Modified ambiguous password message (see issue #22613)

Vincenzo Cestone 2 years ago
parent 854bc1e8a1
commit 714754d1c3

@ -1 +1,3 @@
confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Informationen für neues Profil überprüfen
confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Informationen für neues Profil überprüfen
updatePasswordMessage=Sie m\u00FCssen Ihr Passwort einzurichten, um das Benutzerkonto zu aktivieren.

@ -2,4 +2,6 @@ confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Review information for new profile
termsAcceptMsg=You have to scroll down to read and then accept the terms
usernameValidityMsg=Only letters, numbers and dots are permitted
usernameValidityMsg=Only letters, numbers and dots are permitted
updatePasswordMessage=You need to set up your password to activate your account.

@ -1 +1,3 @@
confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Revisar información para nuevo perfil
confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Revisar información para nuevo perfil
updatePasswordMessage=Tienes que configurar tu contrase\u00F1a para activar tu cuenta.

@ -1 +1,3 @@
confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Examiner les informations pour le nouveau profil
confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Examiner les informations pour le nouveau profil
updatePasswordMessage=Vous devez configurer votre mot de passe pour activer votre compte.

@ -4,4 +4,6 @@ confirmLinkIdpReviewProfile=Rivedi le informazioni del nuovo profilo
usernameValidityMsg=Sono consentiti solo lettere, numeri e punti
identity-provider-login-label=Oppure accedi con
identity-provider-login-label=Oppure accedi con
updatePasswordMessage=Devi impostare la password per attivare il tuo account.