package org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.server.manage; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder; import org.gcube.common.authorization.library.provider.SecurityTokenProvider; import org.gcube.common.portal.PortalContext; import org.gcube.common.scope.api.ScopeProvider; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.common.Constants; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.common.enums.Product_Type; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.common.enums.Sources; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.common.enums.Status; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.client.GRSFManageWidgetService; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared.ConnectedBean; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared.ManageProductBean; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared.RevertableOperationInfo; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared.RevertableOperations; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared.SimilarGRSFRecord; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared.SourceRecord; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared.ex.GRSFRecordAlreadyManagedStatusException; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.grsf_manage_widget.shared.ex.NoGRSFRecordException; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.server.DataCatalogue; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.server.DataCatalogueFactory; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.server.utils.CatalogueUtilMethods; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.jackan.model.CkanDataset; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.jackan.model.CkanPair; import org.gcube.datacatalogue.utillibrary.shared.jackan.model.CkanResource; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.RoleManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayRoleManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.impl.LiferayUserManager; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeTeam; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.Log; import com.liferay.portal.kernel.log.LogFactoryUtil; /** * Endpoint for sending update records information to GRSF KnowledgeBase. * * @author Costantino Perciante at ISTI-CNR ( */ public class GRSFNotificationService extends RemoteServiceServlet implements GRSFManageWidgetService { private static final long serialVersionUID = -4534905087994875893L; private static final Log logger = LogFactoryUtil.getLog(GRSFNotificationService.class); // private static final Logger logger = // LoggerFactory.getLogger(GRSFNotificationService.class); /** * Instanciate the ckan util library. Since it needs the scope, we need to check * if it is null or not * * @param discoverScope if you want to the discover the utils library in this * specified scope * @return DataCatalogue object * @throws Exception */ public DataCatalogue getCatalogue(String discoverScope) throws Exception { String currentScope = Utils.getCurrentContext(getThreadLocalRequest(), true); DataCatalogue instance = null; try { String scopeInWhichDiscover = discoverScope != null && !discoverScope.isEmpty() ? discoverScope : currentScope; logger.debug("Discovering ckan utils library into scope " + scopeInWhichDiscover); instance = DataCatalogueFactory.getFactory().getUtilsPerScope(scopeInWhichDiscover); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to retrieve ckan utils. Error was ", e); throw e; } return instance; } @Override public ManageProductBean getProductBeanById(String productIdentifier, boolean requestForRevertingMerge) throws Exception { ManageProductBean toReturn = null; // check into user's session first HttpSession httpSession = getThreadLocalRequest().getSession(); // // testing case... // if(!Utils.isIntoPortal()){ // // Thread.sleep(2000); // // toReturn = new ManageProductBean(); // toReturn.setCatalogueIdentifier(UUID.randomUUID().toString()); // List connectTo = new ArrayList<>(); // // these are the records alread connected // connectTo.add(new ConnectedBean( // "uuid-of-a-connected-bean", // "Random description", // "Random shortName", // "Random Title", // "", // "semantic identifier of the record", // "Fishery" // )); // toReturn.setCurrentConnections(connectTo); // // // these are the "suggested connections" // List suggestionsForConnections = new ArrayList<>(); // suggestionsForConnections.add(new ConnectedBean( // "uuid-of-a-connected-bean-suggested", // "Random description", // "Random shortName", // "Random Title", // "", // "semantic identifier of the record suggested for connection", // "Fishery" // )); // toReturn.setSuggestedByKnowledgeBaseConnections(suggestionsForConnections); // toReturn.setDomain("Stock"); // toReturn.setCurrentGrsfType("Assessment Unit"); // toReturn.setKnowledgeBaseId("91f1e413-dc9f-3b4e-b1c5-0e8560177253"); // toReturn.setShortName("Widow rockfish - US West Coast"); // toReturn.setShortNameUpdated("Widow rockfish - US West Coast"); // toReturn.setTitle("sebastes entomelas FAO 77 FAO 67"); // toReturn.setTraceabilityFlag(true); // toReturn.setCurrentStatus(Status.Pending); // toReturn.setSemanticIdentifier("asfis:WRO+fao:67;FAO"); // ArrayList sources = new ArrayList(); // sources.add(new SourceRecord("RAM", "")); // sources.add(new SourceRecord("FIRMS", "")); // sources.add(new SourceRecord("FishSource", "")); // toReturn.setSources(sources); // List similarGrsfRecords = new ArrayList(); // similarGrsfRecords.add(new SimilarGRSFRecord( // "uuid-similar-record-1", // "description similar record", // "short name similar record 1", // "title similar record 1", // "", // "semantic identifier record 1", // "Stock 1" // )); // similarGrsfRecords.add(new SimilarGRSFRecord( // "uuid-similar-record-2", // "description similar record", // "short name similar record 2", // "title similar record 2", // "", // "semantic identifier record 2", // "Stock 2" // )); // similarGrsfRecords.add(new SimilarGRSFRecord( // "uuid-similar-record-3", // "description similar record", // "short name similar record 3", // "title similar record 3", // "", // "semantic identifier record 3", // "Stock 3" // )); // similarGrsfRecords.add(new SimilarGRSFRecord( // "uuid-similar-record-4", // "description similar record", // "short name similar record 4", // "title similar record 4", // "", // "semantic identifier record 4", // "Stock 4" // )); // similarGrsfRecords.add(new SimilarGRSFRecord( // "uuid-similar-record-5", // "description similar record", // "short name similar record 5", // "title similar record 5", // "", // "semantic identifier record 5", // "Stock 5" // )); // similarGrsfRecords.add(new SimilarGRSFRecord( // "uuid-similar-record-6", // "description similar record", // "short name similar record 6", // "title similar record 6", // "", // "semantic identifier record 6", // "Stock 6" // )); // toReturn.setSimilarGrsfRecords(similarGrsfRecords); // // }else{ String scopePerCurrentUrl = Utils.getScopeFromClientUrl(getThreadLocalRequest()); DataCatalogue catalogue = getCatalogue(scopePerCurrentUrl); String username = Utils.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername(); CkanDataset record = catalogue.getDataset(productIdentifier, username); // it cannot be enabled in this case ... if (record == null) throw new Exception("Unable to retrieve information for the selected record, sorry"); else { logger.debug("Trying to fetch the record...."); // check it is a grsf record (Source records have a different System Type) Map extrasAsMap = record.getExtrasAsHashMap(); String systemType = extrasAsMap.get(Constants.SYSTEM_TYPE_CUSTOM_KEY); if (systemType == null || systemType.isEmpty() || systemType.equals(Constants.SYSTEM_TYPE_LEGACY_RECORD)) throw new NoGRSFRecordException("This is not a GRSF Record"); boolean isStock = record.getExtrasAsHashMap().get(Constants.DOMAIN_CUSTOM_KEY) .contains(Product_Type.STOCK.getOrigName()); // fetch map for namespaces Map fieldsNamespacesMap = Utils.getFieldToFieldNameSpaceMapping(httpSession, isStock ? Constants.GENERIC_RESOURCE_NAME_MAP_KEY_NAMESPACES_STOCK : Constants.GENERIC_RESOURCE_NAME_MAP_KEY_NAMESPACES_FISHERY); // get extras as pairs List extrasAsPairs = record.getExtras(); Map> extrasWithoutNamespaces = Utils.replaceFieldsKey(extrasAsPairs, fieldsNamespacesMap); String catalogueIdentifier = record.getId(); String description = record.getNotes(); Status status = Status .fromString(extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.STATUS_OF_THE_GRSF_RECORD_CUSTOM_KEY).get(0)); if (status.equals(Status.To_be_Merged) && !requestForRevertingMerge) throw new GRSFRecordAlreadyManagedStatusException(Status.To_be_Merged, "The record is locked due to a merge request in progress!"); String uuidKB = extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.UUID_KB_CUSTOM_KEY).get(0); String grsfDomain = extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.DOMAIN_CUSTOM_KEY).get(0); String semanticId = extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.GRSF_SEMANTIC_IDENTIFIER_CUSTOM_KEY).get(0); String shortName = extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.SHORT_NAME_CUSTOM_KEY).get(0); String grsfType = extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.GRSF_TYPE_CUSTOM_KEY).get(0); String recordUrl = extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.ITEM_URL_FIELD).get(0); String grsfName = extrasWithoutNamespaces .get(grsfDomain.contains(Product_Type.STOCK.getOrigName()) ? Constants.STOCK_NAME_CUSTOM_KEY : Constants.FISHERY_NAME_CUSTOM_KEY) .get(0); boolean traceabilityFlag = false; try { traceabilityFlag = extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.TRACEABILITY_FLAG_CUSTOM_KEY).get(0) .equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Unable to fetch traceability flag. Setting it to false", e); } boolean sdgFlag = false; try { sdgFlag = extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.SDG_FLAG_CUSTOM_KEY).get(0).equalsIgnoreCase("true"); } catch (Exception e) { logger.warn("Unable to fetch sdg flag. Setting it to false", e); } // Get similar GRSF records, if any (each of which should have name, // description, url and id(i.e semantic identifier)) List similarGrsfRecordsAsStrings = extrasWithoutNamespaces .containsKey(Constants.SIMILAR_GRSF_RECORDS_CUSTOM_KEY) ? extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.SIMILAR_GRSF_RECORDS_CUSTOM_KEY) : null; List similarRecords = new ArrayList(0); if (similarGrsfRecordsAsStrings != null && !similarGrsfRecordsAsStrings.isEmpty()) { if (!similarGrsfRecordsAsStrings.get(0).equals(Constants.NO_SIMILAR_GRSF_RECORDS)) { for (String similarGRSFRecord : similarGrsfRecordsAsStrings) { similarRecords.add( Utils.similarGRSFRecordFromJson(similarGRSFRecord, catalogue, username, httpSession)); } } } logger.debug("SimilarGRSFRecords are " + similarRecords); // get connected records (and the proposed ones) List connectedBeanUrls = extrasWithoutNamespaces.containsKey(Constants.CONNECTED_CUSTOM_KEY) ? extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.CONNECTED_CUSTOM_KEY) : null; List connectedBeans = new ArrayList(0); if (connectedBeanUrls != null && !connectedBeanUrls.isEmpty()) { if (!connectedBeanUrls.get(0).equals(Constants.NO_CONNECTED_RECORDS)) { for (String connectedBean : connectedBeanUrls) { ConnectedBean builtBean = Utils.connectedBeanRecordFromUrl(connectedBean, catalogue, username, httpSession); if (builtBean != null) connectedBeans.add(builtBean); } } } logger.debug("Already connected records are " + connectedBeans); // get the connections the knowledge base suggests List suggestedConnectionsByKnowledgeBase = new ArrayList(0); List exploitedResourcesUrls = isStock ? extrasWithoutNamespaces.containsKey(Constants.EXPLOITING_FISHERY_CUSTOM_KEY) ? extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.EXPLOITING_FISHERY_CUSTOM_KEY) : null : extrasWithoutNamespaces.containsKey(Constants.RESOURCES_EXPLOITED_CUSTOM_KEY) ? extrasWithoutNamespaces.get(Constants.RESOURCES_EXPLOITED_CUSTOM_KEY) : null; if (exploitedResourcesUrls != null && !exploitedResourcesUrls.isEmpty()) { for (String exploited : exploitedResourcesUrls) { ConnectedBean builtBean = Utils.connectedBeanRecordFromUrl(exploited, catalogue, username, httpSession); if (builtBean != null) suggestedConnectionsByKnowledgeBase.add(builtBean); } } logger.debug("Knowledge base suggests " + suggestedConnectionsByKnowledgeBase); // Get sources List resources = record.getResources(); List sources = new ArrayList(3); for (CkanResource ckanResource : resources) { if (Sources.listNames().contains(ckanResource.getName())) sources.add(new SourceRecord(ckanResource.getName(), ckanResource.getUrl())); } // set the values toReturn = new ManageProductBean(semanticId, catalogueIdentifier, uuidKB, grsfType, grsfDomain, shortName, description, grsfName, traceabilityFlag, sdgFlag, status, recordUrl, sources, similarRecords, connectedBeans, suggestedConnectionsByKnowledgeBase); } // } logger.debug("Returning item bean " + toReturn); return toReturn; } @Override public boolean isAdminUser() { try { Boolean inSession = (Boolean) getThreadLocalRequest().getSession() .getAttribute(Constants.GRSF_ADMIN_SESSION_KEY); if (inSession != null) return inSession; else { boolean toSetInSession = false; if (!Utils.isIntoPortal()) { toSetInSession = true; } else { PortalContext pContext = PortalContext.getConfiguration(); RoleManager roleManager = new LiferayRoleManager(); String username = pContext.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername(); long userId = pContext.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()).getUserId(); long groupId = pContext.getCurrentGroupId(getThreadLocalRequest()); List teamRolesByUser = roleManager.listTeamsByUserAndGroup(userId, groupId); toSetInSession = isEditor(username, teamRolesByUser) | isReviewer(username, teamRolesByUser); } getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().setAttribute(Constants.GRSF_ADMIN_SESSION_KEY, toSetInSession); return toSetInSession; } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Failed to check if the user belongs to team " + Constants.GRSF_CATALOGUE_EDITOR_ROLE + " or " + Constants.GRSF_CATALOGUE_REVIEWER_ROLE + "!", e); } return false; } @Override public void notifyProductUpdate(ManageProductBean bean) throws Exception {"Creating notification for the bean " + bean + " to send to the knowledge base"); if (!Utils.isIntoPortal()) { Thread.sleep(2500); return; } try { String context = Utils.getScopeFromClientUrl(getThreadLocalRequest()); String token = SecurityTokenProvider.instance.get(); DataCatalogue catalogue = getCatalogue(context); String administratorFullName = Utils.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()).getFullname(); String username = Utils.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername(); // check if the base url of the service is in session String keyPerContext = CatalogueUtilMethods.concatenateSessionKeyScope(Constants.GRSF_UPDATER_SERVICE, context); HttpServletRequest threadRequest = getThreadLocalRequest(); String baseUrl = (String) threadRequest.getSession().getAttribute(keyPerContext); if (baseUrl == null || baseUrl.isEmpty()) { baseUrl = GRSFUpdaterServiceClient.discoverEndPoint(context); threadRequest.getSession().setAttribute(keyPerContext, baseUrl); } // remove it from the session String sessionProductKey = ScopeProvider.instance.get() + bean.getCatalogueIdentifier(); threadRequest.getSession().removeAttribute(sessionProductKey); Utils.updateRecord(baseUrl, bean, catalogue, username, administratorFullName, threadRequest, PortalContext.getConfiguration().getCurrentGroupId(threadRequest), context, token); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to update the product", e); throw e; } } @Override public RevertableOperationInfo validateRevertOperation(String encryptedUrl) throws Exception { if (!Utils.isIntoPortal()) { Thread.sleep(2000); // random result boolean throwException = Math.random() > 0.5; if (throwException) throw new Exception("Unable to parse the inserted url"); String baseUrl = "url of the record here"; String fullName = "Andrea Rossi"; String usernameCurrent = "andrea.rossi"; String uuid = UUID.randomUUID().toString(); String adminInUrl = "costantino.perciante"; String adminInUrlFullName = "Costantino Perciante"; long timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis() - 1000 * (long) (Math.random() * 10 * 60 * 60); return new RevertableOperationInfo(baseUrl, fullName, usernameCurrent, uuid, adminInUrlFullName, adminInUrl, timestamp, RevertableOperations.MERGE); } PortalContext pContext = PortalContext.getConfiguration(); String context = Utils.getScopeFromClientUrl(getThreadLocalRequest()); RoleManager roleManager = new LiferayRoleManager(); GCubeUser user = pContext.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()); String username = user.getUsername(); String fullName = user.getFullname(); long userId = pContext.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()).getUserId(); long groupId = pContext.getCurrentGroupId(getThreadLocalRequest()); List teamRolesByUser = roleManager.listTeamsByUserAndGroup(userId, groupId); boolean isEditor = isEditor(username, teamRolesByUser); boolean isReviewer = isReviewer(username, teamRolesByUser); if (!(isEditor | isReviewer)) throw new Exception("You are not allowed to perform this operation. You must be an editor or a reviewer!"); // decrypt the url RevertOperationUrl decryptedUrl = new RevertOperationUrl(encryptedUrl); String userNameadminInUrl = decryptedUrl.getAdmin(); // this is the username String fullNameadminInUrl = new LiferayUserManager().getUserByUsername(userNameadminInUrl).getFullname(); // this // is // the // fullname String uuid = decryptedUrl.getUuid();"User " + username + " has requested to invert an operation on record with id " + uuid + " and admin in url is " + userNameadminInUrl); // we need to check the timestamp (it has 24h validity) boolean isValidTimestamp = decryptedUrl.isTimestampValid(); if (!isValidTimestamp) throw new Exception("This operation can no longer be reverted (link expired)!"); DataCatalogue catalogue = getCatalogue(context); CkanDataset dataset = catalogue.getDataset(uuid, username); Map extras = dataset.getExtrasAsHashMap(); String recordUrl = extras.get(Constants.ITEM_URL_FIELD); String currentStatus = extras.get(Constants.STATUS_OF_THE_GRSF_RECORD_CUSTOM_KEY); // check current record status if (!currentStatus.equals(Status.To_be_Merged.getOrigName())) throw new Exception("Record '" + dataset.getTitle() + "' (" + recordUrl + ") is no longer involved in a merge operation!"); // check if it is a reviewer, than he can do what he wants (no matter the admin) if (isReviewer) { return new RevertableOperationInfo(recordUrl, fullName, username, uuid, fullNameadminInUrl, userNameadminInUrl, decryptedUrl.getTimestamp(), decryptedUrl.getOperation()); } else { if (!username.equals(userNameadminInUrl)) throw new Exception("You are not the editor allowed to perform this operation!"); else return new RevertableOperationInfo(recordUrl, fullName, username, uuid, fullNameadminInUrl, userNameadminInUrl, decryptedUrl.getTimestamp(), decryptedUrl.getOperation()); } } @Override public Boolean performRevertOperation(RevertableOperationInfo rInfo) throws Exception { if (!Utils.isIntoPortal()) { // random result boolean toReturn = Math.random() > 0.5; if (toReturn) { boolean throwException = Math.random() > 0.5; if (throwException) throw new Exception("Unable to execute request for XYZ"); } return toReturn; } HttpServletRequest threadRequest = getThreadLocalRequest(); String context = Utils.getScopeFromClientUrl(threadRequest); String token = SecurityTokenProvider.instance.get(); try (CloseableHttpClient httpClient = HttpClientBuilder.create().build();) { String keyPerContext = CatalogueUtilMethods.concatenateSessionKeyScope(Constants.GRSF_UPDATER_SERVICE, context); String baseUrl = (String) getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().getAttribute(keyPerContext); if (baseUrl == null || baseUrl.isEmpty()) { baseUrl = GRSFUpdaterServiceClient.discoverEndPoint(context); getThreadLocalRequest().getSession().setAttribute(keyPerContext, baseUrl); } if (baseUrl == null || baseUrl.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("Unable to discover grsf-updater service!"); Utils.revertOperation(httpClient, baseUrl, threadRequest, rInfo, token, context, PortalContext.getConfiguration().getCurrentGroupId(threadRequest)); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Unable to revert operation ", e); throw e; } return true; } /** * Check if the current user is an editor * * @param username * @param teamRoles * @return true if he/she is an editor, false otherwise */ private boolean isEditor(String username, List teamRolesByUser) { for (GCubeTeam team : teamRolesByUser) { if (team.getTeamName().equals(Constants.GRSF_CATALOGUE_EDITOR_ROLE)) {"User " + username + " is allowed to modify GRSF records as editor"); return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the current user is a reviewer * * @param username * @param teamRoles * @return true if he/she is an reviewer, false otherwise */ private boolean isReviewer(String username, List teamRolesByUser) { for (GCubeTeam team : teamRolesByUser) { if (team.getTeamName().equals(Constants.GRSF_CATALOGUE_REVIEWER_ROLE)) {"User " + username + " is allowed to modify GRSF records as reviewer"); return true; } } return false; } @Override public String checkIdentifierExists(String id) throws Exception { String scopePerCurrentUrl = Utils.getScopeFromClientUrl(getThreadLocalRequest()); DataCatalogue catalogue = getCatalogue(scopePerCurrentUrl); String username = Utils.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername(); CkanDataset dataset = catalogue.getDataset(id, username); if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("A GRSF record with id " + id + " doesn't exist"); if (!dataset.getOrganization().getName().equals(Constants.GRSF_ADMIN_ORGANIZATION_NAME)) throw new Exception("The suggested record is not a GRSF record"); return dataset.getExtrasAsHashMap().get(Constants.ITEM_URL_FIELD); } @Override public String checkIdentifierExistsInDomain(String id, String acceptedDomain) throws Exception { // if (!Utils.isIntoPortal()) { // boolean throwException = Math.random() > 0.5; // // // simulate some delay... // Thread.sleep(2500); // // if (throwException) // throw new Exception("The suggested record is not a GRSF record"); // // return "" + id; // } String scopePerCurrentUrl = Utils.getScopeFromClientUrl(getThreadLocalRequest()); DataCatalogue catalogue = getCatalogue(scopePerCurrentUrl); String username = Utils.getCurrentUser(getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername(); CkanDataset dataset = catalogue.getDataset(id, username); if (dataset == null) throw new Exception("A record with id " + id + " doesn't exist"); Map extras = dataset.getExtrasAsHashMap(); String systemType = extras.get(Constants.SYSTEM_TYPE_CUSTOM_KEY); String domain = extras.get(Constants.DOMAIN_CUSTOM_KEY); String url = extras.get(Constants.ITEM_URL_FIELD); if (systemType.equals(Constants.SYSTEM_TYPE_LEGACY_RECORD)) throw new Exception("This record is not a GRSF record!"); if (!acceptedDomain.equalsIgnoreCase(domain)) throw new Exception( "You are suggesting a " + domain + " record instead of a " + acceptedDomain + " record!"); return url; } }