package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.geoportal.geojson.GeoJSON; import; import ol.Collection; import ol.Coordinate; import ol.Extent; import ol.control.Attribution; import ol.control.Control; import ol.control.FullScreen; import ol.control.MousePosition; import ol.control.ZoomSlider; import ol.geom.LineString; import ol.proj.Projection; /** * The Class MapUtils. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Nov 12, 2020 */ public final class MapUtils { /** * Creates some default controls and adds it to the collection. * * @param controls collection with controls */ public static void addDefaultControls(final Collection controls) { controls.push(new FullScreen()); controls.push(new ZoomSlider()); MousePosition mousePosition = new MousePosition(); mousePosition.setCoordinateFormat(Coordinate.createStringXY(5)); controls.push(mousePosition); Attribution attribution = new Attribution(); attribution.setCollapsed(true); controls.push(attribution); // controls.push(new ZoomToExtent()); } /** * Transform coordiante. * * @param centerCoordinate the center coordinate * @param source the source * @param target the target * @return the coordinate */ public static Coordinate transformCoordiante(Coordinate centerCoordinate, String source, String target) { return Projection.transform(centerCoordinate, source, target); } /** * Transform extent. * * @param extent the extent * @param source the source * @param target the target * @return the extent */ public static Extent transformExtent(Extent extent, String source, String target) { return Projection.transformExtent(extent, source, target); } /** * Distance between centroid. * * @param ex1 the ex 1 * @param ex2 the ex 2 * @return the long */ public static long distanceBetweenCentroid(ExtentWrapped ex1, ExtentWrapped ex2) { return distanceBetween(ex1.getCenter(), ex2.getCenter()); } /** * Distance between. * * @param c1 the c 1 * @param c2 the c 2 * @return the long */ public static long distanceBetween(Coordinate c1, Coordinate c2) { Coordinate[] arrayCoordinate = new Coordinate[2]; arrayCoordinate[0] = c1; arrayCoordinate[1] = c2; LineString ls = new LineString(arrayCoordinate); // GWT.log("Line length is: "+ls); return Math.round(ls.getLength() * 100) / 100; } /** * Reverse coordinate. * * @param coord the coord * @return the coordinate */ public static Coordinate reverseCoordinate(Coordinate coord) { return new Coordinate(coord.getY(), coord.getX()); } /** * Geo JSON to B box center. * * @param spatialReference the spatial reference * @param transforFrom the transfor from * @param transformTo the transform to * @return the coordinate */ public static Coordinate geoJSONToBBOXCenter(GeoJSON spatialReference, String transforFrom, String transformTo) { try { if (spatialReference != null) { ExtentWrapped ew = new ExtentWrapped(spatialReference.getBbox().getMinX(), spatialReference.getBbox().getMinY(), spatialReference.getBbox().getMaxX(), spatialReference.getBbox().getMaxY()); Coordinate center = ew.getCenter(); if (transforFrom != null && transformTo != null) center = transformCoordiante(center, transforFrom, transformTo); return center; } } catch (Exception e) { GWT.log("geoJSONTToBBoxCenter error: " + e.getMessage()); } return null; } }