Costantino Perciante 4714974231 moved isAdmin check in the widget. Changed Product/Record term with Item for consistency with the portlet/widgets of the catalogue
git-svn-id: 82a268e6-3cf1-43bd-a215-b396298e98cf
2017-02-16 17:32:19 +00:00
java/org/gcube/datacatalogue/grsf_manage_widget moved isAdmin check in the widget. Changed Product/Record term with Item for consistency with the portlet/widgets of the catalogue 2017-02-16 17:32:19 +00:00
resources/org/gcube/datacatalogue/grsf_manage_widget minor fixes 2017-01-27 15:14:14 +00:00
webapp minor fixes 2017-01-27 15:14:14 +00:00