package; import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor; import java.lang.reflect.Field; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import javax.servlet.ServletContext; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.custom_annotations.CkanResource; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.custom_annotations.CustomField; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.custom_annotations.Group; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.custom_annotations.Tag; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.Base; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.Common; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.FisheryRecord; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.RefersToBean; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.Resource; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.StockRecord; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.TimeSeriesBean; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.output.ResponseCreationBean; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.HelperMethods; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.groups.Product_Type; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.groups.Sources; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.groups.Status; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.threads.AssociationToGroupThread; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.threads.ManageTimeSeriesThread; import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.threads.WritePostCatalogueManagerThread; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.server.DataCatalogue; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.shared.ResourceBean; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.shared.RolesCkanGroupOrOrg; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.trentorise.opendata.jackan.model.CkanDataset; /** * Services common utils. * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR */ @SuppressWarnings({"rawtypes", "unchecked"}) public class CommonServiceUtils { private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommonServiceUtils.class); public static final String DEFAULT_LICENSE = "CC-BY-SA-4.0"; private static final int TIME_SERIES_TAKE_LAST_VALUES = 5; private static final String REGEX_TAGS = "[^\\s\\w-_.]"; public static final String SYSTEM_TYPE = "system:type"; // item url property public static final String ITEM_URL_FIELD = "GRSF Record URL"; /** * Retrieve the list of licenses for stocks and fisheries * @return */ public static Map getLicenses(){ Map licenses = null; try{"Requested licenses..."); licenses = HelperMethods.getLicenses(HelperMethods.getDataCatalogueRunningInstance(ScopeProvider.instance.get())); }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Failed to retrieve the list of licenses"); return null; } return licenses; } /** * Validate an aggregated GRSF record. TODO use @Valid tags * @throws Exception */ public static void validateAggregatedRecord(Common record) throws Exception { List refersToList = record.getRefersTo(); String shortTitle = record.getShortTitle(); Boolean traceabilityFlag = record.isTraceabilityFlag(); Status status = record.getStatus(); if(refersToList == null || refersToList.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("refers_to cannot be null/empty"); if(traceabilityFlag == null) throw new Exception("traceability_flag cannot be null"); if(shortTitle == null || shortTitle.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("short_title cannot be null/empty"); if(status == null) throw new Exception("status cannot be null/empty"); // check if it is a stock and perform related checks if(record.getClass().equals(StockRecord.class)){ StockRecord stock = (StockRecord) record; List species = stock.getSpecies(); if(species == null || species.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("species cannot be null/empty in a GRSF record"); } // check if it is a stock and perform related checks if(record.getClass().equals(FisheryRecord.class)){ FisheryRecord fishery = (FisheryRecord) record; List fishingArea = fishery.getFishingArea(); List jurisdictionArea = fishery.getJurisdictionArea(); if((fishingArea == null || fishingArea.isEmpty()) && (jurisdictionArea == null || jurisdictionArea.isEmpty())) throw new Exception("fishing_area and jurisdiction_area cannot be null/empty at the same time!"); } } /** * Parse the record to look up tags, groups and resources * @param tags * @param skipTags * @param groups * @param skipGroups * @param resources * @param skipResources * @param extras * @param record * @param username * @param source */ public static void getTagsGroupsResourcesExtrasByRecord( Set tags, boolean skipTags, Set groups, boolean skipGroups, List resources, boolean skipResources, Map> extras, Base record, String username, Sources source // it comes from the source type e.g., "grsf-", "ram-" .. ){ Class current = record.getClass(); do{ Field[] fields = current.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field field : fields) { if(!skipTags) getTagsByField(field, current, record, tags); if(!skipGroups) getGroupsByField(field, current, record, groups, source); getExtrasByField(field, current, record, extras); if(!skipResources) getResourcesByField(field, current, record, username, resources); } } while((current = current.getSuperclass())!=null); // start from the inherited class up to the Object.class logger.debug("Tags are " + tags); logger.debug("Groups are " + groups); logger.debug("Extras are " + extras); logger.debug("Resources without timeseries are " + resources); } /** * Retrieve the list of tags for this object */ private static void getTagsByField(Field field, Class current, Base record, Set tags){ if(field.isAnnotationPresent(Tag.class)){ try{ Object f = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), current).getReadMethod().invoke(record); if(f != null){ if(f instanceof List){ List asList = ((List) f); if(!asList.isEmpty()){ logger.debug("The object annotated with @Tag is a list. Adding ... "); int elementsToConsider = asList.size(); // check if it is a time series, in this take the last X elements if(asList.get(0).getClass().equals(TimeSeriesBean.class)){ elementsToConsider = Math.min(elementsToConsider, TIME_SERIES_TAKE_LAST_VALUES); for (int i = (asList.size() - elementsToConsider); i < asList.size(); i++) { String finalTag = asList.get(i).toString().trim().replaceAll(REGEX_TAGS, ""); tags.add(finalTag); } }else{ // else add all the available elements for (int i = 0; i < elementsToConsider; i++) { String finalTag = asList.get(i).toString().trim().replaceAll(REGEX_TAGS, ""); tags.add(finalTag); } } } }else{ logger.debug("The object annotated with @Tag is a simple one. Adding ... "); String finalTag = f.toString().trim().replaceAll(REGEX_TAGS, ""); logger.debug(finalTag); tags.add(finalTag); } } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Failed to read value for field " + field.getName() + " skipping", e); } } } /** * Retrieve the list of groups' names for this object */ private static void getGroupsByField(Field field, Class current, Base record, Set groups, Sources source){ if(field.isAnnotationPresent(Group.class)){ String conditionToCheck = field.getAnnotation(Group.class).condition(); String groupNameOverValue = field.getAnnotation(Group.class).groupNameOverValue(); try{ Object f = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), current).getReadMethod().invoke(record); if(f != null){ if(f instanceof List){ List asList = ((List) f); if(!asList.isEmpty()){ logger.debug("The object annotated with @Group is a list. Adding ... "); // else add all the available elements for (int i = 0; i < asList.size(); i++) { boolean match = conditionToCheck.isEmpty() ? true : asList.get(i).toString().trim().matches(conditionToCheck); if(match){ String groupName = groupNameOverValue.isEmpty() ? HelperMethods.getGroupNameOnCkan(source.toString().toLowerCase() + "-" + asList.get(i).toString().trim()) : source.toString().toLowerCase() + "-" + groupNameOverValue; groups.add(groupName); } } } }else{ // also convert to the group name that should be on ckan boolean match = conditionToCheck.isEmpty() ? true : f.toString().trim().matches(conditionToCheck); if(match){ String groupName = groupNameOverValue.isEmpty() ? HelperMethods.getGroupNameOnCkan(source.toString().toLowerCase() + "-" + f.toString().trim()) : source.toString().toLowerCase() + "-" + groupNameOverValue; groups.add(groupName); } } } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Failed to read value for field " + field.getName() + " skipping", e); } } } /** * Retrieve the list of extras for this object */ private static void getExtrasByField(Field field, Class current, Base record, Map> extras){ if(field.isAnnotationPresent(CustomField.class)){ try{ Object f = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), current).getReadMethod().invoke(record); String keyField = field.getAnnotation(CustomField.class).key(); if(f != null){ Set valuesForKey = null; // check if the map already contains this key if(extras.containsKey(keyField)) valuesForKey = new HashSet(extras.get(keyField)); else valuesForKey = new HashSet(); if(f instanceof List){ logger.debug("The object " + field.getName() + " is a list and is annotated with @CustomField. Adding ..."); List asList = (List)f; if(!asList.isEmpty()){ int elementsToConsider = asList.size(); // check if it is a time series, in this case take the last X elements if(asList.get(0).getClass().equals(TimeSeriesBean.class)){ elementsToConsider = Math.min(elementsToConsider, TIME_SERIES_TAKE_LAST_VALUES); for (int i = (asList.size() - elementsToConsider); i < asList.size(); i++) { // trim and remove html String clean = HelperMethods.removeHTML(asList.get(i).toString().trim()); valuesForKey.add(clean); } }else{ for (int i = 0; i < elementsToConsider; i++) { String clean = HelperMethods.removeHTML(asList.get(i).toString().trim()); valuesForKey.add(clean); } } } }else{ String clean = HelperMethods.removeHTML(f.toString().trim()); valuesForKey.add(clean); } // add to the map extras.put(keyField, new ArrayList(valuesForKey)); } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Failed to read value for field " + field.getName() + " skipping", e); } } } /** * Retrieve the ResourceBean given the record (extract resources from Database Sources and Source of Information and others) * @param record * @param username * @param tags * @param resources * @return */ private static void getResourcesByField(Field field, Class current, Base record, String username, List resources){ if(field.isAnnotationPresent(CkanResource.class)){ try{ Object f = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), current).getReadMethod().invoke(record); if(f != null){ if(f instanceof List){ List listOfResources = (List)f; for (Resource resource : listOfResources) { resources.add(new ResourceBean(resource.getUrl(), resource.getName().toString(), resource.getDescription(), null, username, null, null)); } }else{ Resource res = (Resource)f; resources.add(new ResourceBean(res.getUrl(), res.getName().toString(), res.getDescription(), null, username, null, null)); } } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Failed to read value for field " + field.getName() + " skipping", e); } } } /** * Evaluate if the user has the admin role * Throws exception if he/she doesn't */ public static void hasAdminRole(String username, DataCatalogue catalogue, String apiKey, String organization) throws Exception{ String role = catalogue.getRoleOfUserInOrganization(username, organization, apiKey);"Role of the user " + username + " is " + role + " in " + organization); if(role == null || role.isEmpty() || !role.equalsIgnoreCase(RolesCkanGroupOrOrg.ADMIN.toString())) throw new Exception("You are not authorized to create a product. Please check you have the Catalogue-Administrator role!"); } /** * Check this record's name * @param futureName * @param catalogue * @throws Exception on name check */ public static void checkName(String futureName, DataCatalogue catalogue) throws Exception { if(!HelperMethods.isNameValid(futureName)){ throw new Exception("The 'uuid_knowledge_base' must contain only alphanumeric characters, and symbols like '.' or '_', '-'"); }else{ logger.debug("Checking if such name [" + futureName + "] doesn't exist ..."); boolean alreadyExists = catalogue.existProductWithNameOrId(futureName); if(alreadyExists){ logger.debug("A product with 'uuid_knowledge_base' " + futureName + " already exists"); throw new Exception("A product with 'uuid_knowledge_base' " + futureName + " already exists"); } } } /** * Validate and check sources * @param apiKey * @param context * @param contextServlet * @param sourceInPath * @param record * @param resources * @param groups * @param customFields * @param tags * @param futureTitle * @param username * @throws Exception */ public static void validateRecordAndMapFields(String apiKey, String context, ServletContext contextServlet, Sources sourceInPath, Common record, Product_Type productType, Set tags, Map> customFields, Set groups, List resources, String username, String futureTitle) throws Exception { // validate the record if it is a GRSF one and set the record type and in manage context // Status field is needed only in the Manage context for GRSF records if(context.equals((String)contextServlet.getInitParameter(HelperMethods.MANAGE_CONTEX_KEY))){ if(sourceInPath.equals(Sources.GRSF)){ List refersTo = record.getRefersTo(); if(refersTo == null || refersTo.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("refers_to is empty for a GRSF record"); List sourcesList = new ArrayList(); // we have the id within the catalog of this record. This means that we can retrieve the record and its system:type for (RefersToBean refersToBean : refersTo) { String sourceSysType = getSystemTypeValue(refersToBean.getId(), apiKey, context); resources.add(new ResourceBean(refersToBean.getUrl(), sourceSysType , "The source record has id " + refersToBean.getId() + " in the catalog", null, username, null, null)); sourcesList.add(sourceSysType.toLowerCase()); } // append to groups: we need to add this record to the correspondent group of the sources addRecordToGroupSources(groups, sourcesList, productType, sourceInPath); // validate CommonServiceUtils.validateAggregatedRecord(record); } } // set the grsf type: fishery or stock record.setGrsfType(productType.getOrigName()); // evaluate the custom fields/tags, resources and groups groups.add(sourceInPath.getOrigName().toLowerCase() + "-" + productType.getOrigName().toLowerCase()); //e.g. grsf-fishery boolean skipTags = !sourceInPath.equals(Sources.GRSF); // no tags for the Original records CommonServiceUtils.getTagsGroupsResourcesExtrasByRecord(tags, skipTags, groups, false, resources, false, customFields, record, username, sourceInPath); // add the SYSTEM_TYPE customFields.put(CommonServiceUtils.SYSTEM_TYPE, Arrays.asList(sourceInPath.getOrigName())); } /** * Add the record to the group of sources * @param groups * @param sourcesList * @param productType * @param sourceInPath */ private static void addRecordToGroupSources(Set groups, List sourcesList, Product_Type productType, Sources sourceInPath) { Collections.sort(sourcesList); // be sure the name are sorted because the groups have been generated this way String groupName = sourceInPath.getOrigName().toLowerCase() + "-" + productType.getOrigName().toLowerCase(); for (String source : sourcesList) { groupName += "-" + source; } groups.add(groupName); } /** * Fetch the system:type property from a record * @param itemIdOrName * @param apiKey * @return null on error * @throws Exception */ public static String getSystemTypeValue(String itemIdOrName, String apiKey, String context) throws Exception{ DataCatalogue catalog = HelperMethods.getDataCatalogueRunningInstance(context); CkanDataset dataset = catalog.getDataset(itemIdOrName, apiKey); if(dataset == null) throw new Exception("Unable to find record with id or name " + itemIdOrName); String systemTypeValue = dataset.getExtrasAsHashMap().get(SYSTEM_TYPE); if(systemTypeValue == null || systemTypeValue.isEmpty()) throw new Exception(SYSTEM_TYPE + " property not set in record " + itemIdOrName); else return systemTypeValue; } /** * Actions to execute once the dataset has been updated or created. * @param responseBean * @param catalogue * @param namespaces * @param groups * @param context * @param token * @param futureTitle * @param authorFullname * @param contextServlet * @throws InterruptedException */ public static void actionsPostCreateOrUpdate( String datasetId, String futureName, Common record, String apiKey, String username, String organization, String itemUrl, ResponseCreationBean responseBean, DataCatalogue catalogue, Map namespaces, Set groups, String context, String token, String futureTitle, String authorFullname, ServletContext contextServlet, boolean isUpdated) throws InterruptedException { // on create, we need to add the item url if(!isUpdated){ itemUrl = catalogue.getUnencryptedUrlFromDatasetIdOrName(futureName); Map> addField = new HashMap>(); String modifiedUUIDKey = namespaces.containsKey(CommonServiceUtils.ITEM_URL_FIELD) ? namespaces.get(CommonServiceUtils.ITEM_URL_FIELD) : CommonServiceUtils.ITEM_URL_FIELD; addField.put(modifiedUUIDKey, Arrays.asList(itemUrl)); catalogue.patchProductCustomFields(datasetId, apiKey, addField); } // set info in the response bean responseBean.setId(datasetId); responseBean.setItemUrl(itemUrl); responseBean.setKbUuid(record.getUuid()); // manage groups (wait thread to die: ckan doesn't support too much concurrency on same record ...) if(!groups.isEmpty()){"Launching thread for association to the list of groups " + groups); AssociationToGroupThread threadGroups = new AssociationToGroupThread(new ArrayList(groups), datasetId, organization, username, catalogue, apiKey); threadGroups.start(); logger.debug("Waiting association thread to die.."); threadGroups.join(); logger.debug("Ok, it died"); } // manage time series as resources"Launching thread for time series handling"); new ManageTimeSeriesThread(record, futureName, username, catalogue, context, token).start(); // write a post if the product has been published in grsf context if(!isUpdated && context.equals((String)contextServlet.getInitParameter(HelperMethods.PUBLIC_CONTEX_KEY))){ new WritePostCatalogueManagerThread( context, token, futureTitle, itemUrl, false, new ArrayList(), authorFullname).start();"Thread to write a post about the new product has been launched"); } } }