package org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession; import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.Concessione; import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.LayerConcessione; import org.gcube.application.geoportal.common.model.legacy.UploadedImage; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.ConvertToDataViewModel; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.GeoportalCommon; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.MongoServiceCommon; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GNADataViewerConfigProfile; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.GeoNaItemRef; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.ItemField; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.LayerItem; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.ResultSetPaginatedData; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.SearchingFilter; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.gis.BoundsMap; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.BaseConcessioneDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.ConcessioneDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.AbstractRelazioneScavoDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.LayerConcessioneDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.RelazioneScavoDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.shared.products.model.UploadedImageDV; import org.gcube.application.geoportalcommon.util.URLParserUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.client.GeoportalDataViewerService; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.gis.FeatureParser; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.gis.WMSUrlValidator; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.mongoservice.accesspolicy.GeoNACheckAccessPolicy; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.server.util.SessionUtil; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.GeoNaSpatialQueryResult; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.BaseMapLayer; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.LayerObject; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wfs.FeatureRow; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.GeoInformationForWMSRequest; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.Styles; import org.gcube.portlets.user.geoportaldataviewer.shared.gis.wms.ZAxis; import org.gcube.portlets.user.urlshortener.UrlShortener; import; import; import; import; import org.gcube.vomanagement.usermanagement.model.GCubeUser; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; /** * The server side implementation of the RPC service. * * @author Francesco Mangiacrapa at ISTI-CNR ( * * Nov 12, 2020 */ @SuppressWarnings("serial") public class GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl extends RemoteServiceServlet implements GeoportalDataViewerService { public static final String PRODUCT_ID = "product_id"; /** The Constant LOG. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GeoportalDataViewerServiceImpl.class); private static final String CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE = "MAP_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE"; /** * Gets the GNA data viewe config profile. * * @return the GNA data viewe config profile * @throws Exception the exception */ private GNADataViewerConfigProfile getGNADataVieweConfigProfile() throws Exception { GNADataViewerConfigProfile profile = SessionUtil.getGNADataViewerConfigProfile(getThreadLocalRequest()); if (profile == null) { + " is null, loading configurations from IS"); // to be sure SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); GeoportalCommon geoportalComm = new GeoportalCommon(); profile = geoportalComm.readGNADataViewerConfig(null); } else { + " read from session"); } return profile; } /** * Parses the wms request. * * @param wmsRequest the wms request * @param layerName the layer name * @return the geo information for WMS request * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public GeoInformationForWMSRequest parseWmsRequest(String wmsRequest, String layerName) throws Exception { return loadGeoInfoForWmsRequest(wmsRequest, layerName); } /** * Load geo info for wms request. * * @param wmsLink the wms link * @param layerName the layer name * @return the geo information for WMS request * @throws Exception the exception */ public GeoInformationForWMSRequest loadGeoInfoForWmsRequest(String wmsLink, String layerName) throws Exception { try { WMSUrlValidator validator = new WMSUrlValidator(wmsLink, layerName); String wmsServiceHost = validator.getWmsServiceHost(); String validWMSRequest = validator.parseWMSRequest(true, true); layerName = validator.getLayerName(); String versionWms = validator.getValueOfParsedWMSParameter(WmsParameters.VERSION); String crs = validator.getValueOfParsedWMSParameter(WmsParameters.CRS); // HashMap mapWmsNotStandard = new HashMap(); if (validator.getMapWmsNoStandardParams() != null) { mapWmsNotStandard.putAll(validator.getMapWmsNoStandardParams()); } // GeoNcWMSMetadataUtility geoGS = new GeoNcWMSMetadataUtility(validWMSRequest, 4000); // STYLES LayerStyles layerStyle = geoGS.loadStyles(); Map mapNcWmsStyles = layerStyle.getMapNcWmsStyles() == null ? new HashMap(1) : layerStyle.getMapNcWmsStyles(); mapWmsNotStandard.putAll(mapNcWmsStyles); // MAP STYLES INTO GWT-SERIALIZABLE OBJECT Styles styles = new Styles(layerStyle.getGeoStyles(), layerStyle.getMapNcWmsStyles(), layerStyle.isNcWms()); // ZAxis LayerZAxis layerZAxis = geoGS.loadZAxis(); // MAP ZAXIS INTO GWT-SERIALIZABLE OBJECT ZAxis zAxis = layerZAxis != null ? new ZAxis(layerZAxis.getUnits(), layerZAxis.isPositive(), layerZAxis.getValues()) : null; return new GeoInformationForWMSRequest(wmsServiceHost, validWMSRequest, layerName, versionWms, crs, mapWmsNotStandard, styles, styles.isNcWms(), zAxis); } catch (Exception e) { String msg = "An error occurred during wms request validation for layer: " + layerName; LOG.error(msg, e); throw new Exception(msg); } } /** * Gets the data result. * * @param layerObjects the layer objects * @param mapSrsName the map srs name * @param selectBBOX the select BBOX * @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature * @param zoomLevel the zoom level * @return the data result */ @Override public List getDataResult(List layerObjects, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel) {"getDataResult called"); List listDAO = new ArrayList(layerObjects.size()); for (LayerObject layerObject : layerObjects) { GeoNaSpatialQueryResult geoDAO = new GeoNaSpatialQueryResult(); List features = FeatureParser.getWFSFeatures(layerObject.getLayerItem(), mapSrsName, selectBBOX, maxWFSFeature); LOG.debug("For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got features: " + features); geoDAO.setFeatures(features); // Getting the concessioneId from WFS features for (FeatureRow fRow : features) { if (fRow.getMapProperties() != null) { List concessioneIds = fRow.getMapProperties().get("product_id"); if (concessioneIds != null && concessioneIds.size() > 0) { String cId = concessioneIds.get(0); try { UploadedImageDV uplImg = sessionloadPreviewImageForConcessione(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), "Concessione", cId); // List listUI = getUploadedImagesForId("Concessione", cId, 1); Map> mapImages = new LinkedHashMap>(); mapImages.put(cId, Arrays.asList(uplImg)); // mapImages.put(cId, listUI); geoDAO.setMapImages(mapImages); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error on loading uploaded images for concessione: " + cId, e); } } } } geoDAO.setSourceLayerObject(layerObject);"For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got " + features.size() + " feature/s"); listDAO.add(geoDAO); }"returning " + listDAO + " geona data objects"); return listDAO; } /** * Gets the uploaded images for id. * * @param itemType the item type * @param itemId the item id. It is the mongoId * @param maxImages the max images * @return the uploaded images for id * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public List getUploadedImagesForId(String itemType, String itemId, Integer maxImages) throws Exception {"getUploadedImagesForId [itemId: " + itemId + ", itemType: " + itemType + "] called"); return getUploadedImagesForId(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), itemType, itemId, maxImages); } /** * Gets the layers for id. * * @param itemType the item type * @param itemId the item id * @return the layers for id * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public List getLayersForId(String itemType, String itemId) throws Exception {"getLayersForId [itemId: " + itemId + ", itemType: " + itemType + "] called"); if (itemType == null) throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemType is null"); if (itemId == null) throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemId is null"); List listLayers = null; try { SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); String userName = null; try { userName = SessionUtil.getCurrentUser(this.getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername(); } catch (Exception e) {"User not found in session, the userName for cecking policy will be null"); } if (itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("concessione")) {"Trying to get concessione for id " + itemId); ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy cms = new ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy( this.getThreadLocalRequest()); Concessione concessione = cms.getItemById(itemId); BaseConcessioneDV baseConcessione = ConvertToDataViewModel.toBaseConcessione(concessione); if (concessione != null) {"For id " + itemId + ", got concessione " + concessione.getNome() + " from service"); listLayers = new ArrayList(); if (concessione.getPianteFineScavo() != null) { for (LayerConcessione lc : concessione.getPianteFineScavo()) { if (GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(lc.getPolicy().name(), userName)) { listLayers.add(ConvertToDataViewModel.toLayerConcessione(lc, baseConcessione)); } } LayerConcessione lcPosizionamento = concessione.getPosizionamentoScavo(); if (lcPosizionamento != null) { if (GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(lcPosizionamento.getPolicy().name(), userName)) { LayerConcessioneDV thePosizScavo = ConvertToDataViewModel .toLayerConcessione(lcPosizionamento, baseConcessione); if (thePosizScavo != null) listLayers.add(thePosizScavo); } } } } else throw new Exception("Concessione with id '" + itemId + "' not available"); }"For id " + itemId + ", returning " + listLayers.size() + " layer/s"); return listLayers; } catch (Exception e) { String erroMsg = "Layers are not available for " + Concessione.class.getSimpleName() + " with id " + itemId; LOG.error(erroMsg, e); throw new Exception(erroMsg); } } /** * Gets the concessione for id. * * @param mongoId the mongo id * @return the concessione for id * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public ConcessioneDV getConcessioneForId(String mongoId) throws Exception {"getConcessioneForId " + mongoId + " called"); ConcessioneDV concessionDV = null; if (mongoId == null) throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemId is null"); try {"Trying to get record for id " + mongoId); ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy cms = new ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy( this.getThreadLocalRequest()); Concessione concessione = cms.getItemById(mongoId);"Got concessione for mongoId: " + mongoId); if (concessione != null) { concessionDV = ConvertToDataViewModel.toConcessione(concessione); String userName = null; try { userName = SessionUtil.getCurrentUser(this.getThreadLocalRequest()).getUsername(); } catch (Exception e) {"User not found in session, so going to apply the acess policies"); } // TODO THIS IS A WORKAROUND WAITING FOR ADOPTING OF USER ROLES. AT THE MOMENT, // A USER AUTHENTICATED CAN ACCESS EVERYTHING // I CAN CHECK THE ACCCESS POLICIES IF AND ONLY IF THE USER IS NOT LOGGED IN. if (userName == null) { // CHECKING ACCESS POLICY"Applying access policies for concessione " + mongoId + " returned by service"); LayerConcessioneDV layerPosizionamento = concessionDV.getPosizionamentoScavo(); if (layerPosizionamento != null) { if (!GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(layerPosizionamento.getPolicy(), userName)) { concessionDV.setPosizionamentoScavo(null);"Posizionamento di Scavo is not accessible by current user: " + userName); } } List listLayersDV = concessionDV.getPianteFineScavo(); if (listLayersDV != null) { List accessibleListLayersDV = new ArrayList(); for (LayerConcessioneDV layerDV : listLayersDV) { if (GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(layerDV.getPolicy(), userName)) { accessibleListLayersDV.add(layerDV); } else {"(Pianta) Layer " + layerDV.getLayerName() + " is not accessible by current user: " + userName); } } concessionDV.setPianteFineScavo(accessibleListLayersDV); } AbstractRelazioneScavoDV abstractRS = concessionDV.getAbstractRelazioneScavo(); if (abstractRS != null) { if (!GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(abstractRS.getPolicy(), userName)) { concessionDV.setAbstractRelazioneScavo(null);"Abstract relazione is not accessible by current user: " + userName); } } RelazioneScavoDV relazioneScavo = concessionDV.getRelazioneScavo(); if (relazioneScavo != null) { if (!GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(relazioneScavo.getPolicy(), userName)) { concessionDV.setRelazioneScavo(null);"Relazione scavo is not accessible by current user: " + userName); } } List immagini = concessionDV.getImmaginiRappresentative(); if (immagini != null && immagini.size() > 0) { List accessibleListImages = new ArrayList(); // SHOWING ACESSIBLE IMAGES for (UploadedImageDV uploadedImageDV : immagini) { if (GeoNACheckAccessPolicy.isAccessible(uploadedImageDV.getPolicy(), userName)) { accessibleListImages.add(uploadedImageDV); } else {"Immagine " + uploadedImageDV.getTitolo() + " is not accessible by current user: " + userName); } } concessionDV.setImmaginiRappresentative(accessibleListImages); } // END CHECKING ACCESS POLICY"Access policies applied"); } } if (concessionDV == null) throw new Exception("Concessione with id '" + mongoId + "' not available"); LOG.debug("For id " + mongoId + " returning " + ConcessioneDV.class.getSimpleName() + ": " + concessionDV); return concessionDV; } catch (Exception e) { String erroMsg = Concessione.class.getSimpleName() + " with id '" + mongoId + "' not available"; LOG.error(erroMsg, e); throw new Exception(erroMsg); } } /** * Gets the parameters from URL. * * @param theURL the the URL * @param parameters the parameters * @return a map with couple (paramKey, paramValue) */ public Map getParametersFromURL(String theURL, List parameters) { if (theURL == null) return null; if (parameters == null || parameters.size() == 0) return null; Map hashParameters = new HashMap(parameters.size()); for (String paramKey : parameters) { String paramValue = URLParserUtil.extractValueOfParameterFromURL(paramKey, theURL); hashParameters.put(paramKey, paramValue); } return hashParameters; } /** * Gets the my login. * * @return the my login */ @Override public String getMyLogin() { try { GCubeUser user = SessionUtil.getCurrentUser(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); if (user == null) return null; return user.getUsername(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error on getting the login, am I out of portal? Returning null"); return null; } } /** * Gets the layer for type. * * @param layerType the layer type * @return the layer for type * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public GeoInformationForWMSRequest getLayerForType(String layerType) throws Exception {"Called getLayerForType for:" + layerType); if (layerType == null || layerType.isEmpty()) throw new Exception("The input parameter layerType is null or empty"); SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); GNADataViewerConfigProfile profile = getGNADataVieweConfigProfile();"Read profile: " + profile); String lowerLayerType = layerType.toLowerCase();"Reading map layers for type:" + lowerLayerType); LayerItem layer = profile.getMapLayers().get(lowerLayerType); if (layer == null || layer.getWmsLink() == null) throw new Exception( "The layer type " + lowerLayerType + " has not been found. Please check your input parameter"); if (layer.getWmsLink() == null) throw new Exception("The layer type " + lowerLayerType + " has not a WMS Link associated. Please check your input parameter"); return parseWmsRequest(layer.getWmsLink(), null); } /** * Gets the geo na data view profile. * * @return the geo na data view profile * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public GNADataViewerConfigProfile getGeoNaDataViewProfile() throws Exception {"getGeoNaDataViewProfile called"); SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); GNADataViewerConfigProfile profile = getGNADataVieweConfigProfile();"Returning profile: " + profile); return profile; } /** * Gets the public links for. * * @param item the item * @return the public links for * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public GeoNaItemRef getPublicLinksFor(GeoNaItemRef item) throws Exception {"getPublicLinksFor called for: " + item); try { if (item == null) throw new Exception("Bad request, the item is null"); if (item.getItemId() == null) throw new Exception("Bad request, the item id is null"); if (item.getItemType() == null) throw new Exception("Bad request, the item type is null"); SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); GeoportalCommon gc = new GeoportalCommon(); return gc.getPublicLinksFor(item, true); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on getPublicLinksFor for: " + item, e); throw new Exception("Share link not available for this item. Try later or contact the support. Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } /** * Checks if is session expired. * * @return true, if is session expired * @throws Exception the exception */ public boolean isSessionExpired() throws Exception { return SessionUtil.isSessionExpired(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); } /** * Gets the WFS features. * * @param layerObjects the layer objects * @param mapSrsName the map srs name * @param selectBBOX the select BBOX * @param maxWFSFeature the max WFS feature * @param zoomLevel the zoom level * @return the WFS features */ @Override public List getWFSFeatures(List layerObjects, String mapSrsName, BoundsMap selectBBOX, int maxWFSFeature, double zoomLevel) {"getWFSFeatures called"); List listDAO = new ArrayList(layerObjects.size()); for (LayerObject layerObject : layerObjects) { GeoNaSpatialQueryResult geoDAO = new GeoNaSpatialQueryResult(); List features = FeatureParser.getWFSFeatures(layerObject.getLayerItem(), mapSrsName, selectBBOX, maxWFSFeature); LOG.debug("For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got features: " + features); geoDAO.setFeatures(features); geoDAO.setSourceLayerObject(layerObject);"For layer name: " + layerObject.getLayerItem().getName() + " got " + features.size() + " feature/s"); listDAO.add(geoDAO); }"returning " + listDAO + " geona data objects"); return listDAO; } /** * Gets the preview image for concessione from http session. It is the first * image retrieved from mongoService for mongoConcessioneId. Caching it into * session * * @param httpServletRequest the http servlet request * @param itemType the item type * @param mongoConcessioneId the mongo concessione id * @return the preview image for concessione */ private UploadedImageDV sessionloadPreviewImageForConcessione(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, String itemType, String mongoConcessioneId) {"sessionloadPreviewImageForConcessione [mongoConcessioneId: " + mongoConcessioneId + ", itemType: " + itemType + "] called"); HttpSession session = httpServletRequest.getSession(); Map> mapImages = null; List lUI = null; try { mapImages = (LinkedHashMap) session.getAttribute(CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE); if (mapImages == null) { mapImages = new LinkedHashMap>(); } List imagePreviewForConcessione = mapImages.get(mongoConcessioneId); if (imagePreviewForConcessione == null || imagePreviewForConcessione.size() == 0) {"Into " + CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE + " object session the mongoConcessioneId " + mongoConcessioneId + " is empty or null, loading from service and filling it"); lUI = getUploadedImagesForId(httpServletRequest, itemType, mongoConcessioneId, 1); mapImages.put(mongoConcessioneId, lUI); } lUI = mapImages.get(mongoConcessioneId);"From " + CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE + " object session read image: " + lUI); session.setAttribute(CACHE_IMAGE_PREVIEW_FOR_CONCESSIONE, mapImages); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.warn("Error occurred when instancing the " + UrlShortener.class.getSimpleName(), e); } if (lUI == null || lUI.isEmpty()) return null; return lUI.get(0); } /** * Gets the uploaded images for id. * * @param httpServletRequest the http servlet request * @param itemType the item type * @param itemId the item id * @param maxImages the max images * @return the uploaded images for id * @throws Exception the exception */ private List getUploadedImagesForId(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest, String itemType, String itemId, Integer maxImages) throws Exception {"getUploadedImagesForId [itemId: " + itemId + ", itemType: " + itemType + "] called"); if (itemType == null) throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemType is null"); if (itemId == null) throw new Exception("Invalid parameter. The itemId is null"); List listUI = null; try { if (itemType.equalsIgnoreCase("concessione")) {"Trying to get concessione for id " + itemId); ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy cms = new ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy(httpServletRequest); Concessione concessione = cms.getItemById(itemId); if (concessione != null) {"For id " + itemId + ", got concessione " + concessione.getNome() + " from service"); List images = concessione.getImmaginiRappresentative(); if (images != null) { listUI = new ArrayList(); int max = maxImages < images.size() ? maxImages : images.size(); for (int i = 0; i < max; i++) { UploadedImageDV ui = ConvertToDataViewModel.toUploadedImage(images.get(i)); listUI.add(ui); }"For id " + itemId + ", got " + listUI.size() + " image/s"); } } else throw new Exception("Concessione with id '" + itemId + "' not available"); } return listUI; } catch (Exception e) { String erroMsg = UploadedImage.class.getSimpleName() + " not available for " + Concessione.class.getSimpleName() + " with id " + itemId; LOG.error(erroMsg, e); throw new Exception(erroMsg); } } /** * Gets the list base layers. * * @return the list base layers */ @Override public List getListBaseLayers() {"getListBaseLayers called"); List listBL = new ArrayList(); // Setting scope in the cuurent thread SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); listBL = SessionUtil.getGNABaseMaps(this.getThreadLocalRequest());"getListBaseLayers returning " + listBL.size() + " base maps"); return listBL; } // TODO THIS PART REQUIRES THE JSON MAPPING based on keys read from gCube Meta /** * List of fields for searching. * * @return the list * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public List listOfFieldsForSearching() throws Exception {"listOfFieldsForSearching called"); SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(this.getThreadLocalRequest(), true); GNADataViewerConfigProfile profile = getGNADataVieweConfigProfile(); return profile.getListItemFields(); } /** * Gets the list concessioni. * * @param start the start * @param limit the limit * @param filter the filter * @param reloadFromService the reload from service * @return the list concessioni * @throws Exception the exception */ @Override public ResultSetPaginatedData getListConcessioni(Integer start, Integer limit, SearchingFilter filter, boolean reloadFromService) throws Exception {"getListConcessioni called wit start: " + start + ", limit: " + limit + ", filter: " + filter); try { // setting identity as D4S User or KC client new ConcessioniMongoServiceIdentityProxy(this.getThreadLocalRequest()); SessionUtil.getCurrentContext(getThreadLocalRequest(), true); MongoServiceCommon serviceCommon = new MongoServiceCommon(); // TODO MUST BE REPLACED BY COUNT List listOfConcessioni = SessionUtil.getListOfConcessioni(getThreadLocalRequest(), reloadFromService); int listConcessioniSize = listOfConcessioni.size(); ResultSetPaginatedData searchedData = serviceCommon.queryOnMongo(listConcessioniSize, start, limit, filter, "concessione"); return searchedData; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Error on loading paginated and filtered list of concessioni: ", e); throw new Exception("Error occurred on loading list of Concessioni. Error: " + e.getMessage()); } } }