package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis; import; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants; import; import; import; import ol.Collection; import ol.Coordinate; import ol.Map; import ol.MapBrowserEvent; import ol.MapOptions; import ol.OLFactory; import ol.Overlay; import ol.OverlayOptions; import ol.View; import ol.ViewOptions; import ol.control.Attribution; import ol.event.EventListener; import ol.interaction.Draw; import ol.interaction.DrawOptions; import ol.interaction.Extent; import ol.interaction.ExtentOptions; import ol.interaction.Interaction; import ol.interaction.KeyboardPan; import ol.interaction.KeyboardZoom; import ol.layer.Image; import ol.layer.LayerOptions; import ol.layer.Tile; import ol.proj.Projection; import ol.proj.ProjectionOptions; import ol.source.ImageWms; import ol.source.ImageWmsOptions; import ol.source.ImageWmsParams; import ol.source.Osm; import ol.source.Vector; import ol.source.XyzOptions; // TODO: Auto-generated Javadoc /** * The Class OpenLayerOSM. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Oct 27, 2020 */ public class OpenLayerOSM { /** The map. */ private Map map; /** The view. */ private View view; /** The view options. */ private ViewOptions viewOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); /** The projection options. */ private ProjectionOptions projectionOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); /** The point draw. */ private Draw pointDraw; /** The popup overlay. */ private Overlay popupOverlay; /** * Instantiates a new open layer OSM. * * @param divTargetId the div target id */ /* (non-Javadoc) * @see de.desjardins.ol3.demo.client.example.Example#show() */ public OpenLayerOSM(String divTargetId) { // create a OSM-layer XyzOptions osmSourceOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); Osm osmSource = new Osm(osmSourceOptions); LayerOptions osmLayerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); osmLayerOptions.setSource(osmSource); Tile osmLayer = new Tile(osmLayerOptions); // create a projection projectionOptions.setCode(GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857); projectionOptions.setUnits("m"); Projection projection = new Projection(projectionOptions); viewOptions.setProjection(projection); viewOptions.setMaxZoom(19); //viewOptions.setExtent(new Extent(-180, -90, 180, 90)); // create a view view = new View(viewOptions); //EPSG_4326_TO_ITALY Coordinate centerCoordinate = OLFactory.createCoordinate(12.45, 42.98); Coordinate transformedCenterCoordinate = Projection.transform(centerCoordinate, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_4326, GeoportalDataViewerConstants.EPSG_3857); view.setCenter(transformedCenterCoordinate); view.setZoom(5); // create the map MapOptions mapOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); mapOptions.setTarget(divTargetId); mapOptions.setView(view); map = new Map(mapOptions); map.addLayer(osmLayer); //map.addLayer(tileDebugLayer); // add some controls map.addControl(OLFactory.createScaleLine()); DemoUtils.addDefaultControls(map.getControls()); Attribution attribution = new Attribution(); attribution.setCollapsed(true); map.addClickListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(MapBrowserEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Coordinate coordinate = event.getCoordinate(); if(popupOverlay==null) { Element elPopup = DOM.getElementById("popup"); popupOverlay = addOverlay(elPopup); addPopupCloserHandelr(popupOverlay); } Element popContent = DOM.getElementById("popup-content"); popContent.setInnerHTML("

You clicked here:

" + coordinate + "");; popupOverlay.setPosition(coordinate); } }); map.addControl(attribution); // add some interactions map.addInteraction(new KeyboardPan()); map.addInteraction(new KeyboardZoom()); } /** * Adds the popup closer handelr. * * @param popupOverlay the popup overlay */ private void addPopupCloserHandelr(Overlay popupOverlay) { Element elPopupCloser = DOM.getElementById("popup-closer"); Event.sinkEvents(elPopupCloser, Event.ONCLICK); Event.setEventListener(elPopupCloser, new { @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { if (Event.ONCLICK == event.getTypeInt()) { popupOverlay.setPosition(null); } } }); } /** * Handler popu closer. * * @param divId the div id * @param overlayId the overlay id */ public static native void handlerPopuCloser(String divId, String overlayId) /*-{ var closer = $doc.getElementById(divId); var overlay = $doc.getElementById(overlayId); closer.onclick = function() { overlay.setPosition(undefined); closer.blur(); return false; }; }-*/; /** * Adds the WMS layer. * @throws MalformedURLException */ public void addWMSLayer(String mapServerHost, String layerName) { ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSParams.setLayers(layerName); ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSOptions.setUrl(mapServerHost); imageWMSOptions.setParams(imageWMSParams); //imageWMSOptions.setRatio(1.5f); ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions); LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions.setSource(imageWMSSource); Image wmsLayer = new Image(layerOptions); map.addLayer(wmsLayer); //¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98¢¢ermap=12.45%2C42.98 } /** * Adds the point vector source. * * @return the draw */ public Draw addPointVectorSource() { if(pointDraw==null) initPointInteraction(); map.addInteraction(pointDraw); return pointDraw; } /** * Inits the point interaction. */ private void initPointInteraction() { Vector vectorSource = new Vector(); DrawOptions drawOptions = new DrawOptions(); drawOptions.setSource(vectorSource); drawOptions.setType("Point"); drawOptions.setMaxPoints(1); drawOptions.setMinPoints(1); drawOptions.setWrapX(false); pointDraw = new Draw(drawOptions); } /** * Removes the interaction. * * @param interaction the interaction */ public void removeInteraction(Interaction interaction) { map.removeInteraction(interaction); } /** * Removes the interactions. */ public void removeInteractions() { Collection interactions = map.getInteractions(); if(interactions!=null) { Interaction[] inters = map.getInteractions().getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < inters.length; i++) { Interaction inter = inters[i]; map.removeInteraction(inter); } } } /** * Adds the extent interaction. * * @return the extent */ public Extent addExtentInteraction() { ExtentOptions extentOptions = new ExtentOptions(); extentOptions.setWrapX(false); //StyleOptions styleOptions = new StyleOptions(); //styleOptions.setStroke(stroke); //styleOptions.set //extentOptions.setBoxStyle(new; Extent extent = new Extent(extentOptions); map.addInteraction(extent); return extent; } /** * Adds the overlay. * * @param element the element * @return the overlay */ private Overlay addOverlay(Element element) { /** * Create an overlay to anchor the popup to the map. */ OverlayOptions overlayOptions = new OverlayOptions(); overlayOptions.setAutoPan(true); Overlay overlay = new Overlay(overlayOptions); overlay.setElement(element); map.addOverlay(overlay); return overlay; } }