package org.gcube.grsf.publisher.record; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import org.gcube.grsf.publisher.ContextTest; import org.gcube.grsf.publisher.ckan.record.FisheryRecord; import org.gcube.grsf.publisher.ckan.record.Record; import org.gcube.grsf.publisher.ckan.record.StockRecord; import org.gcube.grsf.publisher.ckan.record.TraceabilityUnitRecord; import org.gcube.grsf.publisher.freemarker.FreeMarker; import org.gcube.grsf.publisher.freemarker.FreeMarkerTest; import org.junit.Assert; import org.junit.Ignore; import org.junit.Test; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; public class RecordTest extends ContextTest { private static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RecordTest.class); public static final String FISHERY = "Fishery"; public static final String STOCK = "Stock"; public static final String TRACEABILITY_UNIT = "Traceability Unit"; public File getExampleDirectory(String type) throws Exception { File resourcesDirectory = getResourcesDirectory(); return new File(resourcesDirectory, "examples/" + type); } public static UriInfo getUriInfo(MultivaluedMap queryParameters) { UriInfo uriInfo = new UriInfo() { @Override public URI resolve(URI uri) { return null; } @Override public URI relativize(URI uri) { return null; } @Override public UriBuilder getRequestUriBuilder() { return null; } @Override public URI getRequestUri() { return null; } @Override public MultivaluedMap getQueryParameters(boolean decode) { return null; } @Override public MultivaluedMap getQueryParameters() { return queryParameters; } @Override public List getPathSegments(boolean decode) { return null; } @Override public List getPathSegments() { return null; } @Override public MultivaluedMap getPathParameters(boolean decode) { return null; } @Override public MultivaluedMap getPathParameters() { return null; } @Override public String getPath(boolean decode) { return null; } @Override public String getPath() { return null; } @Override public List getMatchedURIs(boolean decode) { return null; } @Override public List getMatchedURIs() { return null; } @Override public List getMatchedResources() { return null; } @Override public UriBuilder getBaseUriBuilder() { return null; } @Override public URI getBaseUri() { return null; } @Override public UriBuilder getAbsolutePathBuilder() { return null; } @Override public URI getAbsolutePath() { return null; } }; return uriInfo; } protected File getResourcesDirectory() throws Exception { URL fileURL = FreeMarker.class.getClassLoader().getResource(""); File logbackFile = new File(fileURL.toURI()); File resourcesDirectory = logbackFile.getParentFile(); return resourcesDirectory; } protected Record getRecordByType(String type) { Record record; switch (type) { case FISHERY: record = new FisheryRecord(); break; case STOCK: record = new StockRecord(); break; case TRACEABILITY_UNIT: record = new TraceabilityUnitRecord(); break; default: throw new RuntimeException(type + " type not supported"); } return record; } // @Ignore @Test public void testFisheryRecords() throws Exception { List types = new ArrayList<>(); types.add(FISHERY); int maxTestRecords = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // maxTestRecords = 1; int maxTestRecordsPerSource = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxTestRecordsPerSource = 3; boolean restart = false; String restartFromSource = null; // String restartFromSource = "firms"; // String restartFromSource = "fishsource"; // String restartFromSource = "grsf"; // String restartFromSource = "sdg"; String restartFromFile = null; testRecords(types, restart, restartFromSource, restartFromFile, maxTestRecords, maxTestRecordsPerSource); } @Ignore @Test public void testStockRecords() throws Exception { List types = new ArrayList<>(); types.add(STOCK); int maxTestRecords = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxTestRecords = 1; int maxTestRecordsPerSource = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxTestRecordsPerSource = 1; boolean restart = false; String restartFromSource = null; // String restartFromSource = "firms"; // String restartFromSource = "fishsource"; // String restartFromSource = "grsf"; // String restartFromSource = "ram"; // String restartFromSource = "sdg"; restart = restartFromSource!=null ? true : false; String restartFromFile = null; testRecords(types, restart, restartFromSource, restartFromFile, maxTestRecords, maxTestRecordsPerSource); } // @Ignore @Test public void testTraceabilityUnitRecords() throws Exception { List types = new ArrayList<>(); types.add(TRACEABILITY_UNIT); int maxTestRecords = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxTestRecords = 1; int maxTestRecordsPerSource = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxTestRecordsPerSource = 1; boolean restart = false; String restartFromSource = null; // String restartFromSource = "grsf"; restart = restartFromSource!=null ? true : false; String restartFromFile = null; testRecords(types, restart, restartFromSource, restartFromFile, maxTestRecords, maxTestRecordsPerSource); } // @Ignore @Test public void testAll() throws Exception { ContextTest.setContextByName(VRE_GRSF_PRE); List types = new ArrayList<>(); types.add(FISHERY); types.add(STOCK); types.add(TRACEABILITY_UNIT); int maxTestRecords = Integer.MAX_VALUE; // maxTestRecords = 1; int maxTestRecordsPerSource = Integer.MAX_VALUE; maxTestRecordsPerSource = 25; boolean restart = false; String restartFromSource = null; String restartFromFile = null; testRecords(types, restart, restartFromSource, restartFromFile, maxTestRecords, maxTestRecordsPerSource); } private void testRecords(List types, boolean restart, String restartFromSource, String restartFromFile, int maxTestRecords, int maxTestRecordsPerSource) throws Exception { /* * Tell if we want test the whole creation process; * * - when true the record is created in Ckan; * - when false the process of applying Freemarker template and upload resources * in the workspace. All the files uploaded in the workspace will be deleted at the end the test of the record. * */ boolean create = true; // The restart is valid only // and only if we selected one Type if(types.size()>1) { restart = false; } boolean restartedFromSource = true; if(restart && restartFromSource!=null) { restartedFromSource = false; } boolean restartedFromFile = true; if(restart && restartFromFile!=null) { restartedFromFile = false; } Calendar start = Calendar.getInstance(); int testedRecords = 0; int analysedRecords = 0; File outputDir = new File(getResourcesDirectory(), "output"); outputDir.mkdir(); FilenameFilter dirnameFilter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { File f = new File(dir, name); return f.isDirectory(); } }; FilenameFilter filenameFilter = new FilenameFilter() { @Override public boolean accept(File dir, String name) { return name.toLowerCase().endsWith(".json"); } }; for (String type : types) { if(testedRecords >= maxTestRecords) {"The test has already elaborated {} records which is the max allowed (i.e. allowed {} records)", testedRecords, maxTestRecords); return; } File typeDir = getExampleDirectory(type); File outputTypeDir = new File(outputDir, type); outputTypeDir.mkdir(); File[] sourceDirectory = typeDir.listFiles(dirnameFilter); Arrays.sort(sourceDirectory); // List sourceDirectory = new ArrayList<>(); // sourceDirectory.add(new File(typeDir, "firms")); // sourceDirectory.add(new File(typeDir, "fishsource")); // sourceDirectory.add(new File(typeDir, "grsf")); // sourceDirectory.add(new File(typeDir, "ram")); // sourceDirectory.add(new File(typeDir, "sdg")); for (File source : sourceDirectory) { Calendar startSource = Calendar.getInstance(); String sourceString = source.getName(); if(restart && restartedFromSource==false) { if(restartFromSource!=null) { if(source.getName().startsWith(restartFromSource)) {"Found the source where restarting i.e. {}", sourceString); restartedFromSource = true; }else {"The source {} has been already elaborated. Skipping...", sourceString); continue; } } } if(testedRecords >= maxTestRecords) {"The test has already elaborated {} records which is the max allowed (i.e. allowed {} records)", testedRecords, maxTestRecords); return; } File outputSourceDir = new File(outputTypeDir, sourceString); outputSourceDir.mkdir(); File[] jfs = source.listFiles(filenameFilter); // File[] jfs = new File[] {new File(source,"88818c3f-7120-322b-9637-7c7d2e9fc1e5.json")}; // File[] jfs = new File[] {new File(source,"00702023-0e2d-345d-8b20-60580c107acd.json")}; List jsonFiles = Arrays.asList(jfs); if(restart) { Collections.sort(jsonFiles); }else{ Collections.shuffle(jsonFiles); } int testedRecordsPerSource = 0; int analysedRecordsPerSource = 0; int numberOfRecordsPerSource = jsonFiles.size(); // if(maxTestRecordsPerSource!=Integer.MAX_VALUE) { // numberOfRecordsPerSource = numberOfRecordsPerSource < maxTestRecordsPerSource ? numberOfRecordsPerSource : maxTestRecordsPerSource; // } for (File jsonFile : jsonFiles) { String expectedGRSFUUID = jsonFile.getName().replace(".json", ""); if(restart && restartedFromFile==false) { if(restartFromFile!=null) { if(jsonFile.getName().startsWith(restartFromFile)) {"Found the record to restart i.e. {} {} {}", sourceString, type, jsonFile.getName()); restartedFromFile = true; }else {"[{} of {}] {} {} with GRSF UUID {} has been already elaborated", analysedRecordsPerSource + 1, numberOfRecordsPerSource, sourceString, type, expectedGRSFUUID); ++analysedRecords; ++analysedRecordsPerSource; continue; } } } if(testedRecords >= maxTestRecords) {"The test has already elaborated {} records which is the max allowed (i.e. allowed {} records)", testedRecords, maxTestRecords); return; } if(testedRecordsPerSource >= maxTestRecordsPerSource) {"The test has already elaborated {} records for the source '{}' which is the max allowed (i.e. allowed {} records per source)", testedRecordsPerSource, sourceString, maxTestRecordsPerSource); break; } logger.trace("[{} of {}] Going to elaborate {} {} with GRSF UUID {} from file {}", analysedRecordsPerSource + 1, numberOfRecordsPerSource, sourceString, type, expectedGRSFUUID, jsonFile.getAbsolutePath());"[{} of {}] Going to elaborate {} {} with GRSF UUID {}", analysedRecordsPerSource + 1, numberOfRecordsPerSource, sourceString, type, expectedGRSFUUID); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); ObjectNode input = (ObjectNode) mapper.readTree(jsonFile); if(type.compareTo(TRACEABILITY_UNIT)==0) { input.put(FreeMarkerTest.SOURCE_PROPERTY, sourceString); } Record record = getRecordByType(type); String grsfUUID = input.get(Record.GRSF_UUID_PROPERTY).asText(); Assert.assertTrue(expectedGRSFUUID.compareTo(grsfUUID)==0); record.setName(grsfUUID); String ret = ""; if(create) { ret = record.create(mapper.writeValueAsString(input)); }else { ret = record.simulateCreation(mapper.writeValueAsString(input)); } ++testedRecords; ++testedRecordsPerSource; ++analysedRecords; ++analysedRecordsPerSource; logger.trace("[{} of {}] {} {} with GRSF UUID {} from file {} {} successfully\n{}", analysedRecordsPerSource, numberOfRecordsPerSource, sourceString, type, grsfUUID, create ? "created" : "elaborated", jsonFile.getAbsolutePath(), ret);"[{} of {}] {} {} with GRSF UUID {} {} successfully", analysedRecordsPerSource, numberOfRecordsPerSource, sourceString, type, grsfUUID, create ? "created" : "elaborated"); if(create) { long sleepTime = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(200); logger.trace("Going to sleep for {} millis", sleepTime); Thread.sleep(sleepTime); } } Calendar endSource = Calendar.getInstance(); long diff = endSource.getTimeInMillis() - startSource.getTimeInMillis();"{} {} {} records in {} milliseconds (~{} seconds)", create?"Created in Ckan " : "Simulated Creation of ", source, type, testedRecordsPerSource, diff, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff)); } } Calendar end = Calendar.getInstance(); long diff = end.getTimeInMillis() - start.getTimeInMillis();"Created in Ckan {} records in {} milliseconds (~{} seconds)", testedRecords, diff, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(diff)); } @Ignore @Test public void testList() { MultivaluedMap mvm = new MultivaluedHashMap(); UriInfo uriInfo = getUriInfo(mvm); String[] types = new String[] { FISHERY, STOCK, TRACEABILITY_UNIT }; for (String type : types) { Record record = getRecordByType(type); record.setUriInfo(uriInfo); String ret = record.list(30, 0);"Listed {} records are {}", record.getType(), ret); } } // @Ignore @Test public void testDeleteAll() throws Exception { // ContextTest.setContextByName(DEVVRE); MultivaluedMap mvm = new MultivaluedHashMap(); UriInfo uriInfo = getUriInfo(mvm); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); int maxPerPage = 10; String[] types = new String[] { FISHERY, STOCK, TRACEABILITY_UNIT }; long sleepTime = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMillis(500); for (String type : types) { boolean go = true; while(go) { Record record = getRecordByType(type); record.setUriInfo(uriInfo); String ret = record.list(maxPerPage, 0);"Listed {} records are {}", record.getType(), ret); ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode) mapper.readTree(ret); int size = arrayNode.size(); if(size>0) { for(int i=0; i