package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.gis; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerConstants.MAP_PROJECTION; import; import; import; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.util.WFSMakerUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BaseMapLayer; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerItem; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import ol.Collection; import ol.Coordinate; import ol.Feature; import ol.FeatureOptions; import ol.Map; import ol.MapBrowserEvent; import ol.MapEvent; import ol.MapOptions; import ol.OLFactory; import ol.Overlay; import ol.OverlayOptions; import ol.Size; import ol.View; import ol.ViewFitOptions; import ol.ViewOptions; import ol.animation.AnimationOptions; import ol.color.Color; import ol.event.EventListener; import ol.geom.Geometry; import ol.interaction.Draw; import ol.interaction.DrawOptions; import ol.interaction.Extent; import ol.interaction.ExtentOptions; import ol.interaction.Interaction; import ol.interaction.KeyboardPan; import ol.interaction.KeyboardZoom; import ol.layer.Base; import ol.layer.Image; import ol.layer.Layer; import ol.layer.LayerOptions; import ol.layer.Tile; import ol.layer.VectorLayerOptions; import ol.proj.Projection; import ol.proj.ProjectionOptions; import ol.source.ImageWms; import ol.source.ImageWmsOptions; import ol.source.ImageWmsParams; import ol.source.Osm; import ol.source.Source; import ol.source.Vector; import ol.source.Xyz; import ol.source.XyzOptions; import; import; import; import; import; /** * The Class OpenLayerMap. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Oct 27, 2020 */ public abstract class OpenLayerMap { public static final String CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER = WFSMakerUtil.CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER; private static final int MAX_LENGHT_CQL_FOR_GET_REQUEST = 1600; // 1600 characters public static final int SET_CENTER_ANIMATED_DURATION = 500; public static final int ZOOM_ANIMATED_DURATION = 3000; public static final int MAX_ZOOM = 21; /** * The Enum CQL_FACILITY_ORIGIN. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR * * Jun 6, 2023 */ public static enum CQL_FACILITY_ORIGIN { SEARCH, CROSS_FILTERING } public HashMap cqlFilterMap = new HashMap(); /** * Click listener. * * @param event the event */ public abstract void clickListener(MapBrowserEvent event); /** * Move end listener. * * @param event the event */ public abstract void moveEndListener(MapEvent event); /** * Move start listener. * * @param event the event */ public abstract void moveStartListener(MapEvent event); /** * Map zoom listener. * * @param event the event */ public abstract void mapZoomListener(MapEvent event); /** * Map zoom end listener. * * @param event the event */ public abstract void mapZoomEndListener(MapEvent event); /** The map. */ private Map map; /** The view. */ private View view; /** The view options. */ private ViewOptions viewOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); /** The projection options. */ private ProjectionOptions projectionOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); /** The point draw. */ private Draw queryPoint; private Extent queryBox; /** The popup overlay. */ private Overlay popupOverlay; private HandlerManager eventBus; private boolean isQueryBoxActive; private boolean isQueryPointActive; private LinkedHashMap wmsDetailsLayerMap; private LinkedHashMap wmsGroupedCustomLayerMap; private LinkedHashMap wmsLayerMap; private LinkedHashMap vectorLayersHighlighted = new LinkedHashMap(); private Layer baseLayerTile; private LayerOrder layerOrder = new LayerOrder(); /** * Instantiates a new open layer OSM. * * @param divTargetId the div target id * @param eventBus the event bus * @param baseLayer the base layer */ public OpenLayerMap(String divTargetId, HandlerManager eventBus, BaseMapLayer baseLayer) { this.eventBus = eventBus; // create a projection projectionOptions.setCode(MAP_PROJECTION.EPSG_3857.getName()); projectionOptions.setUnits("m"); Projection projection = new Projection(projectionOptions); viewOptions.setProjection(projection); viewOptions.setMaxZoom(MAX_ZOOM); // create a view view = new View(viewOptions); // create the map MapOptions mapOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); mapOptions.setTarget(divTargetId); mapOptions.setView(view); map = new Map(mapOptions); // map.addLayer(baseLayerTile); // map.addLayer(tileDebugLayer); // add some controls map.addControl(OLFactory.createScaleLine()); MapUtils.addDefaultControls(map.getControls()); // add some interactions map.addInteraction(new KeyboardPan()); map.addInteraction(new KeyboardZoom()); // applying base map changeBaseMap(baseLayer); bindEvents(); } /** * Change base map. * * @param baseLayer the base layer */ public void changeBaseMap(BaseMapLayer baseLayer) { BaseMapLayer.OL_BASE_MAP baseMap = baseLayer.getType() == null ? BaseMapLayer.OL_BASE_MAP.OSM : baseLayer.getType(); try { if (baseLayerTile != null) map.removeLayer(baseLayerTile); } catch (Exception e) { // TODO: handle exception } switch (baseMap) { case OSM: XyzOptions xyzOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); Osm osmSource = new Osm(xyzOptions); osmSource.setUrl(baseLayer.getUrl()); // setAttributions is buggy // osmSource.setAttributions(baseLayer.getAttribution()); LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions.setSource(osmSource); int zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.BASE_MAP) + 1; layerOptions.setZIndex(zIndex); baseLayerTile = new Tile(layerOptions); break; case MAPBOX: case OTHER: XyzOptions xyzOptions2 = OLFactory.createOptions(); Xyz xyz = new Xyz(xyzOptions2); // setAttributions is buggy // xyz.setAttributions(baseLayer.getAttribution()); xyz.setUrl(baseLayer.getUrl()); LayerOptions layerOptions2 = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions2.setSource(xyz); zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.BASE_MAP) + 1; layerOptions2.setZIndex(zIndex); baseLayerTile = new Tile(layerOptions2); break; } // map == null at init time if (map != null) { map.addLayer(baseLayerTile); } } /** * Bind events. */ private void bindEvents() { map.addClickListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(MapBrowserEvent event) { clickListener(event); } }); map.addMoveEndListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(MapEvent event) { moveEndListener(event); } }); map.addMoveStartListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(MapEvent event) { moveStartListener(event); } }); map.addMapZoomListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(MapEvent event) { mapZoomListener(event); } }); map.addMapZoomEndListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent(MapEvent event) { mapZoomEndListener(event); } }); } /** * Sets the center. * * @param centerCoordinate the new center */ public void setCenter(Coordinate centerCoordinate) { AnimationOptions animations = new AnimationOptions(); animations.setCenter(centerCoordinate); animations.setDuration(SET_CENTER_ANIMATED_DURATION); view.animate(animations); // view.setCenter(centerCoordinate); } /** * Sets the center. * * @param zoom the new zoom */ public void setZoom(int zoom) { AnimationOptions animations = new AnimationOptions(); animations.setDuration(ZOOM_ANIMATED_DURATION); animations.setZoom(zoom); view.animate(animations); // view.setZoom(zoom); } /** * Show popup. * * @param html the html * @param coordinate the coordinate */ public void showPopup(String html, Coordinate coordinate) { GWT.log("Showing popup on: " + coordinate); // GeoportalDataViewerConstants.print("Showing popup on: "+coordinate); Element elPopup = DOM.getElementById("popup"); elPopup.getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.VISIBLE); if (popupOverlay == null) { popupOverlay = addOverlay(elPopup); addPopupCloserHandler(popupOverlay); } Element popContent = DOM.getElementById("popup-content"); popContent.setInnerHTML(html); popupOverlay.setPosition(coordinate); } /** * Hide popup. */ public void hidePopup() { if (popupOverlay != null) { Element elPopup = DOM.getElementById("popup"); elPopup.getStyle().setVisibility(Visibility.HIDDEN); } } /** * Adds the popup closer handler. * * @param popupOverlay the popup overlay */ private void addPopupCloserHandler(Overlay popupOverlay) { Element elPopupCloser = DOM.getElementById("popup-closer"); Event.sinkEvents(elPopupCloser, Event.ONCLICK); Event.setEventListener(elPopupCloser, new { @Override public void onBrowserEvent(Event event) { if (Event.ONCLICK == event.getTypeInt()) { popupOverlay.setPosition(null); } } }); } /** * Handler popu closer. * * @param divId the div id * @param overlayId the overlay id */ public static native void handlerPopuCloser(String divId, String overlayId) /*-{ var closer = $doc.getElementById(divId); var overlay = $doc.getElementById(overlayId); closer.onclick = function() { overlay.setPosition(undefined); closer.blur(); return false; }; }-*/; /** * Adds the WMS layer. * * @param layerItem the layer item */ public void addWMSLayer(LayerItem layerItem) { if (wmsLayerMap == null) wmsLayerMap = new LinkedHashMap(); String key = layerItem.getName(); Image layer = wmsLayerMap.get(layerItem.getName()); if (layer == null) { ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSParams.setLayers(layerItem.getName()); ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSOptions.setUrl(layerItem.getMapServerEndpoint()); imageWMSOptions.setParams(imageWMSParams); // imageWMSOptions.setRatio(1.5f); ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions); LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions.setSource(imageWMSSource); // Settings MIN and MAX Resolution if (layerItem.getMinResolution() != null) { layerOptions.setMinResolution(layerItem.getMinResolution()); } if (layerItem.getMaxResolution() != null) { layerOptions.setMaxResolution(layerItem.getMaxResolution()); } Image wmsLayer = new Image(layerOptions); int zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.BASE_WMS) + wmsLayerMap.size() + 1; wmsLayer.setZIndex(zIndex); // visibleLayerItems map.addLayer(wmsLayer); wmsLayerMap.put(key, wmsLayer); GWT.log("Added WMSLayer for layer: " + layerItem.getName()); eventBus.fireEvent(new AddedLayerToMapEvent(layerItem, LAYER_TYPE.BASE)); } else { GWT.log("The WMS layer with key: " + key + " already exists, skipping"); } } /** * Sets the CQL filter to WMS layer. * * @param origin the origin * @param layerName the key * @param newCQLFilterExpression the cql filter expression * @return the new CQL Filter */ public String setCQLFilterToWMSLayer(CQL_FACILITY_ORIGIN origin, String layerName, String newCQLFilterExpression) { GWT.log("Getting key (layerName): " + layerName); GWT.log("Adding CQL FILTER: " + newCQLFilterExpression); Image wmsLayer = wmsLayerMap.get(layerName); GWT.log("WMS layer is: " + wmsLayer); ImageWms imageWMSSource = wmsLayer.getSource(); ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = imageWMSSource.getParams(); // Setting new CQL filter for Origin cqlFilterMap.put(origin, newCQLFilterExpression); String setCQLFilter = ""; // Building new CQL filter for (CQL_FACILITY_ORIGIN originKey : cqlFilterMap.keySet()) { String originCQLFilter = cqlFilterMap.get(originKey); if (originCQLFilter != null) { if (setCQLFilter.isEmpty()) { setCQLFilter = originCQLFilter; } else { setCQLFilter += " AND " + originCQLFilter; } } } if (setCQLFilter.isEmpty()) imageWMSParams.delete(CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER); else imageWMSParams.set(CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER, setCQLFilter); imageWMSSource.updateParams(imageWMSParams); wmsLayer.setSource(imageWMSSource); wmsLayer.changed(); GWT.log("returning " + CQL_FILTER_PARAMETER + ": " + setCQLFilter); return setCQLFilter; } /** * Adds the WMS detail layer. * * @param layerItem the layer item * @param initialOpacity the initial opacity */ public void addWMSDetailLayer(LayerItem layerItem, double initialOpacity) { if (wmsDetailsLayerMap == null) wmsDetailsLayerMap = new LinkedHashMap(); String key = layerItem.getName(); Image layer = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(key); if (layer == null) { GWT.log("The detail layer with key: " + key + " does not exist, creating and adding it to map"); ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSParams.setLayers(layerItem.getName()); ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSOptions.setUrl(layerItem.getMapServerEndpoint()); imageWMSOptions.setParams(imageWMSParams); // imageWMSOptions.setRatio(1.5f); ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions); LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions.setSource(imageWMSSource); // Settings MIN and MAX Resolution if (layerItem.getMinResolution() != null) { layerOptions.setMinResolution(layerItem.getMinResolution()); } if (layerItem.getMaxResolution() != null) { layerOptions.setMaxResolution(layerItem.getMaxResolution()); } Image wmsLayer = new Image(layerOptions); int zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.WMS_DETAIL) + wmsDetailsLayerMap.size() + 1; wmsLayer.setZIndex(zIndex); wmsLayer.setOpacity(initialOpacity); map.addLayer(wmsLayer); wmsDetailsLayerMap.put(key, wmsLayer); GWT.log("Added WMSDetailLayer for layer name: " + layerItem.getName()); eventBus.fireEvent(new AddedLayerToMapEvent(layerItem, LAYER_TYPE.OVERLAY)); } else { GWT.log("The WMS detail layer with key: " + key + " already exists, skipping"); } } /** * Adds the custom WMS detail layer. * * @param layerItem the layer item */ public void addGroupedCustomWMSLayer(LayerItem layerItem) { if (wmsGroupedCustomLayerMap == null) wmsGroupedCustomLayerMap = new LinkedHashMap(); String key = layerItem.getName(); Image layer = wmsGroupedCustomLayerMap.get(key); if (layer == null) { GWT.log("The grouped custom layer with key: " + key + " does not exist, creating and adding it to map"); ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSParams.setLayers(layerItem.getName()); ImageWmsOptions imageWMSOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); imageWMSOptions.setUrl(layerItem.getMapServerEndpoint()); imageWMSOptions.setParams(imageWMSParams); // imageWMSOptions.setRatio(1.5f); ImageWms imageWMSSource = new ImageWms(imageWMSOptions); LayerOptions layerOptions = OLFactory.createOptions(); layerOptions.setSource(imageWMSSource); // Settings MIN and MAX Resolution if (layerItem.getMinResolution() != null) { layerOptions.setMinResolution(layerItem.getMinResolution()); } if (layerItem.getMaxResolution() != null) { layerOptions.setMaxResolution(layerItem.getMaxResolution()); } Image wmsLayer = new Image(layerOptions); int zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.CUSTOM_WMS_DETAIL) + wmsGroupedCustomLayerMap.size() + 1; wmsLayer.setZIndex(zIndex); map.addLayer(wmsLayer); wmsGroupedCustomLayerMap.put(key, wmsLayer); GWT.log("Added GroupedCustomWMSLayer for layer name: " + layerItem.getName()); eventBus.fireEvent(new AddedLayerToMapEvent(layerItem, LAYER_TYPE.OVERLAY)); } else { GWT.log("The WMS detail layer with key: " + key + " already exists, skipping"); } } /** * Removes the all detail layers. * * @param layerName the layer name */ public void removeWMSLayer(String layerName) { GWT.log("Removing layerName: " + layerName + " from map: " + wmsLayerMap); // NOT NEEDED ANYMORE.. I'M USING MIN/MAX LAYER RESOLUTION if (wmsLayerMap == null) return; Image layer = wmsLayerMap.get(layerName); if (layer != null) { map.removeLayer(layer); wmsLayerMap.remove(layerName); GWT.log("Removed layerName: " + layerName + " from map: " + wmsLayerMap.keySet()); } } /** * Removes the all detail layers. */ public void removeAllDetailLayers() { if (wmsDetailsLayerMap == null) return; GWT.log("Removing wmsDetailsLayerMap: " + wmsDetailsLayerMap.keySet() + " from map"); for (String key : wmsDetailsLayerMap.keySet()) { Image layer = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(key); map.removeLayer(layer); } wmsDetailsLayerMap.clear(); } /** * Removes the all layer features as highlight. */ public void removeAllLayerFeaturesAsHighlight() { if (vectorLayersHighlighted == null) return; GWT.log("Removing vectorLayersHighlighted: " + vectorLayersHighlighted.keySet() + " from map"); for (String layerName : vectorLayersHighlighted.keySet()) { removeLayerFeaturesAsHighlight(layerName); } vectorLayersHighlighted.clear(); } /** * Adds the vector. * * @param geometry the geometry */ public void addVector(Geometry geometry) { VectorLayerOptions vectorLayerOptions = new VectorLayerOptions(); vectorLayerOptions.setMap(map); Style style = new Style(); FillOptions fillOptions = new FillOptions(); Color color = new Color(0, 0, 255, 1.0); fillOptions.setColor(color); Fill fill = new Fill(fillOptions); style.setFill(fill); FeatureOptions featureOptions = new FeatureOptions(); featureOptions.setGeometry(geometry); Feature feature = OLFactory.createFeature(featureOptions); Vector vectorSource = OLFactory.createVectorSource(); vectorSource.addFeature(feature); vectorLayerOptions.setSource(vectorSource); ol.layer.Vector vector = OLFactory.createVector(vectorLayerOptions); int zIndex = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.VECTOR) + 1000; vector.setZIndex(zIndex); map.addLayer(vector); } /** * Adds the vector. * * @param layerItem the layer item * @param features the features * @param fitMapToFeaturesExtent the fit map to features extent */ public void addLayerFeaturesAsHighlight(LayerItem layerItem, Feature[] features, boolean fitMapToFeaturesExtent) { removeLayerFeaturesAsHighlight(layerItem.getName()); Style style = new Style(); StrokeOptions strokeOptions = new StrokeOptions(); strokeOptions.setColor(new Color(255, 69, 0, 0.8)); strokeOptions.setWidth(5); Stroke stroke = new Stroke(strokeOptions); stroke.setWidth(2); style.setStroke(stroke); Vector vectorSource = OLFactory.createVectorSource(); EventListener listenerE = new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent( event) { ol.Extent theExtent = vectorSource.getExtent(); // GWT.log(theExtent.toString()); map.getView().fit(theExtent); } }; if (fitMapToFeaturesExtent) vectorSource.addChangeListener(listenerE); vectorSource.addFeatures(features); // GWT.log("features: " + features); VectorLayerOptions vectorLayerOptions = new VectorLayerOptions(); vectorLayerOptions.setSource(vectorSource); vectorLayerOptions.setStyle(style); // GWT.log("vectorLayerOptions: " + vectorLayerOptions); ol.layer.Vector vector = OLFactory.createVector(vectorLayerOptions); // vector.setStyle(style); vector.setVisible(true); vector.setZIndex(5000); vectorLayersHighlighted.put(layerItem.getName(), vector); map.addLayer(vector); } /** * Are layer features A as highlight. * * @param layerItem the layer item * @return true, if successful */ public boolean areLayerFeaturesAsHighlight(LayerItem layerItem) { return vectorLayersHighlighted.get(layerItem.getName()) != null; } /** * Removes the layer features A as highlight. * * @param layerName the layer name * @return true, if successful */ public boolean removeLayerFeaturesAsHighlight(String layerName) { try { ol.layer.Vector vl = vectorLayersHighlighted.get(layerName); if (vl != null) { map.removeLayer(vl); vectorLayersHighlighted.remove(layerName); return true; } } catch (Exception e) { } return false; } /** * Adds the point vector source. * * @return the draw */ public Draw addPointVectorSource() { if (queryPoint == null) initPointInteraction(); map.addInteraction(queryPoint); isQueryPointActive = true; return queryPoint; } /** * Inits the point interaction. */ private void initPointInteraction() { Vector vectorSource = new Vector(); DrawOptions drawOptions = new DrawOptions(); drawOptions.setSource(vectorSource); drawOptions.setType("Point"); drawOptions.setMaxPoints(1); drawOptions.setMinPoints(1); drawOptions.setWrapX(false); queryPoint = new Draw(drawOptions); queryPoint.addChangeListener(new EventListener() { @Override public void onEvent( event) { GWT.log(event.getType()); } }); } /** * Removes the interaction. * * @param interaction the interaction */ public void removeInteraction(Interaction interaction) { map.removeInteraction(interaction); } /** * Removes the interactions. */ public void removeQueryInteractions() { Collection interactions = map.getInteractions(); if (interactions != null) { map.removeInteraction(queryBox); map.removeInteraction(queryPoint); isQueryBoxActive = false; isQueryPointActive = false; } } /** * Adds the extent interaction. * * @return the extent */ public Extent addExtentInteraction() { ExtentOptions extentOptions = new ExtentOptions(); extentOptions.setWrapX(false); // StyleOptions styleOptions = new StyleOptions(); // styleOptions.setStroke(stroke); // styleOptions.set // extentOptions.setBoxStyle(new; queryBox = new Extent(extentOptions); map.addInteraction(queryBox); isQueryBoxActive = true; return queryBox; } /** * Adds the overlay. * * @param element the element * @return the overlay */ public Overlay addOverlay(Element element) { /** * Create an overlay to anchor the popup to the map. */ OverlayOptions overlayOptions = new OverlayOptions(); overlayOptions.setAutoPan(true); Overlay overlay = new Overlay(overlayOptions); overlay.setElement(element); map.addOverlay(overlay); return overlay; } /** * Gets the projection code. * * @return the projection code */ public String getProjectionCode() { return map.getView().getProjection().getCode(); } /** * Gets the current zoom level. * * @return the current zoom level */ public double getCurrentZoomLevel() { return map.getView().getZoom(); } /** * Gets the current zoom level. * * @return the current zoom level */ public double getCurrentResolution() { return map.getView().getResolution(); } /** * Gets the bbox. * * @return the bbox */ public ol.Extent getBBOX() { return getExtent(); } /** * Gets the extent. * * @return the extent */ public ol.Extent getExtent() { return; } /** * Transform. * * @param centerCoordinate the center coordinate * @param source the source * @param target the target * @return the coordinate */ public Coordinate transform(Coordinate centerCoordinate, String source, String target) { return Projection.transform(centerCoordinate, source, target); } /** * Checks if is query box active. * * @return true, if is query box active */ public boolean isQueryBoxActive() { return isQueryBoxActive; } /** * Checks if is query point active. * * @return true, if is query point active */ public boolean isQueryPointActive() { return isQueryPointActive; } /** * Gets the size. * * @return the size */ public Size getSize() { return map.getSize(); } /** * Map instancied. * * @return true, if successful */ public boolean mapInstancied() { return != null; } /** * Gets the layers from map. * * @return the layers from map */ public ArrayList getLayersFromMap() { Collection layers = map.getLayers(); ArrayList layerNames = null; if (layers != null) { Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray(); layerNames = new ArrayList(layersArr.length); for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) { Base layer = layersArr[i]; if (layer instanceof Image) { Image layerImage = (Image) layer; Source source = layerImage.getSource(); // GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJsObj(source); String sorceRootObj = GeoportalDataViewerConstants.toJsonObj(source); JSONValue jsonObj = JSONParser.parseStrict(sorceRootObj); // GWT.log("jsonObj: " + jsonObj.toString()); JSONObject jsonSourceObj = (JSONObject) jsonObj; GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJsObj(jsonSourceObj); JSONObject jsonParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("params_"); // GWT.log("jsonParamsObj is: "+jsonParamsObj); JSONValue jsonLayers = jsonParamsObj.get("LAYERS"); GWT.log("theLayerName name is: " + jsonLayers); layerNames.add(jsonLayers.toString()); JSONObject imagesParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("image_"); JSONArray extent = (JSONArray) imagesParamsObj.get("extent"); GWT.log("extentLayer: " + extent.toString()); } } } return layerNames; } /** * Gets the source extent for layer. * * @param layerName the layer name * @return the source extent for layer */ public ExtentWrapped getSourceExtentForLayer(String layerName) { Collection layers = map.getLayers(); if (layers != null) { Base[] layersArr = layers.getArray(); for (int i = 0; i < layersArr.length; i++) { Base layer = layersArr[i]; if (layer instanceof Image) { Image layerImage = (Image) layer; Source source = layerImage.getSource(); // GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJsObj(source); String sorceRootObj = GeoportalDataViewerConstants.toJsonObj(source); JSONValue jsonObj = JSONParser.parseStrict(sorceRootObj); // GWT.log("jsonObj: " + jsonObj.toString()); JSONObject jsonSourceObj = (JSONObject) jsonObj; // GeoportalDataViewerConstants.printJsObj(jsonSourceObj); JSONObject jsonParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("params_"); // GWT.log("jsonParamsObj is: "+jsonParamsObj); JSONValue jsonLayers = jsonParamsObj.get("LAYERS"); String layerNameIntoMap = jsonLayers.toString().replaceAll("\"", ""); if (layerName.compareTo(layerNameIntoMap) == 0) { JSONObject imagesParamsObj = (JSONObject) jsonSourceObj.get("image_"); JSONArray extent = (JSONArray) imagesParamsObj.get("extent"); // GWT.log("extentLayer: "+extent.toString()); double minX = Double.parseDouble(extent.get(0).toString()); double minY = Double.parseDouble(extent.get(1).toString()); double maxX = Double.parseDouble(extent.get(2).toString()); double maxY = Double.parseDouble(extent.get(3).toString()); return new ExtentWrapped(minX, minY, maxX, maxY); } } } } return null; } /** * Gets the wms details layer map. * * @return the wms details layer map */ public LinkedHashMap getWmsDetailsLayerMap() { return wmsDetailsLayerMap; } /** * Gets the wms layer map. * * @return the wms layer map */ public LinkedHashMap getWmsLayerMap() { return wmsLayerMap; } /** * Checks if is layer visible. * * @param layerName the layer name * @return true, if is layer visible */ public boolean isLayerVisible(String layerName) { String key = layerName; Image layer = wmsLayerMap.get(key); if (layer != null) return layer.getVisible(); layer = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(key); if (layer != null) return layer.getVisible(); return false; } /** * Sets the WMS detail layer visible. * * @param layerItem the layer item * @param visible the visible */ public void setWMSDetailLayerVisible(LayerItem layerItem, boolean visible) { String key = layerItem.getName(); Image layer = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(key); layer.setVisible(visible); } public void setLayerStyleForIndex(String layerName, String value) { GWT.log("Setting style " + value + " for " + layerName); Image indexWmsLayer = wmsLayerMap.get(layerName); GWT.log("WMS layer is: " + indexWmsLayer); if (indexWmsLayer != null) { ImageWms imageWMSSource = indexWmsLayer.getSource(); ImageWmsParams imageWMSParams = imageWMSSource.getParams(); imageWMSParams.set("STYLES", value); imageWMSSource.updateParams(imageWMSParams); indexWmsLayer.setSource(imageWMSSource); indexWmsLayer.changed(); } } /** * Sets the WMS detail layer opacity. * * @param layerItem the layer item * @param opacity the opacity */ public void setWMSDetailLayerOpacity(LayerItem layerItem, double opacity) { String key = layerItem.getName(); Image layer = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(key); if (layer != null) layer.setOpacity(opacity); } /** * Sets the WMS detail layer visible. * * @param layerItem the layer item * @param visible the visible */ public void setWMSGroupedCustomLayerVisible(LayerItem layerItem, boolean visible) { String key = layerItem.getName(); Image layer = wmsGroupedCustomLayerMap.get(key); if (layer != null) layer.setVisible(visible); } /** * Swap details layers. * * @param swapLSource the swap L source * @param swapLTarget the swap L target */ public void swapDetailsLayers(SwapLayer swapLSource, SwapLayer swapLTarget) { String layerSource = swapLSource.getLayerItem().getName(); String layerTarget = swapLTarget.getLayerItem().getName(); Image layer1 = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(layerSource); Image layer2 = wmsDetailsLayerMap.get(layerTarget); int zIndexOffset = layerOrder.getOffset(LayerOrder.LAYER_TYPE.WMS_DETAIL); int zIndexS = swapLSource.getPosition() + zIndexOffset + 1; int zIndexT = swapLTarget.getPosition() + zIndexOffset + 1; GWT.log("new zindex source: " + zIndexS + ", new zTarget: " + zIndexT); layer1.setZIndex(zIndexT); layer2.setZIndex(zIndexS); GWT.log("layer1 source: " + layerSource + ", new zIndex: " + layer1.getZIndex()); GWT.log("layer1 target: " + layerTarget + ", new zIndex: " + layer2.getZIndex()); } /** * Gets the layer by index. * * @param map the map * @param index the index * @return the layer by index */ private Image getLayerByIndex(LinkedHashMap map, int index) { return map.get((map.keySet().toArray())[index]); } /** * Fit to extent. * * @param extent the extent */ public void fitToExtent(ol.Extent extent) { ViewFitOptions opt = new ViewFitOptions(); opt.setMaxZoom(16); opt.setDuration(SET_CENTER_ANIMATED_DURATION * 5); map.getView().fit(extent, opt); } }