Manuele Simi 8948534883 Add CHANGELOG, README and LICENSE files to each module (as requested by the maven-parent). 2020-06-21 16:34:22 -04:00
Maven__ch_qos_logback_logback_classic_1_0_13.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__ch_qos_logback_logback_core_1_0_13.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_annotations_2_6_0.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_core_2_6_0.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__com_fasterxml_jackson_core_jackson_databind_2_6_0.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__javax_annotation_javax_annotation_api_1_2.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__javax_ws_rs_javax_ws_rs_api_2_0_1.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__junit_junit_4_12.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_gcube_common_authorization_client_2_0_7.xml Add CHANGELOG, README and LICENSE files to each module (as requested by the maven-parent). 2020-06-21 16:34:22 -04:00
Maven__org_gcube_common_common_authorization_2_3_0_SNAPSHOT.xml Add CHANGELOG, README and LICENSE files to each module (as requested by the maven-parent). 2020-06-21 16:34:22 -04:00
Maven__org_gcube_core_common_configuration_scanner_1_1_0_SNAPSHOT.xml Add CHANGELOG, README and LICENSE files to each module (as requested by the maven-parent). 2020-06-21 16:34:22 -04:00
Maven__org_gcube_core_common_scope_1_3_0_SNAPSHOT.xml Add CHANGELOG, README and LICENSE files to each module (as requested by the maven-parent). 2020-06-21 16:34:22 -04:00
Maven__org_gcube_core_common_scope_maps_1_2_2_SNAPSHOT.xml Add CHANGELOG, README and LICENSE files to each module (as requested by the maven-parent). 2020-06-21 16:34:22 -04:00
Maven__org_glassfish_hk2_external_aopalliance_repackaged_2_5_0_b32.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_hk2_external_javax_inject_2_5_0_b32.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_hk2_hk2_api_2_5_0_b32.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_hk2_hk2_locator_2_5_0_b32.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_hk2_hk2_utils_2_5_0_b32.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_hk2_osgi_resource_locator_1_0_1.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_jersey_bundles_repackaged_jersey_guava_2_25_1.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_jersey_core_jersey_client_2_25_1.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_jersey_core_jersey_common_2_25_1.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_glassfish_jersey_inject_jersey_hk2_2_27.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_hamcrest_hamcrest_core_1_3.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_javassist_javassist_3_20_0_GA.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00
Maven__org_slf4j_slf4j_api_1_7_25.xml Allow clients to set the secure protocol, if needed. Use the default handshake negotiation if not set. 2020-02-07 10:59:24 -05:00