mapper/ module to make the custom protocol mappers available - Revised terms, EU links, D4Science and Blue-Cloud logo updated (#25444) ## [v2.0.0] - Updated to be compiled/used with Keycloak v19.0.2 - Added themes sub-module to be included in the EAR artifact, porting from `d4science-keycloak-themes` repo ## [v1.1.0] Updated athentication with bearer code took from new examples: added realm param. Now calls to orchestrators are UMA authenticated with `keycloak-client` credentials and `conductor-server` audience ## [v1.0.1] user put in disable status and avatar deleted at user delete request, params returned correctly adding avatar ## [v1.0.0] Added delete-account sub-module and prepared for the release in pre-prod ## [v0.2.0-SNAPSHOT] Completed the refactoring as Maven multi-module project and each project has been documented as the new project template advise. It also provide the avatar support (#19726) ## [v0.1.0-SNAPSHOT] - Refactored as Maven multi-module project and support for avatar (#19726) ## [v0.0.1-SNAPSHOT] - First release (#19657, #19684)