
333 lines
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Raw Normal View History

import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.custom_annotations.CkanResource;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.custom_annotations.CustomField;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.custom_annotations.Group;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.custom_annotations.Tag;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.Base;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.Common;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.FisheryRecord;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.RefersToBean;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.Resource;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.StockRecord;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.json.input.TimeSeriesBean;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.HelperMethods;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.groups.Sources;
import org.gcube.data_catalogue.grsf_publish_ws.utils.groups.Status;
import org.gcube.datacatalogue.ckanutillibrary.server.models.ResourceBean;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Services common utils.
* @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR
public class CommonServiceUtils {
private static final org.slf4j.Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CommonServiceUtils.class);
private static final int TIME_SERIES_TAKE_LAST_VALUES = 5;
private static final String REGEX_TAGS = "[^\\s\\w-_.]";
* Retrieve the list of licenses for stocks and fisheries
* @return
public static Map<String, String> getLicenses(){
Map<String, String> licenses = null;
try{"Requested licenses...");
licenses = HelperMethods.getLicenses(HelperMethods.getDataCatalogueRunningInstance(ScopeProvider.instance.get()));
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Failed to retrieve the list of licenses");
return null;
return licenses;
* Validate an aggregated GRSF record. TODO use @Valid tags
* @throws Exception
public static void validateAggregatedRecord(Common record) throws Exception {
List<Resource<Sources>> databaseSources = record.getDatabaseSources();
List<RefersToBean> refersToList = record.getRefersTo();
String shortTitle = record.getShortTitle();
Boolean traceabilityFlag = record.isTraceabilityFlag();
Status status = record.getStatus();
if(databaseSources == null || databaseSources.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("database_sources cannot be null/empty");
if(refersToList == null || refersToList.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("refers_to cannot be null/empty");
if(traceabilityFlag == null)
throw new Exception("traceability_flag cannot be null");
if(shortTitle == null || shortTitle.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("short_title cannot be null/empty");
if(status == null)
throw new Exception("status cannot be null/empty");
// check if it is a stock and perform related checks
StockRecord stock = (StockRecord) record;
List<String> species = stock.getSpecies();
if(species == null || species.isEmpty())
throw new Exception("species cannot be null/empty in a GRSF record");
// check if it is a stock and perform related checks
FisheryRecord fishery = (FisheryRecord) record;
List<String> fishingArea = fishery.getFishingArea();
List<String> jurisdictionArea = fishery.getJurisdictionArea();
if((fishingArea == null || fishingArea.isEmpty()) && (jurisdictionArea == null || jurisdictionArea.isEmpty()))
throw new Exception("fishing_area and jurisdiction_area cannot be null/empty at the same time!");
* Parse the record to look up tags, groups and resources
* @param tags
* @param groups
* @param record
* @param username
* @param resources
public static void getTagsGroupsResourcesExtrasByRecord(
Set<String> tags,
boolean skipTags,
Set<String> groups,
List<ResourceBean> resources,
Map<String, List<String>> extras,
Base record,
String username,
Sources source // it comes from the source type e.g., "grsf-", "ram-" ..
Class<?> current = record.getClass();
Field[] fields = current.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
getTagsByField(field, current, record, tags);
getGroupsByField(field, current, record, groups, source);
getExtrasByField(field, current, record, extras);
getResourcesByField(field, current, record, username, resources);
while((current = current.getSuperclass())!=null); // start from the inherited class up to the Object.class"Tags are " + tags);"Groups are " + groups);"Extras are " + extras);"Resources without timeseries are " + resources);
* Retrieve the list of tags for this object
private static void getTagsByField(Field field, Class<?> current, Base record, Set<String> tags){
Object f = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), current).getReadMethod().invoke(record);
if(f != null){
if(f instanceof List<?>){
List asList = ((List) f);
logger.debug("The object annotated with @Tag is a list. Adding ... ");
int elementsToConsider = asList.size();
// check if it is a time series, in this take the last X elements
elementsToConsider = Math.min(elementsToConsider, TIME_SERIES_TAKE_LAST_VALUES);
for (int i = (asList.size() - elementsToConsider); i < asList.size(); i++) {
String finalTag = asList.get(i).toString().trim().replaceAll(REGEX_TAGS, "");
// else add all the available elements
for (int i = 0; i < elementsToConsider; i++) {
String finalTag = asList.get(i).toString().trim().replaceAll(REGEX_TAGS, "");
logger.debug("The object annotated with @Tag is a simple one. Adding ... ");
String finalTag = f.toString().trim().replaceAll(REGEX_TAGS, "");
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Failed to read value for field " + field.getName() + " skipping", e);
* Retrieve the list of groups' names for this object
private static void getGroupsByField(Field field, Class<?> current, Base record, Set<String> groups, Sources source){
Object f = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), current).getReadMethod().invoke(record);
if(f != null){
if(f instanceof List<?>){
List asList = ((List) f);
logger.debug("The object annotated with @Group is a list. Adding ... ");
// else add all the available elements
for (int i = 0; i < asList.size(); i++) {
String groupName = HelperMethods.getGroupNameOnCkan(source.toString().toLowerCase() + "-" + asList.get(i).toString().trim());
// also convert to the group name that should be on ckan
String groupName = HelperMethods.getGroupNameOnCkan(source.toString().toLowerCase() + "-" + f.toString().trim());
// check if the field is an enumerator, and the enum class is also annotated with @Group
if(field.getType().isEnum() && field.getType().isAnnotationPresent(Group.class)){"Class " + field.getClass().getSimpleName() + " has annotation @Group");
// extract the name from the enum class and add it to the groups
// also convert to the group name that should be on ckan
String groupName = HelperMethods.getGroupNameOnCkan(source.toString().toLowerCase() + "-" + field.getType().getSimpleName());
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Failed to read value for field " + field.getName() + " skipping", e);
* Retrieve the list of extras for this object
private static void getExtrasByField(Field field, Class<?> current, Base record, Map<String,List<String>> extras){
Object f = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), current).getReadMethod().invoke(record);
String keyField = field.getAnnotation(CustomField.class).key();
if(f != null){
Set<String> valuesForKey = null;
// check if the map already contains this key
valuesForKey = new HashSet(extras.get(keyField));
valuesForKey = new HashSet<String>();
if(f instanceof List<?>){
logger.debug("The object " + field.getName() + " is a list and is annotated with @CustomField. Adding ...");
List asList = (List)f;
int elementsToConsider = asList.size();
// check if it is a time series, in this case take the last X elements
elementsToConsider = Math.min(elementsToConsider, TIME_SERIES_TAKE_LAST_VALUES);
for (int i = (asList.size() - elementsToConsider); i < asList.size(); i++) {
// trim and remove html
String clean = HelperMethods.removeHTML(asList.get(i).toString().trim());
for (int i = 0; i < elementsToConsider; i++) {
String clean = HelperMethods.removeHTML(asList.get(i).toString().trim());
String clean = HelperMethods.removeHTML(f.toString().trim());
// add to the map
extras.put(keyField, new ArrayList<String>(valuesForKey));
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Failed to read value for field " + field.getName() + " skipping", e);
* Retrieve the ResourceBean given the record (extract resources from Database Sources and Source of Information and others)
* @param record
* @param username
* @param tags
* @param groups
* @param resources
* @return
private static void getResourcesByField(Field field, Class<?> current, Base record, String username, List<ResourceBean> resources){
Object f = new PropertyDescriptor(field.getName(), current).getReadMethod().invoke(record);
if(f != null){
if(f instanceof List<?>){
List<Resource> listOfResources = (List<Resource>)f;
for (Resource resource : listOfResources) {
resources.add(new ResourceBean(resource.getUrl(), resource.getName().toString(), resource.getDescription(), null, username, null, null));
Resource res = (Resource)f;
resources.add(new ResourceBean(res.getUrl(), res.getName().toString(), res.getDescription(), null, username, null, null));
}catch(Exception e){
logger.error("Failed to read value for field " + field.getName() + " skipping", e);