[Task #19207]: init parameter to set max zoom level [Task #19220]: CQL filtering (if activated for WMS) should be applied also for GetFeature request [Feature #19111]: init settings configurable via property file and GET parameters [Feature #19109] Gis-Viewer: management and access to restricted data [Feature #19172] Gis-Viewer-App: update the look and feel of Gis-Viewer [Bug #19187] Gis-Viewer: WFS export with the BBOX field clashing with csv separator `,` [Task #189812] change the base layer True Marble [Task #11352] Another fix regarding print out of password in clear [Task #11352] Another fix regarding print out of password in clear [Task #11352] Removed print out password as plaintext [Feature #10612] Extend GISViewer's zoom range Changed maven compiler at 1.8 [Feature #5164] Upgraded to gwt 2.7.0 [Feature #5148] Removed dependency 'geoserverinterface' and changed interface [Feature #5164] Upgraded to gwt 2.7.0 [Release #5037] Fixed Etics dependency Bug Fixing for method getValueOfParameter [Feature: #2034] Added method to get gcube token for WPS service [Feature: #2087] Integrated with geo-utility [Feature #2143] WPS x,y resolutions as function of the zoom level [Feature #2232] Added Z-Axis for ncWMS layers [Task: #1283] Added code to manage ncWMS layers Bug #427. Validation of the datestamp read from metadata retrieved; GisViewer upgrade to OpenLayers 2.11 Feature #452. Added property file to read the base configurations to work outside gcube infrastructure [Feature #784] Gcube Geoexplorer: workspace explorer integration Feature #203. Updated transect invocation Changed css Fixed True Marble Fixed support #832: z-index too high Updated to support display of layers stored on Map Server Updated to support new portal bom configurations #Ticket 2223. This project was enhancements to gwt 2.5.1 New methods are added to read "describe feature type" used for trunsect functionality #497 Fixed issue New method - add wms layers # 1272 Gis Viewer was mavenized Update Update Update WFS performance improvement Advanced click data interface Enabling workspace image exporting Interface enhancement Code optimizing Interface Enhancement Implementation of an additional panel interface version besides a window interface Openlayers toolbar reimplementation Added a set of external Base Layers using OpenLayers CSV data export Advanced data request: box rectangular area selection Snapshot with external layers Pluggable Layers from WMS links Delete Search Button Optimize map preview Filter on Workspace Most of the code has been refactorized Unused files and libraries have been removed Added generic parameters retrieving system release with minor changes release with minor changes First Release