# OS stuff ################### .DS_Store # Intellij ################### .idea *.iml # Eclipse # ########### .project .settings .classpath # reverting this as e.g. /distribution/feature-packs/server-feature-pack/src/main/resources/content/bin/ # should not be ignored #bin/ .factorypath # NetBeans # ############ nbactions.xml nb-configuration.xml catalog.xml nbproject # VS Code # ########### *.code-workspace # Compiled source # ################### *.com *.class *.dll *.exe *.o *.so # Packages # ############ # it's better to unpack these files and commit the raw source # git has its own built in compression methods *.7z *.dmg *.gz *.iso *.jar *.rar *.tar *.zip # Logs and databases # ###################### *.log # Maven # ######### target # Maven shade ############# *dependency-reduced-pom.xml # nodejs # ########## # KEYCLOAK-5391: We will re-exclude node_modules when node_modules handling is worked out. # For now, we keep our js libraries checked into GitHub, so we don't ignore. #node_modules # testsuite # ############# *offline-token.txt