Added annotations to define Resource Schema #18213 Fixed @Key annotation to identify unique values for facets #18214 Removed IsIdenfifiedBy relation which have been moved in gCube Model Renamed Embedded to Property #13274 Renamed packages with name ending in 'embedded' to end with 'properties' #13274 Removed some Property types which have been moved in gCube Model Added support For Encrypted Values #12812 Added missing null checks when adding parent context in ContextImpl class Changed model packages Added RegistrationProvider which is used with ServiceLoader to dinamycally discover models Added possibility to marshal list and array of ISManageable objects #10796 Changed pom.xml to use new make-servicearchive directive #10158 Added modifiedBy property in Header #9999 Changed the way to marshall and unmarshall Context with parent and children #10216 Improved IS Entity/Relation scanning to support multiple inheritance #5706 Refactored getTypeByClass() method Defined a custom pattern for DateTimeFormat to support timezone. Added convenient methods to get desired facets or relations specifing class type Change the way to serialize Source resource which was ignored before. Now only the header of the Soruce resource is included which is enough to identify it. This enable the possibility to create a Relation togheter with the target entity Added deserialization support for unknown types with polymorphism support Improved support for json serilization and deserialization Added Propagation Constraint Concept Added regex support in schema definition Improved support for json serilization and deserialization Reorganized package and renamed relations to be compliant with welle known practice Added Utility for json serilization and deserialization Added Jackson annotation to support json serilization and deserialization First Release