package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewer; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.resources.GeoportalImages; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BaseMapLayer; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.GeoQuery; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.GeoQuery.TYPE; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ol.Collection; import ol.Coordinate; import ol.Feature; import ol.Map; import ol.MapBrowserEvent; import ol.MapOptions; import ol.OLFactory; import ol.View; import ol.ViewOptions; import ol.color.Color; import ol.control.Attribution; import ol.event.EventListener; import ol.geom.Point; import ol.interaction.KeyboardPan; import ol.interaction.KeyboardZoom; import ol.layer.Base; import ol.layer.Image; import ol.layer.Layer; import ol.layer.LayerOptions; import ol.layer.Tile; import ol.layer.VectorLayerOptions; import ol.proj.Projection; import ol.proj.ProjectionOptions; import ol.source.ImageWms; import ol.source.ImageWmsOptions; import ol.source.ImageWmsParams; import ol.source.Osm; import ol.source.Source; import ol.source.Xyz; import ol.source.XyzOptions; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class LightOpenLayerMap. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR * * Nov 12, 2021 */ public class LightOpenLayerMap { public static final int MAX_ZOOM = 20; /** The map. */ private Map map; /** The view. */ private View view; /** The view options. */ private ViewOptions viewOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); /** The projection options. */ private ProjectionOptions projectionOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); private boolean isQueryPointActive; private ol.layer.Vector geometryLayer; private String markerURL = GeoportalImages.ICONS.mapMarkerIcon().getURL(); private LayerOrder layerOrder = new LayerOrder(); private Layer baseLayerTile; /** * Instantiates a new light open layer map. * * @param divTargetId the div target id */ public LightOpenLayerMap(String divTargetId) { // create a projection projectionOptions.setCode(MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857.getName()); projectionOptions.setUnits("m"); Projection projection = new Projection(projectionOptions); viewOptions.setProjection(projection); viewOptions.setMaxZoom(20); // create a view view = new View(viewOptions); // create the map MapOptions mapOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); mapOptions.setTarget(divTargetId); mapOptions.setView(view); map = new Map(mapOptions); //map.addLayer(osmLayer); // map.addLayer(tileDebugLayer); Attribution attribution = new Attribution(); attribution.setCollapsed(true); map.addClickListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(MapBrowserEvent event) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub Coordinate coordinate = event.getCoordinate(); if (isQueryPointActive) { double lon = coordinate.getX(); double lat = coordinate.getY(); int w = (int) map.getSize().getWidth(); int h = (int) map.getSize().getHeight(); // handler.clickOnMap(x, y, w, h); // ratio - mapPixelWeight : bboxWeight = 10px : geoRectangleWidth // where 10px is the pixel diameter dimension of the clicked point double bboxWidth = Math.abs(getExtent().getLowerLeftX() - getExtent().getUpperRightX()); double geoWidth = (bboxWidth / w) * (20 / 2); double x1 = Math.min(lon + geoWidth, lon - geoWidth); double x2 = Math.max(lon + geoWidth, lon - geoWidth); double y1 = Math.min(lat + geoWidth, lat - geoWidth); double y2 = Math.max(lat + geoWidth, lat - geoWidth); // GWT.log("("+x1+","+y1+")("+x2+","+y2+")"); // Point pt = new Point(coordinate); // ol.Extent extent = pt.getExtent(); // //new ClickDataInfo(x1, y1, x2, y2) // SelectDataInfo selectDataInfo // selectBox(new GeoQuery(x1, y1, x2, y2, GeoQuery.TYPE.POINT)); GeoQuery select = new GeoQuery(x1, y1, x2, y2, TYPE.POINT); } } }); map.addControl(attribution); // add some interactions map.addInteraction(new KeyboardPan()); map.addInteraction(new KeyboardZoom()); List listBaseMapLayers = GeoportalDataViewer.getListBaseMapLayers(); BaseMapLayer bml = null; if(listBaseMapLayers!=null) bml = listBaseMapLayers.get(0); changeBaseMap(bml); } /** * Change base map. * * @param baseLayer the base layer */ public void changeBaseMap(BaseMapLayer baseLayer) { BaseMapLayer.OL_BASE_MAP baseMap = baseLayer.getType() == null ? BaseMapLayer.OL_BASE_MAP.OSM : baseLayer.getType(); try { if (baseLayerTile != null) map.removeLayer(baseLayerTile); } catch (Exception e) { } switch (baseMap) { case MAPBOX: case OTHER: XyzOptions xyzOptions2 = OLFactory.createOptions(); xyzOptions2.setCrossOrigin("Anonymous"); Xyz xyz = new Xyz(xyzOptions2); //setAttributions is buggy //xyz.setAttributions(baseLayer.getAttribution()); xyz.setUrl(baseLayer.getUrl()); LayerOptions layerOptions2 = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions2.setSource(xyz); int zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.BASE_MAP)+1; layerOptions2.setZIndex(zIndex); baseLayerTile = new Tile(layerOptions2); break; case OSM: default: XyzOptions osmSourceOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); osmSourceOptions.setCrossOrigin("Anonymous"); Osm osmSource = new Osm(osmSourceOptions); //osmSource.setUrl(baseLayer.getUrl()); //setAttributions is buggy //osmSource.setAttributions(baseLayer.getAttribution()); LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions.setSource(osmSource); zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.BASE_MAP)+1; layerOptions.setZIndex(zIndex); baseLayerTile = new Tile(layerOptions); break; } // map == null at init time if (map != null) { map.addLayer(baseLayerTile); } } /** * Sets the center. * * @param centerCoordinate the new center */ public void setCenter(Coordinate centerCoordinate) { view.setCenter(centerCoordinate); } /** * Sets the center. * * @param zoom the new zoom */ public void setZoom(int zoom) { view.setZoom(zoom); } /** * Adds the WMS layer. * * @param mapServerHost the map server host * @param layerName the layer name * @param bbox the bbox * @return the image */ public Image addWMSLayer(String mapServerHost, String layerName, BoundsMap bbox) { GWT.log("Adding wmsLayer with mapServerHost: " + mapServerHost + ", layerName: " + layerName); ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSParams.setLayers(layerName); // imageWMSParams.setSize(new Size(400,400)); // imageWMSParams.setVersion("1.1.0"); // if(bbox!=null) // imageWMSParams.set("BBOX", bbox.getLowerLeftX()+","+bbox.getLowerLeftY()+","+bbox.getUpperRightX()+","+bbox.getUpperRightY()); ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSOptions.setCrossOrigin("Anonymous"); imageWMSOptions.setUrl(mapServerHost); imageWMSOptions.setParams(imageWMSParams); // imageWMSOptions.setRatio(1.5f); ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions); LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions.setSource(imageWMSSource); ol.layer.Image wmsLayer = new ol.layer.Image(layerOptions); int zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.WMS_DETAIL)+1; wmsLayer.setZIndex(zIndex); // visibleLayerItems map.addLayer(wmsLayer); return wmsLayer; } /** * Gets the first layer. * * @return the first layer */ public Image getFirstLayer() { if (map.getLayers() != null) { return (Image) map.getLayers().getArray()[0]; } return null; } /** * Gets the layers. * * @return the layers */ public List getLayers() { Collection layers = map.getLayers(); List layerNames = null; if (layers != null) { Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray(); layerNames = new ArrayList(layersArr.length); for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) { Base layer = layersArr[i]; if (layer instanceof Image) { Image layerImage = (Image) layer; Source source = layerImage.getSource(); // GWT.log("source: "+source.toString()); GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJsObj(source); String sorceRootObj = GeoportalDataViewerConstants.toJsonObj(source); JSONValue jsonObj = JSONParser.parseStrict(sorceRootObj); // GWT.log("jsonObj: " + jsonObj.toString()); JSONObject jsonSourceObj = (JSONObject) jsonObj; JSONObject jsonParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("params_"); // GWT.log("jsonParamsObj is: "+jsonParamsObj); JSONValue jsonLayers = jsonParamsObj.get("LAYERS"); GWT.log("theLayerName name is: " + jsonLayers); layerNames.add(jsonLayers.toString()); } } } return layerNames; } /** * Gets the layer UR ls property. * * @return the layer UR ls property */ public java.util.Map getLayerURLsProperty() { Collection layers = map.getLayerGroup().getLayers(); java.util.Map mapLayerNameURL = new HashMap(); if (layers != null) { Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) { Base layer = layersArr[i]; // GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJs(layer.toString()); if (layer instanceof Image) { Image layerImage = (Image) layer; Source source = layerImage.getSource(); // GWT.log("source: "+source.toString()); // GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJsObj(source); String sorceRootObj = GeoportalDataViewerConstants.toJsonObj(source); JSONValue jsonObj = JSONParser.parseStrict(sorceRootObj); // GWT.log("jsonObj: " + jsonObj.toString()); JSONObject jsonSourceObj = (JSONObject) jsonObj; JSONObject jsonParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("params_"); // GWT.log("jsonParamsObj is: "+jsonParamsObj); JSONString jsonLayers = (JSONString) jsonParamsObj.get("LAYERS"); String layerName = jsonLayers.stringValue(); GWT.log("jsonLayers is: " + layerName); // GWT.log("theLayerName name is: " + jsonLayers); JSONValue jsonImage = jsonSourceObj.get("image_"); // GWT.log("jsonImage: " + jsonImage.toString()); JSONObject jsonImageObj = (JSONObject) jsonImage; JSONString jsonSrc = (JSONString) jsonImageObj.get("src_"); String layerURL = jsonSrc.stringValue(); GWT.log("jsonSrc: " + layerURL); mapLayerNameURL.put(layerName, layerURL); } } } GWT.log("returning mapLayerNameURL: " + mapLayerNameURL); return mapLayerNameURL; } /** * Adds the point. * * @param coordinate the coordinate * @param showCoordinateText the show coordinate text * @param asMarker the as marker */ public void addPoint(Coordinate coordinate, boolean showCoordinateText, boolean asMarker) { if (geometryLayer != null) { map.removeLayer(geometryLayer); } else { } Style style = new Style(); if (asMarker) { IconOptions iconOptions = new IconOptions(); iconOptions.setSrc(markerURL); Icon icon = new Icon(iconOptions); style.setImage(icon); } if (showCoordinateText) { TextOptions textOptions = new TextOptions(); textOptions.setOffsetY(-25); StrokeOptions strokeOptions = new StrokeOptions(); strokeOptions.setColor(new Color(255, 255, 255, 1.0)); strokeOptions.setWidth(4); Stroke stroke = new Stroke(strokeOptions); stroke.setWidth(5); textOptions.setStroke(stroke); FillOptions fillOptions = new FillOptions(); fillOptions.setColor(new Color(0, 0, 255, 1.0)); textOptions.setFill(new Fill(fillOptions)); Coordinate transfCoord = MapUtils.transformCoordiante(coordinate, MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857.getName(), MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_4326.getName()); // DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.####"); NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getFormat("#.####"); textOptions.setText("Long: " + fmt.format(transfCoord.getX()) + ", Lat: " + fmt.format(transfCoord.getY())); Text text = new Text(textOptions); // FillOptions fillOptions = new FillOptions(); // Color color = new Color(217, 217, 223, 0.0); // fillOptions.setColor(color); // Fill fill = new Fill(fillOptions); // style.setFill(fill); style.setText(text); } Point thePoint = new Point(coordinate); Feature vf = new Feature(thePoint); vf.setStyle(style); ol.source.Vector vector = new ol.source.Vector(); vector.addFeature(vf); VectorLayerOptions vectorLayerOptions = new VectorLayerOptions(); vectorLayerOptions.setSource(vector); geometryLayer = new ol.layer.Vector(vectorLayerOptions); int zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.VECTOR)+1; geometryLayer.setZIndex(zIndex); map.addLayer(geometryLayer); } /** * Gets the map. * * @return the map */ public Map getMap() { return map; } /** * Gets the projection code. * * @return the projection code */ public String getProjectionCode() { return map.getView().getProjection().getCode(); } /** * Gets the current zoom level. * * @return the current zoom level */ public double getCurrentZoomLevel() { return map.getView().getZoom(); } /** * Gets the bbox. * * @return the bbox */ public ol.Extent getBBOX() { return getExtent(); } /** * Gets the extent. * * @return the extent */ public ol.Extent getExtent() { return; } }