package org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared; import; import; import org.gcube.common.encryption.StringEncrypter; import org.gcube.portlets.user.urlshortener.UrlShortener; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Encode and decode the url for reverting operations * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR ( */ public class RevertOperationUrl { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(RevertOperationUrl.class); // parameters for reverting operations public static final String MANAGE_QUERY_PARAM = "manage=true&"; public static final String ADMIN_QUERY_PARAM = "admin"; public static final String TIMESTAMP_QUERY_PARAM = "t"; public static final String UUID_QUERY_PARAM = "uuid"; public static final String OPERATION_REVERT_QUERY_PARAM = "operation_revert"; public enum Operation { MERGE("merge"), DISSECT("dissect"); private String name; private Operation(String name) { = name; } @Override public String toString() { return name; } } private String baseUrl; private String admin; private long timestamp; private String uuid; private Operation operation; private Operation op; /** * @param admin * @param timestamp * @param uuid * @param operation * @param op */ public RevertOperationUrl(String baseUrl, String admin, long timestamp, String uuid, Operation operation, Operation op) { super(); this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.admin = admin; this.timestamp = timestamp; this.uuid = uuid; this.operation = operation; this.op = op; } public String getShortUrl() throws Exception{ String query = ADMIN_QUERY_PARAM + "=" + admin + "&" + TIMESTAMP_QUERY_PARAM + "=" + timestamp +"&" + UUID_QUERY_PARAM + "=" + uuid + "&" + OPERATION_REVERT_QUERY_PARAM + "=" + operation;"Query is " + query); String encryptedQuery = StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().encrypt(query); encryptedQuery = URLEncoder.encode(encryptedQuery, "UTF-8"); String encryptedUrl = baseUrl + MANAGE_QUERY_PARAM + "&" + encryptedQuery; UrlShortener shortener = new UrlShortener(); String shortUrl = null; try{ if(shortener!=null && shortener.isAvailable()) shortUrl = shortener.shorten(encryptedUrl); }catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Unable to get short url", e); shortUrl = encryptedUrl; } logger.debug("Encrypted and shortened url " + shortUrl); return shortUrl; } public RevertOperationUrl(String encryptedUrl) throws Exception{ if(encryptedUrl == null) throw new IllegalArgumentException("encryptedUrl is null"); String params = encryptedUrl.split("\\?")[1]; logger.debug("Params encrypted are " + params); // remove MANAGE_QUERY_PARAM params = params.replace(MANAGE_QUERY_PARAM + "&", ""); String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(params, "UTF-8"); String decrypted = StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().decrypt(decoded);"Decrypted is " + decrypted); try{ String[] splittedQuery = decrypted.split("&"); for (int i = 0; i < splittedQuery.length; i++) { String subParam = splittedQuery[i]; String[] queryAndValue = subParam.split("="); String query = queryAndValue[0]; String value = queryAndValue[1]; switch (query) { case ADMIN_QUERY_PARAM: this.admin = value; break; case TIMESTAMP_QUERY_PARAM: this.timestamp = Long.valueOf(value); break; case UUID_QUERY_PARAM: this.uuid = value; break; case OPERATION_REVERT_QUERY_PARAM: this.operation = Operation.valueOf(value); break; default: break; } } }catch(Exception e){ logger.error("Failed to parse url", e); } } public String getBaseUrl() { return baseUrl; } public void setBaseUrl(String baseUrl) { this.baseUrl = baseUrl; } public String getAdmin() { return admin; } public void setAdmin(String admin) { this.admin = admin; } public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } public void setTimestamp(long timestamp) { this.timestamp = timestamp; } public String getUuid() { return uuid; } public void setUuid(String uuid) { this.uuid = uuid; } public Operation getOperation() { return operation; } public void setOperation(Operation operation) { this.operation = operation; } public Operation getOp() { return op; } public void setOp(Operation op) { this.op = op; } @Override public String toString() { return "RevertOperationUrl [baseUrl=" + baseUrl + ", admin=" + admin + ", timestamp=" + timestamp + ", uuid=" + uuid + ", operation=" + operation + ", op=" + op + "]"; } // public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { // // ScopeProvider.instance.set("/gcube/devNext/NextNext"); // String url = ""; // // // try encrypt + encode // String query = "admin=costantino.perciante&t="+ System.currentTimeMillis() +"&uuid=" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "&operation_revert=merge"; // String encrypted = StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().encrypt(query); // encrypted = URLEncoder.encode(encrypted, "UTF-8"); // // // String encryptedUrl = url + encrypted; // System.out.println("Encrypted is " + encryptedUrl); // // UrlShortener shortener = new UrlShortener(); // String shortUrl = null; // try{ // if(shortener!=null && shortener.isAvailable()) // shortUrl = shortener.shorten(encryptedUrl); // }catch (Exception e) { // e.printStackTrace(); // shortUrl = encryptedUrl; // } // // System.out.println("Encrypted is " + shortUrl); // // // // try decode + decrypt // String params = encryptedUrl.split("\\?")[1]; // System.out.println("Params encrypted are " + params); // String decoded = URLDecoder.decode(encrypted, "UTF-8"); // String decrypted = StringEncrypter.getEncrypter().decrypt(decoded); // // System.out.println("Decrypted is " + decrypted); //} }