package; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerItem; import; /** * The Class DoActionOnDetailLayersEvent. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR * * Oct 12, 2021 */ public class DoActionOnDetailLayersEvent extends GwtEvent { public static Type TYPE = new Type(); /** * The Enum DO_LAYER_ACTION. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR * * Oct 12, 2021 */ public static enum DO_LAYER_ACTION { VISIBILITY, SWAP, OPACITY } private DO_LAYER_ACTION doAction; private LayerItem layerItem; private double opacity; private boolean visibility; private LayerItem sourceLayerSwap; private LayerItem targetLayerSwap; /** * Instantiates a new do action on detail layers event. * * @param action the action * @param layerItem the layer item */ public DoActionOnDetailLayersEvent(DO_LAYER_ACTION action, LayerItem layerItem) { this.layerItem = layerItem; this.doAction = action; } /** * Sets the swap layers. * * @param sourceLayerItem the source layer item * @param targetLayerItem the target layer item */ public void setSwapLayers(LayerItem sourceLayerItem, LayerItem targetLayerItem) { this.sourceLayerSwap = sourceLayerItem; this.targetLayerSwap = targetLayerItem; } /** * Sets the opacity. * * @param opacity the new opacity */ public void setOpacity(double opacity) { this.opacity = opacity; } /** * Sets the visibility. * * @param visibility the new visibility */ public void setVisibility(boolean visibility) { this.visibility = visibility; } /** * Gets the associated type. * * @return the associated type */ @Override public Type getAssociatedType() { return TYPE; } /** * Dispatch. * * @param handler the handler */ @Override protected void dispatch(DoActionOnDetailLayersEventHandler handler) { handler.onDoActionOnDetailLayers(this); } /** * Gets the do action. * * @return the do action */ public DO_LAYER_ACTION getDoAction() { return doAction; } /** * Gets the layer item. * * @return the layer item */ public LayerItem getLayerItem() { return layerItem; } /** * Gets the source layer swap. * * @return the source layer swap */ public LayerItem getSourceLayerSwap() { return sourceLayerSwap; } /** * Gets the target layer swap. * * @return the target layer swap */ public LayerItem getTargetLayerSwap() { return targetLayerSwap; } /** * Gets the opacity. * * @return the opacity */ public double getOpacity() { return opacity; } /** * Gets the visibility. * * @return the visibility */ public boolean getVisibility() { return visibility; } /** * To string. * * @return the string */ @Override public String toString() { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("DoActionOnDetailLayersEvent [doAction="); builder.append(doAction); builder.append(", layerItem="); builder.append(layerItem); builder.append(", opacity="); builder.append(opacity); builder.append(", visibility="); builder.append(visibility); builder.append(", sourceLayerSwap="); builder.append(sourceLayerSwap); builder.append(", targetLayerSwap="); builder.append(targetLayerSwap); builder.append("]"); return builder.toString(); } }