See the available `REST-API docs <../api-docs/index.html>`_.
D4Science adopts state-of-the-art industry standards for authentication and authorization.
Specifically, the implementation fully adopts `OIDC (OpenID Connect) <>`_ for authentication and UMA 2 (User-Managed Authorization) for authorization flows.
`JSON Web Token (JWT) Access token <>`_ are used for both authentication and authorization.
Obtain your Bearer token here:
You can call the methods of the Web Service by writing your REST client application or using existing REST client plugins.
HTTP Statuses
Any successful operation returns a *200 OK* HTTP status code.
The create operation returns *201 Created*.
Any Background operation returns *202 Accepted*.
Any operation that does not provide any content returns *204 No Content*.
The most common error statuses a client can obtain are:
***400 Bad Request** used to indicate a clients error `<>`_;
***401 Unauthorized** used to indicate that the client does not provide the authorization token in the HTTP Header or the client does not have enough right to perform such request `<>`_;
***404 Not Found** used to indicate that the requested instance does not exist `<>`_;
***405 Method Not Allowed** the used HTTP method is not supported for the requested URL `<>`_.
The response contains the *Allow* HTTP Header indicating the supported HTTP method for such URL `<>`_;
***409 Conflict** the request could not be completed due to a conflict with the current state of the target resource (e.g. the name of the resource already exists) `<>`_;
***500 Internal Server Error** indicate a server failure `<>`_.
If you get a *500 Internal Server Error*, please report it in the `gCube ticketing system <>`_.
Please use this checklist before reporting an error:
* Replicate the request;
* The failure could be temporal due to a network error, a server issue, and many other temporal issues. For this reason, please retry the request after a certain amount of time before reporting the issue;
* indicate how to replicate the error;
* indicate the time when the error occurred (this simplifies identifying the issue).
HTTP Methods
gCat is a pure RESTful service. It uses standard HTTP Methods to perform a listing of collections and CRUD (Create Read Update Delete) operations on instances.
..[#allow] Supported HTTP Methods in **Allow** HTTP Header
..[#del] DELETE has been defined as idempotent.
*Allamaraju*[#Allamaraju]_ argues that DELETE idempotency should be accomplished client-side.
The server should inform the client if the delete operation succeeded because the resource was deleted or it was not found, i.e., **404 Not Found** error is suggested instead of **204 No Content**.
The latter situation should be treated as idempotent by the client.
We share the same vision. For this reason, gCat does not provide server-side idempotency for DELETE and PURGE operations.
..[#Allamaraju] Allamaraju S. RESTful Web Services Cookbook: Solutions for Improving Scalability and Simplicity. O’Reilly. first ed. 2010
About URL
The presented URL uses the following convention:
***{COLLECTION}** is the plural name of the entity type;
***{INSTANCE_ID}** is an identification that enables univocally identifying the instance in the collection.
About Safety and Idempotency properties
* A method is *Safe* if it does not produce any side effects.
"This does not prevent an implementation from including behaviour that is potentially harmful, that is not entirely read-only, or that causes side effects while invoking a safe method"
gCat provides support for this method, but to support a wider range of clients, it also provides the Purge action via *DELETE* with the additional get parameter ``purge=true``.
Any request must contain an indication of the interesting content type.
The client must specify the **Accept** HTTP Header for any operation returning a result.
..code-block:: rest
Accept: application/json
For any operation sending content to the service, it is necessary to specify the **Content-Type** HTTP Header.
..code-block:: rest
Content-Type: application/json
The service accepts and returns only JSON objects.
The service exposes `its methods <../api-docs/index.html>`_ using a standard naming approach. Moreover, they accept (in the case of HTTP POST/PUT methods) JSON objects.
The result of all methods is always a JSON object as per below:
..code:: javascript
*Inputs are automatically validated before the request is served.*
Here you can download the `postman collection to interact with the service <../api-docs/postman/hello-world-service.postman_collection.json>`_.
You also need the environment to be selected to be able to generate the authorization token.
This is an example of `postman environment <../api-docs/postman/hello-world-service-for-devvre.postman_environment.json>`_ for devVRE (/gcube/devsec/devVRE).
The latter must be configured by inserting the value of your username and password used in the D4Science infrastructure.